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Posts posted by keebone

  1. Not only is Pattaya generally cheaper but it's friendlier aswell I'd say. Lot of the people in Bangkok both Thai and Farang seem to be living under the impression their shit dont stink !

    Hua Hin is like watching paint dry. Crap beach and crap bars.

  2. Not sure about laptops but I bought a desktop for my GF 6 months ago at the big IT/electronics place in Si Racha, thinks it's called Com City or something. Went to Tuk Com first but seemed better value at Si Racha and better attitude.

  3. I'm firmly of the belief that West Ham should be deducted points. A 2 point deduction sounds about right and of course a refund of the £5.5 million fine :D

    And to think that Sean Bean is fronting the Sheffield United campaign after he was allowed to star in the film Essex Boys.

    They'll be some Essex Boys looking to take up matters with him if he's not careful :o

  4. #1 Can't get a decent feed after a night out when returning to soi 2 at 7.00am in the morning. Only 7/11 crap. Sub-ways closed, Restaurant closed. KFC closed. Can't even get a Maccas happy meal. Go figure!!

    You consider KFC and McDonalds to be decent food :o

    I hear the food upstairs at Tops supermarket is quite nice and served 24 hours a day. Gotta be better than that American excrement.

  5. The CBR125R as sold in the UK has a single overhead cam (SOHC) engine with 2 valves. The CBR150R as sold in Thailand has a double overhead cam (DOHC) engine, not sure if it's got 4 valves but would think so.

    Learner legal 125's in the UK are restricted to 12bhp or at least they were back in my day. This rule came in back in the early 80's before which learner riders could ride up to 250cc without any power restriction.

    I've read the CBR150 has 17bhp, 22bhp and 28bhp. 17bhp would be roughly 12.5kw and I'd say that is the most likely output. In comparison a NSR150 makes 38 - 40 bhp according to Honda if I remember rightly. So to make a CBR150 capable of beating a NSR is pretty much impossible unless you put a turbo on it or tune the engine to such a degree it'll need rebuilding every other week.

    I just looked up the power output of a Honda CRF150 which is a full blown motocross bike that'll be in a higher state of tune than a CBR150 and has a much louder and less restrictive pipe on it. They apparently make 16.6kw which is about 22bhp.

  6. Think I paid 230baht + the 100baht airport tax thing for a meter taxi to Patong last oct.

    Not including the airport tax thing it cost me about twice as much getting a fixed price taxi from Patong to Phuket Town which is a rip off seeing as it's about half the distance.

  7. I'm going back to Samui in about 10 days after a space of 10 years and was wondering if there is a cinema on the island. My GF wants to see the new Fatastic 4 film and was hoping we could catch it while there.

    Also does anyone know what the Utopia Resort is like at Lamai. Last time I stayed at the Lamai Inn which is now Lamai Inn 99 I believe. Was a good location for me and I think the Utopia is not too far from there.

  8. good on ya Damian. The world needs more heroes. Takes the pressure off me having to be one.

    Dont encourage him, from what I've been hearing of late there's a lack of blood in Thailand right now and he'll probably be using up quite a few units that the rest of us might need if he ever makes good on his promise.

  9. i unexpectedly saw a car give way to pedestrians on a zebra crossing


    Fairly obviously a Farang who hadn't been in the country long enough to go Thai yet !

    I see some photos of Pattaya in the early 70's and there were a number of Ford Cortina MK1's around back then. Never seen any around in Thailand myself but always had a soft spot for them.

  10. A miss understanding !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    yes it was a miss understanding!!!!!!!!! (to quote you) but this coming from someone who has the nic pattaya_girl when you are a male, i think you need to have a good look at yourself, for the time being i will say no more.

    Actually, Mr 'Correct'.. I know Pattaya girl very well in person and she is in fact a 100% lady. So you're not 'correct' on that one are you :D

    Is that really the best you can come up with? :D:D

    And yeahh!! Offering people fake visa's.. Its a misunderstanding.. Like someone else said... 'Is that what they call it these days' :o

    Personally Meg I've never taken you seriously since you turned up on Thailandfriends about 3 years ago posting some very dubious stories.

  11. The good thing about this is that the woman had the strength to report him. At least he will not rape again anytime soon. She will have least the knowledge that she saved someone else the pain of this.

    I wouldnt go betting your house on that !

  12. I've noticed quite a few Thais also dislike Filipinos. Don't know where this stems from as there is no historical conflicts between the 2 people. In fact they were both pretty much allies against communism in South East Asia.

    Maybe it's because Thais are jealous of their perceived musical talents.

  13. Mr. Rosner wonders aloud why such a fascination with KY Jelly? But then Mr. Rosner realized that it might be a very good conductor of electricity and it was then that he understood.

    Mr. Rosner would be quite right in his assumption I do believe.

    Many years ago I broke my ankle in a motorcycle accident and as part of my recuperation therapy I visited a clinic where a rather cute young Aussie female took me into a room and lay me on a couch before producing a tube of KY Jelly at which point I got a rush of blood to a certain part of my anatomy. I was rather disappointed to find that instead of being used for it's usual purpose the KY was actually spread onto my ankle and the young lady then used some form of electrode pad to massage said ankle.

    The electrical conductivity properties of KY Jelly are down to it being water based I would say.

  14. Blew me away since, frankly, the Southern Burmese we get here look exactly the same as the Southern Thais.

    'tis only a line on some paper that seperates ...........................................

    Yes, and a line often drawn by foriegn colonists without a thought for the local peoples. Same the world over.

    So is it all the fault of foreign colonists 'by which I assume you mean Western' that the Thais hate and mistreat the Burmese ?

    East Asia has it's own tradition of nations conquering other nations territory and redrawing national border lines that far predates any Western involvement in the area.

  15. Out performs bigger bikes around town, can get thru the traffic!

    Have yet to find another cbr 150 modified or not that can keep up with me.

    Keeps up with all 125 and 150 two strokes on pullaway, at 80kph+ I leave them for dust.

    Top speed 170kph (Chonburi to Rayong Road kept speed for 2k, that was long enough)

    My standard NSR150RR used to top out at an indicated 180kph on the Sukhumvit, it would do 165kph with my GF on the back. I seriously dont believe it would of been left for dust at 80kph+

  16. "In his confession, Somchai said that he was attracted to the victim. Given that she had agreed to go out with him in Phuket City, he thought the feeling was mutual."

    The feeling was probably mutual and if he'd of taken her out clubbing as promised and treated her with respect he'd of probably got what he wanted by consent.

    Stick the little weasles <deleted> in a vice and give the handle a small clockwise turn every half hour.

  17. Someone mentioned he should be made to pay compensation based on the poor dead guys salary. This is a principal I find quite abhorrent as it means a lesser punishment for killing someone of lower social standing than if the deceased were a high flying executive. There have been cases in the UK where medical negligence has caused the death or severe disability of someone and the compensation payment from the health authority has been based on the potential earnings of the victim. I think this is totally wrong as the value of all lives should be equal.

  18. wow, some good news for a change

    probably half a years wages for the guy, :o

    Plus I thought Turkish, being moslems are forbidden to own credit cards.............?

    Doesn't Turkey have Christians as well as Muslims

    About 1%

    They kicked out, converted or murdered most of them.

    They were called Armenians. (Or am I being politically offensive?). Much more than 1% a hundred years ago - but one million at least killed.

    Not forgetting the Greeks who inhabited much of Asia Minor and all of European Turkey (Thrace) before the Turks invaded.

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