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  1. My apologies.... while the lights are not suspended by wires they are indeed suspended and placed in the middle of the intersections or just entering the intersections by a large extended pole. Such as in this pic where this question evolved. Who has the right of way here, me in my truck (with the dashcam) about to turn left, or the oncoming white truck which is about to turn right? NOTE: Both light directions were solid green, no arrows.
  2. You should get out more often.
  3. Duhhhh... do you know how to use Google Street View?
  4. Thanks for all the useless stupid answers. Seeing some replies makes me understand that it's not the Thais that have problems following the road rules but foreigners as well. Some of you need to get out of your little shell sometime and get around, there's many intersections in Thailand that have a traffic light hanging right in the middle of the intersection and many do not use green arrows.
  5. Not the same scenario I described..... "The light is green in both directions," No stopping prior to the intersection. So, what does the good Thai law state then?
  6. Nice BS useless answer...... thx for wasting time posting it. BTW, traffic is already flowing. "I'm asking in regards to Thailand rules/law." Not opinions.....
  7. I'm guessing this has been discussed before but I find the 'search' function isn't always the greatest so I'll ask: The light is green in both directions, who has the 'right of way', the driver turning left at the intersection or the driver turning right? (Yes, I'm asking in regards to Thailand rules/law.)
  8. How about having enough intelligence to proofread or have someone verify a translation. Typo or not, who knows....a reputable business would have their menu and pricing accurate..... Business 101
  9. 1,000 grams for THB .... I doubt it.... misprint?
  10. ...and yet another boring tax thread that I will not be reading
  11. I suggest starting your day by taking some bong hits and stop worrying about the silly little things that you have no right to try and control...... If anything try preaching to the Thais about what a trash can is and stop littering..... or be safe and wear a helmet..... or stop talking on the phone while driving...... or pick up your dog's <deleted>....
  12. I buy mine fresh locally...... https://www.facebook.com/people/FRESHs-COCOA/100082999613292/
  13. Perhaps you need to up your dose and take a few more bong hits? NOTE: I don't disagree about the biased refereeing but the rest is waaaaaaaaaaaay out there!
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