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    Chiang Mai & Surin

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  1. Ramblings..... you got that part right!
  2. It's really sad is that you're using AN to find, promote, or review a restaurant.
  3. 'Cold' is more of a personal feeling... to me it's not cold unless it's well below freezing. However some, and most Thais, think it is cold when it's 20C.
  4. I had the exact same issue when I installed the mobile app just last month. I had to actually go into the branch to get the app to work and going home shortly thereafter I attempted to login on my PC like I had done many times before successfully and I couldn't. I can't recall the exact cause but a quick call to Customer Service resolved the issue. Both have been working like a champ since. I suggest to call CS despite having previous poor service.
  5. Home schooling is now an excuse....can't get any funnier than that... Pssst... I as well as many I know weren't home schooled.
  6. Move then.....duhhhh Excuses...Excuses....Excuses I'm still blaming The Lottery Comissions...
  7. That all sounds nice and peachie but first it starts at home. Teach your children about respect and family values. The world has lost the basics and are glued to their phones too much to actually see with their own eyes with what is going on with the world today.
  8. The only thing Jimmy Kimmel was good for was 'girls jumping on trampolines'.
  9. Because they like you and your striking personality.
  10. Not from my experience. I did extensions, both marriage and retirement, and it wasn't the same for me every time and some of those times were with the same officer. Ex: Sometimes I would need a hand drawn map done right there and other times just a copy of a previously drawn one was good enough.... One time I was required to show my US 1040 tax return for that year.. That request was only once. Some times they want EVERY SINGLE PAGE of my passport copied and other times just a few pages. Without going into all the details I can honestly tell you that CM wasn't always EXACTLY the same for me.
  11. I see some of this has been stated before....and yet some folks just don't understand. .......so let me say this again: Immigration offices vary, so what is required varies. Get used to it and just do as they request. Immigration officers may have different requirements. Get used to it and just do as they request. Lastly, just because it's the same office and even the same officer doesn't mean requirements won't change from one time to the next when wanting to do the exact same thing. Golden rule: TIT
  12. Why you selling anything, you're so rich just give it away.
  13. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 104 seconds  
  14. Wow, I didn't know that I was bickering with Elon Musk, sorry. UNCLE......

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