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Posts posted by kenkannif

  1. Lad,

    I'm not going to argue with you so please chill.

    Yes, a lot of things happen in the world that shouldn't....rapes, child prostitution, murders etc. Just because they happen, it doesn't make them right.

    As a father what you're saying scares me to be honest. Practicing on your students isn't really a good thing.

    Spin my posts again like that and I will edit/delete accordingly.

    Take it easy please.

  2. Lad,

    I think you're wrong, you think I'm wrong.....let's (please) leave it at that...okay???

    Being able to speak English doesn't mean you can teach it....simple as. Although I'm sure there are some people that can get away with it.

  3. Do a search plenty of info here about the various courses. Most will let you spend time in them to compare and contrast. Do becareful though as some are shockingly bad and often will make you pay them to get a job (TEFL College for example). So do be wary!

    I 100% disagree with Lad, but each to their own.

  4. The DS needs something beside puppies to sell it to the masses. These games for Japanese high school girls are getting old. :D

    Right now I am playing Star Wars Battlefront II. Now, that's a game! :o

    Nah you need to be playing battlefield 2 mate, now that is a game. Trouble is you need a powerful pc to run it well.

    Got it for my X-Box and PS2 :D

    Dude, it's the Japanese. It doesn't take much to entertain these people. You could make a game about being a pooper scooper and they would play it 24/7. I can't remember the name of it, but there is a game in which you are a fast food employee and the object of the game is to do that "job". That's it, that's all. It's a huge hit in Japan. So, using stats from the Japanese market to to defend a products position in another market is pretty pointless. Apple n' oranges, ya know.

    Spot on! They buy games and platforms that often those in the West don't/won't!

    That isn't always a good thing. Some of these games are crap. I am glad that Japanese game developers want to do something different, that means new ideas can't help but enter the market, that doesn't mean every game they come up with is going to be a winner. Sometimes Japanese will smiply just play anything, they are that crazy about games, not a great control group to use when you agrue gaming trends. Many games they come up with are rip offs of other great Japanese games. How many copies of Dynasty Warriors can you find? So, the reality here is that the Japanese aren't that orginal, they ripoff just as much as the west does maybe even more. Now, I am not defending western games over eastern. Some people just love to get in to that B.S. agruement, not me, a game is a game and it should be viewed that way. I have just as many complaints over what western game developers are doing, or not doing. Yet, even in the west great games are being made, go play Oddworld: Strangers Wrath. Or wait and play Okami went it comes out in the spring of 2006, if you want something from Japan that will break a mold or two. But, just because it comes from Japan doesn't mean it's the best or even good.

    Agreed, some are just toooo wacky and out there (and often mind numbingly boring).

    Okami Western though??? I thought it was a Japanese made game (not checked though).

    Anyways Turok got a Gamecube now so please....what other games should I get for it?

  5. From a friend:

    Just a quick question for you and your advice will be gratefully received.

    Should my wife change her name on her passport and will it affect her in any way?

    At the moment she has a Thai passport in her maiden name and as we only got legally married in October in the UK we haven't done anything about it yet. I realise that you have previously stated on many occasions that she will not lose any ownership rights as long as a declaration is signed stating that the funds are hers, but she is still Thai and fears Thai authority and the local rumour mill! That's just the way people are brought up here I suppose.

    The wife and want to go back to the UK this summer for work and and in the following years we would like to holiday there so we were considering a mutiple-entry (Visit, multiple, valid for 1, 2, 5 or 10 years) visa so that we don't have to go through this tiresome process year after year. We have no intention of settling back in the UK, but would the application process be easier if she had my family name in her passport? Does this visa allow her to find a job? Sorry for asking you all of this but we have tried e-mailing (no reply) and finding information from the UK Embassy web-site and it is rather hard to understand their vague guidelines.

    Thanks chaps!

  6. kenkannif

    "The English language is so mental you can indeed have a reasonable amount of fun looking at the rules and the exception(s?) to the rules etc. "

    What a wild and crazy guy you are. No doubt the life of the party. Please, come to my next party, I'm sure a listing of grammar rules from you would be the highlight of the evening.

    Not quite what I said...but yes being a wild and crazy guy I can make even the most boring of topics vastly interesting....I assume it's the way I tell 'em personally.

    Saying that Timmy Mallet was a mentor of mine and his skillZ (he also taught Chris Evans the wayZ) were passed on to me over time.

    Will look forward to the PM (shall I bring my Scrabble set as well?), I rarely go out but will look forward to this and you're only down the road from me.

    Thanks mate, appreciated!

    dr Pat Pong

    "Would your next party be worth going to anyway ?"

    If you wanted to come and discuss grammar rules and spelling, it would probably not be worth your time. You would probably have more fun hanging out with that ken dude and discussing the proper use of the first conditional or the present perfect continious. What a blast that might be for the likes of you, but it ain't my cup of tea. I have nothing against proper grammar and well-written material (I do some published writing myself but ain't a professional writer), but concern over grammar and spelling has its time and place.

    So you don't want me to come to your party? But I just got some new clothes and everything :o

    Remember it's not the content as much as how you present it.

    Spending my time trying to find mistakes in the internet postings of others isn't my idea of a productive use of my time. If it turns your crank, go to it.

    LoL but then moaning about other people moaning isn't really a great step up is it? Actually you're moaning about people moaning about someone that was moaning that someone else posted words wrongly...err spelled (spelt?).

    What an exciting life you must lead if you have nothing better to do with your time.

    Works both ways though as per above mate.

    But to be honest yeah my life is pretty dull....what do you do for fun? By all means PM me so we don't go too off topic!

  7. After reading this thread I have decided I need to make some friends with serious English Teachers. I can think of not better way to liven up a party or have s stimulating conversation than to debate and analysis the spelling and grammar usage of others. What an exciting pastime!

    Actually I did just this the other night with a friend. The English language is so mental you can indeed have a reasonable amount of fun looking at the rules and the exception(s?) to the rules etc.

    To be honest IMO English is changing so rapidly often it's hard to keep up (my Mummy always taught me contractions were for commoners and O.K. is slang etc. Oh how things have changed). Give it a few years and we'll be seeing Jamie Oliver's EFL book with loads of cor blimeys, stuff it in, get in there my son....etc. At the end of the day though if you're understood and your message comes across do a few typos bad grammar etc. really make a that big a deal???

    My pet peeve is definitely....it's amazing how many people get it wrong. I mess up on different words but same sounds...are, our etc.

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