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Posts posted by monitorlizard

  1. What term would you use to define "Mongloids, Negroids, and Caucasoids?" You don't have to use the term "race" if you don't feel like you can.

    lets see steroids, asteroids.... words that rhyme? words that end with oilds?

  2. wow....this is getting interesting ....soon to be a tv movie special? amazing...

    not really a big follower of things royal in britain but i read a blurb in the post today about the non-incident.

    anyway what is this about a rape tape that Di referred to in diary? and the Prince's involvement? (Italian newspaper)

    and what is this buiness about harry looking more like who? (poster to thread)

    i am a bit suspicious when spindoctors use the line "servant is mentally ill and has drinking problem, tends to fantasize a lot" but he is a great guy and is now working as a freelance businessman for the prince. other staff jealous about this servants rise to the top...... etc., etc., fired for selling presents given to him by the prince.....

    doesn't add up in my humble opinion....

  3. I know this is really sick but I thought I could save lives!

    Am looking for business partners to buy condos in Pattaya from expats who want out quick!

    Me thinks that they are being helped to jump by girlfriends who found out they are being dumped by their husbands/boyfriends/whatever.

    Idea is to pay cash 40-50% of value immediately. They get a quick get away, get to LIVE, and prevent their girlfriends/wives from getting their property/furniture/cars.

    Anyone want in? Or you take my idea and run with it!! Curious if this would reduce the number of farangs jumping from condos.

    Another idea is to put all property in my daughters name and sign a 50 year lease.

    This way I can leave a legacy and I can blow all of my money on myself!

    maybe i have been here too long......thinking like a ...... LOL

  4. "quitting smoking is very easy! I've quit thousands of times!"

    anyway, tried the nic patches before and i still smoked. bought the gum and still smoked. even tried the "quit in 3 days" herbal stuff, i still smoke.

    now i bought quomem. i took 4 pills but stopped because i wanted a cig and the pills are expensive.

    believe me the threats of death and destruction and harm to your body doesn't work with people.......especially when we see a 90 year old puffing away.....its our illusion that we will be one of them....

    anyway, am willing to see if this davidcharles method to quit will work, count me in.....don't want to pay anything but you can use me as a referance if it does work.....

    got to run....all this talk about smoking is making me want a smoke and coffee....

  5. Interesting ideas butterfly. I heard the rumour about Di being pregnant as well. But wouldn't the medical examiner confirm this? Yes, it could have been covered up.

    I heard about the upper class thing with the same gender before. Perhaps it starts at the public boarding schools?

    Seems that the Di's death is becoming the newest JFK conspiracy....a lot of unanswered questions and strange behavior.

    Does anyone know which newspaper has the story. I was thinking of buying it from them and getting it published in Burma. I don't think they have libel laws there. We can have people smuggle books instead of drugs!

  6. kwiz

    I agree with you that educated people can be racist but I would point out that one who harbors racist views or feelings of superiority are not very smart. They may have lots of degrees but they failed to learn while in school.

    I think that if people in power stopped blaming outsiders for social ills or problems that they are not fixing then the uneducated masses would not be harboring prejudices. Oh yes they might......against the people in power!

  7. I just read today that Prince Charles has denied an unpublished report that the courts blocked from being published by the British newspapers.

    I find it strange that he has come out to say " I deny all allegations that are not printed against me".

    There are lots of rumours floating around. How anyone heard what they are?

    The British tabloids are predicting that this story if published will cause the fall of the monarch.

    What's your guess? Me, I have no idea.

  8. Interesting comments Heng. I wonder how you feel about the comments directed towards Chinese Thai or jek as they are often referred (not by me I must add). Or the internment of the Chinese at Angel Island when they immigrated to the west coast of US. Or the Thais view that Chinese have taken over their country.

    Of course, the Chinese Thai has transformed themselves to become "super Thai" or more Thai than their countrymen. The powers to be have even tried to re-write history and say that all Thais came from China! It reminds me about the Mexicans who are mixed with indigneous people but are ashamed of their history. Now their is a report that a vast majority of Thais are mixed with the Mons! I am sure that this information will face stiff resistance....Thais mixed with hilltribes? No way!!!

    Anyway, you must be very careful Heng because the tables can turn on you depending on what part of the world you are living. This nationalism of Thai-ness seems to be a major con being played by the people in power. They are reflecting anti-immigraton away from them and towards other people. Why? Because they can continue to make fortunes and retain power while keeping the general population pre-occupied with other groups.

    I would think that making generalizations against anyone regardless of race, colour, sexual preferance, or any other factors is plain wrong and change should begin one person at a time. It is a major cop out to say its alright because the world does it.

    I might add if you were a german during Nazi Germany would you throw up your hands and say the extermination of Jews, gays, gypsies, etc was alright because so many of the poulation shared these views?

    I find it amazing that racism exists in so many forms. In America it exists against people of colour and in Asia there is a racism against westerners. How does this happen? I believe the main culprit is nationalism. There is a very fine line between nationalism and racism.

    Also ignorance plays a major role as well as people who manipulate the race card for their own material benefit. We have people all over the world who use the race card who are maintaining their wealth and power through the use of it.

    I have travelled to many countries all over the world and I cannot say a single sterotype could be applied to any people, race, or region. I am not being naive.

    Some people might agrue that Africa, Southeast Asia, and India (to name a few) are examples of inferior races. What nonsense! Try to imagine if these countries of the world had the military technology to submit the rest of Europe under their countrol (The Moors were almost successful in Spain). This part of the world despite having most of the world's natural resources were victims of explotation and colonization. Africa is a good example. The western powers carved up the entire country and split up communities.

    Perhaps I am being naive or politically correct but I believe that by not making judgements of other people based on their orgin, skin colour, etc is a much better approach.

    Heng, you might want to consider if your ideas are formed by a more sinister outside force. it is the oldest game known to mankind......cause disharmony between the masses and the elite will stay in power.

    On the muslim issue. I find it really disappointing and sad that so many people harbor misinformation about the US. I watched a CNN report and it was shocking what some young people believe about the US today. When asked where they got their information they responded that it came from newspapers and the internet. They believe that if something is on the internet then it must be true!

    I did take a trip through Muslim countries before and I can assure you that not all are extremists (Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Egypt). Unfortunately, I think the only cure for ridding ourselves of racism is through education and down playing nationalism. sadly, I think this will take a long time as long as there are people who believe they are better than other people.

  9. i dont see how there would be a property crash in california. Yes there was a downturn in Los Angles and san Diego for a bout 10 years but look what happened the prices skyrocketed! back then there was problems with base closings and the downsizing of military companies. Long Beach and other communities near LA were really hit hard.

    Should not happen again as the economy is more diversified with small to medium sized companies. In LA there are toy manufactures now shipping toys to Asia!

    Yes the rents in San Francisco have dropped about 10% But look at the market. Houses are being over bid by 20,000 -50,000 dollars. The average house there is around 500,000 or more and I expect it to hit 1 million easily within 20 years! Remember 45 sq miles is the size.

    You should read the report from UC Berkeley about the housing problem in California. Each year the situation gets worse. The need and new property starts are way out of whack. PM me and i will send the link to you. Its a bit long but a good read.

    Its funny how you say that people cannot afford the houses anymore. I use to believe that as well. But I see an interesting trend happening now in california.......the new "interest only" loans. Yes you never pay down your principal. so people can borrow 300,000 and pay 800 Usd payments per month. don't forget japan has the 40 year loans and in some cases loans that are transferred to the next generation.

    i see nothing but upside for the 550,000 to 700,000 apartments in Bangkok. The typical rents are returning 3,000-4,000 baht per month (36,000 -48,000) which is a comfortable 7% yearly return.

    How did the condos that are not built yet at Lat Phrao sell out in a few hours on the first day?

    Yes, shophouses or the chinese style shop and house on top are not doing so well. Neither are the townhomes. But housing estates are doing well. The Thais love the idea of a planned community with amentities and security.

    I am looking at one at Phutomanton 2. Not cheap though, small house is 4 million. I will probably pass it up.

    I wouldn't play the stock market as I see it as another form of gambling. And we know the Thais love to gamble just like the Chinese.

    Only thing I regret is not buying the Australian dollar when it was 55 cents to the USD. What is it now? Nearly 70? The signs were there....high interest rates in a futile attempt to cool down the property market. Howard must be doing something right!

  10. Larium. I heard it was banned in Europe. Anyone confirm this? I would agree with the discussion of taking malaria shots. I would avoid taking anything.

    I met a Beligium couple a few years ago in Laos. He was taking malaria tablets for a trip to Africa. He still ended up catching it. So, there is some truth about the mosequitoes becoming resistent to the new drugs. Now he gets the shakes every year or so.

    I remember when I first came to Asia. I was on a health plan then so I was able to get a lot of shots for free or little cost. I even took the (UK invented) rabies vaccination.

    Actually, I was happy to get it as I was nearly bitten by a rabid dog in a off the beaten track small town in India. I was saved by an Indian who came running at me with a huge stick. Luckily, he hit the dog and not me. It was unnerving.

    However, I woudd not recommend taking the rabies vac. There are plenty of hospitals around here. I would still be worried about bites but not from dogs!

  11. An old Apache woman (mom of my friend) told my girlfriend at the time that

    "jealousy was self-hatred."

    I didn't think about it until now because I dismissed it years ago, probably because I didn't remember and I had a vicious hangover from partying with the woman's son at the time.

    anyway, food for thought.

  12. Curious which hospitals any parents out there are using in Bangkok. I am using Mission Hospital near racetrack (Rama V) but I am thinking of switching.

    Is anyone using Bumrungrad Hospital? How much are the doctor's fees? At Mission it is 250 baht. Is it 400 baht there? I heard the doctors offices in the children's ward are in the form of a playground. What is this about?

    Also, I was curious about the vaccinations. Have you used the oral or shot for polio vaccination? I guess there are two choices. I will do my own research but I am curious what other dads are doing.

    Also what about this Japanese enclyphitis (spelling)? I thought it was a mosequito that carried the disease where there were pig farms in swampy areas. I didn't think that Thailand was at risk. I heard Laos was....again I will do more research. Curious to read about the side effects if any. I know it is fatal but it is fatal for adults and I don't hear adults running out to get them.

    Doctor said it was in case when I traveled to remote areas. I told him that there was a 0% chance visiting pig farms.

    One more question>>>>>>>>>>>>

    I have a car seat that I bought from the States. It is highly ranked by the various safety organizations but it looks so ###### uncomfortable for an infant. The problem is her neck drops down to her chin or belly when she is sitting in it.

    She is the proper height and weight. Anyone had similiar problems? No, motorcycles are out of the question. Seat is facing the rear. I heard that some people use a towel for support. Anyway, just curious again. I will contact manufacturer to get the scoop. Not using it much right now anyway, just trips to the doctors for now.

  13. Hate to disagree lads but the property market is just getting heated up. Yes, the high end of houses and condos are exceeding demand. But what about the middle and lower end?

    Demand far outweighs supply. I have a friend (Thai), part owner of a company that develops and builds units for the middle market niche. The last 2 projects have been sold out. I am always begging to buy one of his units in one of his projects. He expects demand to continue for many years to come. Most of his projects have been on the outskirts of Bangkok! And they are selling out.

    I also think that if low interest rates continue to stay at record levels then the housing boom will continue to ride higher. There is no other place to put your money. Banks pay 1% or less. Your money loses value due to inflation. People would much rather buy real estate than play the stock market.

    Signs of the US economy improving (at least until the 2004 election) is also fueling the housing boom. There is one going on right now in California. And don't forget London!

    If I were living in LOS, I would buy a property. Its an asset.

  14. Also frightening is a fararang supporting a Thai wife and family with zilch to back it all up. That is seriously frightening.This is not a welfare state.

    What I have been saying all along! Dr. P.P. hit the hammer on the nail here. Some posters say they can live on 20,000 baht per month and support a family. They cite other Thais who are doing this.

    In my opinion, I would only stay in Thailand if I would have income that is generated from overseas. Also, a fixed income may not cut it as you get older. Say you are getting 40,000 baht a month now. But what happens in 10 years or 20 years? You have to pay for some emergency medical expenses or other unexpected things that pop up?

    Personally, I couldn't sleep at night with these potential prospects. What makes matters worse is that you may be unemployable in 10 or 20 years time back home. What is next? There is no welfare in Thailand. So you will need to return home to the West and apply for welfare there. Unthinkable for me!!!

    Thailand does not need more poor citizens produced by foreigners. My advice for what it is worth is for those people who are scrapping the bottom is to return home immediately and save up for a nest egg. Working here is not going to give you any long term benefits! You won't even get a pension!

    It is a romantic concept to live in a foreign country and raise a family but you must face the music. There is nothing romantic about poverty! It is much better to be responsible and think about the future and possible emergencies.

  15. 'What is a poverty-packer to do who is told month after month that they may come to the border for another stamp? Should they follow that advice or follow your advice?' If they are to follow your advice, then certainly some clarification would be in order.

    But alas, that clarification will never come. Rather than taking the opportunity to clarify and elaborate, you turn it in to an argument.

    However you cut it you and your ilk are using a loophole to avoid compliance with the income / banking rules for long term stayers. One of your characters actually said he  sometimes gets a visa when funds permit. Now that has to be close to the bone.

    Being a backpacker many years ago, I can understand their desire to travel the world and gain some new experiences. It was certainly a learning experience for me. However, I did eventually come to the conclusion that I needed to face reality and pursue a career and begin working.

    The backpackers have to face reality that one cannot living here indefinitely and live a month to month existance. You are living on the fringes and I personally think it would be in your best interest to return home to finish your degree or begin working.

    I hope that I don't sound that I am preaching but I am speaking from experience. I realized this many years ago when I was in my early 20's and came across a man in his 50's living in India. He had no education and no viable means of support. He left his home country 30 years ago and has never returned. This scared the living shxt out of me!

    Anyway, I have been reading that the Labor Minister who has proposed these new regulations IS going to be replaced in the PM cabinet reshuffle. I think that we will see modification of the proposed rules. August is a long way away.

    I may be naive but after so many years of living here, I just don't see the Thai government deporting foreigners married to Thais regardless of their incomes. Can you imagine the scene of a tearful Thai wife with a crying son/daughter bidding farewell to their foreigner husband at the airport? This would not only make international headlines but it would make the powers to be who enacted such laws to be perceived as ones with "black hearts".

    I have noticed that Thai politicans who are suffering in the polls or who feel they are not getting their fair coverage in the media will often make outrageous statements or policy declarations. They get their needed coverage and the newspapers get to sell more newspapers by spashing their newspapers with sensational headlines. The policy declarations are quietly forgotten and everyone is happy.

    When I told my wife about the new minimum wages for foreigners she couldn't control her laughter. After 5 minutes, she looked up at me and asked. "You don't really believe this do you?".

    Anyway, my 2 cents is to wait and see what happens. But I do agree with Dr. Pat Pong and others, " backpackers and fish are the same.....they both stink after 3 days".

  16. Japan is another example and they have been in a depression state now for a few years and still counting.

    I think you mean deflation. Yes, the Japanese economy has been in the dumps for 10 plus years now. One of the main reasons is that they will not reform the Japanese banks. The bad loans is still on the bank books and they are not collecting the debts.

    The Japanese are always interfering with the dollar to keep it high so they can make their exports cheaper to the US. The Japanese are the biggest buyer of US bonds and debt. China is under pressure to devalue their currency 10-15% as the trade deficit with US is ballooning and causing fears of a loss of jobs there. Thailand would of course love to see the baht weak. Thailand is the 18th largest exporter to the US so it is in their best interest to do so. I don't think countries like Thailand will interfere again because the circumstances are different today. The Thai baht was pegged to the dollar at 25. Now the Thai baht is floating. The government here can prevent some of the speculators by banning or limiting US dollar accounts for non-residents. They have done this and the baht decreased to 39 from 38.5.

    The was a similiar problem in the US with the S&L crisis but the US took action by closing banks and getting others to take over others. They established the Resolution Trust Corporation and they autioned off all the properties. The cost was billions and billions of dollars to the taxpayers.

    I am not so sure we have to worry about depressions anymore. The ones in Germany and the US in 1930's were very severe but the world has changed considerably since then. The biggest problem was a lack of regulatory agencies.

    Look at the dot com collapse. There was a trillion dollars wiped out in equity. There was no depression. The world is too diversified now. And look at the stock market now. The NASDX is up around 45% this year and if you picked certain stocks the gains were 400 -1000%. Keep in mind that when a stock decresed 90% in the dot com crash that it would take a900% gain to acheive back all of its earlier loses.

    I do think that Thailand is in danger economically but I don't think it will collapse. I spoke with a British engineer who works for an expat company. They do a lot of work for Thai companies that are building high end condos. He told me that it is his opinion that the property gowth is not sustainable and is in danger of a correction very soon. I tend to agree especially after speaking to a taxi driver who is building apartments (40) Thai style on a small piece of land on the outskirts of Bangkok.

    Also, the debt many Thais are taking on is somewhat alarming. I could be wrong because I may be old fashioned -in that I never carry a credit balance - but people all over the owrld seem to be up to their eyeballs in debt. General Electric is now in the credit card business in Thailand as well. If I were to pick a Thai stock I would find one in the debt collection business.

    Anyway, I think it is impossible to predict collapses, the next great depression, etc. I think the big worry now is deflation and keeping a check on inflation in the years ahead.

    I think that if you think about what is in store for the future or what could happen, then it will not only make your head spin but make you depressed, crazy or both. It is much better to enjoy life. Don't worry about what might happen. Better to deal with it when it does come your way. Just my thoughts and they are certainly not meant to demean others who have posted here. I do sympathize deeply with those who are worried about uprooting their families and homes.

    I really do believe that the Thais are not going to break up families or start kicking out legitimate people living here. One thing that I have learned living in Thailand is that "words are louder than action" meaning that whatever comes out of a politician or what you read in the newspaper is quickly forgotten. So I don't get worked up or excited about what I read in the paper.

    I still think the Thais are lovely people and this is why I chose to live here.

  17. Yes, the marriage visa is good for 1 year. I have been told that to obtain a resident card that you will need to have stayed in Thailand for 3 years.

    After you apply for your 3rd year, you can request the application. They have a lottery which I believe is in December? I don't know what the cost of the application but if you are chosen from the lottery the fee is 96,000 (?) baht if your wife/spouse is a Thai national.

    They pick 100 people from each nationality but they have to met some requirements.I will keep you posted as I am applying for it this year.

    The reporting issue is debatable. Some people don't bother. But yes, you are technically supposed to report every 90 days. However, you can send a letter to the appropriate division at immigration. Some have reported the fine for not reporting is 2,000 baht. Some have said it is a per day and it is put in your passport. I never received such a document. I think people who never report never bother.

    Regarding the money in the bank. Make sure you wire the money over to the bank in Thailand. It will not count if you withdraw the funds from the ATM. They need proof that the funds came from outside Thailand.

  18. Regarding money in a Thai bank. I think it should read a bank in Thailand. I bank with Citibank and I never had a problem with immigration. However, there are strict requirements for a foreigner to open an account with a foreign bank in Thailand. It usually centers around a min. deposit which can be quite high. These rules are imposed by government of Thailand. Also, I believe that foreign banks are only allowed to have 1 branch here.

    Kevin, if you are married to a Thai then those higher requirements do not apply to you. It is a very straight

    forward process to obtain 1 year visa. I have heard that immigration offices upcountry sometimes do not follow the rules or perhaps are confused by them. Some of my friends tell me that the big problem is over  the "and.....or". I would suggest that you get the regulation and show it to them. If it doesn't work go to Bangkok. In all cases, do not get upset as this will cause the immigration officer to clam up and dig in his /her heels.

    If my memory serves me corect there was no need for a medical check.

    I had to fill out an application and possess a non-immigrant visa.

    About 30 days before the visa ran out, I applied and was given an extension while they processed my file.

    If you do not have kids the file is sent to immigration police and they sometimes will go to your home for an inspection. Didn't happen to me. However you will need to bring your wife with you. Documents such as photos, copies of passport, TM card, house registration, statement of funds from bank, marriage certificate (if married outside Thailand then it must be certified as a true copy from your embassy).

    I found the whole process pretty straightforward and without any problems. I did forget a paper but I was very polite and the officer kept the file and didn't require my wife to come again.

    At the time I needed 200,000 baht in the bank no monthly income statement. However, it is important to get a exit visa if you travel outside of Thailand. If you don't then you have to start the whole process over again.

    I had a friend who is American and he got a green card/residence permit for his Thai wife. He spent thousands of dollars for the US fees and he was delayed and delayed. He finally had to contact his congressman before he got action. I hear the lines at immigration in the US are days long. You have to wait one day to get a ticket for an appointment time. Later, when you return, you get a time to see an official. Also, the process time for green cards are about 2 years.

    Good luck.

  19. I know some of you will snap my head off for saying this but are the new requirements really that bad?

    The proposed new laws state that a foreigner will need to have 400,000 baht or 40,000 baht per month to get a 1 year visa. They have noted that there will be exceptions to hardship cases on an idividual basis.

    I have noticed that some people who are complaining are spending in excess of 400,000 baht per year. I just don't get it.You have nothing to worry about.

    I suspect the people who will be screaming the loudest are the ones who are working illegally as teachers or in dodgey businesses and doing the monthly border runs. Also, there are some I believe that are causing great harm to the welfare of their families by living a month to month existence here. What about their kids future? I would think it would be better to return to the West and make real money! The kids would get a good education. You could always come to LOS during the summer holidays.

    For those who are living on less than 400,000 baht a year in LOS and have a wife and child, I honestly don't know how you are managing! The baht is appreciating. So far, the US dollar has lost about 12% of its value. I expect it to lose another 5-10% on pressure from the US and EU. We could see the baht 35-36 to the USD!

    Regarding the "anti-farang" issue by the government and media. The reality is that the government is cleaning up the loopholes and abuse of the visas. The issue is not to break up families but to provide security. Just today I read they caught an Iranian national without an entry stamp!

    There was an excellant article in the Bangkok Post about ideas for the foreigner who cannot meet the new regulations. Some of them included moving to another country where you can get more value for your money. Although I would disagree about moving to Laos or Cambodia, I would give China a try. I visited Yunnan a couple of years back and I loved it.

    Personally, if I had to live on a retirement salary or social security and I saw the value of my money decreasing 15% and the cost of living increasing, I would seriously think of moving somewhere else.

    I might even consider the former Eastern European block. The northern part of former Yugoslavia is peaceful now and the islands there are stunning! Poland is nice. I even liked the beaches of Turkey, a place where you get real value for your money. Lots of great places in Latin America as well.

    Anyway, I think we need to keep things in perspective. To retire in the US, one needs 1 million USD. Canada is $500,000 USD. I don't know what it is Europe but I suspect it is quite high as well.

    I know change is difficult and can be frightening to some. However, it is important to realize that we cannot control events in life. The world is too big and beautiful to get angry.

    The figure of 400,000 baht a year (+/- $11,000 USD) is a real bargain if you compare the requirements to other places.

  20. Agree that banks take 30 days to clear a check drawn out of Thailand. I don't know the fees for Western Union but if it is more than $40.00 then it would be advisable to use the SWIFT account. They charge $40 for international transfers and you can purchase Thai baht instead of US dollars when you make the transfer. This will avoid any shortfall on the banks exchange rate. Citibank will transfer Thai baht. I believe Bank of America will do the same. They have an office at the Hilton Conrad next to the US Embassy. I would avoid the US Embassy.

    Another alternative is to deposit cash to his credit card and let him withdraw the funds here. All US credit card companies have a special overnight service for express payments.

    Hope this helps.

  21. Thanks for your input Cam! You made a lot of very good points. The market will directed at Europe, US, Australia, and Canada so I imagine most people are connected to the high speed internet. However, I do not want anyone to wait long periods of time for the pages to load. I was thinking of a few pictures to brighten up the site. But perhaps I should re-think this.

    Yes, I agree with you 100% about "flashy" designs. I do want something simple with a shopping cart that accepts different currencies. Have you heard of PaySystems?

    I am getting closer to finish the rough draft of my pages, publication of my material, and buiness licenses.

    I feel that my project will work after some time but I do not want to spend a "wad" getting the site up.

    You gave me a big laugh about the whiz programmers with the pirated software. The person who has been trying to sell me his services does just this! I don't know who to feel sorry for.....the people who get hoodwinked into paying for his services or the guy himself......he really thinks he is great!

    I have seen his web sites and they are a plain background with 5-6 links to information pages.

    I am not an expert but it looks like it took 30 minutes to set up. He swears that the HTML is very complex and it takes him several weeks! Also, he adds that he is one of the very few programmers that knows the secrets of HTML.  TIT!!! Note he doesn't have any background in computers nor work experience in this field. Perhaps he took an advanced course in high school (his highest academic achievement) but I doubt it very much!

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