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Posts posted by newatthis

  1. " “Tell them there must be peace in society if they want an election,” Prayut said. “Whether the election will happen or not isn’t up to me. It’s up to them. And I have already said it will happen in 2019. Stop this already. I’m so tired.”


    Well, if you're tired now, why would you even think about continuing  into the future? Step down, relax, take the weight of your feet, give the job to someone else and get a bridge team going with General Prem and his mates.


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  2. 6 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

    Or you can suck it up and move on with your head held high. Was in a similar situation with an ex but I never considered hurting her and I cannot begin to understand anyone who would but I think there called bitter people.

    My similar experience has taught me that the thoughts are there, but thoughts are just thoughts. It's part of the grieving process caused by betrayal. A bird can land in a tree but you don't have to to allow it to build a nest. And alcohol doesn't help the thought process. Sadly for this couple, he allowed these angry thoughts to fester [caused by her saying "no"  and his imagination running wild] and his response has now robbed the children of both their parents.

  3. 37 minutes ago, sandrew33 said:

    This is simply bullshit. 


    It is true that a large slab of the Thai populace ignores politics and don't really engage at all with the process but anyone who has involved themselves with a broad cross section of Thais would have noticed the strong change in sentiment towards Prayuth and the Junta over the last 12 or so months. 


    And it's at all levels of society. Many prominent and influential Thais have been increasingly openly contemptuous of Prayuth and his mob in all forms of media but particularly their social media. 


    He is currently on the nose and, frankly, if you are living in Thailand and haven't noticed you must be in a bubble. 


    Read Thai social media and even other general Thai media and converse with Thais across the spectrum. It's pretty obvious. Obviously it's easier if you can do that in Thai but even without that it's been evident. 

    You may be right, but I'll bet London to a brick that  they will still acquiesce if he continues as PM.

  4. 10 hours ago, Old Croc said:

    Very much the same! Atherton with his pocket full of dirt was just as premeditated as the Australians and Du Plessis was caught twice. He used a zip sewn onto his trouser pocket to rough up the ball. Very unusual place for a zip and to me very premeditated. Also I'm sure it didn't occur to him on the spur of the moment that the particular lolly he was sucking might make a good shine on the ball! 

    Nothing in your reply changes my mind about hypocrisy. Quite the opposite.


    I don't much like Warner's personality either, but don't consider it part the debate about the disparity in punishment for like offenses. 

    As an Aussie I don't care about the disparities. Let the penalties for Smith, Warner and Bancroft stand as they are. Let them be an example for any other Australian cricketer, now and future.

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  5. "The janitor, Decha Wilairos, 52, told police that he had been unable to locate the teacher since noon. Decha was looking for Somcahi because the teacher had left his mobile phone at his desk and the phone had rung.


    Decha said he first thought the teacher had left for lunch outside the school. When Somchai did not come back to collect his phone and car in the evening, the janitor searched again and found the body."


    This is bad reporting by the Nation. Somchai was the name of the police officer not the teacher.

  6. 17 hours ago, jackdd said:

    In the Thai version they write เด็ก which refers to any child, if they were the parents they would write ลูก which would mean son or daughter. So i'm quite sure that these are not the parents. Just two adults who are married and two random children.

    If that is correct, then these two deserve to be charged with assault.  How you discipline your own is your business, but it's a "no no" to touch other people's children.

  7. 10 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

    How do you get vigilante justice form this?  Monks ?

    How do you get assaulting children from this? A spanking by the looks of it.

      What is called a flogging looks pretty tame to me. from the one picture I can see. We used to get worse than that for throwing snowballs.

      Guys like you are one of the main reasons there is so many problems in the world with crime. Any form of discipline is not acceptable to guys like you . Discipline is necessary to maintain order with out it we have anarchy. The passive alternatives are producing nothing. but more problems.

      Some people here are real drama queens.


    Discipline may be necessary to maintain law and order but who has the authority to impose that discipline? Sure, back in the 20th century corporal punishment was used by people [parents, principals, even some teachers] who had the authority to do it. However, who are this man and woman who decided to punish these children? What is their right to do so? Parents? Then the appropriate place for punishment is at home! Not parents? Then this is a simple case of assault.

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