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Posts posted by HunkeyDorey

  1. Yes, there are always small places where you can buy alcohol, but then there are also always places where you can buy drugs!

    Personally, I think I'll spend my Christmas in Saudi Arabia! I just hate it when a Buddhist country decides to make me get in touch with the 'true' meaning of Christmas!

    I'm in Saudi too Scott so I'm going to get in touch with the true meaning of Christmas here and get drunk as a skunk. Happy shMishmash

    Hunkey Dorey

  2. "just articulating wishful thinking".

    I like your calm and objective observation Martin. I, like you, will be watching this forum in the future. I believe that the Banking System is contrived, ambivalent, not transparent, and not accountable as long as we have banks like The Siam Commercial Bank and the Thai Military Bank who have obvious connections to those who job is supposed to be ruling the country.

    Hunkey Dorey

  3. community benefits dont come much better than that.

    It's the local Thai's that will be afected, not so much the Farang.

    Expect a Large increase in the number of Break-ins and thefts of Booze. Watch the papers.


    Expect that the bars will hike up the prices immediately on their old stock!

    Expect watered down spirits

    Expect people will drink the same amount with less money to spend on other essentials

    community benefits dont come much better than that.


    Have a nice day

    Hunkey Dorey

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