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About Dljohnt

  • Birthday 07/16/1954

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    Chiang Mai

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    Chiang Mai

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  1. Most lift companies separate the two (or more) shafts at the bottom floor to prevent the mistake you can easily make while working in the pit.
  2. Di I regret it, no. It wasn't vulontairy though. I stopped at 54 due heart problems and no cooperation by my boss. I had a stressfull job but I loved my job and would have stayed till in my 60's but I probably would not survived it. It took a few years to get used being out of work and still have good memeories about it. I made the switch to Thailand soon after I stopped working so the changes in my life were complete. I can so imagine that if you are healthy and love your job there's no stopping needed. On the other hand I love being free of stress, hassle and doing the things I do today.
  3. No problem to predict the future about smoke, we can tell on April 3 2024 how it wil be on April 4 in 2030
  4. Jeez, get alive man. About 6-10% of the world human population is gay. It seems that figure in the animal world is even bigger. So the other 90-94% is straight and always got 100% of the TV time. Now a few % of the TV time is spent on the other 6-10% of the population and it's immediately terrifying Yes, it has an inpact on the youth of today. They finally learn that it is okay to be gay when they are born that way. Very few will act or turn gay if they are born straight. So, what is the idea behind the extinction of the world population when children see that it's okay to be gay???? There are still 90% of straight people, never learned to count at your school?
  5. The coffee used in Thailand is for the iced and coffee shakes. Tons of sugar, ice and sweet milk added will take the sharp taste of the dark roasted (sometimes almost burned) beans. Not at all suitable for a nice hot espresso. In the north of Thailand there are many coffee roasters who have light, medium and bold roasted beans. You can ask for all these different roasts. A good coffee roaster is Aka Ama calls the roastings like; city, Italian and dark roast. They grow and roast their own beans. Another one is Phupanna in Doi Saket. Always check if you get Arabica and not a mix with Robusta beans. From Phupanna I buy dark and bold roasted beans and mix them to find my taste of coffee.
  6. It seems to me that this is a Chinese build car. Maybe some German electrical system in it but for sure wired in China. Besides that, it's not common for metro systems to make an emergency stop between stations. The danger of people getting out and walk on the tracks where they can get electrocuted from the high voltage 3th rail is bigger than someone falling out the car. So usually the train moves on to the next station where assistance can be offered.
  7. In the same article qoute Prayut: On Thursday, Prayuth asked farmers to stop burning agricultural waste altogether after imposing a three-month ban on burning it last month. “Please, I don’t want to use the laws. If it’s used, you all will be breaking it. I don’t want anyone to be in trouble, but you must think about the quality of life of others and their health too,” he said. He knows he can't use the laws because then he has to address the big money in Thailand and they will kick him out if he does so.
  8. Yes, we see fires around us but Chiang Mai province is doing its best. Bush fires are not always to avoid so we have to live with that, nothing new. Of course, there are fires lit by mushroom seekers and the police should actively seek and hunt those irresponsible people. Thailand can do its best to avoid crop burnings in farm lands which are not too many of in the mountains around Chiang Mai. Last week there was many burning in the central of Thailand which you can blame to the crop burnings. As you look at the fire hot spots today you will see it's burning all around Thailand in Burma and Laos and not to many fires around CM. So our government should talk in the Asian meetings about this. Chiang Mai has the disadvantage of being surrounded by mountains so without wind or rain we are stuck with the smoke dwindling in from other places.
  9. 148 microns pm2.5 in the rice fields north of Chiang Mai for the past 3 days already. US AQI last 3 days 186 to 205 and rising. Only the UV index of very high doesn't seem right, the sun is hardly pusing through the smog.
  10. Thanks for the reactions. I was talking about the rain water sewage in the streets, it seems some of the houses have their gray water also connected to that. I live in a area that was private and the owner doesn't take care of it due to old age and illness. They claim the plan is handed over to the tessaban and the tessaban says it isn't, we finally sorted out this problem. Yet at this moment we still we don't know where the sewer pipes lead too but it's now a problem for the tessaban. I wasn't talking about the sewer from our toilets, I live 11 years here and in 2 different houses, I know very well the septic tank system, thanks. After clearing al the dirt and debris around the put holes I had come to the idea of the honey suckers myself. Later in the afternoon one took up the job and cleaned out the system in my street. Water from a laundry is suposed gray water yes but did you look what it does if it's standing still in the blistering sun? Algue will form and mosqitoes do like the place and I'm not talking about the smell yet.
  11. Why are the people complaining? Most Thais I know can fall a sleep at anytime or any moment so he must be a real Thai.....
  12. I live in what seems to be a private part of a village. The municipal doesn't really help and the villagers take for granted that the sewers don't drain the water after a storm. Othe villagers even add water to the mud pool by dumping there waste water from there laundry machines. I live near San Sai does anyone know or have experience with a company who can drain and clean the sewage system in our street?
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