One of many, perhaps the worst examples of political incopemetance the Americans became famed for and the Thai's are also struggling with. Probably remaining in play. If I were running the show I'd say citizens are no longer ever allowed to own and use guns. Anyone caught doing so will be arrested and charged and just to teach you a lesson you won't forget as soon as you get back home we'll have your gaff bombed to smithereens then flog your motor on the black market if you're lucky. It's very sad that gun crime is so prevalent here. Did everyone grow up watching Dirty Harry movies or something. Why not cherish your religion and live more in accordance with it. Buddhists and not supposed to cause harm all religions are peaceful by their nature despite their respective misappropriation which history is replete with. And despite a number of pre-enlightenment French writers claims, suicide isn't noble, it's both tragic and uneccesary always. Like Romanianh philosopher Emile Cioran once said 'the problem with suicide is that it always comes too late'. But if you read into his life, you will know why he said that and of course it's not the problem. His half-arsed attempt to sound amusing makes no sense. It would have been better to say that although tragedy is part of life, suicide should never be how things end. It can never be justified and is sign of weakness and resignation at best. My best from school had his life taken by someone who then killed himself to escape prison. Still unjustifiable. He could have reexamined why he lost his girlfriend instead and accepted it and made himself better as most do or some do. Guns render most more atavistic at best and worse likely to no longer remain part of society, as guns are for the as thick as <deleted> only make you mistrustful and suggest you have absolutely no idea of what life is about. Weapons are for wimps only especially the clueless ones which Thailand has a multitude of,and lives are destroyed becuase of it. How can they not know guns are designed to kill,you do that and you are removed from society for good, so what's the point in spending money on them, so you look more meaning. It makes you look fearful and impish usually and unable to do nothing more than rely on something to defend yourself which only wimps can't do or kill someone. Which is tragic and unforgiveable on so many levels, How thick do you have to be to actually belief carrying a gun can be of benefit? Let's hope they become less and less here. It's just stupid copying they saw in some movie once. Violence is not part of the religion and Buddhism is far greater and more benefits to society than all the other religions which are a load of old tosh. It stands out much more in countires that do not condone Violence and opt for peace and abstention instead. It's a shame more is not done to reduce it. What are the chances. I don't know but not great. Thailand does not have anything like the histories that many European countries have which were so shaped by wars and fighting. Thai's are more respectful than most which makes such crimes harder to bear.