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Posts posted by mike44

  1. Extremely sad.

    It is inconceivable to me that a "ride by" shooting could have occurred without certain parties looking the other way. I ate in Soi Convent last night and left at 10.00pm. There were fully armed soldiers and police stationed every 10m or so down Silom and there were also few people around compared with a usual friday night.

    Whether one agrees or not with the demonstrators, it is fairly clear that the demonstrators should leave now to avoid further confrontation in the hope that the road map leads to reconciliation and stability. The demonstrators can always return if the road map turns out to be a mirage.

  2. There is no doubt if your hire a Thai builder from a village, you will get it done cheaper.

    But has he built quality houses for farangs before, have you seen any of them & spoken to those guys?

    For 10,000 bht sqm, your going to get very cheap quality, to get any thing decent your looking at 13,000 bht sqm ++. But that wont be top quality either.

    Although what your building does sounds like something very simple

    I use to work in the construction industry in Pattaya until quite recently, so i am very well aware of building costs, & quality around here.

    I can't speak for prices in Chang Mai though.

    For house only I am paying 10,000B sq mtr not including kitchen and hot water if required grade "A" finish as many electrical points that I want and earthed the builder as done everything that I have required and changed things that I have not been happy with I pay on work completed the only real problem I have is that he is slow I see 2 farang houses that he built before I decided to use him

  3. We got three wood signs made up by a guy who attends the sunday walking street. His stall is exactly at the other end from Thapae Gate (I can't remember the name of the street). After negotiation the price was 350Baht each for signs with house names both in English/Thai. We gave him a printout with the words we wanted to avoid any mistakes. We are happy with the signs.

  4. post-47967-1247405003_thumb.jpgpost-47967-1247405003_thumb.jpg

    Cho Lae, Mae Taeng, Chiang Mai

    Beautiful villa! Pool ?

    How far is it to Chiang Mai ? 1 hour...1 1/2 ?

    Looking at Google map is looks like your area is situated between 2 mountain groups. Do you have any influence by the problems when the farmers burn their crop garbage ?


    Small spa pool. You can find more pics on google.

    One hour from Chiang Mai straight up the 107 then take the signed turn towards Mae Ngat reservoir. We are 2km from the reservoir with views over the Sri Lanna national park.

    No real problems with burning to date

  5. In my pool, I simply use 1 tablet of Tri-chlorinator twice per week, with no problems to report after doing it for six years... What kinds of problems do you have that require a salt water chlorinator cell ?

    I did not choose the pool system - it came with the house. I have no specific problems. The advantage of a salt water chlorinator is supposed to be that the chlorine is released only in the cell so that there is no free chlorine in the pool water to upset your eyes or hair.

  6. What is the salt used for?

    In a pool with a "salt water chlorinator" cell, the pool needs to be topped up with salt, when splash out from the pool reduces the salt concentration to below the level suitable for operation of the "salt water chlorinator".

  7. I have found a cheap source of TRS salt which may be of interest to pool owners.

    It is a salt wholesaler on the 107 between Mae Rim and Mae Ma Lai. I do not know its name but it is located on the East side of the 107 road some 2km North of the Rajabhat University traffic lights (opposite a distinctive blue roofed food factory).

    I am posting because I now know that I have been massively overcharged by one of the pool companies in Chiang Mai.

  8. Digital Photo Studio,

    3rd Floor, Airport Plaza (next to Big Camera)

    This is the best quality and most reliable place I know in Chiang Mai, especially for bigger prints. That said if you just want to print out a couple of dozen 4x6s then anywhere where they have plenty of customers to keep the chemicals fresh will do fine. There's a couple in the basement of Kad Suan Kaew that are OK too. Most prices are similar around town so unless you've got a big job to do it's not worth doing a lot of shopping around.

    I second that...they are excellent. (Digital Photo Studio)

    Thanks I'll try Digital Photo Studio

  9. I am considering buying an elderly Toyota Corona 1600 manual (from 1991) with 250 000 km on the clock.

    Does anyone know if I will have problems with getting it serviced or getting spare parts?

    I would also appreciate any other comments on the advisablity of buying.

    We live in Chiang Mai.

  10. Steps to solve are set out below

    Start from the identities



    So that

    Cot(A+:D= [CosACosB-SinASinB]/[sinACosB+CosASinB]


    Cot(A-:D= [CosACosB+SinASinB]/[sinACosB-CosASinB] ....(1)

    Cot2A = [CosA*CosA-SinA*SinA]/2SinACosA = [CotA*CotA-1]/2CotA ....(2)

    Now Cot(60-45) = Cot15

    And Cos60=Sqrt(3)/2, Sin60=1/2, Cos45=1/Sqrt(2), Sin45=1/Sqrt(2)

    Hence Cot15 = [sqrt(3) + 1]/[sqrt(3) - 1] using (1)

    But Cot15 = [Cot 7.5*Cot 7.5 - 1]/2Cot 7.5 using (2)

    Hence [Cot 7.5*Cot 7.5 - 1]/2Cot 7.5 = [sqrt(3) + 1] /[sqrt(3) - 1]

    And rearranging

    Cot 7.5*Cot 7.5 - 2 [sqrt(3) + 1] /[sqrt(3) - 1]Cot 7.5 - 1= 0

    This quadratic equation can be solved to yield the solutions

    Cot 7.5 = 2+Sqrt(3) +/- [sqrt(6)+Sqrt(2)]

    And because Cot 7.5 must be positive

    Cot 7.5 = Sqrt(2) + Sqrt(3) + Sqrt(4) + Sqrt(6)

  11. I am looking to buy a reliable car or pick-up in the Chiang Mai area for under 100 000 Baht. It does not have to look good its only got to be reliable. I am not fussy about make or model or, within reason, age or mileage. Can anyone recommend where I should start looking?

  12. We are looking at purchasing a property we have seen in Cho Lae.

    Has anyone any views on the pros and cons of the location from an expat point of view? (beyond the obvious that it's a one hour drive from Chiang Mai via Mae Rim)

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