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Posts posted by villagefarang

  1. I use the correct "r" in Farang and all other words where it is required.  Too often the meaning of a word changes when an "l" is used instead of the correct "r".  Thais often have polite and impolite words for the same thing, as well, and it can be a little bit embarrassing to use the wrong one in polite company.  Rabphrathaan, thaan, kin, daek, yut are some of the words one can use for "eat".  Often, the people I am around say thaan rather than kin so I do the same.  I did use the word daek yesterday when telling a story because that was the word which had been used in the story.


    I am not impressed when I hear a foreigner speaking bad English they have picked up on the street and I endeavor not to be the equivalent foreigner here in Thailand.

  2. A relatively short segment from near our home to Sop Pao would cut at least five, and maybe six, kilometers off our drive to town and eliminate the need to pass through Phayamengrai.  I am not going to offer any predictions as to the completion date but I will be happy whenever it gets done.  

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  3. 29 minutes ago, tifino said:
    1 hour ago, Andrew Dwyer said:
    2 hours ago, CharlieH said:
    They call me "Na+name" I believe that's "uncle" as I am senior to them.

    I thought that was Lung ?

    the 'na' is an added bit, to amplify (or include some) 'respect' 


    for example on the telly; one often hears the announcer, instead of saying nthe simple '...khrap' will extrapolate it to "na khrap"

     to sort pof pay overall respect to his audience...

    - BUT you won't hear a female announcer saying " na Ka"  ... for obvious comedy reaction potential to what it can warped into, in the viewer's mind.   kn***kers to that!!

    You are referring to a different "Na", not the uncle "Na" CharlieH was referring to.

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  4. I think Yinn is rightfully confused by the tenor of the posts on TVF and the obsession of having sex with and marrying the very people they seem to despise and disparage on these pages.


    Historically this is quite common with certain groups, think Africa, India, North America.  Feeling superior to a group of people can often be a strong aphrodisiac and the ability to dominate and subjugate, reinforces a sense of power.


    Considering the lifestyle and behavior of many farangs, condemning Thais for being immoral seems quite laughable and hypocritical.????

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