the only reason we are changing to silo feed is the cost saving for the company. we have had the silo all ready to go/set up for over 1 year already. all the finisher farms moved over to silo feed around 3 or 4 years ago. a couple of years ago i was told sow farms under 300 head will not be going to silo as too small.... but now all change...555
farmer gets the silo "free" but we have to buy the scales. scales around 100,000 baht..... if we finish contract inside 5 years we have to pay for the silo to be removed. around 50,000 baht up...
silo is connected to our main feed store by auger system, we then fill feed carts - then into farm. all up cost 2x14 ton silo plus augers and scales not much change out of 600,000 baht..... i can buy online alot cheaper but was told have to have company ones. betagro have a "brother" company called b inter they deal in farm equipment and contract builds.. so basically sell to themselves at an inflated price, same principle as the contract farm model - feed/animal/phamacy sales all in house....
we will still receive some bagged feed (same with finsher farms) because of power cuts ect...
yes bagged feed will still be main for shops ect...
yes like you say i think feed costs have to come down, same with the buying/selling rate for pig meat ect..
@ the mo the company is expanding its pig business as much as poss (last 2 or 3 years) loads of new farms coming online now, basic build for 250 head sow farm 5.5 - 6,000,000 baht ... i hear of people taking loans @ 20 years now...... all i would say is dont.5555