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Posts posted by tahaan

  1. Hi all,

    I enjoyed cycling in the UK, the daily commute, organised weekend events and casual trips with mates etc. I moved to Chumphae a couple of years ago and, initially at least, used to get on the bike and put in a few kms on a regular basis. Sadly, this didn't last too long. Cycling, like many other activities is more fun with a partner and I got fed up doing the same trips on my own.

    Any fellow enthusiasts out there in the Khon Kaen/Udon area up to shedding a few kilo's on road bike or MTB?

  2. A friend ordered a Yamaha 1100 dragstar froma  shop her in Udon and had it within a month, with the book 480K. The  book may take longer that is a real mess here. Gentle hint make sure  they ar talking about them getting the book, wehn I say is a mess I'm  not kidding.

    Where's the shop in Udon? I need a few bits.

    I had a look at some Triumphs last time in the UK. Can you buy a new one here with the same safeguards as you would a car? Plates, warranty, service support etc? The book and plate thing with imported bikes is a real hassle. I've bought bikes from both Thai and farang but I couldn't honestly recommend anyone. Is it possible to buy with confidence?

  3. Thanks Tilapia

    It's the left unfortunately. I can't even drive the bl**dy truck. It's a manual.

    Not so sure about the comfort of choppers. I tend to feel long rides more on the cruiser. I done Chumphae to Ubon for the bike meet a couple of months ago on the XJR and that was a great trip. I felt a bit of discomfort on the way back but I think that was probably self induced!

    Btw, never really rode bikes before moving here - think the climate lends itself. I used to do a lot of cycling in the UK and have always been happier on two wheels. I've worked my way up the ranks, Wave, Phantom etc. I know I don't need two but I can't bring myself to part with one. It's nice to have a choice sometimes.

  4. Thanks Ray. Mine's an 1100. I had a 400 for a while but as you said a bit slow. There again, with the knowledge, skills and training of the average Isaan road user, you certainly don't want to go charging around here enjoying the thrills of speed.

    When driving/riding I'm always anticipating the worst from fellow road users, farm equipment, dogs, stray cows and especially bus drivers but sometimes the theory fails. I guess the mishaps keep us on our toes. Or at least they will do when mine heal.

    Enjoy your weekend and have a safe trip.

  5. Yes, I've got a couple of Yamahas, an XJR and a Dragstar.

    Sadly, after the weekend's trip to Dansai. My Dragstar's slightly bent and my foot's in plaster!mad.gif

    At least the enforced rest will give me the chance to post on tv.com.

  6. I think you'll find they are elephant hawk moth caterpillars. Try doing a google image search.

    They normally alert me to their presence by leaving great piles of cr@p under their food plants. I don't want to resort to sprays but these b*ggers are pushing their luck. Do they have natural predators? I've left them in the open before but have yet to see birds take them.

  7. Somo

    I've just received my 5th visa extn (May 8, marriage 400k) from Nonghkai. Money in the bank for about 5 weeks before my application and the extn granted after the first 30 days 'under approval' visit - a first! Passport handed back with a smile and a 'see you next year' from the immigration officer. No comment on future changes.

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