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Posts posted by GetBackJoJo

  1. Title says it all realy. Any idea where I can see this fight live in Bangers on December 8th? Im thinking the time difference makes it somewhere between 8am and 11am... Its a double wammy. Are there any pubs with the provision to show american pay per view boxing matches and if so, with they be open at this merry hour?



  2. Polecat / Mr Toad

    Typical Thai Visa response. A firendly chappy jumps on the forum, asks an interesting question, and you tell the poor chap to bugger off and read a previous thread. Colour it up in humour if you like, but thats pretty much the jist of it.... 'Bugger off and read the previous post'. How rude? How assuming?

    Why bother even replying?

    I must remember, next time I am in the London Inn, not to bring up the topic of who will win the Premiership this season, as it was discussed in a previous discussion 2 weeks prior with Bob, Fred and George in The Dubliner.


  3. "the Poo yai Ban is very good as if they dont do as instructed the poo yai ban will loose face."

    Thats a good point. I have been reading the latest developments thinking.... 'Poo Yai Bann, Tesaban, whatever! Talk is cheap.'. Now the face issue comes into play and thinking about it, the Poo Yai Ban will not tolorate loosing face and the squaters would surley not encourage such loss of face by ignoring his demands, would they?

    Face. Cripes how pathetic i have alwyas found it. I live in a village OBSESSED by face and find myself going out of my way to act a complete plonker at times, just to stick two fingers up to the whole face thing. However it does come in usefull once in a while and this may be one of those instances.

    That said.... if these squaters are to save face themselves, they will not honour the Poo Yai Ban's demands immediatley - that would make them look way to subservant. They will honour his instruction, but only in a month or two, probably. You think?

    Anyway. Good luck Mark. I used to come to your place a couple of times a week with either the Mrs, or Grahame ( Grahame the raving loony drunk). I always found you a decent chap, yet a misserable bloody swine and now i know why.... those hicks next door fueld your frown that i was always so puzzled by, considering you live on a beach and have a bloody huge boat.

    I hope you win. That said, i also hope they get to keep there little bar. Its harmless enough. They dont deserve it but hey... why the heck not. Its only a small bar. They can stick the godforsaken house right up there backside though and i hope with a passion that your lovely restraunt will have the peace and quiet that it deserves, once there awfull shack has been demolished.

    It realy does sound like a major stress you have been through with these ignorant animals.

    Good luck.

  4. 'Did you like, pay for her?'

    'Was she from a bar?'

    'How young is she?'

    'Does she speak English, or are you not bothered about that as long as she holds fort in the sacks?'

    'I guess she does all your ironing, cooking, cleaning... is she like a maid?'

    Gut instinct was to kick off to high hel_l and shut this <deleted> up. I found myself at a loss and just for the laugh of it, I answerd yes to every question that was asked. To my suprise, there conclusion was;

    'Ahhh.... thats ok, good on you! Nothing wrong with that, and thats what we figured'


    Even if I thought that to be the case, I can't imagine a scenerio where I would launch into a line of questioning such as this......even with a family member

    Its a family member that i have never got on well with. Another one of her chestnuts is 'so are you still on the run'? (I had a small business in the UK, lost it, and came to Thailand. In her eyes, I am on the run. Pathetic)

    Anyway.... just been thinking. Another ammusing stereotype is 'Buying your wife from the internet'. Yeh, i appreciate some guys meet there chicks on line but only after they have exchanged loads of emails etc. That is not my cup of tea - but each to his own. Its amazing though how some people, believe it or not, think that a Ferang/Thai relationship back in the West is litteraly a case of.... 'Purchased on line'. Like, quite litteraly picked a woman from a list of photos, sent over a load of money, and had the poor little thing shiped over to spend the rest of her days ironing and shagging, in a Glasgow council flat.

    Its a mssive minority that assume this.... but there are some. Its laughable.

    I have decided to play on it. Go with it, have a laugh. Ill introduce her as number 47 if i ever take her home for a holiday. No point in my getting wound up about it and it is only one person i am talking about, after all.

    I was more highlighting the general stereotype.

  5. That is what many folk back home may be thinking of us guys out here.

    I have been in LOS for a few years. I make the occasional phone call back to 'the folks'. I am used to gentle inuendo.... harmless jokes based on the usual stereotypes regarding Thai chicks. Harmless. I go with it and have a laugh.

    However I have just finished a phone call with a certain fammily member who i have never realy got with too great. Enquiring about my GF, who i have been with for almost 3 years, the line of questioning was more intense than the usual harmless banter;

    'Did you like, pay for her?'

    'Was she from a bar?'

    'How young is she?'

    'Does she speak English, or are you not bothered about that as long as she holds fort in the sacks?'

    'I guess she does all your ironing, cooking, cleaning... is she like a maid?'

    Gut instinct was to kick off to high hel_l and shut this <deleted> up. I found myself at a loss and just for the laugh of it, I answerd yes to every question that was asked. To my suprise, there conclusion was;

    'Ahhh.... thats ok, good on you! Nothing wrong with that, and thats what we figured'


    My GF is one year older than me, so thats that particular stereotype nailed. i didnt meet her in a bar. She had her own business. She has her own money. And i am not a huge pile of lard with a wig. Im an average looking bloke.

    But if my GF was 20 years younger than me, straight out of Pussy Galore in Patong... who cares?

    I speak to westerners every day on the phone through my job. Occasionaly i get asked 'you live in Thailand.... ahh... you have a girly then?' I usualy just laugh it off.

    Now im thinking....

    Do those dickheads back home assume i am here just to land myself an 18 year old munchkin with pigtails, who can project ping pong balls into the gulf of Thailand quicker than you can say 'how much for a fortnight'?

    fark'em anyway. Couldnt give a toss what there perceptions are. Im just intrigued.... I always thought the stereotype was a cliche?

    Or do guys back home realy think this way?

    Im not bothered. Couldnt give a bugger. Just asking the question....

  6. You will usualy find a few around hotel swimming pools, extremely early in the morning. Be quick however as they arive between 6am and 7am to lay towels on the sun loungers claiming there spot for the morning, and its not easy to pin the buggers down later in the day as they seem to come and go.

    There is also a shop/butchers; beach road, chaweng noi, on the bend just before you hit the ring road. They sell funny looking sausages. You may catch the odd one or two in there.

    Hope this helps.

  7. Pah! 2 beers a day, are you kidding my firend?

    You are not event remotley close to becoming an alcoholic.

    I average 8-10 small singha per evening. Never before 6pm in the week. Being English, i convert this to pints which gives me 4-5 pints per day. This is probably what your average bloke back in the UK would fire back whilst sitting in a pub reading the paper.

    I have been drinking like this for close to 13/14 years. Im 34. I have a beer belly, but dont care a flying bugger.

    I never drink spirits at home. I rarely drink spirits when im out. I dont like them. I love a beer. I do have rare nights off the beer.... maybe every couple of weeks ill have 2 nights off. This dosent bother me other than a slight 'umm, would love a beer now' feeling.

    Im convinced its a British thing. Back home, its not unusual to go to the pub at lunchtime and see a couple of business people having a meeting over a few beers. Or a bricklayer/plumber/elctrician nipping into the pub for a couple pints (4 small cans) whilst having his lunch. This would be unusual anywhere else in the world. Beer for us Brits is just par for the course and ingrained in us.

    I live up-country. The Chinese/Thai bloke at my local shop is intrigued by me. Just a few days ago i stacked up 10 cans on the counter and a guy infornt of me said 'getting mao tonight?' the shop owner laughed and said 'ha, he would need 20 of them to get mao'.

    Conversley, give me half a bottle of wine or a few vodka tomics, and im pissed as a newt yet i could polish off 15 small singha and not miss a step.

    No mate. You are not an alcoholic.

  8. Hi All

    I have had enough with TOT and doubt if any other providers will offer a much better service. I also doubt if things are going to get better short term.... im guessing months or possibly years of laughable internet speeds. This is affecting my job now, and begining to affect my income. I need to act on this right away.

    My question is; would IP Star be a good alternative? I figure that as the service is sattelite based, the connection would avoid all Thai landlines and thus offer a quicker service?

    I would appreciate any feedback from IP Star users here. Is it worth it, how much do you pay per month and is the service reliable?


  9. Howdy partners

    I need a hotel with relaible free wireless internet for 5 days next week.

    I have googled it of course, but the search terms just got lost in a blitz of affiliate sites and stuff.

    Chaweng would be preferable - but Ban Rak, Bophut or Mae Nam would be fine. Chaweng Nook would be ideal, but you know... whatever.

    Price - around 1000 - 1500 per night if poss.

    Some form of desk or at least dressing table in the room would be good, as ill need to be infornt of my laptop for a good 8 hours per day.

    ANy suggestions would be appreciated


  10. So, Matius says.... If you are the least bit smart you start to bring a little serious information to this thread, but i guess thats to much to ask.

    Wow. Pot calling kettle black, or what? Matius, have YOU got any serious info to post on this thread? Seems not.

    Charma - my personal opinion is that CoCo's are not intentional scammers from the get-go... rather that Bruce and Alan are a cocky pair of jump starts who got way to big for there boots and buzzed off the prestige of 'we are CoCO'. The concept behind the Blues Bar for example was not revenue/profit - it was simply a fixed place where people could come and look at them. There is a reason those bar stools are so big. They were purchased with them in mind.

    'Oooh. Theres the CoCo twins. How splendid they look.' At the risk of sounding childish - let me tel you now, that was the whole point in building that bar.

    My guess is this. They ran out of investment (we all know that pretty much all of there ventures are funded by other peoples money) but they continued to develop for the hel_l of it, hoping they could somehow continue the dream of earning a wedge and looking great at the same time.

    What is the logical step when you require crucial investment people? Im not sure.... but i would bet my last shilling that the logical step to take when you are skint and your development is on the verge of going bang is not to create an all singing, all dancing bloody gigantic festival.

    You can imagine the conversation: 'Right mate. We are skint. We cant pay the suppliers, the builders are kicking off. The investers keep knocking on our door and we have no money for advertising. What shall we do?...... Sod it. Lets set up a festival, and knock them as well'.

    Not intentional scammers, i dont think. Just a couple of bloody idiots. Its. As. Simple. As. That.

    Anyway. I have no reason to post - im not involved. I just felt compeled to post something as Charma - I too was also accused by Matius of being ' a representative' at one point. I defended a visa run company, and in his eyes, im the bloody owner. I know how you feel mate.

    Matius. You live in Samui for god's sake. Go and have a beer, get laid - christ, start a fight if you have to. Just please, go find something to do other than fish around this forum putting the world to rights. Its not your business - so why do you care so much all of the time? Why the 50,000 heated posts on subjects you are completley remote from?

    Happy Bar One - go and fill your boots son. Thats after you have 'read the forum rules' of course. Must get your priorities in ship shape mate!!

  11. Hi all

    I would realy appreciate a little help here.

    Im buying a car with the Mrs. Since things are a little tight at the moment, im going for finance. I have no clue with cars and (possibly stupidly) just allowed the mrs to go off and find one she liked, within budget.

    She has just put down a 10,000 B deposit on a 6 year old Honda Civic, at a cost of 360,000 Baht. To me, that seems quite expensive - 6 years old is very old for a standard car such as a Civic - especialy for that sort of money.

    Isnt it?

    Can someone help me here? I am putting down an additional 35,000 B next week bringing the total deposit to 45,000 - the rest is on finance over a whopping 6 years.

    I did try and explain that 6 years is a heck of a long time to be paying off the finance on an old car, but she wont have it. The deal is that i am paying the deposit, she is paying the monthly finance so its her choice, and i cant change her mind so to heck with it.

    I just worry that 360,000 for a 6 year old Civic is a little strong?

    Hopefully you can put my mind at reast and tell me it isnt.

    Cheers all

  12. Look, i cant be bothered to go around in circles. I made my point, you guys made yours - whatever, mai bpen rai. I will say though - i have motive to post as i know Herbert, i like the guy and i like his service. I am bound to leap to his defence and i would not do so if i did genuinely think is service is not brilliant, which it is. I hope you respect my opinions and consider them honest as i genuinely believe every single word i have posted.

    Matius postings however are begining to creep me out just a little. I just do not understand his motive. Clearly, he is on a one man war to anon post on the Samui forum, slandering Herberts service for no aparent reason other than.... well, he dosent like him. Going to the extreme of pointing this thread out to his 'friends' and encouraging them to post also is totaly bewildering and i just cant grasp his reasons here.

    I have many friends that i could direct to this forum and post positivley about his service but they would likely tel me to bugger off and get a life. Sadly, your friends seem as desperate to slander an honest guys business as you are.

    It makes me wonder if Matius is actualy a customer of Herberts that caused problems on a visa run previously and he has a personal dislike of the guy.

    Either way, its strange.

    As for his 'friend' who did the visa run from Suk to Cambodia - i have also done this visa run - the company is Jacks Golf. How on earth this is relavent to this thread, i will never know..... for a kick off, Bangkok to Cambodia is a heck of a lot closer than Samui to Malasia and as far as i remember, there is no ferry trip half way between the run.. Now that his friend has made this rather bizzare comparison however, i should point out the time when i was on a visa run with this company and witnessed 3 French guys stranded at the Cambodian border as they had used there 3 x 30 day VOI's and could not get back in. Herbert, for all is 'shouting' as you so dramticly put it would certainly not let this situation arise. Sure, on the Cambodian run from BKK you are greeted by a nice looking Thai girl who smiles sweetley - but does very little to ensure you are taken care of, other than give you a wet towel. I would substitute this for an unshaven Austrian who checks and double checks all aspects of your paperwork and has everything planned in fine detail, any day of the week.

    Feel free to continue with your little war, Mattius. Sadly, it will not make any difference as herbert continues to run the most successful visa trip firm on Samui and has an incredible customer base who would not dream of using anyone else. Should you tire of ranting on this forum, you may wish to rant to herbert himself at his office. He is located opposite the Immigration office in Nathon and if need be, you can also have a chat with the immigration officials whilst you are there, regarding any self percieved notions you may have of illegalities on Herberts run. Im sure the boys in brown would be happy to clear up any ambiguity you may have in this respect.



  13. Jesus. If i am the PR consultant for this company (which im not) i guess your little three consecutive post war makes you his competition? Ok - lets go through it again.

    You guys are being very unfair.

    Why, because some are simply airing their opinion, since when is this unfair? if everyu body would be entirely satisfied there wouldn't besuch a thread in the first place, would there?

    Airing an opinion negates anything which could be unfair, does it? If i was to insult you on this thread, it would be unfair and my post would likely be removed.... yet it would still be my opinion. Opinions and fairness are not mutualy exclusive. Please read back on my post; the reason i see it as unfiar is that the guys has a crash, and the doom mongers jump on a TV thread describing the negative aspects of a visa run in a way that makes them sound unique to herberts trip. Granted, he drived quick - granted, he only stops once or twice on the way - but this is common with ALL visa run companies. It is un fair that his service is being singled out as unique in this respect.

    Cheap? 1400.- for a Border run is Cheap? I can go for half of that all way to Penang!

    No, you cant. Not on an organised group run, return. Whats the point of your post here? I can fly to Cambodia for a few thousand baht - or i can get the bus, for 800 Baht. Does this make flying expensive?

    Come on they are all adults - accurately? Thats being cut off human rights the very moment you've entered this mini van!

    As it has been written here already, how much of time will an unscheduled stop cost, 5 Min. 10 by the absolut max.!

    Human rights? Dear heavens above boy - get a grip. Unless Herberts mini bus is crammed with 10,000 burmese refugess, which i doubt very likley, may i suggest you are being a little dramatic here.

    You got to be joking, are you the PR Consultant of this Company? This Company is paid for a SERVICE by the CUSTOMER, if the CUSTOMER NEEDS require anything out of schedule, shoulnd't the COMPANY do ALL to serve the CUSTOMERS needs?

    What if someone, because of the stress involved, suffers a heart attack, will he/she have to wait till the next 'scheduled' stop, or even till the Ferry Pier is reached?

    No, <deleted>, I am just a guy who hates to see a reputable established and trusted service dismissed as crap - by doom mongers, like you, for little reason. had this thread been discussing the actual event - the crash - i may not have stuck my nose in. However, as per bloody usual, here we go with a whole host of posters banging on about the whole kit and schebudle. Jesus Christ! Its just another excuse to moan, complain and generaly have a go at the ills of anything in particlular! Some of you guys just frikin love a good old moan!!!! And dont wave the 'opinion' flag in response to this - its unfair, plain and simple. You can stick your opinion firmly where the sun dont shine mate - its out of order, plain and simple.

    Yes this SERVICE is a SERVICE paid for by the CUSTOMER who expects to arive ON SCHEDULE with LITTLE FUSS AT THE BORDER/HOTEL. However you may have a point, and i now feel INSPIRED to demand that the air steward of my next air flight alows me to sit on the captains lap of my flight back to the Uk as, after all, its a SERVICE i have paid for AND I DEMAND ANYTHING I WANT, WHENEVER I WANT. Should the captians wife not be waiting for me on arival, donned in her Victoria Secrets susspenders with a bottle of tequila and promise, i will jump on this forum and complian about how crap British Airways are.

    I alrerady explained - ill explain again. If one guy asks to stop for a pee, another guy gets out and lights a smoke. Another guy uses this opportunity to call his Mrs in Udon. A 2 minute stop culminates in a 20 minute stop. Half an hour later, someone else needs 'pee pee' They have to stop again, as it would be unfair not to, seeing as they stopped for the other guy 20 mins earlier. Its a schedule - a confirmed schedule that is planned for a reason. If you cant hold your bladder for a couple of hours, then you shouldnt be on a visa run! FLY!!!

    Heart Attacks? Are you not taking the whole point heer to the extreme? Do you honestly imagine that Herbert considers a heart attack and the need for a piss in the same bracket? Mate.... again, get a grip.

    It's a century old argument, it's NOT about filling up on booze it's about unscheduled stop, because of 'unscheduled' CALLS of NATURE!

    I dont know where you come from. Frankly, nor do i care. But let me ask you this; in your home country, im assuming you have a bus service. Would you consider it unfair if the driver of the bus would not make a stop on the side of the road, so you can piss? Lets imagine you are on a Baht bus in BKK.... would you jump on the TV forum and condem the BKK bus service if the driver did not permit you to stop on the corner of Suk 37 and piss in the 7/11 doorway?

    What efficiency? Is being pushy and rude towards simple NEEDS of CUSTOMERS is efficiency? You really make me smile! A bit of organizing, a certain routine, and hey after all why is he doing it? Is he a Samaritan? or is this done out of business considerations? I understand it's quite lucrative, this border/vis run business.

    Have you been on a visa run with Herbert? If not, you are not qualified to offer an opinion on his efficiency.

    Please also qualify why 'you understand' its quite lucrative. I would like to know what insight you have into this - where you get your info from.

    This is Herberts living. His job. His bread and butter. Of course he is in it for the money - though by my estimations, it is not a truck load of revenue for the guy, however it is adequate, yes. In the same breath, as another poster pointed out, he is a by no means an 'evile genius' who rapes evry penny out of you.... He will advise you on certain procedures that will ensure you have to do LESS visa runs, in your benefit and not his. I am also aware of at least two people that i know who, last year, whilst down on there luck had been granted a visa run on credit, pay later. I have also been on a visa run with Herbert with only three customers on the bus - a loss for him, yet he still fulfiled the trip as he didnt want to let us down.

    Very funny, it's ALL part of the business. And why are the others "Idiots"? Why, can only he get it right?

    I am begining to wonder if you have ever been on a visa run. OK; The guy who fils the form incorectly. The guy who applies for the wrong visa. The guy who fills his TM card wrongly. etc etc, et al.

    In just 5 Minutes????? A new VISA, does the Embassy has all the Paperwork done in Advance? That "other Thai Companies" would "just drop you off..." isn't true either it's all PR for this particular business!!

    If you are happen to be his "friend" why not pass on some advice, take it a bit easier, if a customer has a personal need like this "unscheduled call of nature", let it comment less happen - this business will do even better because of more happy and satisfied customers!

    As you are still banging on about 'human rights' (people, for human rights read = pee pee) i will not reply to this, as i have it covered. Lets talk about the consulate. You arive with the consulate officials allready given a 'heads up' that 14 of you are coming in 45 minutes. There is adequate staff on hand. The passports are given along with the forms in an orderly fashion, and you are out of there in litteraly 5 minutes. If you have ever been on a Thai visa run with a group of people, it would take miniumum one hour to go through these motions.

    Again, you have not read my posts in full. I am not suggesting you get a visa in 5 minutes - i am stressing that you are in and out in 5 minutes. Owing to this efficiency and correct paperwork that Herbert has reviewd and checked the night before, the chances are you pick up your visa WITHIN A COUPLE OF HOURS. Honestly, do you think you would get this with a Thai visa run to Penang?

    well, they aren't, aren't they? And not ONLY fast but occasionally AT HIGH RISK too! This Business isn't "singled out" - and "15 year old minivans with defunct A/C" is really bad defense boy! Others are as bad, but maybe you/they can take a lesson of their CUSTOMERS and listen to their opinion!

    Yes, IT IS singled out. All the talk of driving fast has been reversed exclusivley for Herbert on this thread which is unfair, AS THEY ALL DRIVE FAST. Your suggestion of driving at hig risk is your perception, not mine. Personaly, i have a backbone and do not worry about driving at speed.

    wel, I call that "upright tight" why is everything SO exaggerated? One or 2 extra, unscheduled pee stops will "ruin a whole day" ???? You got to be joking! It happens that the human being and many other creatures happen to have "calls of nature" absolutely OUT of SCHEDULE, despite ALL kind of "fine planning"! Nobody wants to pick daisies or Coconuts!

    Here we are agin with your sole argument - taking a piss. I have covered this though i do have a feeling, considering you have missed all my points on this, that i will have to go over it again, just for you, at a later stage.

    Before i answer this, i have a question for you; Have you been on a Herbert visa run and also a Thai visa run? I have. I am qualified to answer this and i have allready described in full the benefits in earlier posts. Im not going to do do again, simply becasue you are so blinkered and choose not to digest the merits of this service.

    Well, if you are not Herbert himself or a company associate - I can't understand it at all - WHO the hel_l gives ANYONE in this world the right to put other peoples LIFES knowingly in DANGER? And that makes you laugh??? Is ti the lawlessness, paying the "cops" security? If anything happens the responsiable people know that they will get away with it, is it this? Because this is what I read between the lines of this pro-Visa Run, playing down everything, post!

    And who the hel_l ARE YOU to suggest a visa run with this guy will furnish you with an apointment with Mr Reaper? hang on a second.... Mr Judge and Jury; where are you getting you facts from that he is dangerous? One bloody crash in 800 trips, is that it? or are you using others opinions that THEY feel he drives fast AS YOUR OWN. Herbert is not putting anyones life in danger - grow up, and stop being such a bloody drama queen. he drives at EXACTLY THE SAME SPEED AS ALL VISA RUNNERS!!!!! The buss that i use from Central Thailand to BKK drivers EVEN FASTER than Herbert - but you wont complain about that, as it is a goverment bus.

    Well, you see and her is the point where it is all wrong - they aren't his "Subjects" they are CUSTOMERS who pay for a service!

    NO. Again you are missing the point!!! herbert treats all of his customers as customers. He is proffesional and full of advice. However, he organises the trip very well and makes all aspects of the trip clear to you on departure. I also made a point that herbert is a good blocke who has a laugh and a joke with you - interesting how you did not comment on that

    Isn't that a bit far fetched, PR Agent?

    I am not his bloody pr agent and let me tell you, if you pm me i will give you my mobile number and you can make the same childish comment to me verably. Again, i qualified why i feel that way - i have done visa runs all over the Kingdom, and his is the best. As simple as that. For a guy whose sole argument is the 'pee pee' issue and 'opinions', i am suprised you are not respecting my opinion there.

    Yes, it's about IF there occurs a PROBLEM, you may NEVER EVER have a Problem again! And this is NOT efficiency, it's ruthlessness! Anywhere in EU, In GB in the "real world" this would have been stopped for long! The country this guy is from, has severe penalties for speeding on highways and reckless driving - he would certainly be without a license already! Not to mention about a license for public transport and the RESPONSE ABILITIES connected to such operations!

    Especially he is NOT a local, he should know MUCH better and do so!

    This is my point regarding reckless public transport operations, for what reason ever, there is NO reason reasonable enough to be rude to customers, ignorant towards customers needs and KNOWINGLY putting CUSTOMERS in DANGEROUS situations!

    And NOTHING, not so called "EFFICIENCY", no "fast and reliable" slogan, will make the wrong, right, or even a "better service"!

    It can be done in a much more relaxed way, think about it!

    just a thought or 2 and my 2 cents...

    Yes but im afriad WE DO NOT LIVE IN THE EU!!! Its not his fault that the Thia governemt makes you border bounce every 30/90 days is it! The service is there as the goverment ensured so!!! Or is that Herberts fals also????

    WHAT WRONG!!! WHAT RIGHT!!! what on earth are you talking about now!!!! Are you getting moral here pal? Or are we back to the driving fast/pee pee thing again?

    Fact is, you have two points to make;

    He drives fast

    You can only take a piss every couple of hours.

    If you do not like driving fast - dont go! This is the nature of a quick and cheap visa run!!! Do you expect him to casualy meander down the highway on the back of a sodding elaphant, donned with parasol??? Its a quick cheap visa run that hundres of companies in the Kingsom offer!! They all drive quick and AND ON NONE OF THEM can you stop every 20 mins for a piss!!!

  14. Hi Roo

    What i mean is, if he has an arangment with the police - and i would bet my house on it - then by default, he is legal. If the police ok him driving, then he is essentialy legal.

    For all we know, he may have citizenship.

    For all we know, the law may have been officialy bent through various loopholes and he has legal docs to show he can drive.

    Herbert is not daft - if it was illegal for him to drive, he would not. There is almost certainly a grey area to this law which he has probably not manipulated, but rather adhered to, using the proper procedures.

    What i am certain of is that you and I do not know the laws, beyond the scope of your initial and rather closed statement of 'FERANG IS NOT ALLOWED TO DO FOR HIRE OR REWARD'. This alone, is not substantial - there is possibly all maner of loopholes which entitle Herbert to drive, quite legaly.

    Essentialy, what you are doing is jumping on a web forum consisting of Herberts target market, advising his customers that he is running an illegal business. Thats not fair and a little spitefull, actualy, considering you have no facts.

    It annoys me. The guy has completed 800 successfull trips, yet just one crash and the judge and jury of Thai Visa Samui forum is here announcing all these negative insights to his pottential customers when at the end of the day, its as simple as this; the guy had a crash, pure accident. Simple as that. No need to condem every other aspect of his service which is, may i reiterate, rather brilliant.

    Value your life? Foir heavens sake Roo....!!! :o

    How many people have died from Thailand visa runs, since conception decades ago? Truthfully, i dont know; but i will take a wild guess at ZERO. I fail to remember any news articles reporting death on visa runs and yet here we are, talking about the pottential threat of life on a visa run. Its never happened, so why bring it up?

    There was s immilar discussion on this forum around a year ago regarding quad bikes on Samui and the total detah and destruction just around the corner. The usual doom mongers jumped on, worried out of there minds about these contraptions - how many nasty accidents have actualy transpired?

    Just, you know.... take it easy, relax, recline, and stop thinking the worst. The poor bloke has a business to run - a reputable business thta has been running for years and most of the ex-pats know Herbert personaly. Its way unfair to jump on this forum and slander the guys business over a one off, out of the blue, freak accident.

    Maybe its not the visa that got you to fly from Bangkok to samui to join Herberts trips. Are you sure your not secretly in love with the guy? :D By the way, flying from Bangkok to samui and join a bustrip from here and then fly back to bangkok sounds really stupid. I know you want him to look good and for some reason (commission?) you really want to promote the insane buisness he do, but lets not overdo it.

    Off course there should be people that like the trip, but you are now defending stuff to a limit where at least i get a bit confused.....

    Mattius, you did not read my post in full. To be clear, i said that for me, it was a good way to catch up with old buddies on samui and go on a decent visa run at the same time. I could have flown to Singers from BKK and got a TV. I could have flown to Penang from BKK and got a TV. hel_l, i could have flown to Loas and got a TV. However, none of these destinations would have been in any way fun - yet i could fly to Samui, a place where i have many pals, catch up with the lads over a few beers, and then do my visa run. In terms of actual time, it cost me a day more than going to Singers - yet in an unstable climate in terms of tourist visas, i felt safer going with Herbert as i know he always comes up with the goods, PLUS i got to spend a day or two with my mates on my old island home.

    I hope thats clear for you now.

    No i am not on commision, please do not be so obsurd. How exactly i am supposed to recruit new customers on this forum is beyong my thinking. Maybe i just hate to see a good bloke get slagged off by anon posters, who do not know the facts.

  15. Hi Roo

    What i mean is, if he has an arangment with the police - and i would bet my house on it - then by default, he is legal. If the police ok him driving, then he is essentialy legal.

    For all we know, he may have citizenship.

    For all we know, the law may have been officialy bent through various loopholes and he has legal docs to show he can drive.

    Herbert is not daft - if it was illegal for him to drive, he would not. There is almost certainly a grey area to this law which he has probably not manipulated, but rather adhered to, using the proper procedures.

    What i am certain of is that you and I do not know the laws, beyond the scope of your initial and rather closed statement of 'FERANG IS NOT ALLOWED TO DO FOR HIRE OR REWARD'. This alone, is not substantial - there is possibly all maner of loopholes which entitle Herbert to drive, quite legaly.

    Essentialy, what you are doing is jumping on a web forum consisting of Herberts target market, advising his customers that he is running an illegal business. Thats not fair and a little spitefull, actualy, considering you have no facts.

    It annoys me. The guy has completed 800 successfull trips, yet just one crash and the judge and jury of Thai Visa Samui forum is here announcing all these negative insights to his pottential customers when at the end of the day, its as simple as this; the guy had a crash, pure accident. Simple as that. No need to condem every other aspect of his service which is, may i reiterate, rather brilliant.

    Value your life? Foir heavens sake Roo....!!! :o

    How many people have died from Thailand visa runs, since conception decades ago? Truthfully, i dont know; but i will take a wild guess at ZERO. I fail to remember any news articles reporting death on visa runs and yet here we are, talking about the pottential threat of life on a visa run. Its never happened, so why bring it up?

    There was s immilar discussion on this forum around a year ago regarding quad bikes on Samui and the total detah and destruction just around the corner. The usual doom mongers jumped on, worried out of there minds about these contraptions - how many nasty accidents have actualy transpired?

    Just, you know.... take it easy, relax, recline, and stop thinking the worst. The poor bloke has a business to run - a reputable business thta has been running for years and most of the ex-pats know Herbert personaly. Its way unfair to jump on this forum and slander the guys business over a one off, out of the blue, freak accident.

  16. Mattius33 - something esle of note.....

    You are wrong in saying that you only find out the procedures as you are boarding the bus. Herbert always tells everyone to meet him by the small cafe in the boat, at a certain time (usualy one hour after departure). There, he gathers everyone around and explains about the scheduled stops.

    You must have been having a foot massage when he explained all of this :o

    Seriously - i dont live on Samui anymore and now live in Central Thailand. I also now have a non B visa. Honestly though and this is the honest truth - i used to fly down to samui previously just to hook up with Herbert for my visa runs when i had back to back tourist visa's. Admitidley, i was able to catch up with some buddies on the island so that was a good excuse to go but yes, thats how good i think his service is.... that i used to fly to Samui from Bangkok and then go on a the visa trip with Herbert, some may say is a tad messed up and ilogical.... but you know, i trust his service so i see it as a good excuse to see old pals, and feel safe in the knowledge that i would obtain my TV with no hassles.

  17. You guys are being very unfair.

    This is a long post, but I feel I have to qualify certain aspects of his service. I am posting this as I know Herbert, and I feel strongly that this bad press you guys are so casually posting is unfair, and unjust.

    Visa Runs with Herbert do exactly what they say on the tin' - quick, cheap, no messing about. His main selling point and reputation is that you know from start to finish, it's going to be very organized.

    Seems some of you disagree with his 'pee pee' rules. Yup, it is reminiscent of being on a school coach trip as a 12 year old but there is a method to his madness. Everything is planned so accurately, the slightest thing out of routine can cause problems.

    For example, he does make it clear on the ferry, early in the morning that there will be scheduled stops and they will not be deviated from. He explains, quite clearly, that 'that's the way it is - we don't stop for anything or anyone apart from the scheduled stops'. He explains that no booze is allowed on the bus and also explains that you should maybe use the ferry toilet before getting on the bus, as you won't have a chance for another few hours. These trips are scheduled with the logic that after 3 hours, the chances are that most people will need a piss - as apposed to just one person, after one hour. 5 people all making unscheduled stops, 5 times would probably cost him an hour - and, he still has to make his scheduled stops. The only reason that this could be a problem is if you have a medical condition - and if that's the case, you should not be on a visa run with any company, full stop.

    If he lets one person stop at a service station after say, one hour, you can almost guarantee that someone else will get out. Then the hung-over guy who has been caning it all night slips away and buys a can of beer, lights a cigarette, Herbert asks him to get back on the bus, the drunk guy takes issue and starts an argument…. Etc etc, et al.

    Visa runs are not as simple as you think to organize. Not if you want efficiency.

    Who cares about loosing an hour you ask? Well, he does., and so do most of the people on the bus. Don't forget, Herbert is up at like 3am in order to fly around the ringroad picking everyone up before the ferry - many visa run companies ask you to make your own way to the travel agency. Then, when he gets to the hotel later that night and everyone else jumps in bed, he takes your passports, application forms, money etc and sits in his room making sure everything is organized and spot on. Then he has to pay the hotel, find out who is in which room, plus he has to eat just like everyone else! This takes a good couple of hours. Then he is up the next morning a good hour before everyone else, organsing the morning ahead. The quicker he gets to the hotel, the better. The alternative is to casually drive to the border, and let everyone organize it all themselves at the border. You can almost guarantee, it will take ten times as long this way - especially considering the idiots that get the paperwork wrong and delay everyone else.

    Also, think of the benefits when you actually get to the consulate. You are in and out in 5 minutes. A Thai company would just drop you off there and let you get on with it. He takes you there, ensures you are in and out quickly, then drops you off at the shopping mall for a couple hours and tells you precisely where to meet him, at what time, and hand delivers your passport baqck to you – after checking it to ensure all is in order.

    And why is Herbert being singled out for driving fast? ALL visa run companies in those little mini busses drive fast and crazy!!! AT least with Herbert, you have a good chance of relaxing in a Mercedes mini bus with lots of room and a selection of DVD's to choose from. This is preferable to being crammed into a tiny, 15 year old min bus with faulty air con.

    The point is - it is not the speed at which they drive that helps you achieve a quick visa run as they all drive fast. It's the organization. He plans everything so finely that any deviation can ruin the day.

    I have been on probably 20 visa runs with Herbert and let me say, after the fiascos I have experienced with the Thai visa run companies, I would never dream of going with anyone else. Herbert is no more dangerous than any other operator and you know there will be no hassles, problems or delays at the border - which you can almost guarantee with a Thai visa runner.

    All this talk of danger makes me laugh. He has been doing visa runs for many many years and how many times has anyone ever been hurt? Never! An average of 4 trips a week for 4 years - thats the best part of 800 visa runs and how many accidents? None!!! I heard a completley different version of events to the OP; I was told by a person who was actualy on the trip that the van was driving at its usual speed, and there was a tree that fell into the road. A freak accident that can happen to anyone at anytime and certainly absoloutley nothing to do with Herbert driving reckless - that is very unfair. This is the first time in circa 800 vis runs that he has had an accident and i must stress, it was precisley that - an accident, that can happen to anyone.

    A newcomer to his service will get the immediate initial impresion that Herbert is almost like a military seargent major issuing orders to his subjects. The fact is, he has a responsibility to his customers to provide a well organized trip. He has to make sure that everyone understands clearly how the day will pan out. When you stop at the service station and he shouts out loud '10 minutes and not a second more', he is not bullying you, he is ensuring that he dosent let you down becasue of the one guy who wanders off to talk to his tee rak on the mobile for half an hour. Once his 'orders' and 'instructions' are made clear, he always kicks back with the customers for a laugh and a joke and is generaly a firendly guy.

    As you can probably gather from my post, I would STRONGLY recommend Herbert for a visa run and I can honestly say, hand on heart, that he is the most organized, reliable, hassle free visa runner in the entire Kingdom. And yes, feel free to make a joke of this rather bold statement but it's the truth; I have been on visa trips from Samui, Phuket, Bangkok, Kanchanaburi with several different companies and I have experienced problems with the service. Never, in all my trips with Herbert, have I ever experience problems – on the contrary, they have always been seamless, quick, efficient and you have e general sense that someone is there taking control.

    If he is drving the bus,which a FARANG IS NOT ALLOWED TO DO FOR HIRE OR REWARD, where do you stand if he has an accident.

    At the end of the day no matter how good his service is or lack of, I do not know him from a bar of soap, if he is driving he is undertaking an illegal activity.Sounds harsh? Look at all the other people that were doing things in thailand they shouldn't be doing.Who pays the price at the end of the day?

    Forgive me, but that may be rather on the pickey side. I mean, since when have minor illegalities prevented half of the ferang here from running a business? In any event, Herbert is not daft - im sure he has arangments in place to cover this. I know that he speaks to the southern police regularly and has an arangment with them (hence the reason why he will not let you open the curtains on the bus in the south - the police told him he couldnt.)

    I cant speak for him but trust me, should he ever notice this thread and post, i am sure - 100% certain - he can explain that one. he will have that covered.

    You guys are being very unfair.

    This is a long post, but I feel I have to qualify certain aspects of his service. I am posting this as I know Herbert, and I feel strongly that this bad press you guys are so casually posting is unfair, and unjust.

    Visa Runs with Herbert do exactly what they say on the tin' - quick, cheap, no messing about. His main selling point and reputation is that you know from start to finish, it's going to be very organized.

    Seems some of you disagree with his 'pee pee' rules. Yup, it is reminiscent of being on a school coach trip as a 12 year old but there is a method to his madness. Everything is planned so accurately, the slightest thing out of routine can cause problems.

    For example, he does make it clear on the ferry, early in the morning that there will be scheduled stops and they will not be deviated from. He explains, quite clearly, that 'that's the way it is - we don't stop for anything or anyone apart from the scheduled stops'. He explains that no booze is allowed on the bus and also explains that you should maybe use the ferry toilet before getting on the bus, as you won't have a chance for another few hours. These trips are scheduled with the logic that after 3 hours, the chances are that most people will need a piss - as apposed to just one person, after one hour. 5 people all making unscheduled stops, 5 times would probably cost him an hour - and, he still has to make his scheduled stops. The only reason that this could be a problem is if you have a medical condition - and if that's the case, you should not be on a visa run with any company, full stop.

    If he lets one person stop at a service station after say, one hour, you can almost guarantee that someone else will get out. Then the hung-over guy who has been caning it all night slips away and buys a can of beer, lights a cigarette, Herbert asks him to get back on the bus, the drunk guy takes issue and starts an argument…. Etc etc, et al.

    Visa runs are not as simple as you think to organize. Not if you want efficiency.

    Who cares about loosing an hour you ask? Well, he does., and so do most of the people on the bus. Don't forget, Herbert is up at like 3am in order to fly around the ringroad picking everyone up before the ferry - many visa run companies ask you to make your own way to the travel agency. Then, when he gets to the hotel later that night and everyone else jumps in bed, he takes your passports, application forms, money etc and sits in his room making sure everything is organized and spot on. Then he has to pay the hotel, find out who is in which room, plus he has to eat just like everyone else! This takes a good couple of hours. Then he is up the next morning a good hour before everyone else, organsing the morning ahead. The quicker he gets to the hotel, the better. The alternative is to casually drive to the border, and let everyone organize it all themselves at the border. You can almost guarantee, it will take ten times as long this way - especially considering the idiots that get the paperwork wrong and delay everyone else.

    Also, think of the benefits when you actually get to the consulate. You are in and out in 5 minutes. A Thai company would just drop you off there and let you get on with it. He takes you there, ensures you are in and out quickly, then drops you off at the shopping mall for a couple hours and tells you precisely where to meet him, at what time, and hand delivers your passport baqck to you – after checking it to ensure all is in order.

    And why is Herbert being singled out for driving fast? ALL visa run companies in those little mini busses drive fast and crazy!!! AT least with Herbert, you have a good chance of relaxing in a Mercedes mini bus with lots of room and a selection of DVD's to choose from. This is preferable to being crammed into a tiny, 15 year old min bus with faulty air con.

    The point is - it is not the speed at which they drive that helps you achieve a quick visa run as they all drive fast. It's the organization. He plans everything so finely that any deviation can ruin the day.

    I have been on probably 20 visa runs with Herbert and let me say, after the fiascos I have experienced with the Thai visa run companies, I would never dream of going with anyone else. Herbert is no more dangerous than any other operator and you know there will be no hassles, problems or delays at the border - which you can almost guarantee with a Thai visa runner.

    All this talk of danger makes me laugh. He has been doing visa runs for many many years and how many times has anyone ever been hurt? Never! An average of 4 trips a week for 4 years - thats the best part of 800 visa runs and how many accidents? None!!! I heard a completley different version of events to the OP; I was told by a person who was actualy on the trip that the van was driving at its usual speed, and there was a tree that fell into the road. A freak accident that can happen to anyone at anytime and certainly absoloutley nothing to do with Herbert driving reckless - that is very unfair. This is the first time in circa 800 vis runs that he has had an accident and i must stress, it was precisley that - an accident, that can happen to anyone.

    A newcomer to his service will get the immediate initial impresion that Herbert is almost like a military seargent major issuing orders to his subjects. The fact is, he has a responsibility to his customers to provide a well organized trip. He has to make sure that everyone understands clearly how the day will pan out. When you stop at the service station and he shouts out loud '10 minutes and not a second more', he is not bullying you, he is ensuring that he dosent let you down becasue of the one guy who wanders off to talk to his tee rak on the mobile for half an hour. Once his 'orders' and 'instructions' are made clear, he always kicks back with the customers for a laugh and a joke and is generaly a firendly guy.

    As you can probably gather from my post, I would STRONGLY recommend Herbert for a visa run and I can honestly say, hand on heart, that he is the most organized, reliable, hassle free visa runner in the entire Kingdom. And yes, feel free to make a joke of this rather bold statement but it's the truth; I have been on visa trips from Samui, Phuket, Bangkok, Kanchanaburi with several different companies and I have experienced problems with the service. Never, in all my trips with Herbert, have I ever experience problems – on the contrary, they have always been seamless, quick, efficient and you have e general sense that someone is there taking control.

    Offcourse you are welcome to like his services, and guess there have to be somebody who likes it othervise he would be out of buisness. And i done it once and that might have been a extreme bad trip. I gotta correct you on a few points though. First off all on the trip i made at least, noone ever knew it was a trip like this before we starded. I didnt have a clue that it was gonna be mad-driving like this, i didnt have a clue that there is gonna be that few stops until 5 minuites before we entered the car and there was no tiletts in sight. I didnt have a clue that we were gonna hang around a mall in malaiysia for 6 hours and that we were gonna wait 6 hours in the evening in hat yai. I dont think its relaxing to sit 160 km/hour although his toyota was brand new. It is as relaxing as bullriding. If he started 2 hours earlier and slowed down the speed to 110 km it would be a much more comfortable trip. And cant see wuy it has to start with the 3 o clock ferry instead of for instans 1 o clock. Not only would it be safer and more comfortable but it would actually mean that the (illegal?) drivers could get some more sleep than what you decribes. I guess everbody by now know i certanly WONT recommend it and think its dangerous madness even if you laugh about it. And let me just say as a sidepoint that well known Steve Irwin lived all of his adult life chasing dangerous snakes and crocodiles and other animals before a sting rock finally killed him. That he done 800 visaruns and never killed anyone means nothing. Driving highspeed on this roads is dangerous and in combination with little sleep and almost no brakes it is nothing but pure madness. You can keep on liking it, but i still say sooner later something sure will happen. Herbert is well organised and nothing is wrong ith that. He knows down to detail how everything is supposed to be done and he is very good at what he do. If he just could slow down the tempo, its so easy, take a earlier boat. Whats the problem with that?? I think that a majority of even his satisfied costumers would think its a better idea to start a few hours earlier and drive a little bit slower. And im not saying he need to put in more brakes, but for crying out loud, if somebody really need to take a leak whats the problem of stoping a van on the side of the road for a minuite? Thats my oppinion anyway, you like it you go, i think its total madness.

    Well, yeh i guess thats a personal thing. In my experience, all the visa run companies drive fast. My point was, Herbert shouldnt be singled out as some crazy evil road warrior as he is not - he drives just as nippy as all the other visa runners and, i stress, half the other cars on the road are going at the same speeds.

    Personaly, it has never been a worry for me.

  18. You guys are being very unfair.

    This is a long post, but I feel I have to qualify certain aspects of his service. I am posting this as I know Herbert, and I feel strongly that this bad press you guys are so casually posting is unfair, and unjust.

    Visa Runs with Herbert do exactly what they say on the tin' - quick, cheap, no messing about. His main selling point and reputation is that you know from start to finish, it’s going to be very organized.

    Seems some of you disagree with his 'pee pee' rules. Yup, it is reminiscent of being on a school coach trip as a 12 year old but there is a method to his madness. Everything is planned so accurately, the slightest thing out of routine can cause problems.

    For example, he does make it clear on the ferry, early in the morning that there will be scheduled stops and they will not be deviated from. He explains, quite clearly, that 'that’s the way it is - we don’t stop for anything or anyone apart from the scheduled stops'. He explains that no booze is allowed on the bus and also explains that you should maybe use the ferry toilet before getting on the bus, as you won’t have a chance for another few hours. These trips are scheduled with the logic that after 3 hours, the chances are that most people will need a piss - as apposed to just one person, after one hour. 5 people all making unscheduled stops, 5 times would probably cost him an hour - and, he still has to make his scheduled stops. The only reason that this could be a problem is if you have a medical condition - and if that’s the case, you should not be on a visa run with any company, full stop.

    If he lets one person stop at a service station after say, one hour, you can almost guarantee that someone else will get out. Then the hung-over guy who has been caning it all night slips away and buys a can of beer, lights a cigarette, Herbert asks him to get back on the bus, the drunk guy takes issue and starts an argument…. Etc etc, et al.

    Visa runs are not as simple as you think to organize. Not if you want efficiency.

    Who cares about loosing an hour you ask? Well, he does., and so do most of the people on the bus. Don’t forget, Herbert is up at like 3am in order to fly around the ringroad picking everyone up before the ferry - many visa run companies ask you to make your own way to the travel agency. Then, when he gets to the hotel later that night and everyone else jumps in bed, he takes your passports, application forms, money etc and sits in his room making sure everything is organized and spot on. Then he has to pay the hotel, find out who is in which room, plus he has to eat just like everyone else! This takes a good couple of hours. Then he is up the next morning a good hour before everyone else, organsing the morning ahead. The quicker he gets to the hotel, the better. The alternative is to casually drive to the border, and let everyone organize it all themselves at the border. You can almost guarantee, it will take ten times as long this way - especially considering the idiots that get the paperwork wrong and delay everyone else.

    Also, think of the benefits when you actually get to the consulate. You are in and out in 5 minutes. A Thai company would just drop you off there and let you get on with it. He takes you there, ensures you are in and out quickly, then drops you off at the shopping mall for a couple hours and tells you precisely where to meet him, at what time, and hand delivers your passport baqck to you – after checking it to ensure all is in order.

    And why is Herbert being singled out for driving fast? ALL visa run companies in those little mini busses drive fast and crazy!!! AT least with Herbert, you have a good chance of relaxing in a Mercedes mini bus with lots of room and a selection of DVD's to choose from. This is preferable to being crammed into a tiny, 15 year old min bus with faulty air con.

    The point is - it is not the speed at which they drive that helps you achieve a quick visa run as they all drive fast. It’s the organization. He plans everything so finely that any deviation can ruin the day.

    I have been on probably 20 visa runs with Herbert and let me say, after the fiascos I have experienced with the Thai visa run companies, I would never dream of going with anyone else. Herbert is no more dangerous than any other operator and you know there will be no hassles, problems or delays at the border - which you can almost guarantee with a Thai visa runner.

    All this talk of danger makes me laugh. He has been doing visa runs for many many years and how many times has anyone ever been hurt? Never! An average of 4 trips a week for 4 years - thats the best part of 800 visa runs and how many accidents? None!!! I heard a completley different version of events to the OP; I was told by a person who was actualy on the trip that the van was driving at its usual speed, and there was a tree that fell into the road. A freak accident that can happen to anyone at anytime and certainly absoloutley nothing to do with Herbert driving reckless - that is very unfair. This is the first time in circa 800 vis runs that he has had an accident and i must stress, it was precisley that - an accident, that can happen to anyone.

    A newcomer to his service will get the immediate initial impresion that Herbert is almost like a military seargent major issuing orders to his subjects. The fact is, he has a responsibility to his customers to provide a well organized trip. He has to make sure that everyone understands clearly how the day will pan out. When you stop at the service station and he shouts out loud '10 minutes and not a second more', he is not bullying you, he is ensuring that he dosent let you down becasue of the one guy who wanders off to talk to his tee rak on the mobile for half an hour. Once his 'orders' and 'instructions' are made clear, he always kicks back with the customers for a laugh and a joke and is generaly a firendly guy.

    As you can probably gather from my post, I would STRONGLY recommend Herbert for a visa run and I can honestly say, hand on heart, that he is the most organized, reliable, hassle free visa runner in the entire Kingdom. And yes, feel free to make a joke of this rather bold statement but it’s the truth; I have been on visa trips from Samui, Phuket, Bangkok, Kanchanaburi with several different companies and I have experienced problems with the service. Never, in all my trips with Herbert, have I ever experience problems – on the contrary, they have always been seamless, quick, efficient and you have e general sense that someone is there taking control.

  19. Hi all

    Planning a trip down to Cha-am on Sunday. Drive down in the morning, return Monday morning (one night in hotel).

    The mrs insists its only a couple of hours from where we live in Kanchanaburi. I just cant see that.... i got the bus from BKK to Hua Hin once and it took 3 hours.

    Any advice on driving times?

    Best, and thanks.

  20. Hi All

    Girlfried has her first home computer but she seems to be sitting there, just staring at the screen. I found Thai Rath website but aside from that, im clueless.

    Any suggestions for good Thai websites she can maybe check out? News, current affairs, light hearted stuff, fun, games.... im not sure realy. Any ideas?

    Many kind thanks


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