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Posts posted by Mozikillah

  1. Just got an XBox 360 the other day. Finally got it hooked up to internet. Couldnt get Jockstar as someone else had it. :o So i'm Jockstar1974. You wont see me around too much yet. But whats everyone playing?

    Currently playing Bioshock and DiRT.. :D

  2. I searched high and low for a non-chipped 360 and couldnt find one. In the end I flew to Singapore for the day, and brought a 360 Elite (120Gb HDD and HDMI leads) for 16,000 Baht. This is not quite as crazy as it sounds.

    The same model has only just arrived here in the LOS and the only place that had them, a shop in fortune that I bugged for months, called me last Monday after I got back from SG and told me that they had unchipped 360 Elites available for 29,000 Baht.

    The return flight to SG cost Baht 6,500

    Could you tell me where in SG?

    Probably somewhere around Sim Lim Square or Funan DigitaLife Mall :D

    Since its the heart and soul of Singapore's hardware scene.. :o

  3. How can we make this Thailand related? Did he sing in Bangkok once?

    Hmm exactly millions of people die every day in awful circumstances they never get a mention anywhere. Perhaps if he'd ate less he would have lived longer? Spare a thought for all who die each day.

    <deleted>?? :D Who took your soup away from you?? :o:D

  4. The GF8700 GTS will blow away all the series below it.. :D I suggest you wait till November.. Thats when the real VGA wars begin! :D

    Some even have said that the GF8700 GTS seems to have went over the 10K in 3DMARK06 :D and also more powerful than the GF8800 GTX itself.. But thats just darn confusing if it is! :o

    Another thing thats confusing is that its codename is G92 :D

  5. September the 6th of 2007, Luciano Pavarotti has past away.

    Rest in Peace, descanse en paz, descansi en pau.

    Thanks for your magic art and the best of all, thanks for your great humanity.

    Wow sorry to hear that, perhaps that was why they were playing him on the local classical station this morning. It prompted me to download his rendition of "La Donna E Mobile".

    Here is the "king" Luciano Pavarotti as Il Duca di Mantova in the screen movie Rigoletto (1983) singing "La Donna E Mobile". :o

  6. September the 6th of 2007, Luciano Pavarotti has past away.

    Rest in Peace, descanse en paz, descansi en pau.

    Thanks for your magic art and the best of all, thanks for your great humanity.


    God finally got tired of waiting for singing lessons..

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