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Posts posted by Torv

  1. Huh?

    You do realize that all the PL (and championship?) teams have substantial increase in cash injection from the TV dealings and such for next season right? Shepherd is ready to plung 50 mill in players from the takeover, Man City is about to steal Benayoun from under 'Pool's nose.

    If anything, next season should be tighter than ever.

    You're right about cold hard cash, but every team has more of it.

    Portsmouth, and Westham are spending. Spurs is spending.

  2. Don't want to spoil your fun, but

    The word "soccer" comes from the original name of the game "Association Football" or more precisely from its abbreviation Assoc. Assoc. was a slang term used in UK universities from about 1889. It later became socca, socker (1891) and finally evolved into soccer (1895).

    The Football Association was founded in London in October 1863 by eleven clubs/schools. The Association agreed upon a standard set of rules prohibiting use of the hands or carrying the ball. The clubs which opposed this rule eventually broke away conceiving their own version of the game - rugby.

    At that time, Rugger meant "rugby rules" football while soccer meant "association rules" football.

    Ok ok, so I do want to spoil your fun. :o

  3. Prehaps since his departure, an ENGLISH STRIKER could benefit from it?

    Well rumour has it that Wenger is an admirer of our Marlon - and he's up for a transfer :o

    That's surprising, I thought he's in for Ryan Babel.

    How much is your boy going for?

    I don't really expect that Wenger will go for Marlon Harewood - but stranger things have happened.

    But wer'e holding out for £5ml. Expect that he'll go to Birmingham, Fulham or the suchlike.

    henry with barca ,who will stop them now :D

    Liverpool...with machine guns. :cries:

  4. Prehaps since his departure, an ENGLISH STRIKER could benefit from it?

    Well rumour has it that Wenger is an admirer of our Marlon - and he's up for a transfer :o

    That's surprising, I thought he's in for Ryan Babel.

    How much is your boy going for?

  5. Fight on, show these foreigners how to properly disappoint your own people!

    The Aussies lost to Iran the last world cup that killed the Nation and then make it to nearly the 1/4 finals in the next if it wasn't for an Italian dive in the box....that was worse in my opinion...RIPPED OFF BIG TIME...!!!!!!

    Can you top that? Doubt it????

    Ten years ago we always invited Japan to play us in a friendly. Try inviting them now.

    We lost to Singapore.

    Our best team in the past was Air Force or Port Authority, and our best team now is BEC Tero. We also have teams along the line of Electric Company, etc.

    Some years back, us and Indonesia were fighting to LOSE so we don't have to face Vietnam in the final in order for us to avoid getting beaten up by Vietnamese fans.

    Muay Thai was constantly utilized in some matches.

    Our wingers can run the ball to the byline but unable to cross it in. By that I mean, the ball doesn't get lifted up in the air.

    Your best players play for Liverpool, Rovers, and Everton, while our best player is well past it and play for some tean in a Vietnamese League.

    Moreover, you're complaining about how you lost in the last world cup.

    I mean come on! World cup! We're struggling to win in an ASEAN cup.

    We're a footballing nation, but we definitely aren't trying very hard to be good at it.

  6. When I was working here, the Thai engineers and I would usually go out once a week. I prefer the smaller dark skinned girls. The Thai guys would make fun of me for liking the ugly girls. They ALWAYS picked the tall VERY white skinned girls even if they were ugly.


    Preferences are quite different.

  7. "You only have 5 posts and already you're tagged as a troll?"

    You don't need to eat an entire egg to know that it's rotten.

    And you can be intimate with a girl a hundred times before you find out that she has HIV.

    Wait, what are we doing?

  8. I'd like to know what Condo you're talking about as I'm also looking to buy one for my mom to retire in.

    This seems very fishy indeed and I don't think there's any doubt that they actually have no money. I think anything that could be done must be done now as these condo's people are pretty shrewed. I don't know much or at all about the rules of laws in Thailand, but I suggest you should get out of this as fast as you can.

    I also suggest talking to the developer's lawyer first and read some fine prints. Aren't the contracts/incentives transferrable if they're overtaken by some other developers? Sure would make sense if it does. I'd also contemplate on getting a lawyer of your own and let the crooks talk it out in your favor but it the cost exceeds the legal fees then it definitely is not worth it.

    If you deal your card right however, I think you can get extra incentives/benefits out of this.

    Is the developer reputable at least?

  9. Depends on what they look like, naturally.

    In all seriousness though, Western guys' definition of "beautiful" in the regards to Thai ladies often differs greatly than that of Thai guys'.

    Good thing really, so we don't step on one another's toes, and no accusation of you stealing all our women, etc.

  10. Sorry about accusing anybody of regarding me has a troll. Pleaase ignore that comment and accept my apoligies. Its just that I am feeling a bit vunerable at the moment. I am looking forward to coming to Thialnd but I get very depressed sometime and a little unsure after reading all the negative posts on the forum that I wonder if I am doing the right thing.

    I thank everybody for all the good advice they gave me in my original post.


    Well, I think you'd still be able to enjoy your time in Thailand. I don't know what you expect to get from the country. It can give you what you're looking for, but that's entirely up to you, and it's also true for many other places in the world.

    Thailand is not heaven, where you'd get everything that you want at a snap of a finger (that's heaven right?), but good experiences could be found there. I suggest that you look inside yourself and figure out what you really want and don't expect Thailand to grant you that.

    Thailand is generally pretty kind to foreigners and its people are friendly enough. Although opinions differ on what Thailand really is, whether it's a sorry hellish turd excuse for a country or an absolute paradise, no one can give you a clear picture of what it truly is but you. Something something in the eyes of the beholder. Same thing here.

  11. I'm new here, and I'm quite perplexed.

    You only have 5 posts and already you're tagged as a troll?

    It's great living in Thailand if you make money in dollars or pounds or just wealthy.

    Then again, I'm Thai, and I've lived in Thailand for good 14 years before I moved to the States.

    Retiring in Thailand is a high possibility for me.

    You are Thai? Ok got it, you love Liverpool :o

    Ha! Well at the very least, I consider myself a true fan and not a bandwagoner like those who just became fans after Istanbul or after a triple.

    There're probably a lot more Mancs fans than 'Pool though.

  12. I'm new here, and I'm quite perplexed.

    You only have 5 posts and already you're tagged as a troll?

    It's great living in Thailand if you make money in dollars or pounds or just wealthy.

    Then again, I'm Thai, and I've lived in Thailand for good 14 years before I moved to the States.

    Retiring in Thailand is a high possibility for me.

  13. There's a fair share of "racism" amongst Thai people, but the thing is, no one has really given much thought into it.

    If you don't think about it, and just say it, I suppose it can lessen the controversies around it.

    This is how Thailand has always been and I don't see anything changing.

    Instead of westerners making jokes about the poverty of the third world countries, Thai people make fun of people based on how they look. Both pretty shallow, but if you say it enough times by a lot of people, it becomes "ok".

  14. A lot of Thai ladies look very Chinese anyway, so I don't think you'd have a problem. It's just which accent do you prefer?

    I'd take Bangkok any day. It has enough city life for you to enjoy, but not as much so it'd get stressful. I'm speaking of course, if you liver on a dollar or sterling.

    If you live on a Thai Baht...ugg.

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