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Posts posted by gpdjohn

  1. As am example..

    Phoenix, December of last year ( actually Glendale..)

    Apartment 2 bedroom... rent $ 1,100 mo

    Electricty ( cooler months) 150.00

    Cable ( cox HD ) 123.00

    Qwest Internet 40.00

    Gas 1999 Jeep Wrangler 60.00 every 2 weeks

    Gas 2005 Vespa PX150 8.00 mo.

    These were my basic living costs, not including food or play items.

    Here, I'm comfy minus the Jeep and have everything the same and still under 30K mo.

    Now I can eat out whenever, travel, booze, etc...

    Life for me is so much better here than there...and almost as hot. :o

  2. mobs00, I did look for you at John's Place on Friday from about 12PM to 12:30 PM, but I didn't see anyone who looked lost but me. I forgot my squirt weapon and went to get it, but never made it back until 2PM. Sorry.



    He never looks lost and he blends in very very well.


  3. I wonder what you are referring to. I don't think that they serve any kind of "chips" other than tortilla chips which are a commercial brand that have already been cooked and which I have never seen "burnt". Have they changed the recipe? :o

    Yes, UG..they musta changed the recipe cuz I watched with mine own two eyes ...tortilla chips placed into the fryer ...removed, deep deep browinsh color, drained, placed under the salamander for a few more minutes, removed, cheese'd, again under the salamander, removed after a few and then served.

    Extra crispy.

    And I ate 'em. :D

  4. Understand from a tuk tuk driver, that there was, in CM, a fatality . A 19yr old male on a motorcycle got knocked off his bike by a forceful bucket of water to the face, a 4 wheeler following him couldn't stop or didn't see him in time and drove over him and he bike.

    tis the season.

    Prayers for all who are out there having such a good time.

    Must be the high shopping season for the Grim Reaper

    What happends on incidents such as these?

    Are criminal charges pending on who threw the water?

    Or is it just chocked up to sanook and life goes on...


    Prayers and thoughts to the families and survivors .... :o

  5. I sat and watched the "chef" there deep fry the chips until they were burnt into submission..kinda freaked me out seeing extremely dark chips like that..

    "extra crispy" I guess...

    and then placed 'em under the salamander, I guess to get them even more "extra cripsy".. :D

    But other than the taste..they held up to the salsa pretty much.


    I had never seen no less eaten chips that "brownish black" before....

    Man, I gatta go get some Mex and wash it down with an ice cold techate...mummm

    Comida mexicano mak mak loy jao ( Spanisthai) :D

  6. My favorite dish at Miguels' was Nacho chips with Guacamole (the guac was really good, too)

    But the main dishes were all a gooey microwaved-to-death mess and and the refried beans (my personal fetish) made from reds NOT pintos.

    Has anyone tried Salsa Kitchen? How does it compare?

    I sat at the counter one night so I could see the cooks and kitchen. I never saw a microwave in use there...

    They could go alittle "lighter" on the cheese. My preference.

    I got a major hankerin for some Mex today..wish they had a cold "XX" :o

  7. Airport authorities did not file any charges against him because he did not hurt any passengers.

    Ah so its all right then to brandish knives and force unscheduled landings then? Is this for real or just some numb nuts reporter in the Post that is plainly wrong.

    It should start with "Interfering with a flight crew".

    I hope the report is false, I really do...for the sake of all of us...

  8. All this nonsense about "stealing is stealing" etc .....

    why do you care?? what does it matter if some American firms feel miffed because they can't rip everyone off with their overpriced brand named goods , and that a few people get away with cheap, identical copies. They care because they are missing out on yet more money ...and its all about money don't forget... so i can see why they care.

    But why do any of you care.?? That i don't understand.

    I don't. I love the fact that despite America's (and the Uk too) interfering attempts to control the world , Thailand has and always will be a law unto themselves. Great !!

    I must remember to buy more counterfeit goods when next in Thailand ... to do my bit to boost the industry.

    'cuse me...

    Your hate is showing... :o

  9. Maybe we should start another thread and have a vote on the best beer in Thailand.

    I personally prefer Leo.....um, beer with Singha as a close second

    Sorry guys, I neglected to include San Miguel and San Miguel Light in the discussion.

    Note: The beer can be seen in the background.

    A cool refreshing beverage :o I must admit.

  10. Havin' a bad day are we??? :o

    I said "tempted" not that I was...

    Just a regular day :D OK so you weren't, tempted and one now presumes that you are the proud bearer of a lovely new Thai driving licence, or did it go in the "too hard" basket?



    Feel better?

  11. Again and again, the KEY word is Illegal ....

    Breaking the law, to gain benefits cannot be condoned to any extent.

    Those of us here in CM, who are here as legal , working expats know the extent we have to go thru to stay. Yes its a hassel and troublesome but we live by the law of the land. We want the goodness and satisfaction [to ourselves] we get from living here, we live by the Thai laws.

    You violate the law and you will deported, and I believe at your own or your friends or family expense.

    I see no problem with the program here. In the US catch the illegals, put them in a secured camp and on a publics work program til they build up enough funds to get them a one way ticket home.

    Laws are arbitrary and not intrinsically good!

    In many countries (incl. the US and Thailand) illegal migrants are USED for cheap labour. I wonder ... does the Thai or the US employer using illegal migrants (who is breaking the law) ... does s/he get in jail? I doubt it! The Burmese used are slaves and it makes me sick to the stomach to live in one of those buildings that were built by them for nothing and benefitting Thai employers, foreigners, and Thai society. Considering the living conditions in Burma, this is real shame!

    I have seen them, risking their lives! I have seen them arrested! This Burmese men are extremely courageous!

    Really sad!

    In southern Arizona, US Border Patrol has arrianged a deal with the farmers that they would not raid or detain illegal migrant workers until after the harvest season so that the crops could make it to market, thereby not hurting the farmers business.

    Current AZ law specifies that any business owner caught employing illegal workers will be prosecuted, but federal law supersedes any state laws. Federal law states this also, the prosecution of any who hire illegal workers..

    In a way both the immigrant worker and the farmer kinda make out.

    But it seems when money to be made is involved, heads are turned.

  12. Saw a guy who had his pecker done into a green dragon..yep a green complete with scales and wings....Scary.. poor pooying that picked him up..she'd FREAK!!


    But hey..to each his own, If it makes ya happy.

    I like the ink, but not the modifications and stickings...

    Crazy world. Gotta love being in it. :o

  13. Havin' a bad day are we??? :o

    I said "tempted" not that I was...

    "grow up" ????

    I could respond to that..but why...

    Why so much anger?

    Simple question, how much does the American Consulate charge.

  14. Does anyone know how much the American Consulate charge for this?

    I've been tempted to just blow off getting the license ( my neighbor, from NC said he has never got one and he's been here 9 years, "too much of a hassle" he says..)

  15. H or no H we all know what you mean. Not sure where to live but my daughter gradulated from Payap univ and is now working in CM as a nurse. Seems I was always senting them a check so I changed to name to PayUP. Anyway, a great school

    The university only conductsone graduation ceremony per year and it's always in November. So she won't "officially" graduate until November 2008.



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