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  1. He should have been rewarded and not fined. They made his car easier to see, reducing the risk of accidents.
  2. Not too surprising. It does seem to have lost a lot of its popularity. Perhaps lowering the prices of the drinks in the bars from absolutely ridiculous to a bit pricey might help also.
  3. It might be a tough race for the drivers to adjust since the traffic in that area is usually faster than them.
  4. Yes, you can't beat spending your entire life to pay off your morgage! Given that we have an indoors culture, we do need to keep those payments up, along with god knows how many others.
  5. Unjustified and tragic. If this excuse was we were showing off our shooting skills then they could have gone to a fun fair and aimed at cardboard cut outs.
  6. Any money it was a bunch of magic wands that fell out of some illusionists black briefcase.
  7. No it doesn't, Thailand is a developing nation which is becoming increasingly more commercialized, and its been long since proven that Thailand hasa higher percentage of home owners than almost all western european countries. Plus its second highest source in its GDP always remains on the up, so think again friend.
  8. But if you truly love your child, you would never hit them. End of story.
  9. Education begins at home my friend, not at school.
  10. Unlikely, most probability it was how she reacted that exacerated the impact of it. It would have put her under strain yes but unlikely to belife threatening, unless panic sets in and destroys her ability to cope.
  11. But if you truly love your child, you would never hit them. End of story.
  12. Crime doesnt usually pay, or if it does oftentimes its a pittance.
  13. You do need to be careful with those dogs on that beach. I saw one jump into the water and bite a whale once!
  14. Yes, I can confirm they were fake. I bought one from it and had to fold it 20 times to get it into my wallet!

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