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Posts posted by kenkannif

  1. Ish :o You selective quoter you :D

    Many descriptivists (i.e. people who describe how language is used in practice) support the notion that a single space after a full stop should be considered standard because it has been the norm in mainstream publishing for many decades.


    Most modern typesetters, designers, and desktop publishers use only one space after a period as do all mainstream publishers of books and journals.

    So it seems one space is more than acceptable and the norm nowadays :D

    Good info here as well:


  2. Nowt to do with grammar really, but don't put a space before a comma or fullstop...like this , or this . as it's wrong and looks odd. Just do it like this, or this. And it'll look better (is it really two spaces after a fullstop???).

    Personally I don't like these tests as they make people think they can kind of study up specifically for them (which I'm sure you can to an extent) whereas really you should be able to pass it due to your English ability alone...not because you've been taught how to pass (if you get what I mean???).

    I think Isaan/Issan is a second language to a lot of people Bambina, as is English to SOME Thais (obviously not many though).

    And check your plurals as well as Thais often have a lot of problems with them.

    Do you listen to much English TV or music? If so when you write try to remember if you've 'heard' these sentences before, or if they sound natural to you.

  3. ^ I'm sure I've seen 'qualified IELTS teachers' advertised though???

    Sorry about location....you said in Thailand, you meant in Ubon though really....right???

    If you contact the BC they might be able to point you in the direction of people that do it???

  4. My son loves Masked Rider and Ultraman stuff (and some Cosmos show) which are like dubbed Japanese/Chinese shows (quite violent). You get the Teletubbies over here as well as a lot of other Western cartoons/shows (at least on Cable).

    Also managed to introduce the Muppets to him which he likes.

  5. Their proper course is okay and if you're going to study with them I'd suggest you do that.

    I don't like the PELT though as it's more a buy a job course....only 4 or 5 days training as well, so it doesn't comply to the supposed international standard (100 hours plus class time and at least 6 hour observed teaching practice).

    We don't teach English by having students watch DVDs, so I personally don't see how you can learn to be a teacher by doing the same.

  6. Hasn't really got anything to do with Labour Dept. to be honest.

    Basically the new rule is the employer (the Principal actually) has to say they've checked the degree and that it's valid (how they do so seems to be down to them)...if it's then found to be fake by the MoE...said Principal could face a jail term (probably won't though).


    I doubt many Unis would give info out over the phone??? Have you done this???

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