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Posts posted by toolonginexile

  1. hi all, most or probably all stray dogs have been removed from soi welcome jomtien today in the morning hours, some people might be happy about this, unfortunately not me though. amongst them were namely two great dogs which have lived near our place there for several years and that i would like to find again now. i wasn't there myself in the morning but i got the phone number of the guy who collected them. rang him and he said they had been delivered to a dog shelter in "phu ta luang" or so in sattahip district, sukhumvit soi 40. does anyone know that place and could give me a more precise hint on where exactly to find it??? ok, i could just jump on my bike and drive down sukhumvit in sattahip direction but i might be looking for hours? want to visit "my dogs" as soon as possible, furthermore that dog shelter might be looking for volunteers to support their work? cheers.

  2. I have coupled my Thai verified paypal account to my ebay account.

    My ebay fees can be paid with this paypal account.

    If insufficient funds in my paypal account, my registered card will get debited for the amount needed. My registered card (the card used to verify my paypal account) is my Bangkok bank be1st card.

    Obviously with the be1st card being a debit card, sufficient funds have to be present in your bank account for the transaction to go through!

    By the way, I have the same be1st card registered with ebay directly, and if wanted ebay can take payment directly from my card as well!

    Suits me well as I use that bank account on which I have the be1st card only for online stuff, ebay, paypal, the occasional purchase online etc. I keep a low amount in that account for obvious safety reasons.

    one more question: how exactly do you couple your thai paypal account (once it's verified) to your ebay account? in the "personal information" section on "my ebay" i get only the options of either adding a bank account or/and credit card. ok, might be possible to couple my thai debit card there but i can't see how i could add my thai paypal account?

  3. good news that it seems possible that ebay fees can be paid with a paypal account. i had read somewhere else that because of the chargeback option ebay would not accept paypal as payment method even though they're the same company?

    looks like most people out here who are doing some online trading and use paypal use the Bangkok Bank be 1st card. i have a TMB savings account and only their regular ATM card, guess that won't work with paypal? bit out of this topic... but is that be 1st card easy to get, what conditions? might make sense, especially for safety reasons, to open an additional bank account which is being used only for online trading, paypal etc.

  4. No problems with using a temporary passport provided it's valid for at least another six months. Did the same earlier this year when i was waiting for my new PP. When you've got your new passport and go on your next visarun you will have to take BOTH the old and new passport with you to the border, immigration will then "transfer" your visa to the new PP. You can also do this in advance at your local thai immigration. After the record of your previous stays in thailand has been transferred to your new PP you can throw the old one away if you like. Good luck.

  5. I've been to vientiane earlier this week for yet another tourist visa. Having been there for the 1st time about six years ago i find vientiane has not actually changed a lot but the thai embassy has become a lot busier. When applying for my visa i had to wait almost two hours until i was handed over my receipt, awful lot of people there and surprisingly about 30% of them were africans. Make sure you get there in time!!! happened to me once that at ten to twelve the guy behind the counter at that embassy booth wouldn't accept any more visa applications that day; at that time i was 2nd next in queu!!! Make sure you've got photos with you, otherwise you'll have to walk ten minutes or so to the next photo shop.

    If you come from nongkhai bus station most tuktuk drivers (50 baht to border) will ask you whether you have a lao visa, if you say no they might want to drop you off at that travel agency halfway to friendship bridge, guess they get a commision from them. DON'T stop there, no problem to get the lao visa at the border. I would also recommend you to change your thai baht to US dollars before as the visa fee in thai baht is 1500, in US dollars it's only 30 or 35, so you save about 500 baht there which pays for accomodation for one night. After crossing the border try to make contacts with some other farangs, most of them go to the thai embassy anyway, so you can share the 300 baht for a taxi.

    Well, apart from the thai embassy and beerlao :D i could never really find anything of interest in vientiane (oh sorry, i forgot about the girls...! :o IMPORTANT: if you want to take someone to your room make sure this is allowed in your guesthouse; actually it is illegal but i never had, i mean, heard of any problems at NITA guesthouse/ Sai Lom Yen :D ) For dining out i would recommend La terrace, good french/ international restaurant in one of the sois between what i refer to as 2nd and beach road, they serve great steaks, pizzas a.s.o. Great french bread sandwiches in the little restaurants on "beach road".

    Nightlife, however, is kind of boring, not too many places to go to. KHOB CHAI DEUR near the fountain has been the most popular place for years; at the moment, however, i would say BOR PEN NYANG right on the riverside is probably the most entertaining place, pub is on the top floor, two pool tables, large bar and quite a few freelancers; spent a great evening there last tuesday!

    BTW: when entering back into thailand on wednesday i had to wait yet another hour at the thai immigration booth at the border before getting my passport stamped as the farangs who pick up their passports from the embassy at 1p.m. all arrive there at about the same time. Make sure you stand in the right queu and not in the one for Lao nationals!

  6. You cannot use any thai VISA bank cards on the internet. (Credit Cards are ok I think)

    therefore you will not be able to withdraw any funds from your paypal account, because you need to verify your card before hand

    ok, but i should be able to link my TMB account to my paypal account (have to verify account first). as far as i know i can then withdraw money from paypal to my bank account (possible since last year i've heard), provided i accept the worse (offshore?) exchange rate i get. question is: can i fund my paypal account from my thai bank account (not thai VISA card)??? anyone else an idea?

  7. Hii all,

    I'm in the process of signing up for an ebay account to sell some stuff back to my home country. As german national I chose to sign up with ebay.de.

    1. I have a bank account with Thai Military Bank, no credit card, just ordinary ATM card. Can i easily link this to my paypal account, if so, can i fund my paypal account from my TMB account? (read somewhere else this might not be possible, so what to do? US bank account?)

    2. Being registered with german ebay and not having a bank account there anymore, what options do i have to pay the ebay fees? guess they won't accept payments via paypal; on the other hand, transferring the money from a thai bank account to germany would (provided ebay accepted that form of payment) become ridiculously expensive!!! Anyone out there who's been in a similar situation and could give me some advice??? Cheers.

  8. surely i wouldn't recommend to anyone to try what i had to do, i mean, always get a proper visa if possible! but i just had no other option. i was literally shaking at the immigration booth and would, in the worst case, have been happy with a seven days or whatsoever stamp even though that would have meant quite some money spent for nothing. guess i just got away with it.

    by the way: when leaving thailand at nongkhai immigration i had no problem with the transfer of visa as someone else on this forum had a week or so ago at the mukdahan border. the immigration guy seemed to be experienced, just gave me the proper form to fill and everything was settled within 15 minutes.

    not sure how much the tourist visa at the thai embassy/ vientiane is now as visa fee has gone up to 30 USD??? is it 1500 baht now as i've heard from someone in nongkhai (which would be more than 40 USD!) i have never seen them accept USD, only THB, but paying in dollars, if possible, might save you some money now?? unfortunately i couldn't even try to find out.

  9. i have just come back from a visarun to viantiane/laos where i was planning to obtain a new tourist visa as i had had three consecutive visa exemptions (30+30+30 days) before. could for some reason, however, not make it to the thai embassy and had to travel back to nonghkai without a visa, expecting to get a maximum 7 days stamp.

    i should mention i was travelling with a new passport, there was a record of my last three visa-free entries into thailand in the "transfer of visa" stamp on the first page of my new passport, however.

    the lady immigration officer at the border just asked me "how long you want stay thailand?"

    i replied: "oh, just a week is ok" (all i needed actually was the thai ATM machine on the other side of the border!)

    within less than half a minute i got my stamp which, as i found out after walking ten metres away from the immigration booth, happened to be a 4th visa exemption stamp, a circled 1 as remark (meaning first visa exemption in six months period!?) which allows me to stay in thailand for another full 30 days.

    guess i was just lucky but should the record of my previous stays not only be in the "transfer of visa" stamp (which she probably did not even look at) but in their computer system, too???

  10. Be aware that changing Air Asia tickets is not easy.

    Read the conditions very carefully.

    just postponed my oneway airasia flight to phnom phen (bought ticket for same reason as you and then decided phnom phen might not be the best place to go for a visa), cost me 800+300 baht (extra 300 because old ticket had been promotional fare). still better than throwing ticket away?? not sure.

    no requirement to show onward ticket at malaysian or lao borders so far.

  11. visa for laos can easily be obtained at the border. cost 30 USD (31?) or 1500 baht, so given an exchange rate of roughly 35 baht to the dollar it's cheaper to pay in USD. if you should decide to stay in laos for a few days (i strongly recommend "beerlao") you can pay in either lao kip, thai baht or USD.

  12. i did the same transfer of visa stamp earlier this year at nongkhai immigration, took not longer than twenty minutes but obviously confused the officer as my new passport at that time was only a temporary one and looked unusual to him. remember a few years ago, same procedure at cambo border, big confusion as my then-new passport number had only nine instead of formerly ten digits. phone call to my embassy solved that problem quickly.

    next week same same at nongkhai immigration where they should be prepared i hope. got a paper from my embassy as well, hope immigration can read it.

    just too many full page visa stamps in my poor little passports ...

  13. seriously; take 200k, rent a cheap empty shophouse in a not too bad location (maximum rent 20k/month, no key money! do NOT buy any existing business!) and start whatever kind of business you like, even bar beer if you fancy that. if you take something between say 2000 and 5000 baht a day that should be enough to pay your monthly expenses and have a little bit of an income for yourself on top. you will NOT live like a king, just enough to survive (i'm doing this for several years). leave the other 200k on your bank account: you will need them in bad times! how many years will you manage to survive?

    other option: enjoy a long holiday and just waste your 400k! how long could that holiday last??

  14. about a month ago or so i picked up the rumour that the thai embassy in vientiane/ laos would issue back-to-back, that is as many consecutive tourist visas as you like. when in laos myself next week i will try to get some more information BUT if it was possible AT THE MOMENT to get consecutive tvs there could you rely on this in the FUTURE?? i would personally not take the risk even though vientiane is my favourite place to go for a new visa. always safer not to use the same embassy twice in a row and do a border run in between.

  15. hi,

    I'm 45 years old originaly from Belgium permanent resident in New Zealand, I like to be at a training worshop on EM technology in a Sara Buri farm the 21 of july.

    And I might be out of time to get my passeport from Belgium via Camberra Belgium Embassy in Australia.

    It seem that His Hon. Consul of Belgium in New Zealand could propose a temporary passeport is it acceptable to get in Tailand.

    And with one or the other passeport is it possible to have a tourist visa 30 days when arriving in Bangkok



    hold temporary german passport, no visa problems. only problem is that it is valid for one year only so can be used for only six months (passport must still be valid for at least six months when entering into thailand!)

  16. They will do it and they will get caught! But they just dont seem to care!

    How very very true, could be because they can stand the jail time *(and it will be short, after the money has passed over...especially if the bib know of a 5 million baht house in the picture)...back down to a matter of face


    horrifying story. unnecessary comments about the victim's name and hometown.

    always the same stupid arguments about money and property (house worth ridiculous five mio baht?!) that, however, is the same in germany or any other country in case of divorce, but german ex-wife would probably not hire a killer to get you shot, there are legal solutions, usually pretty successful for ex-wives.

    no big problem for the thai killer and whoever hired him, just go temple, pray blablabla and donate some money to local wat to avoid getting haunted by evil spirits.

    looks like we've got used to living in a city of crime, drive-by-shootings and all that sh...t. but just imagine that same story would happen in your hometown back in farangland. i have personally always felt safe in pattaya but i guess that poor german felt the same.

  17. thats really unlucky AZ. Maybe was something to do with the agent you used? Anyway, tough call. =/

    so AZ has three continuous tourist visas in his passport now, two from the states, one from penang? as far as i know there is no rule yet on how many continuous tourist visas you may get, so in theory unlimited (provided you don't apply at the same embassy all the time).

    earlier this year on a visarun to vientiane, however, i picked up the rumour that only TWO continuous tourist visas were allowed, then ok to get visa exemption again for up to ninety days if you like before applying for a new TV. doesn't make sense to me, visa exemption is free = no income for thailand. then again, about a month ago or so a friend of mine who lives in nongkhai and meets many visarunners up there rang me to say that the situation had now somehow "relaxed": as many continuous TVs as you like in vientiane?? would not really trust that however.

    best way out seems to be: two TVs from different embassies, then between one and three border runs/ visa exemptions and start it all again ...

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