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Posts posted by Finnish

  1. Greetings.

    Please dont move me to the motorbike forum as I posted there before with no success, I need the bike in Chiang Mai and I only got replies from people in pattaya. Thanks

    I am here is Chiang Mai and I am looking for a Honda CB 750.

    I have done the rounds of the dealers here and have found nothing exciting. Seems there is a shortage of them at the moment. Nothing for sale in the CLASSIFIED before anyone jumps down my throat.

    I have been quoted anywhere between 55-80 for a bike with 80K being a 2000 model. Does this sound right ? A few dealers have offered to get me one from BKK but thing is that they want a deposit and I have not seen the bike.

    Anyone got one for sale or know of a reputable dealer who has one on his lot ( haha ).

    Send me a PM if you do not want to post your number.

    Any help or ideas greatly appreciated.

  2. I am up or down here in Chiang Mai depending on where you are and I am looking to buy a used Honda CB 750.

    I have done the rounds of the dealers here and have found nothing exciting. Seems there is a shortage of them at the moment. Nothing for sale in the CLASSIFIED before anyone jumps down my throat.

    I have been

    quoted anywhere between 55-80 for a bike with 80K being a 2000 model. Does this sound right ? A few dealers have offered to get me one from BKK but thing is that they want a deposit and I have not seen the bike.

    Anyone got one for sale or know of a reputable dealer who has one on his lot ( haha ).

    Send me a PM if you do not want to post your number.

    Any help or ideas greatly appreciated.


  3. " Objects under the bra appear larger than they actually are "

    Most bras I have had the pleasure to preview have consisted of mostly foam or padding and in some countries can be used safely as crash helmuts ( assuming the person has a real small head ).

    Assuming the adverage male has trouble opening one bra strap , this guy was taking no chances that someone would find out his real secret .

  4. If you want a real up close look at the plane as it takes off , and when I say " up close " , I mean you can see it barely 20 meters over your head then I suggest you head to Nimenhamen Road and into some of the residential buildings there .

    I stayed in a friends place in one of the Soi's for a while and was always woken up by the 2 low flying jet fighters doing their morning excerises and the 10AM Thai Airways flight to Bangkok.

    Just look for a building with a flashing red light on the roof .

    Scarey place to live and I am sure that the air quality there is nasty as well but heaven if you are a deaf plane spotter.

  5. I heard from a reliable source that the reason that the area will be closed for so long is that they are waiting for a specific contractor to do the job .

    The Company in question is responsible for the laying of those beautiful red and grey crazy paving cement tiles all along Sukhumvit Road in Bangkok and also in some places here in CM.

    Rumour has it that by just laying the tiles on sand and by not using any form of cement it can benifit the local economy enormously.

    Dry cleaners / launderies in that area saw a dramatic increase in the amount of trousers they took in with squidgy mud marks on the legs from where the water under the tiles squirted up the legs of the person who walked on the tile and at least 3 passers by.

    Local hospitals also reported a noticable increase in ankle injuries also associated with these wobbley tiles .

  6. So ............... does anybody know where I can get my hands on some of this " Panda Porn " ?

    Does it come from China or is it locally made .

    My guess is that it starts off with the arrival of the Bamboo delivery guy and then after a few minutes his buddy arrives , a large black bear and then the action really takes off .

    Thousands of questions cross my mind now :

    Is the 69 position a lucky or unlucky number for a Chinese panda .

    Can anyone translate " Whose yeer daddy baby " into panda talk ?

    Are the Pandas Bear Assed in the movie .........

    Enuff now

  7. Yes

    I was in the city yesterday in Chiangmai Scam and felt a distinct brief shudder around that time .

    Window / door rattled and I thoght it was the wind but then I also felt it in the floor .

    And I thought I was going clazy !!

  8. Perhaps after 328 beers and a few bangs to the head with a durian I might be persuaded to try Greek , but as a sober individual I wouldnt consider it in a million years.


    You're obviously not from Melbourne are you..Mate, you don't know what your missing. Sensational if done right. :D

    Hmmmmmmmm , I was not referring to the food Austhaied by the way . But glad to hear that the the folks in Melbourne seem to " do it right " and that its " sensational " . :D

  9. " An expert confirmed that it was unlikely that Pichet would accidentally chop off his thumb while cooking "

    I didnt know that an expert in cooking accidents actually existed .

    I have seen my local somtham lady nearly loose the top of her thumb into my dinner while cutting up some tomato and watching tv at the same time.

    I will be sure to tell her to get it insured as it could be worth upto 16 Million Baht.

  10. Suspect "Finnish" is being even drier.

    Seems he got Thai-ed of us though. Perhaps he will reveal more tomorrow.

    My other favoutite question in Chaingmai is " Hello, Chiang Mai sausage ? " .... To which I reply while gesturing " Keep it in your pants mate ".

    And finally ...............something to ponder tonight , if you dont have a foot ( 12 inches ) to have massaged , is it possible to negotiate a discount of say 50% off ( or more ) ?

  11. How about points for counting the most staff asleep behind the clothes racks in Robinsons and bonus points if you can get through a meal and out the door without the staff asking you if you are Finnish ?

    They are saying, "Are you finish ?" :D because they'd like to get back to sleep.

    Or do you wear a special T-shirt :o ?

    ARE you Finnish ??

    Not Finnish but every Staff member in every Restaurant keeps asking me if I am .

    Given your username, It must be a confusing conversation.

    You Finnish? (Thinks of ThaiVisa username), "yes I am!", Plate with your 500 baht steak disappears with the waitress!

    Dangerous username!


    A name chosen to reflect my pet peeve when I go out to eat .

    I am not finnish and deffinately not a Pimp either .

    Paw Laos = Finished / enuff ?

    Paw Laos also means , depending on the tone = Pimp

    I love the Thai Language .

  12. How about points for counting the most staff asleep behind the clothes racks in Robinsons and bonus points if you can get through a meal and out the door without the staff asking you if you are Finnish ?

    They are saying, "Are you finish ?" :D because they'd like to get back to sleep.

    Or do you wear a special T-shirt :o ?

    ARE you Finnish ??

    Not Finnish but every Staff member in every Restaurant keeps asking me if I am .

  13. Yippieeeeeee , my first posting and I know its been answered a thousand times .

    I have read all the previous postings but the lists I have seen here and on the embassy websites are not that great.

    Can anyone give me a good personal recommendation based on experience for a Lawyer in Chiangmai . E-mail me if you want . I have visited a few offices and either been chased around the room by cockroaches or been forced to sit in child sized seats while the receptionist gets on the phone and says the word " Farang " a thousand times to her boss.

    English speaking , Real Estate knowledge and a semi respectable office


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