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Posts posted by teatree

  1. Sadly, it seems the murder of Jo Cox has swung the vote firmly in Remain's favour. They have capitalized on the murder - 'never let a serious crisis go to waste', as Rahm Emanuel once said.

    The Remain campaign has flung its usual mud at the Brexiters, but this time they have managed to make it stick, due to the public feeling emotional about recent events. Brexit supporter = Nazi, Racist, Xenophobe, blah, blah blah.

    It's a pity but the referendum will be decided by hearts not brains.

  2. Also a citizen of anyone of those EU countries can without any problems, bring into the UK,their wife/partner

    Even if she is a citizen of a non-EU country. Basically that makes you as a British passport holder a second class citizen.

    that is correct but you can't blame the EU for discriminating British rules and regulations.

    But it is because of the unlimited migration into the UK from the EU that has lead to such discriminating rules for non EU spouses.

  3. Looks like a boy dressed as a girl to me very masculine face. If he is male even if he says he is more female than male he should not be in a female team in my point of view anyway

    That's one of the reasons they eat hormones (he doesn't), is to soften their features and grow little breast. The downside is, it can make them tired all the time and gain too much weight if not careful. It's a balancing act.

    His face and body is a dead give away that he's 100% a male not on any hormones whatsoever.

    I briefly dated a trans years back when I was young and curious. It was eye opening. Yea, some actually believe they are woman, but many don't. They are just confused and are flamboyant gay men seeking attention. Seeing them in their private life would tell you everything you need to know about them. Men are men and long hair and a dress won't hide that, no matter how feminine you try to make your voice. But those who really believe they are woman, that shows too, in every aspect. Some that I have met are trans because their family would dress them like a girl when they were a child so they figured that's what they are supposed to do. Very confused people, some of them.

    Ice moved to Alaska from Thailand just a couple of years ago. Living in the real world, I'd love to see him 5 years from now and see if he's living as a male or a female. My hunch, based on him currently doing nothing to hormonally change his appearance, is that he'll be a man. Especially after being out of crazy Thailand for a while where his friends probably encouraged his behavior. But who knows, maybe Ice is legit and will have a sexual reassignment surgery in the future and cut off her Willie. THAT is how you truly know they think they are a woman. Unless that commitment is made, I'm sceptical of all of them.

    It is interesting you mention that some male to female trans people became that way because they were dressed up as girls when they were young.

    There is an autobiography written by Walt Heyer, an ex post op male to female transgender (man who became a woman , had genital surgery, and then changed back to being a man) who lived for years as a woman before studying psychology and being able to self analyze. He says that his grandmother dressing him as a girl caused him to develop a disorder and become transgender, in much the same way as you said. Apparently, he would see his grandmother once a week and she would dress him up in girls clothes, heap praise on him and make him feel special.

  4. Transgender means you identify as the gender other than your birth gender. Physical transition is very individualized and is generally a long process. It doesn't necessarily mean ever changing the genitals. Hormone therapy is usual.

    So I could identify that I'm female, wear women's clothes, use the ladies lavatories, wear make up, talk higher pitched, compete in women's sport then every Tuesday night have intercourse with the missus, then her with me, I can do all this in the name of transgender?
    You want to do that? I reckon it's a very serious life changing situation to discover you're a trans woman. You act like it's a trivial whim. Perhaps get educated.

    Imagine you woke up tomorrow with a pair of tits and a vagina. It wouldnt be a joke then, it would probably feel like you were in the wrong body and the rest you can figure out yourselves.

    I would accept who I am and get on with my life. I would still be the same person inside.

  5. Ok then lets use your "logic"

    She beat others earlier in precious lead up comps. Then she failed to win the final.

    Then as you say because she beat others in the lead up comps, she displaced women. These same women who lost to her. What, they are going to take a miracle drug and then win the final comp?

    May the best person win!

    I think you missed the main point of his post - " A "woman" who is genetically a male with the genes and body of a man has an unfair physical advantage over a woman."

    I've nothing against transgenders, but male transgenders should not be allowed to compete as a female.

    Complete BS! If your statement was true why didn't she win?

    Let me help you, because your opinion is a complete false statement.

    Contrary to a poster earlier on in this thread, I believe that the average man is unlikely to beat the top female athletes - hence this transgender only coming 5th.

    But I'm not sure why you think my post is BS and that I'm lying. Do you think I'm lying about having no problem with transgenders?

    I think you are referring to my post.

    I didn't mean an average man could beat a top female athlete, but rather an average pro male athlete would be a superstar pro female athlete.

    Look at the women's 100m and 200m (the events mentioned in the OP) . The records were both set by 'Flo-Jo' (many say with the aid of drugs) with times of 10.49 sec and 21.34 respectively.

    Compare them to athletics records according to age, and the times are beaten by a 15 year old boy in the 100m, with a time of 10.36, and by a 14 year old boy in the 200m, with a time of 21.16.

    So, a 14 year old boy and a 15 year old boy are faster than the greatest female sprinter of all time.

  6. It's an outdated word, referring to an outdated concept - that white people were the most important, and the world revolved around them.

    I can see that some here haven't quite moved on from that era.

    I think your thinking is what is "outdated", the word has NOTHING to do with "that white people were the most important, and the world revolved around them'

    the term "Orient" derives from the Latin word oriens meaning "east." Geez, some people just don't know what they are talking about, but for some very strange reason, still want to show the world just how stupid they are.

    East of where, though?

    I think you're missing the point.

    And the 'West' is west of where?

  7. I am agnostic - - not sure how anyone knows for sure???

    That said, I think everyone should have their own religion, though I think most of us already do - we call it Rationalization...

    sure, imaginary friends are great - I am my own best imaginary friend...

    Don't take this the wrong way, as u gave a nice, honest answer...but don't think the majority of humanity is rational or logical. Fundamental to their superstition is the sad truth.

    Furthermore, are you agnostic about ALL gods...Zeus, Apollo, Allah, Ganesha, etc? There sre thousands. Or just the god flavor of your religion? Yahweh I'm guessing.

    Also, are u agnostic about unicorns or leprechauns or the infamous tiny teapot in orbit at the outter reaches of our solar system? Can't prove they don't exist either, nor Zeus et al. And the hard evidence is prett much equal for all...zero.

    Just something to think about...

    Unless you want to get extremely metaphysical we can say that the universe exists.

    If the universe exists then we can say it was either created by natural forces, or it was created by a conscious entity. There is no way to prove either one of these. Being agnostic is the only logical position.

    You are using Santa Clause logical fallacy when talking about unicorns etc. There isn't a strange phenomenon whereby gifts appear at the foot of children's beds every Xmas. We know who put them there, we know it is the children's parents. If there WAS a strange phenomenon whereby gifts DID appear out of nowhere then perhaps people would believe that Santa exists, but there isn't, so it really isn't the same thing.

    The universe does exist, but we don't know how it came into being, and probably never will.

  8. Very funny to watch Trump and his supporters incite violence and racism and ignorance then act the victim when it all turns to xxxx.

    The regressive left mindset - Anti Trump protesters turn violent (many times during this campaign) and Trump gets blamed. Seems free speech is only for those who agree with the 'liberals'.

    I don't like Trump, but some of the mental gymnastics by some people is simply astonishing.

  9. I think people are becoming way to sensitive nowadays. So many people are offended by words.

    Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can't hurt me.


    It is ok to call a British person a 'Brit', or an Australian an 'Aussie'.

    But it is offensive to call a Japanese person a 'Jap' or a Pakistani a 'Paki'.

    Why? Because Britain and Australia are predominantly white countries and Japan and Pakistan are 'countries of color'.

    The rules need to be applied to all or to none, and anything else is just fueling division and creating conflict where it need not exist.

  10. Yahoo. Good on them.

    I support the continuation of thai street vendors in every way.

    These people are making an honest living for a hard days work.

    Would the rich that want the pavements back rather they were selling drugs and stealing? ??

    Three cheers to the street sellers, the absolute charm of thai culture and life. Suu Suu! !


    I think 'the rich' would not like them to sell drugs and steal, but rather move to another part of the pavement where there is actually room for them to operate without causing a nuisance to people trying to walk.

    We can keep the street life and have common sense and consideration for others at the same time.

  11. for all I loathe red Ken at least he will stand up to the pervasive pro Israel lobby.

    So you agree that Naz Shah's inflammatory proposal to relocate Israel to the United States is actually defensible?

    Well, I find it hateful and atrocious.

    Sure, it's something a nasty obsessive Israel demonizing troll would post on the comments section on the internet.

    But it gets a little different when you're dealing with public officials, don't you think?

    And plenty of Muslims find the creation of Israel and what they consider to be an occupation of Palestinian land as atrocious and indefensible, not I that agree with Shah's comments at all.

    You hold views that others find outrageous, and others hold views that you find outrageous - just live with it.

  12. Good that he feels so safe walking around the street late at night. That is, until it happens to him.. Then his tune will change. Personally, my experience has shown that in most cases a foreigner can smile his way out of most tense situations. I say most because there are times when Thai men simply want to exert some violence. Case in point: I was with my Thai family talking about the water supply using my wife to translate to her father. Out of the blue, the father picked up a large knife used for cutting bananas of the tree and he came at me with blood in his eyes. It was intervened only by my wife and her mother who jumped in front of him. As it turned out, he got angry simply because he didn't like that a foreigner was telling him a more sufficient and modern way to supply water to the house and thought that I should be doing it his way regardless. It didn't matter if I was in the right about it. He was losing face because I would not back down and because he was looking like he was ignorant about this to his family.

    If a Thai is losing face by you or anyone. Run! Violence is the only thing they seem to understand.. Their is no compromise with them and as a foreigner, you are always going to be wrong. Even when you are right.

    Instant psycho...just add lose of face.

  13. Soccer kicking a grandmother in the face while she is down is something that one just never imagines anyone would ever be capable of doing. It is making world news in a hurry and won't be forgotten easily by anyone.

    Yeah, kinda like the 2 teenage Thai boys that kicked the pregnant Thai woman off her bike, breaking her leg. Then proceeded to drag her into the bushes and rape her, even though she begged them to stop because she was pregnant.

    But that story didn't get much play, did it? Guess it wasn't so important as she was merely a Thai.

    Strange how farang seem to prioritise things in their own favour, makes me wanna puke!

    And yeah, I'm English, and not proud of it! Seen enough Brits on the piss to last me a lifetime…

    The attack on the tourists is such big news because there is a video of the attack, and it is very graphic and very disturbing.

    Take away the CCTV footage and the current feeling of disgust and outrage does not exist in the same way.

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