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Posts posted by bellagrego

  1. Enzo or no Enzo ?

    Enzo would laugh his Bordeaux sipping ass off if he could be here now. A world away from Modena, in Thailand, people talking about his masterpieces long after his demise.

    I met him briefly in Modena shortly before he died. I visited the shabby little garage behind the pulled down, old red door way back when. Those days it was a familia place, not a corporate Fiat blue-suit chrome and glass ediface to nothing. In the shop were a few vintage pieces, I remember a 166 and a sedan, a beautiful old red as blood one that I had never seen before in collections or pictures. Enzo dropped in while a mutual friend was showing me the shop. He was gracious and demonstrative, A big grin on his face most of the time. my Italian is limited, his English, likewise. just a lot of smiling mostly. Of all my travels to over 75 counties, that one is a memory I chesish most.


  2. Is's a no brainer on new. Toyata is the champ, isuzu a distant second on quality. Nissan is the better unit in all catogories except resale. Drive one and you will agree. Price near the same on all. The 2010 Toyo hads nothing new except a grille and side lights. same old low powered engine. Same for izu. navara has 35 more horses than either.

    Checked them all and will buy the Nissan and screw the resale difference 5 years from now. it will be insignificant.


  3. HAD EM ALL. There are no bad ones. Just economics , ergonomics and personal choice should dictate your choice. Susi is usually the cheapest little 125 around and will blow the doors off the others due to it's weight and 15cc advantage. Thing is cheap to run. Miser on petrol. Add 10,000baht for the watercooled Honda , bigger rubber and the extra rear shock


  4. I'm looking at getting a KR150 and fixing it up a little, there's plenty around quite cheap and I like 2 strokes.

    Anyone know much about this bike? Such as weight and HP? I know there are several models like Victor and KRR. Is any particular model/year better than another? What are the differences?

    There are reports of HP near 40. Not dyno verified. The things are fn fast. I can put you on a new one for 75 K, a new one, thats right 000km and stored.

    I am thinking about riding it but the forward lean kills my 70 year old back.


  5. :) Hi folks, can we get back on track. Every country,every city and town has ladies to play with so can we talk about the other things the PI offers. My interest is motorcycle touring.

    I see PI has a highway from Manila that goes south for a long distance. Has anyone done this trip and can recommend it? Thanks.

    Partner, If you love exhaust fumes, diesel trucks, goofy bus drivers and high risk adventures, this is the place for you.

    I have toured extensively via 2 wheels and I dont see much good road anywhere over there to rock your world. A few good 2laners scattered around , thats it. Come on over to Laos, Esaan or Cambodia


  6. Pinay Paridise, I call it.

    I love it all. Been there, done that. Traveled all of Luson, Cebu, Negros, and Bohol, so far.

    Something for everyone. Love the people, the women especially.

    Best place to get away from it all. Bantanyan

    Best place to live, Dumaguette

    Best place to gamble and dance, Cebu

    Best place to cruise, MaKati Greenbest 5, Cafe Havana

    Best place to get herpes, Angeles

    Scariest boat ride, Pumpboat, Bantanyan to Negros. No life raft, no life jackets, leaks non-stop


    ps going to leyte and mindanao next

  7. She looks good now, but is getting to the age where metabolism alone isn't going to keep the weight down. Diet alone doesn't seem a reasonable solution because food is such an enjoyment to her. I do not know anyone in the village who does fitness and a lot of the women are plump so I see the writing on the wall so to speak. Is there is a type of fitness program a Thai might do regularly? I keep very fit but don't want to push her to that extreme. Just wish to find something simple a Thai would do regularly that contributes to her maintaining looking good and being healthy would be the goal. Look forward to hearing anything you have thought about or tried.
  8. Hi, Guys,

    My name is Russ and I am from Americas. Photography has been my passion for many years. From the early range-finder 35 days, through the Nikon reflex days and now third genertation Canon digital explosion. All good, all fun. Now, with film and cost irellevent, no end to pulling the trigger. I had to leave my studio lights behind and I do miss them but my subject matter makes up for all that loss. Down to two bodies and three lens now for space and weight as I travel Asia. Check out my site, www.bellagrego.mysite.com I have done my best to edit to within the percieved limitations of self-imposed guidelines by this forum and it's moderators. There is and always has been much debate over the feminine form and it's renderings. From Michaelangelo and Rubens to "The age of innocence".


  9. :)

    We recently took in a homeless dog which has given birth to 8 healthy puppies a few weeks ago.

    The mother is a Thai dog, the father who we have seen wandering around (The owner lets him out to wander around every evening) does not appear to be a Thai dog but we are unsure of the breed (Quite Large, dark brown with black markings on face, black stripe down the back, slightly long fur).

    The puppies - 6 boys, 2 girls.

    The 2 girls are like their mother, short haired, all white with black patches (1 'panda', white with black eyes, and one all white with black patches) ... The 6 boys are like the father. 3 dark brown with black markings and slightly long haired , 1 all brown with slightly long fur, and 2 brown short haired.

    If you'd like to see pics first, let us know and we will try to take some pictures. We're living in the Pattaya area. Puppies are fat and healthy, still quite small but already enjoying puppy food.

    Can anyone help us out and give one of these pups a loving home? Please PM me if interested. Free to good home - Must re-home as we have a VERY small garden and no space to take care of 9 dogs!

    Thanks :D

  10. :) Most impressivve. A lot of bang for the buck. My house is now 75% complete and my cost will come in at 1 mil plus free land. Doing it all myself, sub-contractors only. Will post some pics in a month or so. You did a hel_l of a job for 2.5


    Our house build has just been completed(Mukdahan area).This team of builders carried out all the building work including the garden.

    In fact all the work except the stainless steel was completed by them,this all includes over 130m of sandwash around the house,Marble,granite installation the water bore,drainage etc.

    If anyone's interested i'll pass on further details-here are a few pics.

  11. Sadly, I must say, with regret. There is no solution to the problem of poverty, and low wages. One of the responders has it dead on. "Labor is a commondity". simply and accuratly stated. It is difficult for a westerner to accept that premis and let markets work.

    I see the problem, specifically Thailand, as self inflicted. This society is non competitive, protectionist, and totally closed to inovation and competition. It has benifited greatly by early ties to the west but now it's neighbors are moving into their markets with better deals for foreign investments and a more stable enviroment. Only the Thais can remedy thier economy.

  12. bellagrego.

    wow you had a bargain there!

    i went to a thai only hospital in chiang mai for my 5 year licence medical a year ago and the doc charged me 105 baht

    he checked to see if i had a pulse ... if im still alive ? ? ? ..... and signed the form .

    lucky you

    party time on the 90 baht you saved .... dave2 : )

    You bet dave, I am off to Army toon bar in Sakon tonight to blow out that 90 baht on alarge Singhi. I am grateful for some levity amongst the hard core replys about everything in general. I write for fun and to inform when applicable. My pet peave is that "censorship" thing. I have a tough hide, like an armadillo and can take the hits, I wish all could do the same. I love my life here except for the loss of my basic freedom of speech.


  13. Normal price in a private doctors office is 50 bth.But what do you mean with esaan?The name is Isaan.

    Wikipedia: Isan (Isan/Thai: อีสาน; also written as Isaan, Isarn, Issan, or Esarn) is the northeast region of Thailand. :)

    The last place you should quote, is stupidia. Edited by anyone. My spelling is mine like yours is yours. Take your picck and enjoy.
  14. Normal price in a private doctors office is 50 bth.But what do you mean with esaan?The name is Isaan.

    Issan, according to who ? You ? or some other Thai guy with a PHD in English. Try a phonetic pronunciation and spell from that as I have and you will come to the same conclusion. I will make my own spellings of these arbitrary words and you and all others casn do the same. My thirty-five years teaching English quakifies me to do that.
  15. Normal price in a private doctors office is 50 bth.But what do you mean with esaan?The name is Isaan.

    Issan, according to who ? You ? or some other Thai guy with a PHD in English. Try a phonetic pronunciation and spell from that as I have and you will come to the same conclusion. I will make my own spellings of these arbitrary words and you and all others casn do the same. My thirty-five years teaching English quakifies me to do that.
  16. You have all heard the horror stories and complaints associated with that dual pricing in Thailand. You know, the one that says you get screwed if you are white, falang, or anyone other than Thai. How is this for a twist. I won't name the town for fear of a stampede or reprisals.

    I needed my Thai drivers license renewed and my Thai wife needed her first lisence for a motobike. She went to a local clinic alone and received the documentation of her good heath as required. She was not examined. The fee charged was 200 baht. A goodly sum for Esaan, but no surprise.

    The next day I went there. It was crowded and hot so I passed on it till later. Two days later the same thing so I sought anoher clinic. I found one a few blocks away that had but one other customer. I filled out the questionaire. Waited for ten minutes and then the nurse took me to see the doctor. He checked my blood pressure, my pulse, and my heart and lungs. He said you are Ok and signed the document. The check bin was prepared and submitted to me for payment. The charges, the entire charges, everything was a whopping 15 baht, that's right FIFTEEN BAHT.

    So you see, sometimes honesty prevails and the good people of Esaan mistreat their own and conversely give a falang a break.


  17. Walked into walking street tonight around 10pm and soon became apon a scuffle with police and an either Italian (whick i thought- white skin) or an Arab (which my girl thinks). Anyways my girl heard (in thai) the girl telling the police the man grabbed her breast and she wanted him arrested and demaned

    big money! We walked on, wish now i hung around now.

    My girl says she thinks she was a freelancer and disgruntled when the guy didnt take her.

    Myself i noticed the police were very happy chomping for a big payday.

    There is no end in sight for the resurection of Thailand as a good place to visit or live. It's all the Thai themselves who continue to shoot themselves in the foot on nearly every issue. Pattaya has declined more than any place. I lived there for four years and gave up and left for Esaan after repeated seriously dangerous situations kept popping up. The last was being physically assulted by stafff of a small hotel off soi Boocow, , when I complained of noise made by the staff at one AM. At 71 being punched three times by a young brush 25 year old Thai animal was the last straw. Call police, forget about it. Packed my bags and took my thai wife out of there and blew off a months rent. bottom line. Be carefull out there. It ain't America.


  18. :) On a positive note.

    For the Sakon Nakhon seeker of Fine dining and Caual treats.

    Best Restaurant : Thai Food

    the +++ award goes to: An, don't ask me the name cause I can't pronouce it and don't ask me where it is as I can't pronounce the street either. When I asked my Thai wife she said. "Sup Ban Nga". A hi-so joint on the road to Udon Thani, left side, 100 meters or so from the Izusu dealer. Wood framed front with chaser lights going at night time. Four different meals so far and all were excellent and reasonably priced. The place is Air-conditioned and for me that is a huge plus. A main course fish with rice is about 200 baht. Most meals are in the 120 baht range.

    The sweet and sour fish and the chilli fish are delightfull and potent. The chili is slightly over burdened with bay leaf and I will ask next time to leave it off. The sweet and sour will bite you a bit but your taste buds will come alive. Must be the MSG. The little fishes have many bones so be carefull. The texture and firmness of the meat is near perfection in my book. Service is better than average. Atmosphere is , well, spartan.



  19. Chill out, or you'll have a heart attack, just don't go there again. Try the Dusit. There isn't too many falangs here but they do their best. Try Thai-french beef from Sakon Nakhon it is some of the best in Thailand.

    Yo, Tub, I dont need to chill out. I write for fun and amusement at the whole Thai thing. I am a gormet cook as well as a critic and I hope any reader enjoys my jib and appreciates my candor.

  20. As someone eles mentioned, you have access to the Best Beef that Thailand has to offer, and it is only about 10km outside of Sakhon Nakhon... The Thai-French Beef is even better than anything that I have tried out of either Oz or NZ.... Plus you can specify the Cut and Thickness of your cuts.... Really Good Filet at 900 baht per kilo..... Definetly not cheap by Thai standards, but worth every baht...

    I make the 2 hour trip from Kalasin up there to stock up on their beef about every other month, and usually end up buying for 2 to 4 other Farangs from this area...


    Thanks, P man, seveal expats here said same as you on thai french. I'll try them. That MJ advestised on the menu their beef was thai french, so I discounted the whole tf thing. It's hard to believe that there could be any quality beef here as the food souces are so poor and limited for cattle. I come from cattle country in the states and know all to well, what yiou feed , is what you taste.

    Now, If I can find some good "lassie" steaks or rin-tin-tin roast up here then all is well.

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