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Posts posted by carlosacao

  1. Good info jaideeguy, thank you. I've read your other post, well.... this is not going to be easy, I guess it takes a hel_l of a foundation to try to avoid the problem and even so, you never know for sure that it will work 100%.

    Ya want more info, then go to the 'do it yourself housing' subforum on thaivisa and read my post on 'cracks in the walls' and you will find out about the results of building on former rice land and not doing it correctly. And it probably is a safe assumption that all land outside the superhiway was rice land in the last decade.

    Best foundations for clay riceland soil is to drive cement piles down into the earth as deep as possible. A bit extra expense in the beginning will save you lots of agony in the future. My 12 yr old house built the wrong way is now full of cracks.....luckily cosmetic and not structural, but unsightly and continuous and no real cure for it. And my house is only one storey......imagine if you build a 2 story house.....the weight concentrated down on a soupy soil [in the wet season] and slowly cracking and mooving shrinking rock in the dry season.

    A satang of prevention is worth a thousand baht of cure.......

  2. Thanks Dmax, good info.

    some people say let the landfill settle for one rainy season before starting build, but others say you can build right away though it depends on foundations etc also obviosly if it was x paddy fields then you couldnt start building right away , im no expert but i just built a house in isaan 3 mths ago - my isaan bungalow parts 1,2,3,4 and i built right away on the landfill though i only filled land with around 10 ",s i think it was also there was a good 20" of grade A beam concrete poured for the floor plus it was only a single story bungalow so highly unlikley to fall down or sink.
  3. Correct, customs will hit you hard and on top of that, shipping agents in Thailand are quite tricky and they'll milk you good (they are often in cajuts with customs police, etc and unless all the paperwork is absolutely perfect you'll have to pay big "tea money"). I'm talking from actual experience.

  4. I would suggest AIS 3G wireless, users seem to be quite happy with it. I had CAT cdma for 7 months and it was only good for the first 2 weeks. You can't trust anything that the phones companies tell you, particularly regarding dates or speed. There was a thread recently about 3BB and the feedback was terrible. Good luck.

  5. I have some gold krugerrand coins from South africa that I wanted to sell when I was in BKK, but could not find any gold shop that accepts them at a fair price, thai gold shops are not familiar with them and will only buy them at a discount of 30 or 40% from the international price.

  6. Thank you David, yes, I'm interested and it would be good to meet her. I sent you a pm. Thanks.


    My wife has never been a secretary, but has good computer skills, has lived in the UK for 4 years, a degree in English from CMU,

    helps with sub editing plays for a UK publisher . . . and I think is looking for a job if the money's enough

    PM me if you'd like to meet her

    We live near Ban Tawai . . .


  7. Behave guys! :):D

    Just one bit of info needed,will she have to take dicktation? :D

    And does she understand English properly, such as; TAKE THIS DOWN, KHUN POOKY?

    You see Mr OP, you should have done this the right way and stuck with the classifieds.

  8. Thank you, I did talk to her but she has transportation issues to make it to Hang Dong.

    Check the Thai Visa classifieds for Chiang Mai. There is a woman advertising a similar skill set for about ten thousand TB per month.

    Not bad looking either! :)

  9. Yes, I know, I can place a free classified ad and I did, but no results and it's important for me to get somebody that is being recommended, particularly by a farang since farangs understand the type of work ethics that we are used to.

    I very much appreciate any recommendation. Thanks. This is what I'm looking for:

    An experienced, active, smart, self motivated secretary with good office and computer skills. Reasonably good English, capable of handling all types of office tasks, familiarity with export and shipping procedures would be a plus, accounting skills would be a big plus. Hang Dong area, Baan Tawai. 089-490-9789 Carlos or send me a pm. Thanks a lot.

  10. I drove in Los Angeles for 25 years, didn't feel that I had to get used to it, felt quite normal for a big city, but I wouldn't drive in Bangkok even if you pay me for it (particularly the heavy traffic areas like Sukhumvit), I now drive in Chiang Mai without problems but it's a lot easier here than in Bangkok. In Los Angeles you have to always watch out for a cop but in Thailand you have to always watch out for the crazy drivers, trucks, motorcycles, motorcycles driving in the wrong direction, etc, etc.

    Given the choice I prefer to watch out for the cops, that wont kill you, will just set you back some money.

    How about hiring a personal driver as your employee?, it's not expensive.

  11. I do often find that if i get too deep about something ( i dont mean personal emotions, i mean talking about an issue im passionate about, or if i see something on the news that i found shocking), my bf will say that i shouldnt think too much. Or that i will get old/get wrinkles if i think too deeply (..and that comment usually results in a bit of a sour stare from me). I also dont mean going on about something monotonously. Often its a passionate reaction to something ive just seen or read. He just says i should be calm. My bf is intelligent and most definitely can talk about deep issues, he has done, but its rare...well, rare past a few fleeting comments. He always says its good not too think too much. Sometimes is frustrating, other times i can see his point. A middle ground would be nice though. Not sure how much of this is a culture thing, or just a male/his thing, but with western men i can usually delve deeper into certain topics (oh, and my bf's understanding of English is excellent, so thats not the barrier).

    Sorry OP, i know this is about how a Thai women reacts to deeper communication, rather than a male, but you touched on something that i have noticed myself.

    I think you are describing a very typical Thai cultural trait (for both males and females). I would not consider it good or bad, just the way most Thais seem to be. I would say that is part of the "mai pen rai" attitude that most people have here and like everything it has a positive and a negative side, you can "mai pen rai" too much and then things never get taken care off and it leads to inaction, or you can think too much and then get easily obsessed and get the wrinkles as they like to say. They certainly seem to have a lot less stress than us, maybe it's the best way, don't know, but I do also feel strongly about many issues or things that I've read or seen and I also felt frustrated about their lack of interest or passion about the issue and frankly, I've never met a Thai (don't mean there are not, just that I never met them myself) that I can talk to about many deep topics that are of high interest to me while at the same time it's a lot easier for me to find westerners that I can discuss those topics with. Lets also not forget that as westerners we come from the cultural mindset of analytical and critical thinking set by the ancient greeks and that's a cultural trait that is definitively foreign to asian culture. I'd be very interested in hearing other TV opinions about this issue and sorry if is off topic, but I think Ekk brought up a very interesting topic.

  12. Random question but does anyone have a used Macbook for sale in or near Chiang Mai?

    Nothing in the classifieds so thought I'd ask :)

    Where can I look for one locally?

    Hi, I've been thinking about selling mine, white macbook, microprocessor Speed: Intel 1.83 GHz, Memory: 1.25 GB,

    hard disk: 160 Gbites, also runs windows and has a lot of software, send me a pm if interested and we talk more.

  13. Hi Carlos.

    Does sound like a far more productive way of sorting it out. Have thought about Hypnotherapy before actually, but the concept makes me a little nervous. However, at this point i seem to be getting nowhere even finding a decent recommended Hypnotherapist, let alone finding the courage to go to one..looks like sources are thin on the ground though sadly.

    Dont like the idea of going to just anyone who may say they offer Hypnotherapy. ..the mind is a fragile thing!

    Hi Eek,

    I agree, it should be someone with good qualifications and recommendations. By the way, it not always works, back in the states, I did try hypnosis once, but it didn't work, the guy said that my mind was too strong. May not be easy to find one in Chiang Mai, have you tried Bangkok? When you get the fear of the heights, can you recall or try to find anything else associated with it that may bring a clue as to why it happens? It's got to be a very clear cut reason as to why, maybe from some old event, etc, don't think it can happen just by itself with no cause. Next time you experience it, maybe you can try to still your mind and go deep within and see if anything else comes out? just ideas. Good luck.

  14. I did do a search, which brought up this thread: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Hypnotist-t1...mp;hl=hypnotist But, this one is focusing on hypnotism and other methods in regards to stopping smoking. So, thought best to make a new thread. (My own personal reason for wanting to go is here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Fear-Heights...76#entry2919576 if that is relevant or not).

    So..does anyone know of good reputable Hypnotists in Chiang Mai?

    If possible an indication of fee(s) would be great also.

    Thank you kindly in advance :)

    Hi Eek, One consideration for when you actually get to see a hypnotists would be to ask what the actual cause of your fears is; they may be able to find out since they go deep into your subconscious mind and if they find the answer, it could fix the problem by itself. Just a thought. Good luck.

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