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Posts posted by a99az

  1. It's not a problem, lots of dual nationals swap passports in the air. The only time you can't do it is at a land crossing where the immigration chaps on both sides want to see the exit stamp from the other country :o

    You may need to show both passports at check-in (not immigration) to show that she has rights of entry into the destination country without a visa.

    BTW She will be able to retain both Thai and British nationalities forever, there is no requirement to give either up at any point :D

    Many thanks for that info I will do as you say and show both to check in only.

  2. I agree with Choppy Chugger I got my daughters birth cert in my name and with an English first name then six months later got married. I will pick up her British birth Cert and passport this Monday. You do not need to be married to the mother of the child as long as you are also not married to anyone and if you have been you must show that you are divorced.

    If you are married to another woman your wife can still give the child a forien name and your family name.

  3. To avoid the need to get a visa to visit Spain with my baby daughter could she depart with her Thai passport and use her British Passport on arriving in Spain. Then depart Spain with British Passport and then show her Thai passport when she gets back to Thailand? Avoiding the need to have a visa for Spain or Thailand.

    I feel sure that the Spanish will not stamp her British passport on arrival to Spain but might they become suspect if she has no stamp in it from Thailand? Like wise will the Thai immigration become suspect if there is no stamp in her passport when she returns to Thailand, she is at this time permitted to hold two passports.

  4. Image1.gif


    I have for many years considered travel documents such as passports and visa's to be degrading. Why should anyone on Earth need permission to travel and live where one chooses?

    I believe that restrictions passports and visa's impose are the cause of much misery, poverty, sickness, exploitation of people and the death of thousands every year directly and indirectly.

    Everyone should be able to travel freely to any place they wish to go to and be able to stay for as long as they want and compete in the market place for work.

    It would put an immediate stop to people smuggling, slavery, stop companies from locating to third world countries to take advantage of cheep labour and would allow for a better distribution of wealth. Countries that oppress their people would no longer be able to rule with fear and would have instead to woo people to their country with great offers of peace and prosperity. Indeed the benefits would far outweigh any disadvantages that I can see. The terrorist might also become a thing of the past who knows.

    Many of the arguments that I have had are simply raciest and some think that it would in some way take away their national identity, others simply don't want to compete for work. It is interesting to note that before World War I, passports were not widely used for international travel, and in most areas, few people had one. According to the website for Passport Canada, "The rising popularity of rail travel in the mid-19th century led to an explosion of tourism throughout Europe and caused a complete breakdown in the European passport and visa system. In answer to this crisis, France abolished passports and visas in 1861. Other European countries followed suit, and by 1914, passport requirements had been eliminated practically everywhere in Europe. Crossing a border was usually very easy, and no supporting documentation or declarations were required. However, internal passports were commonly required for travel within a handful of countries, including the Ottoman Empire andTsarist Russia where they were commonly held documents". Sounds like an early form of European Community to me.

    If indeed we did all have a common ancestor that walked out of Africa about 2000 generations ago (all achieved without a passport) then we are all black under the skin and family, should we not strive to reunite as one family the family of man.

    BY GRAHAM NASH Oct 2007

  5. Is that included in the price?

    Depends where you see them walking. In lower sukhumvit, cowboy and patpong it's included in the price. Anywhere else they're still looking for a tip :D

    My wife will at odd times hold my hand and I know she is not looking for a tip, so you got that well wrong. Or is that the only experience you have had here in Thailand very sad for you if it is. :o

  6. I was happy to pay and mum in law put on a great show by struggling away under the weight of all the cash and gold. After she gave my wife back the gold. We had a great wedding and this week after over a year together we hope to make the papers at the Amphur. (To satisfy the likes of various government body’s) :o

  7. I have just recently been informed that my teaching contract will not be renewed. Thus, I'm out of a job. My NON-IMM B visa and work permit will expire on 30 September. I have heard on this forum that in such a case I have to leave the country within seven days, so I have booked a flight out for 7 October. My question to those in the know is this: Do I have to go to immigration before my visa expires and request an extension of seven days or can I just leave the country without any problems seven days later. I'm worried that when I get to the airport I'll be charged for overstaying seven days. Does anyone have any prior experience with this situation and is this seven-day grace period policy written down in the law anywhere. Perhaps Sunbelt or anyone else could shed some light on this. All I'm really looking for is some self-assurance. Thanks in advance to anyone who can offer some guidance.

    I'm in the same situation. Yes, we have to go to the immigration on friday 28.

    On a different topic, do you know that you are entitled to some compensation from your school/university ?

    OK I might have a bit of a problem, my passport is with the British Embassy being renewed. On Friday the 28th I should renew my visa at Thai immigration. If I don’t get it in time and go to showing receipt for passport do you think they will give me a couple of days grace?

  8. we all need to get together with the media and share all of these rude and anti-human rule changes. they are killing the core people who really love living here and putting money flow into the economy. trust me...MONEY TALKS.

    i begged readers to join me with the retirement visa changes on dependents...NOBODY OFFERED.

    i ask again...LETS SPEAK UP TO CNN..BBC...anyone...THE NATION.

    is this just a sounding board...or a group of strong farang who are REAL winners ...not REAL whiners?

    JOIN ME...lets make some noise. IT WILL WORK.

    i will meet anyone...anyplace to form a group to go to the media about all of these racist laws popping up.

    if you dont act now...YOUR VISA WILL BE NEXT.they will find a loophole in every case.

    any takers?

    A grand idea if every expat would all stand and be counted it could work. Sadly I think that many would hide and wait for positive results before committing themselves. In the mean time the ring leaders of such a move would get a healthy dose of problems when it came to doing anything like renewing a visa, at best they might get to leave Thailand without the cash and homes they have here.

    I would be good why not put this to a vote and see what sort of interest there is.

  9. I've just recently found out that my husband got to know this thai lady a yr ago from his last trip to Phuket.. since then they have been communicating via email. Althought they have not met since then but this girl had been very initiative expressive in her mails till now, expressing her love for him, Anyone can advise me how can I stop this without having confrontation?

    Or if someone happen to know girl by the name of jeab <edit>, please advise her to wake up from her unrealistic dream...

    If it is an unrealistic dream... you have nothing to fear, if not you got to work hard on your love one. Best of luck to you both.

  10. Just a second thought. I remember a mass of public outcry at the governments proposals on road pricing. I think a million+ people emailed Tony Blair.

    I am sick of these faceless idiots messing with peoples lives. The Thaivisa forum should mount an email attack on Gordon Brown. After all from acorns oak trees can grow. My guess is all it would take is a well written petition from a modorator of thr forum and start the snowball rolling. :o

    I agree whole heartily lets all start and petition brown lets join forces with other forums all over the world we can do it.

    I am sick of the bullshit and hoop jumping, I am British and also could not pass the test.mad.gif

  11. I am English I live in Thailand with my Thai wife of 33 and our baby. We own our house and I hold a retirement visa. I also have a home in Spain and hold a Spanish id. card and have family there.

    The question is what would be the best way for us to visit Spain for a few months, could I get issued with a family permit, which is free. Or would I have to get a visa we don't want to stay but would like to visit every year for a few months. This would be her first visit other than a trip with me last year to Penang, any advice would be much appreciated.

    Regards Graham

    [email protected]

  12. I have eaten at the River Side it's OK but I think over priced for what you get and I am not in a rush to get back there.

    Now I do like to eat out and one place I like is cheap and the food is good. Its called the Chi Tung Kung Ten (ชายทุ่งกุ้งเต้น) you will need to ask a local the way it's not to far from Laguna Homes from the main entrance turn right over the + roads and it's on the right a couple of km down the road.

    Happy Eating Graham

  13. post-48448-1183604939_thumb.jpg

    My wife is Thai and we have just regestared my baby girl in Chiang Mai, her name on the papers from the hospital was Mary Rose Nash. At the Amper they said we could only have one first name so she is now called Maryrose Nash She also has a pasport now and the next job will be to get her birth recorded in the UK this I am doing through the British Consulate. You should not have a problem.

    Graham Nash.

  14. All I can say is what a relief, to know that my new baby is not on her own with her cute button nose. I love her very much and many of her family and friends say she looks like me. OK she is very white but I think that is where the similarities end, I think she looks like her mum more than me and that’s good, who would want a daughter that had an ugly hooter like mine, that would be cruel.

    She (Mary Rose) did have blue eyes when she was born but now at four months have turned brown.

  15. What more can be said, just this if you do wish to put your name on the child’s B/Cert. you can. If you want to register the birth in the UK you don’t have to be married to the mother but you must be single or divorced.

    I would think this could be the same with other nationalities. As for being a benefit to your status here I don’t think that will help much.

    I think that Guest House covered the rest.

    Best of luck to you all. Graham

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