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Posts posted by Irene

  1. The tsunami warnings occurred because people were flying in from all over the world to help out and staying long-term, this was a local cleanup that lasted a day. You'll always hear about some guy who something happened to here on Thai Visa, and the tsunami stories are no exception, but I know a lot of people here and no one has ever been scooped up and sent home for helping Thai people that I'm aware of personally and I frankly doubt that it happens ever, except maybe in some isolated case involving personal vendettas or who knows what. The Burmese and others, on the other hand, were deported at the time, but that's a separate issue.

    Anyhow, I was at this weekend's cleanup from 09:00 and received nothing but thank yous, wais, an absurd number of photo requests and questions from journalists. Still, I spent the vast majority of my time ignoring the zoo, talking to the Thai people cleaning with me and smiling and laughing back and forth. No one was bothering anyone about work permits or whatever other persecution complex-inspired fears that are typically bandied about on here. Police, military and even the Bangkok Governor walked right by and either smiled or didn't take note of the various farangs scrubbing, sweeping and picking up trash.

    Thai Visa members have a level of paranoia consistent with what you read in articles about the red shirts heading home and worried that at every train station or bus stop they're going to be massacred - and at least they have some grounding for their concerns (though that's a different topic). My general belief, which has proved absolutely correct for years now, is to completely ignore the imagined obsession with persecuting farangs that is the pastime of a disturbing number of expat internet denizens and to actually just go do what feels like the right thing to do. I'd advise during the next cleanup that worrying about being snatched up for not having a work permit should be way the heck down your list, though it does make a great excuse for not helping out if you're just plain lazy or don't give a dam_n :)

    Difficult to argue against your care for others. Also your observation of the paranoia is right on the spot and excellently expressed. I am heartened by the writing unarguably painful for some to read but uplifting for the standard of this forum. Thank you for your sincerity and taking time to write. It is refreshing for Thai Visa.

  2. yeah fantastic guy, any guy that orders the murder of unarmed civilians in order to keep in power that he could not win in an election is ok by me, I am sure the families of the murdered feel the same way about this shining light in Thai politics. :)

    Did Abhisit order the killing? Wouldn't lives be saved if the demonstration was at the open space at the government house or Rajdumnoen Avenue? Who ordered the move from there to the concrete jungle of Rajprasong? Come on, be fair!

  3. jesus, i was there yesterday... no, no one was being arrested,,, no the thais were not angry about us being their, some of us were invited to clean up with the mayor.. no it wasnt dangerous... the thais were very excited to see expats the newspapers were interviewing alot of forigners, helping out instead of hiding in their condos under their couches.

    was a good effort by all food donated, water ect to the soilders working alongside, nice to see such a large group working together to get something positive done

    Thank you for writing. It was painful to read some of the posts on a scenario which was so refreshing and touching to see. After all human beings are not nasty after all. I am lost for words on some people's perspective. You have done a great credit to this forum.

  4. Went there today - saw many foreigners but no police checking WP ... :)

    If helping the community after a disaster requires WP, then these officials and the lawyers who thought so should be hung along the lamp posts along the Rajprasong road. No WP question was asked when foreign volunteers came to Thailand in drove to help out. That was so Christian and moved many Thais.

    The scene of helping hands moves me and if there are more foreigners helping, it would have been a perfect scene to offset against the previous ugliness.

  5. I do not understand how this twenty-plus storey building (Central World) burnt so disastrously.

    What happened to all the fire-fighting devices that are built into any-and-all major structures these days - fire-compartmentalisation - fire doors - sprinkler systems - smoke vents - fire-proof seals on all duct-work - so on and so on?

    Is Thailand one of the few countries, such as Burkino-Faso, where such precautions are ignored?

    If Central World could burn like that, what are the chances of surviving in one of the major hotels in the same area?

    I trust that any travel agency sending people to Thailand in the future is well covered for their own insurance, as well as insisting that the travellers take out their own insurance.

    (Not that that would help them, but their surviving relatives back home may welcome some cash)

    If the power is cut off would they still work :):D

    That night water and electricity were cut-off. Worse of all, any firemen in the vicinity were shot at. It was pure terrorism. Under the normal circumstances, I am sure the safety measures must be of acceptable standard since Central Chidlom was a decade ago was also under fire and since then they must have improved.

  6. From "Reporter in Exile", who was on the scene with Savage last Saturday:

    "On the morning of Saturday, May 15, we were in the process of doing this when the Crazy Farang ran out into the street to throw rocks toward the army, screaming "Thai Army fuc_ks!" and ordering the reds to "Kill them! Kill them!" They laughed at him. Obviously they were amused but didn't take him seriously. When an AFP reporter who'd stopped by told him to chill out, he screamed at him and tried to start an altercation. "They killed my friend! This is war!" he yelled. The reds threatened to kick him out at that point. It seems unlikely to me he participated in any conspiracy or any type of planning that might have led to the mall fire. I don't think he even spoke Thai."

    That confirms what I had assumed. They were laughing at him and nobody was taking him seriously. No great mastermind. Really as dumb as he looked. Just put the permanent "return to sender" stamp on his passport and be done with it.

    It is good of you to give us this input. The action was still illegal as an incitement though not an effective one. However, I think the part that has annoyed Abhisit was all the derogatory remarks he made to UK reporters starting with Evening Standards etc. that must have been the crunch that Abhisit has taken the interest in. Anyhow being a small fry and somewhat irrational, he can hardly be held as a terrorist.The most would be a suspended jail sentence if he was not previously in trouble with Thai law plus possible deportation. But in the meantime, he must be sweating of fear of the maximum death sentence if he is accused as a terrorist. It is not nice to have this waiting time on the fate of his life. It will be a long drawn wait of uncertainties that should satisfy a lot of writers in this thread.

  7. Excellent statement on the purpose of this forum.

    Why do people get personal about it and even calling names and "shouting" in red bold letters. One thing

    I learnt from this thread is knowing of the variety of expats - good ones, moderate ones, bad ones, and despicable ones. Like the old radio programme of Semprini with the introduction of music of - the old ones, the new ones and the neglected ones.

    If you read my whole post, you'll see I was not writing in red, or bold letters. I was just as shocked by the rabid attacks on posters by other posters. I commented that 24 pages of posts was quite enough. (Enough for a news piece emailed to everyone's inbox and not a forum item) If you just stating in general, okay, but please do not attack me personally. Yes I used the word fuc_king, but not in a swearing way, more in a general everyday use kind of way. We all love to gossip like old women on here, but at the same time I stand by one of my original points, are we doing any good, are we helping any potential visitors to Thailand gain information?


    I had no interest on your posts and expressed my fondness of JSixpack's statement on the purpose of a forum. My comments were directed at the thread as a whole and meant to cool down the heat of anger against a farang in giving his compatriots bad name.

  8. Farang go home.

    This is a fight by Thai.

    Farang should not get involved.

    Just wondering if you have any friends or family in another country, wonder if they would like to hear "hey, oriental, go home!" Just to let you know, a nastier word could be used akin to the context in which you used the word "falang."

    Please remember your post and if you ever come to my country you will be reminded to take your own advice and keep your mouth shut.

    Kilgore Trout,

    Great response and difficult for anyone to argue against your logic. Calling anyone to go home is indication of weakness of that individual in using his/her own rationale. The world is now getting to be borderless and citizens of the world have the right to give opinion on any country or individual, be it North Korea, Burma, China, Obama, Brown, Cameron or Abhisit. The culprit in this thread has the right to be on the red-shirt stage but not to the extent of crossing Thai law in "inciting" the crowd to frenzie to burn Central buildings.

  9. Are we changing anything by fuc_king about here? Any constructive comments available?

    You're missing the point.

    Not quite asleep yet. Yes maybe, but it is entertaining, but apart from that, what is the point?

    Huh? You see, the forums are primarily for venting, posturing, and idle chitchat that pass for entertainment. Think of this as a sewing circle of old biddies who cluck at one another and nod wisely or not.

    Occasionally we do get some useful information amid the cackle, most often in the health and internet forums where the topics are technical matters of fact.

    Now you may choose to participate or not in full awareness of the purpose of the gathering. :)


    Excellent statement on the purpose of this forum.

    Why do people get personal about it and even calling names and "shouting" in red bold letters. One thing

    I learnt from this thread is knowing of the variety of expats - good ones, moderate ones, bad ones, and despicable ones. Like the old radio programme of Semprini with the introduction of music of - the old ones, the new ones and the neglected ones.

  10. There was an article about them in the Bangkok Post several years ago. Between 30 and 40 years ago, Thailand had a very high rate of German Measles resulting in many babies being born deaf. According to the article, the preponderance of deaf vendors was not a result of any organized effort, It just kind of evolved from one group of vendors to others via family and social connections.

    I know the woman who sells T-shirts between Suk. Soi's 10 & 12 is 2nd generation in that location and her daughter whom I'm not sure whether is deaf or not also works with her.

    `Thank you for the info. Years ago, I saw a large group of them sitting around MBK Food Court chatting in sign language. It was quite a sight since all of them were "talking" in silence. I then wonder why the Court allowed them all day cornering at least 20 seats. Now I don't see them and wonder whether they have now descended on Suk.

  11. This is from today's London Evening Standard.

    It would appear that Jeff is less 'sorry' than first reported:


    Although Savage say he was not there he admits he was outside Channel 3 Television which was also set on fire and has been off air since Wednesday.

    "I did not do any looting. I did not set fire to anything, but those who did are my brothers. I am not worthy of them," said Savage.

    "The attack on Channel 3 was organised. I saw the elder leaders giving directions. The Red Shirts hated Channel 3. There was a BMW showroom next door which was totally untouched."

    Savage, who last worked as a hospital driver in Tonbridge, Kent, spoke after Thai police were alerted to the video taken by Scots teacher Andy McGinley, 28, from Glasgow. He said: "I could not believe what this idiot was saying. I just thought he was an anarchist but what he said was prophetic."

    Of Thaksin Shinawatra, the former prime minister who most Red Shirts want back in power, Savage said: "This has all gone beyond Thaksin Shinawatra now. I have no time for him. He's one of the elite. Nor do I have time for the foreign elitist scum in Bangkok."

    Savage is now in hiding with his Thai wife in the resort of Pattaya. "I am standing up for the poor," he said. "The war is over for the time being. But in two months time things will start up again. The attacks will begin."

    Reading the thread, I pity this former hospital driver. But reading above, the cops should be looking for him. He simply does not know that incitement is tantamount to party to that terrorist act. I hope the local press picks up this story and, with that, for sure he would be on the list of "wanted". His speech was similar to the incitement made by one leader, Nathawut, who is now accused as a terrorist.

  12. I am far away from Bangkok, so not feeling the same as you at the moment. But, it isn't like the previous coup I experienced here. This is more violent and perhaps aimed at a big change to the structure of Thai society. I am worried very much about the future of Thailand and what will happen after this.

    For sure, my wife and I have discussed options of leaving.

    At the same time, I also hold some hope for Thailand. Many people can now clearly see how violent this mob is, how much damage the last mob did, and they want a peaceful country.

    Your observation is spot on. This time is so vicious and un-Thai. It is a mixture of ideology, political upmanship, justifiable discontents, and unlimited sponsorship funds. The mob is getting like those American cults with complete loyalty to their leaders without questioning and worse, the government has not absorbed this point. (Television interviews of protesters gave me that impression). Unfortunately, more fatalities are unavoidable unless one side gives in.

    But, still too soon to think of leaving. Once there is a final scene of casualties or peaceful negotiation, I like to think that things will be back to normal very soon as though as what happened in the past month is only a bad dream.

  13. PCA & Parvis,

    Lovely to read your posts. As a seasoned investor in property and stocks, I am no fan of technical analysis especially in time when past statistical records could mislead you. The financial and economical world have been subject to unprecedented alterations, I now wonder whether there will be a double dip. I now watch the Greek tragedy like a hawk. With one more country among the PIIGS to go default, then I expect world confidence would go back to the situation in 2008. Economists who were right in 2008 seem to have this fear as well. Under the present environment, I rely more on macro than history.

  14. Try to relax like most Thais by not focusing on the going-ons like watching DVD's movies and regard it as bad luck for having a sponsor of the red-shirts who happens to be a bad loser and wanting all his money back. I like to think that the end is near and will one day regard this havoc as a bad dream. That is my hope.

  15. Red T-shirts with ไพร่ printed large on them. My dictionaries translate as citizens, commoners, also vulgar wretch. I suppose in this context it is pride in being one of the people?

    No, no.

    It is "Peasant". You can sometimes see protest T-shirts that write it in English.

    What a lovely thread! So surprised with so much interest!

    "Prai" can also mean crude and unrefined. I think its origin was from lives in palace between those ruling masters and those who served. The latter are less educated. With that connotation, I was surprised with the red leaders' initiation of this word when all of them and especially that Dubai man couldn't hardly be classified as "peasant" or "common man". But unwittingly they could fall under the definition of "crude".

  16. but สันดาน is a bit too harsh in thai

    and sometime considered to be rude if not use properly.

    if you use to comment a person directly. conversation is likely to going to turn into a fight.

    You are absolutely right.

    The true meaning of “upbringing” is “The traits acquired during one's childhood training; The raising or training of a child”, per


    Therefore, เลี้ยงดู is somewhat mild and สันดาน is the closest meaning but somewhat harsh and used to scold people as having bad trait.

    ตระกูล (family trait) might be more appropriate.

  17. Im selling some oz stock and will invest in the SET some time next week. I have found the best way to take advantage without picking the bottom is to buy in parcels say 10%-20% at a time on the way down and the way up that way you end up with a nice average. Patience is the key here

    Spot on! Like many, I used to wait for bottom and always ended in buying none. Similarly, I used to try to sell at the highest and ended up in selling when the market was in panic.

  18. No point in trying to buy the bottom - everybody else is betting it is a shortlived thing and the market is not going down enough to make the risk worthwhile. Goldman Sachs: down 15% today - that's a proper (unnecessary) panic that's worth punting on, as I just have.

    In my experience, I have never bought at the real bottom. It has always been too expensive at any time of my purchases. Also, I have never sold at the peak. It has always been selling too soon. I always have this comfort because with this principle I have succeeded in not feeling sorry for myself.

  19. Ray,

    From my archives, stock market was hardly affected after the coup on Sept. 19, 2006. It started to fall only in 2007. If there is a coup now, I think the feeling could be the same because people would be so relieved of the way out. But I don't think it will happen. Why? Just look around us now, whether we are in the hands of the reds even with army assaults etc. Granted that with this coup, they would emphasise as real bullets. I bet the reds are so confident of themselves that the army and the police would not dare. Why are they so strong? Well financed and true believers of unfair society.

    With political baddies, we have an extremely excellent fundamentals, export rising, baht strength, high currency reserves, small unemployment. For an investor, this is more of a permanent nature than the political crisis. I therefore feel cautionary bullish unless the political scene could become so strong to destroy these good fundamentals which could be the case as the Finance Minister has implied that Gdp could be reduced by 2%. IMF estimated before the crisis as 6% +. Even 4%, it may not be that bad. Well, I could be wrong again. In the past two trading days, 12th and 16th, I should have sold but I did not in order to buy later on. I was hoping that there could a solution, like the red leaders arrested. Unfortunately, the authority has fumbled so much that I think it is getting to be like Chaplin's films. Irrespective of the current "jokes", I still like the fundamentals so much and our stocks in this darling region are still the cheapest. I also do not know why tourists like Thailand so much especially those from Scandinavia. Well, don't take me seriously, I have been wrong so many times. As they say a good investor should always self-examine oneself and allow a few lapses, so long as one remembers the reasons for the lapses.

  20. Never invested before got into Aberdeen last week. Why through it all the Asia Pacific Equity grew slowly but it grew. A heck of a lot more then 1/2% I get at the bank.

    I have also set up a stock trade account. That will be a learning process no big bucks involved 15K baht so not exactly going to kill me.

    Why Thailand very close to penny stocks so gains will be small as will loses.

    The marked dropped 5% at noon on Monday and gained a bit back by the afternoon.

    Now remember I'm guessing because I really know nothing yet.

    It would appear there will be an election very soon. Until that is announced I would think the market will continue to fall.

    When that is announced I think there will be a bounce up. I think we all know who is going to win. That should get PAD active again.

    Every ones thoughts please.

    Does anyone know of a stock forum for the Thai stocks. I have a lot to learn got to start somewhere.

    In the meantime I will sit on the side lands no harm the 15K is still earning the same interest a if it was in the bank


    You have done the right thing by starting small. Second, try to remember your mistake and recall why did you previously do it. Third, try to locate stocks with franchises like coca cola, johnson or intel and buy when there is a big drop. In Thailand, kbank, scc, ptt fall into this category. Irrespective of ignorance, one takes least risk when one has some stocks in mind to purchase when it has fallen to a ridiculous level. Finally, self-control is the most difficult art for any investors i.e. to buy when others fear and sell when others are elated. It boils down to one word - "timing".

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