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  1. A relative had his 2019 Toyota pickup truck stolen last week. He went to the police who refused to do anything. Does anyone know if Toyota pickup trucks have a a GPS tracking or other way to locate a stolen vehicle? Thank you.
  2. The ants have come back after a number of weeks. I think if an insect could be intelligent, it would be these ants. They've built their nests very high up in my golden chain tree where I can't get to them with a fiery torch. They behaved themselves for a long time staying on the fence line and not encroaching into our living space... until recently. Bite! Ouch! Bite! Ouch! They have the ability to crawl up my legs undetected and crawl into the short pants I'm wearing. I have learned to do a respectable Irish jig since then. So, I figured I will somehow interrupt their highway up and down the tree trunk. I discovered fly paper. I secure the fly paper to the tree trunk with push pins and seal any gaps with Vaseline. BRAVO! It works! The ants just gather in larger and larger numbers above and below the fly paper and seem to ponder how to defeat this latest challenge. So far, their engineers remain stumped on how to resolve this problem. And I walk around my yard now free to enjoy the whole space! Life is good.
  3. My small property has been taken over by weaver ants. They kept spreading throughout our yard that we had to stay inside our house in effort to not be bitten by tens or twenty at once of these territorial aggressive things. I got tired of hearing my family yelling in pain as they made their way to and from our house. We cannot enjoy our small outdoor area at all. I tried many different suggestions from internet and Youtube websites about deterring the ants and none have worked except for a recent discovery. I found where the nests were in the trees around my house. I splashed gallons of soapy water around and on the tree trunks to make a corridor for me to get close to the trees. I then smeared a ring of petroleum jelly about three inches thick around the trunk. This stopped all ant traffic up and down the trees. I then got a 4 meter bamboo pole and made a torch by tying some old rags around the end with wire and soak the rags in 90% alcohol. I then proceeded to torch each nest I could find. It’s been a week now and I have seen maybe 10 weavers on the ground but none in the trees. It’s a blessing to be able to walk around our small yard freely again and enjoy the outdoors. I’m trying ground cinnamon at the base of the tree trunks and the ants do run from it. We live out in country and there are no farms or orchards nearby. I know weavers are good for keeping garden and farm pests at bay however we have no need of them and I put my family’s safety above the ants every time. By the way, there was no one who could help us with our ant problem so I had to DIY
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