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Posts posted by HunkeyDorey

  1. Nong Nooch Gardens Pattaya touristy and kitsch.. he won a gold prize at the chelsea flower show !! if that counts smile.png (only 145kb mm)

    attachicon.gifNong Nooch garden TV.jpg

    taken with my trusty little hand held panasonic zoomix ...smile.png

    I 'liked' you're photo budnycat because its pretty and nicely balanced, but I don't think that Nong Nooch Gardens has improved by the addition of all the stone animals and effigies. Have you seen The Gardens without the stone animals? I was there in 2004 and 2012.

  2. Plod will pipe up that he knew this all the time, so the solution will be to increase the budget 15% to build bigger walls.

    .....and ensure the continuum of The Phu Yai(spelling) business model, where adversity breaths opportunity.

  3. So that's what it was! Well I'm glad it was an earthquake coz I thought I was getting senile, a bit unsteady on my feet like. Well, I felt it at Pahlawan Power Station in Tanjon Kling, Malaka, Malaysia. Now where was I.......................?

  4. I would love to get together with you! Do you live here or just passing through? I still haven't found any sessions... people are pretty clueless about this music, they think it's singing Pogues songs or popular drinking songs. I really want to get a trad session going in BKK.

    me likewise! I play a mean harmonica and sing 083 6879811. Ta an Gaeilge agam go foil.

  5. She may be a "clone" but will actually be his puppet....

    I think the puppets are the people who cling to cliches. IMHO the lady in power will not let go of the power once she tastes it. Not for anybody including her big brother. You underestimate the rush of power and you patronise the woman. She will make her own statement most likely a lot better than big bro. Beat of Irish luck to Yingluck.

  6. A perfect example of when NOT being PC is a very good thing!

    CAREFUL HOW MUCH WE NOD OUR HEADS ON THIS ISSUE. I think they are getting their shop in order before the next inevitable step which is:- The Airlines charging for excess weight for passengers themselves(not passenger baggage). It's coming! Ryan Air charging for the toilet on the plane, where do they go next? They might start at, lets say 80Kg. If you are 100kg then you would be charged 'a fuel surcharge" on 20Kg. Get your track suits on you fat lot.

    Hunkey Dorey

  7. anyone knows the name of this travel insurance Company? Very interesting to know because I wouldn't like to be their next victim! :)

    How would Thai Visa find out the name of the insurance company?

    Have been to Prasat. A quiet rural town immerced in rice fields.

    lets keep the topic going.

    My words are inadequate for the families!

  8. Crackdown fails to stop airport gangs


    I hope we are not forgetting THE BAGGAGE THIEVES. In this instance I believe the ground hosteses at the check in are in on the deal. (is it O.K. to tell my gut feeling?)

    I was a business class passanger on Qatar Airways at BKK heading via Doha for Amman in Jordan whereupon my very distinctive bag did not arrive with me and has not turned up to date. I din't realize I had no bagage receipt until I reached Amman and the receipt is usually attached to the smaller of the check in stubs which I still have. QA's lost baggage web has failed to retrieve it and they were completely non cooperative in the many attemps to contact them by phone(does this make QA an accessory?).

    On reflection I did not receive the baggage receipt at all, trusting that business class might have gotten a proirity.

    In any event either QA are responsible. Whether or not it is the fault of the ground hostess who accepted my baggage, ground staff at BKK, Doha or Amman or the thieves in BKK baggage handling, remains to be seen. Has anybody else similar experiences please respond.

    Hunkey Dorey

  9. Can it be done? I have a friend wanting to visit.

    I am working in Halong Bay NE Vietnam and want to do the same thing, i.e. travel to Thailand by Motorbike. I live in Naklua Pattaya. Alternatively I would consider first purchasing a 400CC+ motorbike in Nong Kai or there abouts 400CC and drive into Vietnam from Thailand. At a later date travel back to Thailand through the South of Vietnam. At the moment I havn't found a motorbike dealer in Hanoi or Hai Phong who doesnt' want to charge the earth for a bike.

    I need to find out the issues regarding entering Vietnam with a motorbike and conversely going the opposite direction. I'll be keeping an eye on this forum and I hope I can make a contribution as I find out more.

    Keep the flag flying and keep the faith

    Hunkey Dorey

  10. And this is just one example of one facet of the whole political struggle going on. And as you can see, neither side (as far as these two individuals concerned) could give two bits as to what the outcome is in terms of the "greater good of the poor/keeping the poor down" "Thaksin being brought to justice/brining Thaksin back to power" or the "fight for democracy."


    Well said Heng.


    Hunkey Dorey


  11. In simplest of terms, It's their country and they make the rules....

    I have REALLY waited for this argument to pop up (it always comes with any topic even remotely concerned with the harebrained things the Thai governement is doing lately).

    This argument is incredible stupid in itself, and if you feel so then you must -- by LOGIC -- also feel that discussion is unnecessary.

    So then, please remove yourself from this discussion.

    Jts, I like your style. So succinctly observed.

    Hunkey Dorey

  12. I understand the point you're trying to make (hey, I'm an athiest, so I love that Christmas takes a back seat to the Buddhist holidays), but according to Thaivisa.com (see the first link that I posted in response), Christmas is an official Thai public holiday.

    I am an Athiest too but I am not anti Christian or anti Bhuddist. I believe that God is not Humanoid, just Light and Gravity, Matter and Nuclear activity + a few more dimensions. Actually if the crunch came I would say I am more a Buddhist than a Christian. I'll not say more as this topic deserves it's own forum.

    Happy Christmas everybody and I hope there is an equitable outcome from the elections that will seve everybody in Thailand especially the Thais.

    Hunkey Dorey

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