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Posts posted by Artey

  1. Let me share my feedback about the HighSpeedThai system.

    Before I started the program I had done a little self study and also completed a short course at a university in Thailand. After completing this university course, my tones were not good, I could not read Thai and my vocab was too small to be useful.

    I then started with HighSpeedThai. So far I have completed around 45 lessons and I have learnt a great deal. Now my tones and pronunciation are MUCH better. I can read Thai quickly. I can understand and take part in day-to-day conversation. Recently I have been working 14 hour days at work so have not had much time to learn Thai. But I can assure you that if you complete the lessons you will learn and you will learn quickly. I hope to get back to my studies ASAP.

    I have recommended the product to many of my friends will keep on doing so.

    The program consists of the PDF, audio exercises and Anki exercises. The PDF explains the concepts and tells you what files to open. I had no trouble completing the lessons.

    I feel the program is very well thought-out and structured. If you spend some time with the program, follow the instructions there is no way you can not learn.

  2. Any one know any place where i can learn some muay thai in Huay kwang, ratchada soi 17 area? Preferably a place where they can speak a bit of english.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  3. Moving to pattaya for 1-3 months next month, and i need good fast reliable internet.

    I've been using CAT cmda in Chiangmai, and AIS 3G in Bang Saen, however neither of these will work at faster then EDGE/GPRS speeds in pattaya.

    I know every apartment has their own internet, but my experice with these is it's always too congested and pretty slow.

    I've seen lots of hotspots around in pattaya where u can call the number and sign up with them, but again most of these r usually pretty crappy too.

    Someone mentioned that 3BB (TT&T) r offering some kind of internet without having to need a phone line (through their own hotspots possibly), but this doesnt sound accurate at all.

    Anyone have any idea's?

    P.S. i was looking at staying in either Naklua or Pattaya Tai area, but nothing decided, all depends on what internet i can get.

  4. ive used it and am still currently using it, and to be honest its probably the best self learning thai product i've ever tried. it taught me to read and write thai fairly quickly, which i found very difficult using the other ones like the Thai for Beginners by Benjawan Becker. U never really realise how much of a difference it makes being able to read, until u can, and then u wonder how u lived without it.

    Also the vocab lessons are made quite well, and i found it really easy to pick up new vocab quickly AND still be able to remember it later.

    Anyway, thats just my 2 cents.

    Also i completely agree with most the posts above, that if ur planing to be spending more then few months in thailand, to at least make an effort to learn thai. It really makes a huge difference with daily life and ur interactions with others.

  5. Just looked on Google maps, they have 3 possible routes to go from CM to BKK, via router 1, router 11 and route 304. It says route 1 is the fastest and shortest distance, but my experience with google maps has been for thailand it's not always the most accurate.

    Can anyone confirm the route 1 is the best route to take?

  6. solution is simple, obviously she uses internet dating websites to find people like ur friend. so have another friend (with some more common sense) sign up to Thai love links, or some of the other common ones, search for her (ur friend should still have her profile details from before), add her, pretend to be her next victim, except this time actually make sure u meet her first, also make sure before confronting her u get all her info like her parents address, etc. so when u confront her u can try using that as leverage to try and get ur money back. Done.

    However, i very much doubt ur friend will ever see a single satang of the 40k.

    But if he does track her down, it will make for a good story, so please keep us posted :)

  7. The same thing happened to me and a friend a few years back at Spicy, ordered 1 beer, paid with 500, waiter came back with 40 in the little black cover, when my friend took the money out and saw it was only 40 change, he quickly put the money back in the cover before the waiter could close it, and gave the waiter a puzzled look.

    The waiter immediately put the other 400 which he was holding in his other hand back into the black cover and handed it to my friend again.

    An obvious scam by the waiter, hoping we were either too drunk to realise or didn't remember how much was given.

    It didn't work on us, but i fear it probably works enough times to make it worth their while.

  8. Hey all,

    I wanted to get cruise control installed in my second hand Toyota, this is a simple thing to do as i've had it done before in Australia, its just like having an alarm installed, comes in a kit.

    However all the places ive gone to, doesn't seem to even know that its possible to have it installed, let alone even sell the units.

    Anyone had this done?


  9. I have an excercise bike that i'm not using anymore, i've sent u a message about it already.


    My girlfriend had an ACL replacement and someone recommended using an exercise bike as part of her physio.

    Looking for either advice on

    where to get a new/used exercise bike (stationary bicycle) or someone that has one they aren't using.

    Thought I'd ask on her before going on a mission round Chiang Mai!

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  10. I remember seeing them in the exact same place, about a month ago, at around 3am too, i didn't have a helmet and neither did my farang friend on another bike, we slowed down, but they just looked at us and let us pass. Good thing too, as we had both consumed a few beverages. I had no idea they had RBT outside of BKK, better avoid that part of the moat at the end of the months.

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