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Everything posted by whatsupdoc

  1. A really scary article in the BKK Post. It states in the first line; "The Revenue Department is preparing to amend the law to collect taxes from individuals who have income from abroad, even if that income is not brought into the country." If Thailand starts to tax worldwide income I'll have to seriously reconsider if I want to stay for more than 180 days a year in Thailand....
  2. Why is Thai service so abysmal? Sorry, but for the last couple of years I've travelled all over Europe and I am longing for the usually fast and correct service I am used to getting in Thailand.... Customer service in Thailand is not bad at all compared to most other places in the world.
  3. Not just for those without previous infections... As far as I know it is actually recommended to prevent a second infection with a different dengue strain.
  4. I hope BJT and the Democrats have the decency to vote for Pita even if they do not join the coalition.
  5. I tried to find any reference to an IATA prediction of 200 million arrivals in Thailand by 2031....... No surprise, but couldn't find it. Are the Thais just making it up???
  6. About 4 months ago I went to Turkey and there was no such thing at the airport.....
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