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Posts posted by gpdjohn

  1. I was out at Huay Thung Thaew lake yesterday. Very strong winds and possibly looked as thought it was gunna let loose..


    Only saw and watched as 2 helicopters were scooping water with buckets into the lake to fight a fire up in the mountain..

    Man, I miss a good hail storm...

  2. While doing my "fat off" strole here in the best mooban in all of CM, I have been so lucky as to meet some of the more than friendly soi creatures on 4 pads...

    Being a lover of these creatures and not wishing them ill fortune, I take every precaution to aviod the meet and greet with teeth.

    Sometimes, like tonight, one will just not see the light, not that any action on my part was taken to end this miserable 4 leggers exsistance, but if he does attempt to sink ivorys....

    He will be killed. Right then and right there. Swiftly and without mercy.

    What would happen if I did send this mange to meet the 72 Beagles??

    The owner is aware of this problem and stands there watching the show of shows...but I will make him cry if his animal bites me.

    Perhaps this isn't the best way to integrate into Thai society. Might even be a good way to integrate into Thai prison life.

    As someone who went through this when I first arrived in Chiang Mai and took residence in a nice moobahn, I'd suggest there is NO NEED to harm the dogs at all, just take control of them. The dog with the biggest bark wins. That's the rule. So get yourself a small, pocket air horn available in most sporting goods stores and bicycle shops. About the size of a deodorant stick, these things can be heard for miles, and one quick blast is enough to turn away the meanest dog. (In fact, they even come with a handlebar clip because so many bike riders in the US have problems with dogs chasing them!) We had a new mamma Shepard attack from the porch of her house in protection of her pups turn in mid-air and retreat to her babies. These little horns are LOUD! That makes you the biggest dog on the street and nobody messes with the Big Dog....

    No need to hurt the dogs. They are just being dogs. Certainly you can out-think them. :o

    It would never be my intended purpose to injure or kill the dog. I have worked around dogs most of my life..most of 'em police dogs ( belgian malinois, ie..Mecheles Herders, Holland Herders and German Sheps ) I have been bitten numerous times, and used to decoy in KNPV and French Ring.

    I know the signs dogs exibit prior to a bite and when they are just "playing chicken".

    I guess I should have avoided the late night wine drinking feeble attempt at humor....

    My question was ...well, as an example ( now I know this is Thailand, so bear with me here..)

    Back in my state, if a person is bitten by a dog, the owner is responsible except in the circumstances when the dog was provked or you were in it's yard at the time of the bite. If the dog was killed or seriously injured in the attack, oh well...Possible criminal charges could apply if the animal was found to have been told to attack or has had prior attacks on humans and the owner is aware of the possibly for his dog to attack ..

    I do agree not with your statement of "they are just being dogs". A dog will just not necessarly bite you unless it feels threatend or is protecting it's territory and it knows the owner would permit it or you are teasing ,or provoking it. It IS not NORMAL behavior for a NORMAL dog.

    I know by my running , it perks up the dogs prey drive..so I walk when I'm in the vicinity of all dogs until I see how they will react. So, back to my question..

    If all else fails, and the dog attacks/bites..

    what are the legal ramifications here in Thailand for the owner of the animal and the victim of the attack?

    Does anyone know???

    Again, I will not stand by and let an animal bite me or my loved ones or ANYONE ELSE that just happends to be walking down the soi. It would be considered a "vicious animal" and must be dealt with accordingly.

    And yeah, I carry a stick.

  3. While doing my "fat off" strole here in the best mooban in all of CM, I have been so lucky as to meet some of the more than friendly soi creatures on 4 pads...

    Being a lover of these creatures and not wishing them ill fortune, I take every precaution to aviod the meet and greet with teeth.

    Sometimes, like tonight, one will just not see the light, not that any action on my part was taken to end this miserable 4 leggers exsistance, but if he does attempt to sink ivorys....

    He will be killed. Right then and right there. Swiftly and without mercy.

    What would happen if I did send this mange to meet the 72 Beagles??

    The owner is aware of this problem and stands there watching the show of shows...but I will make him cry if his animal bites me.

  4. Loud Tuk-Tuks.....How can you even ask?

    It's because the guys enjoy it along with the shouting salespeople in supermarkets, the all night Karaoke, the "entertainment" on buses, the performers in your local moo-ka-ta (sp?), the village Head Man who reaches for the mike at 6.30, the dogs (but only after midnight), the announcements at the airport, the monk with the loudhailer, the monk with the mike, the purgatory that's the waiting area for the movies at Airport Plaza, the Boys with the Bikes and I could go on....

    The only time when I'm surprised is when I ask my girlfriend, happily watching the subtitles of an English movie on TV, to turn the volume up above a whisper and she says "What's the matter? Are you going deaf?"

    Gere lau... :o



  5. The story is less odd than you think. Australians are deploying lots of informers annex retired cops in countries like Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. They do not work for the Thai but for the Australian authorities.

    If that is the case, why did he have a weapon?

    What law enforcement authority did he have hear? I presume none.

    Just a snitch.

    He is a done deal

  6. Irrespective of whose figures you believe, the rate of fatalities on Thailand's roads is quite staggering.

    An average of 30 people die every day on Thailand's roads. This is a conservative estimate.

    I wonder how many children are killed a year riding on the front of motorbikes? Are these figures ever reported? I thought it was the duty of every goverment to protect children so if there is a law to stop chilren from being slaughtered why is this law never enforced here. Can you imgine what they would do to me if I rode a motorbike down any high street in the UK with child perched on the front of a motorbike holding on to the rear view mirrors?? Throw away the key?????

    What do you think these people can do with a child when they go shopping etc. etc. The poor on the motorbikes are doing the best they can to get through life on 200 to 300 baht per day. They do not have a car to strap that child in the back seat when they go shopping. You seem to think more laws will help save lives? You sound like you are from the government wanting to controll everyone. The other thing is they are in Thailand and not in the UK.

    Give them a break.

    Completely understand both sides..

    Still freaks me out to see it.

  7. Concerning the deaths in the canal in front of Big C, you quoted a statistic from Tennessee.

    Are you from Tennessee???? Just curious as I will be heading to Spring Hill during April to see a dear friend.

    Can there be one other Southerner in CRai??? If so, let's trade barbeque restaurant names in CMai!!

    Na, that was me, from Arizona..but my next door neighbor is from North Carolina..a true tar heel southerner, sometimes even need a translator to understand him...

    So, yep'er, thar r sutherners hera y'all... :o

    ( just waiting for him to bring over a sweet potato pie or maybe a moon pie...)

  8. ( Some of the best French chefs in NYC are from Puebla, Mex so I know there is hope..)

    I spend a couple of months every year in NYC and while there are plenty of Mexicans working in the restaurants, I've never heard of a top French restaurant with a Mexican running the kitchen. There was a Cambodian, however. There's no reason a Mexican, Cambodian or Thai can't prepare any cuisine properly if they have the right ingredients, but I'm curious which restaurants you're referring to.

    And back on topic to CM, I'm glad you guys keep reminding me to never go to any Mexican restaurant in SE Asia. If Miguel's is as good as it gets, I'll wait til I'm back in NY for my Mexican food. Infinitely better than Miguel's, and cheaper too.


    And you never will because the Chef is normally the person who takes all the glory for the kitchen..it is his Mexican chefs who do all his cooking. It is the "Chef de cusine" ( not the CHEF, but the number 2 guy...or woman ) who actually runs the kitchen, and alot of times his last name is NOT of French desent. ( usually with a "ez" on the end of it..)

    Next time you're back in NY, ask if you can go into the kitchen...you'll see what I'm talking about.


    Which eateries you ask??

    The list would be too long to post on here!

  9. Even the best foreign restaurants in Thailand have their bad days. Miguel's is excellent for where we are and we are lucky to have it. :D

    As always UG, I could not agree with you more..( seems as though I agree with you on most everything :D )

    I was glad to see Mex food here and did enjoy it very much..as a guy who was born in Phoenix and raised in Yuma and spending most of my youth in Algadodes, Mexico, right across the border, I'm going to be alittle more critical of the way it is cooked..and like the reverse of home...mexican chefs cooking thai :D I noticed thai cookin' mexican. ( Some of the best French chefs in NYC are from Puebla, Mex so I know there is hope..)

    I always give a place at least 3 strikes before I make my final decision on if it is good or not.

    I do plan to return.

    I was surprised that tamales were even on the menu...just needed alittle more water in the maza, dry but still good ( needed 2 extra brews to chase 'em down ) The salsa was very good.

    I figur'd the beans were left on the heat too long and rice IS cooked different there than here...but overall..I could barley walk when I left the place ( ate way too much )

    I'm glad Miguel's is here...for when I get a hankerin for some food from home. Different, but still alot closer on what I was raised on than pad kapow moo )

    ( The fish tacos were great, but that's a califas-baja thangy... :o )

    Adios Muchacho

  10. This place rocks.

    So far the best Mexcian food I have had in Thailand.

    Definitely rocks. Best I have had anywhere outside Mexico and a few places in the United States.

    I'm surprised at your statement. I think that the Mexican food at Miguels is okay, not great, by any means. Certainly I have had better food in Mexico, as well as any place in California, where I am from.

    I thought the tamales were too dry, the beans overcooked ( how do you overcook REfried frijoles?? ) rice terrible...( gotta saute in the chicken broth before..)

    Really bad example of Mexican..except they did use corn tortillas, not flour.

    I'm from ARIZONA, where mex food is a way of life!

    But TIT.. I didn't expect it like home :o:D

  11. Irrespective of whose figures you believe, the rate of fatalities on Thailand's roads is quite staggering.

    An average of 30 people die every day on Thailand's roads. This is a conservative estimate.

    I find that is quite low for a country this size.


    Just in Tennessee for the month of March '08 ..so far.. 202

    Daily- 46

    and that's just in one state. ( source Tenn. DPS )

    Every death is a sad one, no matter where you are.

  12. Allegedly drinking all night , 60 yrs old and 28 yrs in Thailand, carrying a gun and a former or current narcotics cop. All sounds a bit suss.

    Ho hum just another shitty day in the place some folks refer to as Paradise. No symapthy for either party from me.

    I couldn't agree more.

    Why do they even have to mention that the guy was a cop...28 years in Thailand...it is apparent that he hasn't been a cop for some time...

    Just a drunk loud mouth with a good case of smaller penis that thinks he had to carry a gun to feel big.

    Iam a retired cop ( less than 8 mos. ) and when I retired, so did the weapon. If I cannot protect myself with my mouth or my fists, then my feet will do the work ...in the other direction. ( not scared, just smart..nutin worth dying for)

    Last thing I would ever do now is carry a gun...but that's just me.

    It has nothing to do with him being a former cop.

    Just a drunk.

    Let it rip..

  13. We always say that if they sent her to Israel with a army uniform and rolling pin, she would straighten the whole thing out, pronto! :D


    During my Army career I had the fortune of working several times with the IDF.

    The IDF women, well some of 'em could swear better 'n me, drink better 'n me and sometimes fist fight better 'n me ..( I could always shoot better :D ) were some hard core troops....good lookin' alot of 'em but still hard core.

    So this morning whilst the woman ate at her nasty favorite noodle shop, I stood outside the falafel place and kept thinking 'bout those wild nights in northern Israel watchin the rocket trails coming in from Lebanon...

    I ate at the Art Cafe.

    ( and just the thought of her in a IDF uniform with a rolling pin instead of an M4 really put the fear in me!!! )

  14. In reference to Windows xp being a copy on the computer you purchased. I received the explaination that computers imported into Thailand (dont know if Thai manufactors computers) cannot have windows installed, and it is installed by the dealer. Maybe just a smokescreen but they seemed sincere???? when I questioned why A generic windows was installed on a new computer.

    Installing WIndows XP rather than Vista was a favor, not a ripoff.

    I agree...but just wanted an authentic version, not a counterfeit. I emailed the Tesco main office last night for an explanation, doubt if I'll get one. And it would have been nice to get the XP driver software also...not counterfeit Vista ones... :o

  15. Tiger and San Miguel go down well too, although I would have sworn it was better in P.I.

    I concur...and I remember a San Mig Bach ( however ya spell it..) Only came out once a year.

    And the memories of sippin' it with the "locals" ( :o ) in Subic...and gettin home before curfew.

    I always have and will have fond memories of San Miguel drinkin in the PI.

    Drank it in the states as well....just not the same. :D

  16. I like Coors and Olympia too!

    Oh my god!!! :o

    The beer most homeless drink, next to Steel Reserve..

    How 'bout Buckhorn or Dutch Treat

    with a couple large gulps of MD20/20 mummmmmm...tasty! :D

    Heineken is nasty, compared with the likes of Amstel ( are they not the actual brewers of Heine ) but would prefer a Dommelish any day or night ...ahhh Bier from Limburg...

  17. :angry:Hmmmm :o

    No...I'm not angry...

    Stallone just has never made a good quaility movie...including Rocky.

    Cheap, low budget trash...and I'm not even speaking about his acting skills.


    Sometimes. But quality...NOT!

    Like a Chuck Norris film.

    Same, same...

    How many P.O.W.'s did he rescue?????


    "Chuck Norris's tears cure cancer, but Chuck Norris has never cried.."

    Tony Jai would kick his butt twice over...and he's from Isaan

    hehe :D

  18. This is gunna be fun..

    Just found out this morning that the software installed of Windows XP that is on my new computer, purchased at Tesco-Lotus is a fake. ( paid ..umm, well..alot :o )

    Let's see how far I get on getting a genuine Windows product..wonder what thier main corporate office number is outside of TH ..were the BIG boss sits..wonder if HE/SHE knows..UK maybe???

    and I ASS/U/ME/D a large corporation/retail outlet located throughout the world was trustworthy and dependable. ( and wouldn't violate international copywrite/ piracy laws..)

    I believe ya Dustoff..

    nowhere is safe.



    Check the CD's that came with your computer. I have bought two computers resently. Both came with XP (and all sorts of other junk installed). But included in the box where the original OEM Windows CD's. Now these CD's and the lisence sticker on the computers where actually Windows Vista. But for some reason they install a fake windows XP copy...

    I have the license sticker on the 'puter for vista like you...but the CD's in the box ( also for Vista ) are fakes as well.

    I know I'm gunna have to BOHICA on this one, but man it sure chafes my ass..

    and took a chunk outta the wallet.

  19. This is gunna be fun..

    Just found out this morning that the software installed of Windows XP that is on my new computer, purchased at Tesco-Lotus is a fake. ( paid ..umm, well..alot :o )

    Let's see how far I get on getting a genuine Windows product..wonder what thier main corporate office number is outside of TH ..were the BIG boss sits..wonder if HE/SHE knows..UK maybe???

    and I ASS/U/ME/D a large corporation/retail outlet located throughout the world was trustworthy and dependable. ( and wouldn't violate international copywrite/ piracy laws..)

    I believe ya Dustoff..

    nowhere is safe.



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