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Posts posted by Roachiebkk

  1. And this move is going to help the reconciliation movement HOWW??????.

    Reconciliation was never on the Phua Thai party's agenda. They just used this word to pacify the red thug mob to get support. And these idiots fell for it. Same for democracy, never on their agenda. Remember when Thaksin said "democracy is not my goal"? Remember the PTP election slogan "Thaksin thinks Phua Thai does"? They are champions of liars and fake democracy, red democracy consisting of among other things pulling people out of cars and beating them to a pulp because they support the opposition. Setting up road blocks, stopping and searching cars, burning down city halls, you get my point.

    Not limited to the red camp though, all sides are exactly the same.

    Yellow democracy showed the way forward and brought the military out of their barracks. And don't start with "the reds were worse" nonsense, it's all semantics.

    Semantics well yes and no from my experiences. Riding to work for months through the yellow shirts was only ever greeted with the utmost kindness and respect. Tick the clock forward to the days of the Reds and i was constantly blocked, jostled and threatened by thugs wielding pick handles and dark shirt youths with bandanas over their faces. Just on that small personal level I saw a large difference between the two mobs.

  2. Wow this is unbelievable. Millions still affected by the flood and now we see where this government's priorities lie. The country can be in shambles but they don't care as long as they can bring their beloved leader back. Shameful! :angry:

    what's shameful is the man who did more positive things for thailand than anyone in recent history was couped out of office and forced into exile.

    EXACTLY!! Finally a voice of reason on here.

    Everyone seems to forget how things were ticking along nicely a few years ago. Look where we are now and how things have gone since 2006/2007..!!

    Ticking along nicely????? are you kidding me? The army didn't just wake up in the morning and think 'Hmm today looks like a nice day for a coup' Every evil thing that has happened on both sides since the coup are the direct result of this evil megalomaniac throwing money at the poor to bring him back. Might as well bring him back and get used to the old Thaksin dictatorship.

  3. Three crops per year on the same parcel?!?!? Even two crops per year is dicey. Soil need to be replenished, rejuvenated. Thais know nothing about composting and very little about mulching. Each year, many rice farmers burn most parts of the rice plant left over after harvesting. . Just as important, there are a slew of crops that are as well, or better suited to Thailand's climate/soil conditions. I've listed them before, so I'll just make a web page, rather than list them all again.


    Bring these opinions over to the Farming Forum. It will cause a long discussion. I compost manures and I grow rice but the two do not necessary work together. The issue is the health of the soil but inundation with water kills most of the microbes and fills the air pockets that compost creates. IMHO it is not quite that easy. Having lived in the central provinces and seen 3 crops consistently produced I believe it is better planned than you give credit. Rice depletes the soil, obviously. Silica being one of the trace elements that is lost. Burning the stubble does put some of that back. The fertiliser used in the central is carefully applied based on both experience and analysis.

    No it is not ideal to plant 3 times a year, and there are alternatives such as the Kings 30-30-30-10 plans for land usage. But if you can ever get rural Thai people to move away from rice as the staple for every meal I will be the first to congratulate you.

    On the Ag Minister admission, I add my congratualtions as well, accepting responsible is part of his job which on balance I think he is doing well. I have known of others who have made public admissions of guilt on behalf of others, often falling on a golden sword, but this is Thailand!

    Isaan Aussie.

    Brilliant, well thought out and realistic. Peeps must also realise that Thailand is the largest exporter of rice in the world so aside from the fact rice in its many forms is a staple of Thai diet it also brings in a lot of money from overseas.

  4. This place never ever ceases to amaze me. I work in tourism and we've had up to 60% cancellation and amendments in the last month. Cancellations are a daily hurlde to overcome before even getting on with helping those left. Unhelpful FCO warnings and similar urging only essential travel completely muddies the water. We amended many packages to go straight from the airport to Kanchanaburi only to find that FCO included Samut Sakhon therefore some operators refused the amendment. It's an unholy mess. Don't know who this bloke spoke to but it certainly wasn't us.

  5. Friend of mine in the UK made the comment....... Surely it would be better to have an engineer making decisions rather than the Thai PM. I told him it doesn't really matter as they both bought their degrees out of the same box of cornflakes. Best of luck to all those effected, was in Bang Bua Thong upto the Rama V bridge yesterday and it's really a horrible mess.

  6. Could they not move Songkran forward so people might find some fun in all this? Just joking, my heart goes out to all those effected by this flood. No sympathy for the pr icks blocking every lane of u-turns and flyovers, go park in a shopping centre, there is nothing left on the shelves anyway. Good luck Bangkok, here in Tiwanon we're still dry but for how long?

  7. remember the hitler billboards in pattaya promoting the louis tussaud wax museum? they were taken out only after the israeli and german ambassador vented their outrage.

    And I saw a tv news report recently at some motor show, there were some old motorbike enthusiasts in fron of their motorbikes dressed as Adolf Hitler. Even one guy dressed in a uniform of the Japanese Imperial forces but with a Hitler moustache.

  8. I think you are talking about the Rachada Night market, which is still there every saturday

    Will have to give it a go. Living in sleepy Nonthaburi leaves a bit to be desired for such things


    You could also check out Punsap Market in Puthumthani. It's just north of Nonthaburi. It's open every day and they have got loads of motorcycle parts and accessories.

    THanks SumetCycle,

    I'll definitely check it out.

  9. Seems the post was removed, because it mentioned a rival website. Could a mod confirm that?

    So like I said. It never mentioned a pre arranged pice in the OP. ;)

    What's a "pice"? What's a "pre-arrange pice"? Talk sense, please.

    :lol: Pointing out an obvious typo, twice!! One way of doing it I suppose. Just having the balls to admit you were wrong is another of course. :D

    I certainly read it yesterday, haven't looked through today to see why it has disappeared but the fact remains. Where are the witnesses to say the german guy acted violently first? Obviously his missus has memory loss, driver can't be found, crazed gang dispersed, CCTV out of order. Lol what a joke, seems like some of you guys would be happy to go in and lecture the poor guy in his coma.

  10. The root cause is alcohol, the universal catalyst for trouble.

    With decision making and judgement impaired,

    the smallest thing (100b) can escalate an issue to the point where you put yourself in needless harm's way .

    If he was sober, situational awareness and judgement would most likely inhibited him from physically pushing a stranger to the ground over a few baht.

    Arrogance, cheapness, drunkeness, ignorance of foreign culture, any combination can get you into trouble anywhere, not just in Thailand.

    An unfortunate event, hoping for a full recovery.

    Good, unbias post. ;)

    I can't believe you guys are hanging it on the German simply because he was drunk. What are you a bunch of social engineers? The Thai tuk tuk driver and his mad weapon wielding gang hold the majority of the responsibility for this incident surely. Sound like a bunch of bloody *****. Root cause is the tuk tuk mafia clear and clean.

  11. I remember years ago there was an incredible free bike market held every Saturday night along the canal near the UN Building in Rachadamnoen. This was a fantastic collection of spare parts, bikes for sale, bike paraphernalia as well as an eclectic collection of people from all walks of life.

    Years ago (post 9/11) apparently for security bullsh*t reasons they moved the market down to Makro in Samsen Road. It didn't do well there and I heard it was moved once again to somewhere in Rachada. I think it may have died a slow death but it really was something special.

    Do any members remember this market? Did any members ever visit it after it moved to Makro or Rachada? does it still exist?



  12. 100B is perfectly fair, too much even. 200B is just a rip-off.

    So his wife is a local Thai and suddenly can't remember anything that happened? How bloody convenient .......

    Not to mention soon after meeting her brother, there is suddenly a gang to hand. A call placed perhaps?

    Yet again, looks like a case of choose your Thai "relatives" very carefully.

    "Yet again, looks like a case of choose your Thai "relatives" very carefully."

    No. It's about knowing where you are, and behaving yourself accordingly. He should have known better than to push the guy to the ground. What an idiot. And being drunk, I can imagine his manners would have been inflammatory to say the least.

    CCTV, witnesses or not, the severity of the beating is an indication of just how much resentment there is amongst Thais, about the numbers of undesirables here to screw their women. There is a deep hatred which has not come from nowhere. The opportunity to lay into a chauvinist brute like this guy was just too good to pass up. He may well be suffering more than you think he deserves, but it's as well to take note and learn from it. Be streetwise when negotiating with tuk tuk drivers or anyone for that matter, and watch your manners, it is their country not yours. You do not own them, and you have no right to be rude, regardless of the other person's argument. Don't go out intoxicated that your discretionary powers are so diminished, so that you can not deal with it.

    There are numerous places in London, New York, Sydney .. you name it, where you could expect similar treatment. Example: A white guy, with a black girlfriend, staggering through a black suberb, arguing and shoving a black guy half his size to the ground? Would the white guy be carried away in an ambulance or a body bag? In this case, would you still say "Yet again, looks like a case of choose your black "relatives" very carefully."?

    You are obviously joking?

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