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Everything posted by tok

  1. Thanks for starting this thread, useful to get recommendations - I'm close to a build so would appreciate his line details too. Could you please DM ?
  2. tok

    Gold shops and ID

    Thanks for all the replies, I went to China town, no issue without ID when paying with cash. Also paid via scan - no ID required, but then they have your ID bank a/c anyway.
  3. tok

    Gold shops and ID

    Paying in cash
  4. When buying bullion in CM, do all shops now require ID ? I've tried one so far which did and wonder if its a government rule these days ?
  5. I need an engine rebuild on a Mistubishi Strada G Wagen 2.8 diesel. Can anyone recommend a reputable garage / specialist ?
  6. Thank you will research - I hadn't realised I could apply domestically
  7. If one leaves Thailand with a non-O retirement WITHOUT a re-entry permit then a new application is required as far as I understand. Can a new application be done in Laos if you are not a local resident ? It appears to be the case on their website, just requiring the 800k in a Thai bank account but I wanted to check if anyone had experience of this. Please don't say just get a re-entry permit, as that is not the question. Thank you.
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