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Posts posted by geistfunke

  1. This BS mantra about Thai economy going downhill because of the global economy has to stop.

    Thailand's neighbours seem to be doing quite well, especially Vietnam by all accounts.

    The Thai economy is in a hole because Thailand has an incompetent and repressive military government who committed treason on it's way to stealing power from an elected government.

    I'm not an economist but it doesn't seem to be any more complicated than that really.


    I can agree, the last 2 years our export from Thailand to EU was more and more difficult because of new Thai-regulations, new Thai paper work, new before-export costs in Thailand. The EU and our customers are NOT the problem. The problem is only INSIDE Thailand. So now we have to cover losses for 2 years. At the moment we are not optimistic.

  2. Should you revert back to win 7 or 8 and not want win 10

    go to Ultimate Outsiders website.


    They wrote,,,,,

    GWX Control Panel is the easiest way for users of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 to protect their computers from Windows 10. With GWX Control Panel you can: Remove the "Get Windows 10" icon that appears in your notification area, prevent your Windows Update control panel from upgrading your computer to Windows 10, prevent your computer from secretly downloading Windows 10 installation files, detect and remove the hidden Windows 10 installation files if they're already on your PC, optionally monitor your computer for unwanted Windows 10-related settings and files- and beginning with version 1.7 you can now easily delete some hard-to-remove program files that are known to cause Windows 10 upgrades and annoyances.

    Thank you very much, was exactly also my problem ;-)

  3. Back in the Stone Age has certainly nothing to do with decency. It is only uncontrolled hatred. That's no way to a better future.

    I strongly suggest you get the book or the movie titled "A Time To Kill".

    If you're human, it will change your beliefs. It's a true story you need to see or read.


    I cannot say it is one of the greatest books I have ever read. I cannot condone what the father did, since he shot the innocent police officer. I found how Grisham downplayed the shooting of the cop to be a major omission of the book. The only justified homicide to me is in a self-defense situation. If the father had shot the men in the act of attacking his daughter, then I would have felt his actions justified. He did not even wait for the trial to play out before he decided to be judge, jury, and executioner.

  4. Shame to everybody who is writing comments here without the notice that it is NOT correct human behavior to beat a man senseless.

    Not only the Thais crazy, a lot of the Thai Visa folk is nothing better.

    If it was your 7 year old daughter, I think your attitude would change

    I have a daughter and sure I would not ask a Mob to beat the man senseless. Every comment in favour of the mob is reflecting to the person attitude. Shame to the Thai mob and shame to every pro comment.

  5. Imprisonment on remand (1-2 years) and a verdict of not guilty should be a valid reason, but it isn't.

    Can you provide a link or article that states this?

    Google can not answer all questions, for some information you have to find it out yourself or listen to the experience of others. It's a rare case, bcs. usually the verdict after Imprisonment on remand is guilty and you will be deported. But if you are not guilty, I guess now you will be banned anyway....

  6. Are they complaining about the proposal to regulate the use of GM crops that increases yield, profit and reduces the need for pesticide?

    Whereas road safety kills and maims thousands. Corruption impedes development. Free speech oppresses initiative. Rampant nepotism promotes idleness. Protectionism kills competitiveness. Why aren't they up in arms about real issues?

    You are showing your ignorance again. GMO's DO NOT increase yields, all they do is increase costs for the farmer.

    As to your other point - they lead to massive INCREASES in herbicide use as they build in resistance to herbicides in the crops (that's the whole idea of them), so that they can be soaked in carcinogenic glycophosphate (roundup) with only the weeds being killed. This worked for a short time, until, as they scoffed at reports that stated that the weeds would build up resistance to roundup - guess what happened? they developed into 'super weeds' with resistance to roundup and approximately 60% of the US's farmland has 'super weeds' now which is a massive problem for the farmers as they cannot get rid of them as they crowd out the crops.

    Serves the US right, they have a history of 'calling the wrong shots' and having things blow up in their face!! The farmers in Thailand must win the war against these 'frankenseeds' and ban them for good.


    2015 Russia decided to stop the use of genetically modified food. Now Russia is able to become the largest world supplier of healthy, ecologically clean and high-quality food which the Western producers have long lost, especially given the fact that demand for such products in the world market is steadily growing. I think Russia will supply the world with healthy, organic food soon and I can only hope that Thailand will join them.

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