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Posts posted by robsamui

  1. You see this Thailand's great sadness (and weakness) they just are so arrogant. They firmly believe they do it 'best' and don't need assistance - and, of course, are frightened what a truly free and fair election - monitored - would reveal. If there is nothing to hide - what's the problem?


    An emerging nation works in exactly the same way as an idiot. Both are aware they they exist. Both think they are smart. But an idiot, by definition is just too stupid to realise that he's not smart. Likewise this insular and plutocratic country proudly regards itself as the Einstein of the known universe.

    Which is saying very little as compared to their known universe - Laos, Myanmar, Kampuchea, then the Thai nation is assuredly superior - in the same way that grade 4 schoolchildren are superior to kids in grade 3.

    Thailand is a nation of children who are approaching the end of their elementary ('primary' in the UK) schooling. They are top dogs, cock of the walk, the big boys and smarter, bigger and untouchable on their own playground and with legions of smaller kids looking up to them. But can you remember what it was like when you went up to high school? To go from being the total bees knees to being the smallest and most stupid frog in the pond? Being laughed at or totally ignored? Feeling panicked, inadequate, lost and stupid out in the gigantic and scary playground with thousands of others and with you being little and lost, bottom of the pile?

    Three hundred years ago Siam segregated the foreigners for very different reasons: they'd never seen any before and were suspicious. Today they alienate foreigners and pretend that farangs are unimportant and disposable because of Thailand's fear of them. In the last few decades the Thai nation has become the oldest kids on it's own elementary playground - the arrogant and cocky big boys - and that's just how they like it. They've now seen over the fence into the gigantic playground where the rest of the world has its high school and it scares the sh*t out of them. They don't want to change. Their nationalistic lips are trembling with panicky tears at the thought of being forced to leave Grade School and go off to a place where they are half the size of everyone else, physically, emotionally and intellectually and technologically.

    And so they strut and flap from the security of their little school playground trying to shoo away the curious big boys on the other side of the fence, brave enough where they stand to shout insults and desperate enough to cling for their life to the playground fence, in the sheer dread that it might be collapsing.

    The divide will collapse; it has to. Eventually. And the sad thing is that when it eventually does then those who are stupid, too stupid to realise how stupid they actually are, and thoughtlessly, instinctively, believe they are smart, will find an even bigger gap to bridge and with even bigger and smarter boys with far scarier toys than there used to be.

    Which is why Thailand clings for grim death to what it has and knows, often appearing ridiculous to the rest of the world - and bleats about the sanctity of 'culture' and how precious it is. They are floundering on the edge of the modern world (which is oozing in torrents into their culture) but they are scared stiff to embrace it.


  2. I think I've got this right - put me straight if not .....

    Some fool of a govt spokesman, in a third world country where the majority of the population is illiterate, proudly informs the world that the capital city plans to become a world book capital?

    BOOK capital?

    (Maybe it's a mis-print and he meant to say BOOM - as in boom-boom ...? Now that would make some sense ...)

    The sad thing is the twirp who spoke these lines probably believes it.


  3. What has...

    "... Thaksin's office was unavailable for comment on Sunday."

    ... got to do with the topic????? blink.gif

    In the news arcticle: "Thaksin Chiamthong, director of the academic resources division of the Army Reserve Command, told the paper." :whistling:

    What the hell do they want 100,000 new recruits for ?? thats 50 recruits per GENERAL.:lol:

    Pay volunteers 2,000 bht a month more than a soldier gets--hey no more dip time(lottery) playing with kids lives, when hell of a lot of them have got a family/good work/happy only have that spoilt by this antiquated system that died out 30 years ago in many countries.

    PAY em...stop the April fools day ritual.

    Conscription disappeared over half a century ago in my country, and we still go to war or to defend a nations people (Libya recently). So why I ask does this country need a 100,000 conscripts a year when they dont send many armed personnel anywhere, apart from the occasional spat over temples.

    Just another thing that discriminates against the poorer people while the better off opt out attending Uni. It would be understandable if these boys came out with any skills eg mechanic, electrician etc but they come out with sod all but indoctrination. While the army is running this country it makes sense to remove 100,000 potential enemies off the street every year. Training 100,000 conscripts to fire rifles every year may just come back to bite them on the arse when this Plutocracy collapses...and it will collapse...eventually

    I wonder if anyone in the dizzy heights of Army administration has sat down and thought this one through . . . separate sleeping quarters - separate showers - mirrors needed everywhere - and that's not even contemplating the howls and shrieks when a fingernail gets broken or an eyelash is lost . . :passifier:


  4. Mattcodes:

    "Bangkok airways is a business, they took a punt and invested heavily in the airport and are now reaping the rewards, maybe the access costs prices other airlines out the market but given BKK air run a full scheduled from USM-BKK even during quite periods they are surely are entitled to profit from it."


    "And why do you think their is lack of competition? Someone forget to compete? Why does Air Asia or X-Budget-Carrierr who can tap a lot more finance than BKK Air not build an airport (forget the rumours) or buy into USM in a big way (beyong access fees)? Risk! And for risk you need reward = profit."


    "No matter how you try to sugarcoat it, the only reason that BKK Air can charge what they do is because of lack of competition."


    "it's been mentioned that bangkok airways hike the price up to recuperate the initial investment in the airport. fair enough - a couple of hundred THB per fare is fine......a couple of thousand THB per fare is a joke."


    "Now they have the monopoly, they're milking it to the max."

    What nobody has mentioned anywhere here is that BA made an agreement back in the mid 90s to build the airport as long as they retained the monopoly and also agreed some kind of tax exemption (details unknown) - neither of which I can support with hard facts but it seemed to be a general topic of conversation everywhere on Samui back then.

    I have always believed this to be the case. But after 14 or 15 years of benefits, concessions, and millions, billions, even, of baht in exit taxes I am positive that the investment has now long-since been recovered. The same family own a great deal of real estate on Samui including several premium hotels. My thinking is that they are influential enough to keep things as they are for a very long time to come.

    Hey ho.


  5. I have it on impeccable authority that earlier this week there was a meeting between the THA (Thai Hotels Association, SE Chapter Samui) and the (if I have it correctly) Vice President (?) of BA - here on Samui. One of the big-wigs anyway.

    After one hour of being bombarded by protests and discontent the meeting ended with the rep waving his arms in the air and saying " I know I know but what can I do? I'm just an employee like most of you here!"

    I believe that the owners of BA are completely aware of the situation and - guess what - they don't give a flying <deleted>.


  6. It isn't just Chawang though. Look at the nice new shopping complex near the big Buddha market. The last time I passed there wasn't a shop open yet it has been finished for a while now.

    Greedy landlords wanting ridiculous key money and expensive monthly rents.

    Luckily I have a rare breed of Thai landlord who understands business and doesn't insist of rent rises every 3 years and no key money changed hands. :D

    It isn't just Samui though. Before Samui and before Phuket I lived in Pattaya. And already during that time there were enormous building complexes completely empty. Interested people asked and hoped for some discounts, but no can do at all....so buildings stayed empty all the time...

    Yep, as stated this is a national trait.


  7. I know that the Thai Hotels Association (THA) would be absolutely furious and would bring pressure to bear immediately. (Currently they have a strong influence with the local government as well as other concerned Thai owners.)

    I'll send you a PM with some names ...


  8. And that's without considering face. Witness the Thai bar owner who would rather blow up his own speakers than have the farang bar next door with louder sounds. He has the same face-set as the owner who won't drop his rental prices lower than his neighbours in the same street.


    Just to add to this I have a (farang) friend who has bought three houses on a small development as investments. He was renting these out (up till 2 years ago) at 25,000 a month each. He's now had to drop his price to 12,500B a month simply to keep them full for 10 months a year. Most of the other houses in the street are owned by Thais who (my friend tells me) are laughing their heads off at the way this farang has lost status and debased himself. When he points out that their houses have been standing empty for a year they just grin and shake their heads.


  9. How many of those Gaffs that the OP is talkign about do you reckon would be " owned/rented " by people coming here wanting to live the dream though ??

    A relatively small amount i'd say, i know the Israeli couple & their young Daughter next door to Murphy's with a Fashion Shop that i assume the Missus designs the Clobber, the rest i'd say was a mixture of Thai/Nepal/Indian/Big ish Brands..

    It's just astronomican greed by the intial Landowners that cause that Bottle of Beer to be 100 - 120 THB i'm afraid..

    & it simply isn't justified in teh slightest.

    It is not merely greed, although I'm sure that's a part of it. I think it is the utter lack of awareness of basic economics and the laws of supply and demand, which Thai people demonstrate generally, much to the utter bewilderment of us whities. (As LaoPo has already pointed out.)

    Witness 20 stalls in a row by the side of the highway, every single one of them selling oranges. Witness bungalow resorts in low season putting their prices up because they have no money coming in. Witness the (now defunct) mini supermarket close to the Bo Phut lights which was so successful that two other supermarkets got opened right alongside - and then they all wondered why they weren't making any money. Witness Samui seeing an 8-10% increase in visitors each year and an overall increase in residential construction of 25% a year. Witness beach sellers trying to sell the things they like (maps of Thailand and hats made out of beer cans) instead of working out what might be wanted or needed (cold drinks, ice-cream, sun creams, peace and quiet etc).

    (I think that much of all this is also rooted in the fact that most Thai people live in an isolated bubble with no awareness of the world outside their borders and the way it works.)

    And that's without considering face. Witness the Thai bar owner who would rather blow up his own speakers than have the farang bar next door with louder sounds. He has the same face-set as the owner who won't drop his rental prices lower than his neighbours in the same street.

    When you wrap up the two aspects together and you get something that's beyond farang understanding - this farang anyway!


  10. OK if you come out of Chaweng at the Lamai end and turn left, opposite the big motorbike shop is a small Dry cleaners.

    let me know if they are any good I need to put my feather pillows in.

    Thanks for the info - I've been waiting for a reply as I'm in the same boat!


  11. Thanks for all the info. (although I'm not sure why msignh bothered to post). Apparently, the cost of drinks are not too bad, provided you don't buy them for the ladies (or looks-like-a-lady).:whistling:

    As for scams, every place I've been too (over 42 countries), seem to have their own local 'rip-offs', that locals know how to avoid and tourists don't. I know you are not allowed to name places (bars, etc) to stay out of, but I'm sure many expats have learned the hardway some of the more common scams that abound on the island.


    :jap: RickThai

    The most universal scam and the hardest to hang on to is when 3 or 4 guys hit the bar. They have a drink each and buy two lady drinks. Then another round etc. Etc. Etc. And unless one of you has been keeping a running total, then none of you know what has been consumed, by whom, and at what price. Expect to have a big chunk of fantasy added to your final bill!

    I was so incensed by this happening in one of the (old) round bars (FIVE long island teas on our bill from out of nowhere an extra 1,800B) that I paid the bill, went and got my big army jeep and drove in, rammed the bar and waited to be arrested.

    Owner wanted 20,000B compensation. I said NO and that I would wait for my lawyer to fly in from BKK in the morning - where can I sleep please?

    After 2 hours I agreed to pay 1,000B (for loss of face, more than anything else). I was most happy with that. AND - I went back for a drink the following night. Like it was normal and nothing had happened. Face deffo not lost!


    Seems to have killed the topic, then.

    That's what you do when miffed - OK?


  12. "The Playboy mascot has become one of a galaxy of brands loved by Thai consumers, said anthropologist Olivier Evrard.

    You don't have to walk far before you see little girls wearing Playboy t-shirts, but then you can also see them wearing Nazi Swastika t-shirts because it is so "cool".

    Whoever accused Thailand of being sensitive to foreign opinion...."

    You are aware that the Swastika is one of the holiest symbols of Bhuddism, representing the heart of the Buddha?

    The use of it in Asia, has nothing to to do with Nazism at all. That is only in the mind of those like you who are willing to let the nazis keep

    the symbols they for a very short period stole.

    Only if you are visually impaired or suffer from lateral inversion. The Buddhist symbol is the mirror image of the Nazi swastika.


  13. Thanks for all the info. (although I'm not sure why msignh bothered to post). Apparently, the cost of drinks are not too bad, provided you don't buy them for the ladies (or looks-like-a-lady).:whistling:

    As for scams, every place I've been too (over 42 countries), seem to have their own local 'rip-offs', that locals know how to avoid and tourists don't. I know you are not allowed to name places (bars, etc) to stay out of, but I'm sure many expats have learned the hardway some of the more common scams that abound on the island.


    :jap: RickThai

    The most universal scam and the hardest to hang on to is when 3 or 4 guys hit the bar. They have a drink each and buy two lady drinks. Then another round etc. Etc. Etc. And unless one of you has been keeping a running total, then none of you know what has been consumed, by whom, and at what price. Expect to have a big chunk of fantasy added to your final bill!

    I was so incensed by this happening in one of the (old) round bars (FIVE long island teas on our bill from out of nowhere an extra 1,800B) that I paid the bill, went and got my big army jeep and drove in, rammed the bar and waited to be arrested.

    Owner wanted 20,000B compensation. I said NO and that I would wait for my lawyer to fly in from BKK in the morning - where can I sleep please?

    After 2 hours I agreed to pay 1,000B (for loss of face, more than anything else). I was most happy with that. AND - I went back for a drink the following night. Like it was normal and nothing had happened. Face deffo not lost!


  14. Dinner for 2, nice place -- 3k

    Drinks and show --- 2k

    Street food for one with 2 bottles of Chang from 7-11 130Baht

    Go out alone and meet a nice girl --- start with the 5k listed first --- then add in the chance of your camera, phone, cc's, passport, laptop etc if you are drunk and stupid enough ;)

    Not really as a response to this mail, but it got me to write, that i got robbed by some local ladyboys at a club.. They took my money, phone.. and my powder!!! thank god they left my lip gloss, I guess they didnt see that one in my bag. But anyway, from couple of beers from seven for starters... to couple of buckets in the bar (around 300 baht - buy one get one free in some bars).. usually takes about 1,000 baht for a night out. But as you're a guy, you might have to double that... (and sometimes i can lessen, hih.)

    So it's not only the guys that they screw - so to speak. Bad luck if this was a first-timer - generally the LBs bond with the females and take them under their wing, gaining (no doubt) face from being around a real woman. Bitch bout UR powder. (We talking face not nasal?)


  15. You know it makes sense Rob. :o

    Wearing a helmet is going to save you money in the end one way or another.

    It is going to save you 500 baht a time every time they pull you over or it is going to save you a shed load of cash in very expensive hospital bills. ;)

    Despite evidence to the contrary I would partly disagree with you here.

    Let's put it this way. When I came to Thailand one of the things I had shipped over was an expensive full-face Shoei helmet. This weighed three or four pounds and was heavy until on your head, when it transformed into a padded, balanced dream. (It simply disappeared from my bike one afternoon - I wonder why ...)

    But the helmets on sale here for 200 baht are really no protection at all. Even just dropping them onto concrete splits them. In an accident where there would by enough direct impact to the head (rather than just scraping along the ground) to warrant being protected by a helmet, then these plastic jokes would do no good. You might as well be wearing an aluminium ice bucket on your head.

    Additionally, out of the hundreds of accidents I've seen her involving motorbikes the winner is severe loss of skin - sometimes also shaving the underlying bone. This happens on elbows and legs. The second is accompanied by broken bones, divided more or less equally between hands/feet and legs. I've only ever twice seen head injuries ... (but with a good helmet that didn't break or fall off even this probably wouldn't have happened.)

    I think it would be far more appropriate for bikers to wear elbow and knee pads like skateboarders do - at least long trousers/shirts. I wince every time I see visitors in swimwear on motorbikes. I have an intuitive feeling that the Ring Road enjoys being fed its diet of scraped flesh and all this bare skin is calling out to it - summoning it - provoking it to add a bit more sand on the next corner or to suddenly pop open another pothole in front, just in order for it to get another tasty morsel of road-smear.

    But that's just my opinion ...



  16. Not actually finished as there is still a couple of places where the concrete road has only once side of it laid but ...

    It's now possible to take a bike up and over all the way from Soi 1 to Buddies. A bit hairy in places and absolutely no good for travelling unsober at night as there are drop-offs and no lighting. Hopefully the trucks will stay put as they won't handle the climbs but as for the rest of us ....

    :welcomeani::burp::guitar::w00t::thumbsup::guitar: :guitar: :w00t::guitar::welcomeani:

  17. To my mind Photoshop is the least intuitive and most heavyhanded of all the graphic editors. Its continued and universal popularity is that it knits seamlessly with the other Abobe products that are universally used in pro graphic design studios.

    So the first question is in two parts. What sort of graphic image manipulation are you wanting to learn how to do?

    And second, why do you need Photoshop? Why use the most difficult and elaborate image manipulator in the world, when as a beginner, there are other programs that are far easier to use and do an almost identical job - apart from such things as the choice of metric or Imperial kerning or colour-correction matching between monitor and printer and the final output format to the print shop ...

    I've been using a different image editor for almost 20 years and everyone simply assumes I created my designwork and images in Photoshop - I let them continue in this belief ...

    Your request is something like a yearning to learn to drive in a Formula 1 car so that you will then later be able to go shopping in your Honda Civic. If you are planning to later prepare your own manipulated artwork as CYMK colour separations for output via offset-litho then perhaps you may need to spend a year or two becoming proficient with Photoshop. Anything less than that then it's like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

    (Simple graphics here created with a much much easier program.)




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