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Posts posted by kohphangan

  1. I could not help notice when they continue to push for tourists to come to Thailand saying many other areas are unaffected. Well that is true,i live koh phangan and so far the flood situation is not affecting, Other than out of Singha, prices increasing on rice,vegetables etc. We were not mentioned in the article but Koh Samui which is 35 minutes boat ride WAS!. Pushing the fact that it's "HIGH SEASON" well for those who are thinking Oh let's go to Samui they say that's clear,Well bring a rain coat just in case!! When they mention these areas to visit,should they not remind them that we are in Monsoon down here!! It came late down here,even starting to think that maybe the POOR north got all ours,but rain,heavy bursts at times are now showing.It is the Thai and even western bar restaurant owners who call the High Season period the build up to Xmas,what they are talking about is it's Xmas,you want a holiday come spend your money here!! What they!! and all the travel books do not include is that the south of Thailand (The South Gulf) comes out of monsoon middle of December,this could now go to very late as it came late. They often refer to Thailand as Dry,Wet and Monsoon seasons,well like most countries that experience 4 seasons,Thailand is no exception,there should be included 2x Wet seasons. Down here we do not just come out of Monsoon and then pile on the sun cream,it can break yes,but also heavy rain can be about late into December. I remember clearly 2 years ago that the sun had returned by middle of December,but by 24th December we had nothing but heavy rain,and temperatures had fallen to me having to wear a long sleeve jumper. I checked forecast and Phuket,not anywhere near a favorite of mine,but showing clear blue skies. I jumped in the car leaving many unhappy holiday makers moaning where the sun is. For 5 nights and days on Phuket not a cloud in sight (Yes correct for West of here) they are compleatly opposite to our weather pattern . This has happened many times during my 8 years living here,still as i speak tourists showing up down here and moaning where is the sun,and comments "Why is it raining"? When informing them that Koh phangan is Monsoon season,they look in disbelieve.No it's not they say!! It's HIGH SEASON!! the BOOK says so unsure.gif Really it about time that somewhere,so how,some travel book should point out that for not such a big country,there is one hell of a weird weather pattern.

    On a rainy day you should read: http://www.wvlln.ac....eparagraphs.pdf

    Well i am very sorry if you can not read at your age? Got your glasses ON!!

    Why are you wasting your time on here,or sitting in some bar full of thai girls when surely you could be teaching English in UNI!!

    With all the tragedy going on,and you go on about how to PARAGRAPH !! Seriously get a LIFE.... you sad pathetic waste of space

  2. I could not help notice when they continue to push for tourists to come to Thailand saying many other areas are unaffected. Well that is true,i live koh phangan and so far the flood situation is not affecting, Other than out of Singha, prices increasing on rice,vegetables etc. We were not mentioned in the article but Koh Samui which is 35 minutes boat ride WAS!. Pushing the fact that it's "HIGH SEASON" well for those who are thinking Oh let's go to Samui they say that's clear,Well bring a rain coat just in case!! When they mention these areas to visit,should they not remind them that we are in Monsoon down here!! It came late down here,even starting to think that maybe the POOR north got all ours,but rain,heavy bursts at times are now showing.It is the Thai and even western bar restaurant owners who call the High Season period the build up to Xmas,what they are talking about is it's Xmas,you want a holiday come spend your money here!! What they!! and all the travel books do not include is that the south of Thailand (The South Gulf) comes out of monsoon middle of December,this could now go to very late as it came late. They often refer to Thailand as Dry,Wet and Monsoon seasons,well like most countries that experience 4 seasons,Thailand is no exception,there should be included 2x Wet seasons. Down here we do not just come out of Monsoon and then pile on the sun cream,it can break yes,but also heavy rain can be about late into December. I remember clearly 2 years ago that the sun had returned by middle of December,but by 24th December we had nothing but heavy rain,and temperatures had fallen to me having to wear a long sleeve jumper. I checked forecast and Phuket,not anywhere near a favorite of mine,but showing clear blue skies. I jumped in the car leaving many unhappy holiday makers moaning where the sun is. For 5 nights and days on Phuket not a cloud in sight (Yes correct for West of here) they are compleatly opposite to our weather pattern . This has happened many times during my 8 years living here,still as i speak tourists showing up down here and moaning where is the sun,and comments "Why is it raining"? When informing them that Koh phangan is Monsoon season,they look in disbelieve.No it's not they say!! It's HIGH SEASON!! the BOOK says so unsure.gif Really it about time that somewhere,so how,some travel book should point out that for not such a big country,there is one hell of a weird weather pattern.

  3. Don Muang Airport - November 5


    Follow this link: http://www.thaiarmed...fspecial54.html

    Amazing photo's !!

    You can imagine it.... OK guy's let's start,start what? getting rid of this lot!! "Right ok"... errrr Boss "how long this gotta take"? .Errr i dun know...just start!! But i did here there's a big party tonight... One of the top guns... Yeah he is "60" today.. Where do these numbers come from? Seriously looking at those amazing photo's HOW!! just HOW?? can they call 60 Days + 60 days?? Wow !!!good luck sweeping boysjap.gif

  4. I know this is "Flood- related Diseases" and maybe we are all thinking out breaks of large scale could occur.But i did notice they were publishing "DEATH" figures updated every other day or 3rd day. Well my last update was 511 Dead down to "flood re-lated" that was over 10 days ago. Have i not been notified through to my email any recent figures,have i missed any figures? Or are they keeping things QUIET??blink.gif

    Flood-Related Diseases

    Flood-Related Diseases

  5. You could not use that as a reason for assuming unlimited access to Australia. Please explain why should Thailand have more flexible visas than Australia, where you come from. Why is it that a farang with money thinks he should be able to simply occupy another country, because he can afford to? (It's okay, I am an Australian too. I just want to hear your argument.) I can imagine you and others spitting the dummy if all and sundry insisted on simply walking through the immigration barriers of Australia, and by the weight of numbers threatening everything there. Let's put a specific colour on it: Any Chinese with money can live in Australia wherever they like, in unlimited numbers, without restriction. And lets add Africans, Arabs and Russians to this influx. Okay, you are retired and turning your back on Australia, but lets see how you answer on behalf of those who still make it their home.<br clear="all">

    Hello Bunter... Firstly i have not posted here for an argument,i am seeking help for the situation that I and many others face. Again i am not talking about Australia,i do not want to live there,i don't LOVE Australia,i do however LOVE Thailand! I have visited Australia back in 2002 entered with a 3 month visa,after spending 3 months and realizing that i needed longer to travel such a huge country,i applied for another 3 months,this i got granted by showing that there was an onward ticket and showed them bank accounts. So straight away even your country was quiet happy Firstly giving me 3 months,that is 60 days more than you get from Thailand plus extended another 90 days WITHOUT having to cross a border. I was also able to extend again if a wanted to,although i would of had to sacrifice a flight ticket,or pay as it was back then £50 or so,however 6 months was enough for me,for such a massive country your HOT spots are very few,just miles and miles and miles of coast line,lets face it your number ONE attraction is a Big rock "WOW" in the middle of no where! That is your country dealt with,now look at other countries mentioned by other posts here. They all offer longer periods and do not have to deal with crossing of borders. Going back to Australia they have a point system if you wish to emigrate,i can tell you 100% if you can show whealth,and yes it is a large ammount,guess what? you gain way more points this way than telling them that your a Nurse etc. Australia Do welcome people with money!

    Sorry Bunter that reply should of been addressed to TechnikaII not yourself, V sorry noticed it to late to editjap.gif

  6. Hello.. i am 46 years of age have been living here 8 years in January,i have been on Non "O" visa for 6 of these years... I do not work here and probably over 100 thai people or more can clarify this. I know some very key figures on the island. from Police, MP's,Council, Government,Resort owners,shop Owners and staff,Friends,all of these know that i do not work. I am also single,meaning no thai wife or thai girlfriends,i mix with Fa-rang girls,i do not own property,just rent all year round. I was in business made £ what i consider enough. I never set up pensions as i never wanted or needed to plan around this,but was granted my 1st Non "O" on showing them some bank accounts that had a large sum of money. I also opened a thai bank account and started off putting i think was 450,000 baht in and left in there but could use as my expenses. I am MADE to fly home every 15 months to the UK to apply again,and over the last several years pay i think £135 show letter of Guarantor and some bank accounts. On entry i am granted 90 days and then am FORCED to do a border crossing,for me the famous Ranong trip is my most frequent,where after my 4-5 mins on Burma soil i return back in to Thailand and granted another 90 days. (So KIND) yeah right!!

    Ok it could be worse..... But my my what is all this about???? I have proved by showing them in the UK that i have ££ to stay 1 year,they have seen it black and white... So WHY! do i then have to exit every 90 days,they have seen it,more than enough to last well over the year,and years!! this is why they granted it.. But NO i have to make that horrible journey for what? Who gains from this? Yes Burma do because i give them $10,the Burma boat drivers of course are happy,but what do Thailand gain from this other than gaining tax on fuel that i put in the car. If they asked for £300-£400 name a price instead of the £135 i would pay it..So instantly Thailand makes money..Ok it's sorry for Burma,but this is a thai visa site,it is THAILAND for all it's wrongs that go on here,i still love this country,and yes i even love their complete lack of really knowing what is going on. Correct it's not normal,their way of thinking to me is NOT normal,but that is why i am here,i do not want to live a NORMAL life!! I am not one of the big spenders here,just living a simple life,because this is what i want,but i have brought large motor bikes,as pictured a car that cost me at the time just under 1,000,000 baht and 3 weeks ago just spent 50,000 baht on a new scooter. My old visa was expiring in June 2011 so UK time it had to be again,this trip gets no change from £1000,probably more i do not count. On going to my visa office with bank statements in hand letter of Guarantor GUESS WHAT?? they were going to refuse me!!!!! things have changed and i need to be 50!! What a (i could swear here) joke it is... All the money i have spent here because i love the place i live, YES i love THAILAND and they do not want me,because i am not 50 and i i did not want to plan my future around a pension plan. I DO NOT NEED A BLOODY PENSION!! I only got my new one because of pleading with them,telling them do they realize just what i have been through planes expense,my UK expense,the hassle,and more importantly why was not informed. It did get granted but was told that i would not get another one next year unless the visa rules change. So yes Thailand may loose yet another person who loves Thailand has spent probably something like 6-7 Million baht and it's goodbye jason.. I know i said i love Thailand for lets say not being Normal,but this is just plain DUMB!! Thai visa i hope you are listening,change your rules for the people who can prove they have the money and time and wish to spend it in this Country. Put more controls on people that can not show ££ and if they are after the people who are working here,do something about it,round them up,there are plenty i know i can find so why can't they!! I am already forward planning this ridiculous situation by gathering my thai bank statements of proof of expenses and maybe even getting a petition for all the people i know here to sign to clarify my position. Number two in command of Police on my island who is a friend will be the 1st name on it. WAKE up Thailand!! no people here,no people coming, with a19 million target(HO HO) unless you change things you will need 19 Million + 1

    Go to Langkawi, Penang or Tioman....

    Good morning Jerry,

    A rather short comment, would you,could you elaborate? This is how i started off back in 2004 heading to Penang and at that time obtained 4 multiple entries,which meant 60 days,then in my case over to Koh Samui pay 1950 baht gain another 30 days,then i would still need to exit border after that period, This was then repeated .My currant situation of Non "O" is better than this but not by much but say they will refuse me next time. I am also lead to believe that now they only issue maximum of TWO double entries,is this not the case? same as mentioned in previous posts from other members they limit to how many times you can come in and out per year? The reason i looked into the "O" visa was that in 2005 even the more relaxed Penang would only issue me 3 double entries leaving me problems for my remaining part of the year. Kind regards Jerry and would like to know what are the current rules of the 3 areas you mention...... kind regards from this end Jason

    the 3 areas are in Malaysia, a lot of expats with Thai wife or GF are nowadays living in Penang or Langkawi (where there is an active community of Farangs sharing their life between Malaysia and Thailand). One hour by boat you are in Satun, then 2 hours later you are in Hat Yai where you have everything.

    Malaysia has changed its rules it is now very easy to get a residence permit in Malaysia. in any case the bottom line is you have a 90 days free visa that you can renew by jumping in Thailand. From this year, you can also get a "10 years residence Pass" but you have to be working in Malaysia at the time of the demand.

    A lot of people in Langkawi have migrated from Phuket and seem to find a nice life there.

    Tioman if you like diving is interesting, but tiny island no car...

    Hi jerry,

    Your missing the point,i have traveled Malaysia,ok if things were so bad maybe Malaysia over the UK!! But!! and there is always a BUT!!... I don't want to live or go back to Bloody Malaysia unless i really have to... It is THAILAND i LOVE impartially the island of Koh phangan rolleyes.gif. Have been Penang Langkawi, Hat Yai... this must be a joke surely bah.gif We must surely have different priorites in life!! Again pointing out that i am not interested in Thai girls,i have a clever and wise head on my shoulders and know that 90% of these girlfriends ends in DISASTER! You see many Danish,Swedish,Greek,French etc girls hanging around in Hat Yai??

  7. Hello.. i am 46 years of age have been living here 8 years in January,i have been on Non "O" visa for 6 of these years... I do not work here and probably over 100 thai people or more can clarify this. I know some very key figures on the island. from Police, MP's,Council, Government,Resort owners,shop Owners and staff,Friends,all of these know that i do not work. I am also single,meaning no thai wife or thai girlfriends,i mix with Fa-rang girls,i do not own property,just rent all year round. I was in business made £ what i consider enough. I never set up pensions as i never wanted or needed to plan around this,but was granted my 1st Non "O" on showing them some bank accounts that had a large sum of money. I also opened a thai bank account and started off putting i think was 450,000 baht in and left in there but could use as my expenses. I am MADE to fly home every 15 months to the UK to apply again,and over the last several years pay i think £135 show letter of Guarantor and some bank accounts. On entry i am granted 90 days and then am FORCED to do a border crossing,for me the famous Ranong trip is my most frequent,where after my 4-5 mins on Burma soil i return back in to Thailand and granted another 90 days. (So KIND) yeah right!!

    Ok it could be worse..... But my my what is all this about???? I have proved by showing them in the UK that i have ££ to stay 1 year,they have seen it black and white... So WHY! do i then have to exit every 90 days,they have seen it,more than enough to last well over the year,and years!! this is why they granted it.. But NO i have to make that horrible journey for what? Who gains from this? Yes Burma do because i give them $10,the Burma boat drivers of course are happy,but what do Thailand gain from this other than gaining tax on fuel that i put in the car. If they asked for £300-£400 name a price instead of the £135 i would pay it..So instantly Thailand makes money..Ok it's sorry for Burma,but this is a thai visa site,it is THAILAND for all it's wrongs that go on here,i still love this country,and yes i even love their complete lack of really knowing what is going on. Correct it's not normal,their way of thinking to me is NOT normal,but that is why i am here,i do not want to live a NORMAL life!! I am not one of the big spenders here,just living a simple life,because this is what i want,but i have brought large motor bikes,as pictured a car that cost me at the time just under 1,000,000 baht and 3 weeks ago just spent 50,000 baht on a new scooter. My old visa was expiring in June 2011 so UK time it had to be again,this trip gets no change from £1000,probably more i do not count. On going to my visa office with bank statements in hand letter of Guarantor GUESS WHAT?? they were going to refuse me!!!!! things have changed and i need to be 50!! What a (i could swear here) joke it is... All the money i have spent here because i love the place i live, YES i love THAILAND and they do not want me,because i am not 50 and i i did not want to plan my future around a pension plan. I DO NOT NEED A BLOODY PENSION!! I only got my new one because of pleading with them,telling them do they realize just what i have been through planes expense,my UK expense,the hassle,and more importantly why was not informed. It did get granted but was told that i would not get another one next year unless the visa rules change. So yes Thailand may loose yet another person who loves Thailand has spent probably something like 6-7 Million baht and it's goodbye jason.. I know i said i love Thailand for lets say not being Normal,but this is just plain DUMB!! Thai visa i hope you are listening,change your rules for the people who can prove they have the money and time and wish to spend it in this Country. Put more controls on people that can not show ££ and if they are after the people who are working here,do something about it,round them up,there are plenty i know i can find so why can't they!! I am already forward planning this ridiculous situation by gathering my thai bank statements of proof of expenses and maybe even getting a petition for all the people i know here to sign to clarify my position. Number two in command of Police on my island who is a friend will be the 1st name on it. WAKE up Thailand!! no people here,no people coming, with a19 million target(HO HO) unless you change things you will need 19 Million + 1

    Great Post Jason - you do love Thailand and spend thousands to stay and enjoy the life in LOS.

    We are like you would love to have greater flexibilty to stay in Thailand. This trip we (my Australian wife and I) went to Phuket for 3 weeks, then transited through KL and then had another 4 weeks in Pattaya.

    We would have stayed in LOS longer but then we went back to Malaysia on the 30th day.

    As you said "who wins" in our case its Air Asia and the Malaysian economy ..... WHO LOSES Thailand of course but they just dont get it!

    If you can prove through bank account details that you have sufficient wealth to support yourself, we should be made welcome in the Kingdom.


    "If you can prove through bank account details that you have sufficient wealth to support yourself, we should be made welcome in the Kingdom."

    You could not use that as a reason for assuming unlimited access to Australia. Please explain why should Thailand have more flexible visas than Australia, where you come from. Why is it that a farang with money thinks he should be able to simply occupy another country, because he can afford to? (It's okay, I am an Australian too. I just want to hear your argument.) I can imagine you and others spitting the dummy if all and sundry insisted on simply walking through the immigration barriers of Australia, and by the weight of numbers threatening everything there. Let's put a specific colour on it: Any Chinese with money can live in Australia wherever they like, in unlimited numbers, without restriction. And lets add Africans, Arabs and Russians to this influx. Okay, you are retired and turning your back on Australia, but lets see how you answer on behalf of those who still make it their home.<br clear="all">

    Hello Bunter... Firstly i have not posted here for an argument,i am seeking help for the situation that I and many others face. Again i am not talking about Australia,i do not want to live there,i don't LOVE Australia,i do however LOVE Thailand! I have visited Australia back in 2002 entered with a 3 month visa,after spending 3 months and realizing that i needed longer to travel such a huge country,i applied for another 3 months,this i got granted by showing that there was an onward ticket and showed them bank accounts. So straight away even your country was quiet happy Firstly giving me 3 months,that is 60 days more than you get from Thailand plus extended another 90 days WITHOUT having to cross a border. I was also able to extend again if a wanted to,although i would of had to sacrifice a flight ticket,or pay as it was back then £50 or so,however 6 months was enough for me,for such a massive country your HOT spots are very few,just miles and miles and miles of coast line,lets face it your number ONE attraction is a Big rock "WOW" in the middle of no where! That is your country dealt with,now look at other countries mentioned by other posts here. They all offer longer periods and do not have to deal with crossing of borders. Going back to Australia they have a point system if you wish to emigrate,i can tell you 100% if you can show whealth,and yes it is a large ammount,guess what? you gain way more points this way than telling them that your a Nurse etc. Australia Do welcome people with money!

  8. Hello.. i am 46 years of age have been living here 8 years in January,i have been on Non "O" visa for 6 of these years... I do not work here and probably over 100 thai people or more can clarify this. I know some very key figures on the island. from Police, MP's,Council, Government,Resort owners,shop Owners and staff,Friends,all of these know that i do not work. I am also single,meaning no thai wife or thai girlfriends,i mix with Fa-rang girls,i do not own property,just rent all year round. I was in business made £ what i consider enough. I never set up pensions as i never wanted or needed to plan around this,but was granted my 1st Non "O" on showing them some bank accounts that had a large sum of money. I also opened a thai bank account and started off putting i think was 450,000 baht in and left in there but could use as my expenses. I am MADE to fly home every 15 months to the UK to apply again,and over the last several years pay i think £135 show letter of Guarantor and some bank accounts. On entry i am granted 90 days and then am FORCED to do a border crossing,for me the famous Ranong trip is my most frequent,where after my 4-5 mins on Burma soil i return back in to Thailand and granted another 90 days. (So KIND) yeah right!!

    Ok it could be worse..... But my my what is all this about???? I have proved by showing them in the UK that i have ££ to stay 1 year,they have seen it black and white... So WHY! do i then have to exit every 90 days,they have seen it,more than enough to last well over the year,and years!! this is why they granted it.. But NO i have to make that horrible journey for what? Who gains from this? Yes Burma do because i give them $10,the Burma boat drivers of course are happy,but what do Thailand gain from this other than gaining tax on fuel that i put in the car. If they asked for £300-£400 name a price instead of the £135 i would pay it..So instantly Thailand makes money..Ok it's sorry for Burma,but this is a thai visa site,it is THAILAND for all it's wrongs that go on here,i still love this country,and yes i even love their complete lack of really knowing what is going on. Correct it's not normal,their way of thinking to me is NOT normal,but that is why i am here,i do not want to live a NORMAL life!! I am not one of the big spenders here,just living a simple life,because this is what i want,but i have brought large motor bikes,as pictured a car that cost me at the time just under 1,000,000 baht and 3 weeks ago just spent 50,000 baht on a new scooter. My old visa was expiring in June 2011 so UK time it had to be again,this trip gets no change from £1000,probably more i do not count. On going to my visa office with bank statements in hand letter of Guarantor GUESS WHAT?? they were going to refuse me!!!!! things have changed and i need to be 50!! What a (i could swear here) joke it is... All the money i have spent here because i love the place i live, YES i love THAILAND and they do not want me,because i am not 50 and i i did not want to plan my future around a pension plan. I DO NOT NEED A BLOODY PENSION!! I only got my new one because of pleading with them,telling them do they realize just what i have been through planes expense,my UK expense,the hassle,and more importantly why was not informed. It did get granted but was told that i would not get another one next year unless the visa rules change. So yes Thailand may loose yet another person who loves Thailand has spent probably something like 6-7 Million baht and it's goodbye jason.. I know i said i love Thailand for lets say not being Normal,but this is just plain DUMB!! Thai visa i hope you are listening,change your rules for the people who can prove they have the money and time and wish to spend it in this Country. Put more controls on people that can not show ££ and if they are after the people who are working here,do something about it,round them up,there are plenty i know i can find so why can't they!! I am already forward planning this ridiculous situation by gathering my thai bank statements of proof of expenses and maybe even getting a petition for all the people i know here to sign to clarify my position. Number two in command of Police on my island who is a friend will be the 1st name on it. WAKE up Thailand!! no people here,no people coming, with a19 million target(HO HO) unless you change things you will need 19 Million + 1

    Go to Langkawi, Penang or Tioman....

    Good morning Jerry,

    A rather short comment, would you,could you elaborate? This is how i started off back in 2004 heading to Penang and at that time obtained 4 multiple entries,which meant 60 days,then in my case over to Koh Samui pay 1950 baht gain another 30 days,then i would still need to exit border after that period, This was then repeated .My currant situation of Non "O" is better than this but not by much but say they will refuse me next time. I am also lead to believe that now they only issue maximum of TWO double entries,is this not the case? same as mentioned in previous posts from other members they limit to how many times you can come in and out per year? The reason i looked into the "O" visa was that in 2005 even the more relaxed Penang would only issue me 3 double entries leaving me problems for my remaining part of the year. Kind regards Jerry and would like to know what are the current rules of the 3 areas you mention...... kind regards from this end Jason

  9. Hello.. i am 46 years of age have been living here 8 years in January,i have been on Non "O" visa for 6 of these years... I do not work here and probably over 100 thai people or more can clarify this. I know some very key figures on the island. from Police, MP's,Council, Government,Resort owners,shop Owners and staff,Friends,all of these know that i do not work. I am also single,meaning no thai wife or thai girlfriends,i mix with Fa-rang girls,i do not own property,just rent all year round. I was in business made £ what i consider enough. I never set up pensions as i never wanted or needed to plan around this,but was granted my 1st Non "O" on showing them some bank accounts that had a large sum of money. I also opened a thai bank account and started off putting i think was 450,000 baht in and left in there but could use as my expenses. I am MADE to fly home every 15 months to the UK to apply again,and over the last several years pay i think £135 show letter of Guarantor and some bank accounts. On entry i am granted 90 days and then am FORCED to do a border crossing,for me the famous Ranong trip is my most frequent,where after my 4-5 mins on Burma soil i return back in to Thailand and granted another 90 days. (So KIND) yeah right!!

    Ok it could be worse..... But my my what is all this about???? I have proved by showing them in the UK that i have ££ to stay 1 year,they have seen it black and white... So WHY! do i then have to exit every 90 days,they have seen it,more than enough to last well over the year,and years!! this is why they granted it.. But NO i have to make that horrible journey for what? Who gains from this? Yes Burma do because i give them $10,the Burma boat drivers of course are happy,but what do Thailand gain from this other than gaining tax on fuel that i put in the car. If they asked for £300-£400 name a price instead of the £135 i would pay it..So instantly Thailand makes money..Ok it's sorry for Burma,but this is a thai visa site,it is THAILAND for all it's wrongs that go on here,i still love this country,and yes i even love their complete lack of really knowing what is going on. Correct it's not normal,their way of thinking to me is NOT normal,but that is why i am here,i do not want to live a NORMAL life!! I am not one of the big spenders here,just living a simple life,because this is what i want,but i have brought large motor bikes,as pictured a car that cost me at the time just under 1,000,000 baht and 3 weeks ago just spent 50,000 baht on a new scooter. My old visa was expiring in June 2011 so UK time it had to be again,this trip gets no change from £1000,probably more i do not count. On going to my visa office with bank statements in hand letter of Guarantor GUESS WHAT?? they were going to refuse me!!!!! things have changed and i need to be 50!! What a (i could swear here) joke it is... All the money i have spent here because i love the place i live, YES i love THAILAND and they do not want me,because i am not 50 and i i did not want to plan my future around a pension plan. I DO NOT NEED A BLOODY PENSION!! I only got my new one because of pleading with them,telling them do they realize just what i have been through planes expense,my UK expense,the hassle,and more importantly why was not informed. It did get granted but was told that i would not get another one next year unless the visa rules change. So yes Thailand may loose yet another person who loves Thailand has spent probably something like 6-7 Million baht and it's goodbye jason.. I know i said i love Thailand for lets say not being Normal,but this is just plain DUMB!! Thai visa i hope you are listening,change your rules for the people who can prove they have the money and time and wish to spend it in this Country. Put more controls on people that can not show ££ and if they are after the people who are working here,do something about it,round them up,there are plenty i know i can find so why can't they!! I am already forward planning this ridiculous situation by gathering my thai bank statements of proof of expenses and maybe even getting a petition for all the people i know here to sign to clarify my position. Number two in command of Police on my island who is a friend will be the 1st name on it. WAKE up Thailand!! no people here,no people coming, with a19 million target(HO HO) unless you change things you will need 19 Million + 1

  10. yeah, no more singha on our island alreadysad.gif

    will have to switch to other brands when my stock is oversad.gifsad.gif

    it's a real pity that some people have to deal with too much liquid and other are running dry

    As a non drinker of alcoholic beverages, I got a laugh about a few falong complaing loud, clear and long in a locAL Pattaya Beer Bar about the rising cost of beer and the shortage of some of their favorite brands of beer. All this while millions of Thais are suffering from the effects of the flood.

    Take your beer money for 1 month and donate it to relief efforts for the people without food, water and shelter due to the flood, and not worry abvout the supply and cost of beer.

    Stop buying beer for 1 month and supplies will grow and price will go down.

    Ever here about a famous old tragedy called the "TITANIC".... A very similar situation we have here.....THE BAND PLAYS ON...........blink.gif

  11. NHS.doc

    Found this warning on the web. We are all in trouble.

    Downloaded it too..Brilliant!!! absolutely Brilliant!! will not say anymore as it will spoil the laughs........Still laughing now as i write this.... Thank you for making me laugh through what is a very serious problem.. I had to drink Tiger tonight!! Well one bottle was enough......Brezzers were the better looking option in the fridge....... PANIC!!!ohmy.gif

  12. Koh phangan reporting..... Out of new stock on Singha ONLY at the moment,spoke to my friend boss who is owner of low to middle class bungalows,his supplier in Suratthani town is out of stock of the brand of beer Singha . Also he said prices are going up on goods,he mentioned Rice first then Vegetables, I am guessing that fuel will be next on the list.I mentioned in a motor bike post that also low on motor bike stock. I just brought a new one 2 weeks ago,when i asked for electric start,they said 2 months delivery.I brought the only ONE they had left of the Honda wave 125i, We only have two Honda dealers on the island with Honda out of production 6 months...could be a year till little on Koh phangan gets any.

  13. OK... referring to these fuel figures i quoted from what is advertised 56kms per litre.....Well i am not a mathamatition by any way or form,but this does not make sense. I have seen on pc bikes.com they say this has a 3.7 L tank ,on the booklet advertising it,i do not read thai but in the fuel category section to me it looks as though it says 4 L (i am quite happy to be shot down on that one) But when i got the bike it had some fuel in it,i rode less than 1km to fill her up,it took exactly 100 baht to the limit. OK so i have less than 1km on the bike full tank and off i go.The bike is now exactly 2 weeks old today.... Today i went to the same garage pulled in and said fill it up,it took exactly 100 baht to the limit. The price was as good as 42 baht L it gave me just over 2.3 L strange because i have seen someone else comment that when you are down to 1 bar it starts to flash and you have 50km left. This was my case 1bar and flashing my KM reading was wait for it 171kms . Now as said before i am no maths expert, but is not 171 kms divided by 2.3= 74.34 ? I have drove her like a baby,but we have steep hills,yes for every up they say there is a down but am i going wrong somewhere??

  14. I think your talking currently.... Phuket has just come out of monsoon,your high season has just started,have you noticed how many cancellations are going on? Not all Phuket tourist's fly straight in to there,they fly in Bangkok for a few days then onward. The places you mention that are now busy is not from holiday tourists the 19 million target laugh.gif it's the troubled north,north west,east soon to be south east people that have fled there. You just on 2 weeks hols??

  15. So where are these 14.4 million people going for their hols then? I have been living on the island of koh phangan for 8 years now,living at the north of the island which does not get the larger numbers as in the south of the island, Haad Rin for example (location of Full Moon party) But i have been seeing less people year after year. Even Haad Rin where numbers were told of 20,000 people going mad. The second part is right...i do not attend the party so often these days,but always get feedback. The last few i have been to there has been on average only 6- 10,000 going mad depending on which month you come.There are 4 beach operations where i live,they are all having troubled times,around the island same same,shops closing,never seen so many houses to rent signs,there everywhere you go.Samui i here is the same, July and August were the busy times,but for those who take note of what is going on in the south,end of March going into April we were smashed down here,pretty much not a place got through it without some kind of damage.Resorts smashed,samui the same the whole Suratthani Province got so much freak rain,for a month after it was probably an island back to how it used to be, No tourist.

    I get to meet travelers everyday and here where they have been etc,comments again all seem to be it's quiet in Thailand. Would be interested to here if anyone has been living in an area where they have seen it getting more busy,because Koh phangan is not getting so many of those 14.4 million.

    Off topic but my thoughts are with you all who have been harmed in this act of nature,act of greed act of not knowing what to do,who cares at the moment their could be many life's at risk. RIP and take care. And please someone stop these children swimming in this polluted water. Good luck to all

  16. Hello posted this on other topic but maybe of interest here also.

    Also had the same dilemma choosing between the 110i or 125i.... I knew i was after a scooter,did not want auto click or anything completely auto which left me not a lot of options when entering the Honda dealer here on koh phangan.Having been a rider of motor bikes since the age of 12, being a member of a Motor Cross team (amateur level) trials events also on a Cotton 175cc( just felt my age then) on road bikes large and small last owned here in Thailand a Honda XR400 i was hardly excited about buying a scooter. So then i had my options in front of me the 110i PGM-F1... 3 colors only in stock black,red blue all not electric with start...price of 39,000 baht inc number plates,tax,helmet and a honda jacket this was for a cash deal. In the background was a white 125i PGM-F1 not electric with a price tag of 52,500 baht. I kept looking and looking,going back to the 110i,back to the 125i....and have to say i was confused. When i asked for the deal on the 125i (cash deal again) on the road everything 49,500 baht when i asked do they have electric start i was told 2 months waiting list. It's a 10,500 baht difference (This is koh phangan by the way) so price will be different as in Bkk or for me a better option of Suratthani...but 10,500 baht that's over £200 difference as good as 20% more for pretty much the same bike apart from as mentioned height,length,ground clearance, 15cc more power etc.So ok i am western male with money,but i was really thinking is it worth it??? To a thai national or someone looking after the pennies (Satangs) it does not seem to make sense... I did not test ride either models,to be honest i never even sat on any of them,but did the deal for the 125i PGM-F1 purely on i liked the color of the white looking scooter better unsure.gif I purchased the bike as said for 49,500baht cash on 22nd october 2011 on the road price.I will of course be running her in untill the 1,000km is reached and has it's 1st oil change etc,but after pulling away from the dealer a smile came,10kms on the clock later i stopped off to watch the Rugby my smile still on..it's not bad rolleyes.gif Leaving to ride for home i went the long way and again i thought this rides quite nicely,sitting up nice and high,very light steering,and so quiet.. At 60-70 kms it just feels like it would go all day all night... Interesting fuel figures given at ready for this..... 56kms per litre rolleyes.gif that's 160 miles per gallon for us old boys.... will let you know what it really gets,on purchase it only came with fuel reading 2 bars and 0.4kms on the clock ( Come on Honda surely a full tank on purchase would not hurt) so after less than 1km i filled her up with 100 baht (full) i have now done 128kms and still reading 3 bars(it's computer led reading) . I guess i will never know if i had purchased the 110i if i would have the same pleasant feelings and saved myself 10,500 baht, i will try to ride a new 110i just to see.... i know many local people who just would not pay the difference,and i am sure one of these who goes for the 110i i can test ride it in time. So far i am happy with what i got...It is WHITE after all rolleyes.gif the color to have apparently,with wind in the hair,flies in your face motorbike feeling with 3years Guarantee for a little over £1000 . Also noticed that Honda have stopped production for 6 Months.... there are hardly any new bikes here on koh phangan now!! And as if we are likely to get any here when it gets going again,makes me think Honda in the south are in for a hard time......... Off topic but my thoughts are with you all in troubled times,to the ones who have lost lives RIP... Thinking of you all from here in the south....... good luck to all kind regards jason

  17. Also had the same dilemma choosing between the 110i or 125i.... I knew i was after a scooter,did not want auto click or anything completely auto which left me not a lot of options when entering the Honda dealer here on koh phangan.

    Having been a rider of motor bikes since the age of 12, being a member of a Motor Cross team (amateur level) trials events also on a Cotton 175cc( just felt my age then) on road bikes large and small last owned here in Thailand a Honda XR400 i was hardly excited about buying a scooter. So then i had my options in front of me the 110i PGM-F1... 3 colors only in stock black,red blue all not electric with start...price of 39,000 baht inc number plates,tax,helmet and a honda jacket this was for a cash deal. In the background was a white 125i PGM-F1 not electric with a price tag of 52,500 baht. I kept looking and looking,going back to the 110i,back to the 125i....and have to say i was confused. When i asked for the deal on the 125i (cash deal again) on the road everything 49,500 baht when i asked do they have electric start i was told 2 months waiting list. It's a 10,500 baht difference (This is koh phangan by the way) so price will be different as in Bkk or for me a better option of Suratthani...but 10,500 baht that's over £200 difference as good as 20% more for pretty much the same bike apart from as mentioned height,length,ground clearance, 15cc more power etc.So ok i am western male with money,but i was really thinking is it worth it??? To a thai national or someone looking after the pennies (Satangs) it does not seem to make sense... I did not test ride either models,to be honest i never even sat on any of them,but did the deal for the 125i PGM-F1 purely on i liked the color of the white looking scooter better unsure.gif I purchased the bike as said for 49,500baht cash on 22nd october 2011 on the road price.

    Will of course be running her in untill the 1,000km is reached and has it's 1st oil change etc,but after pulling away from the dealer a smile came,10kms on the clock later i stopped off to watch the Rugby my smile still on..it's not bad rolleyes.gif Leaving to ride for home i went the long way and again i thought this rides quite nicely,sitting up nice and high,very light steering,and so quiet.. At 60-70 kms it just feels like it would go all day all night... Interesting fuel figures given at ready for this..... 56kms per litre rolleyes.gif that's 160 miles per gallon for us old boys.... will let you know what it really gets,on purchase it only came with fuel reading 2 bars and 0.4kms on the clock ( Come on Honda surely a full tank on purchase would not hurt) so after less than 1km i filled her up with 100 baht (full) i have now done 128kms and still reading 3 bars(it's computer led reading) . I guess i will never know if i had purchased the 110i if i would have the same pleasant feelings and saved myself 10,500 baht, i will try to ride a new 110i just to see.... i know many local people who just would not pay the difference,and i am sure one of these who goes for the 110i i can test ride it in time. So far i am happy with what i got...It is WHITE after all rolleyes.gif the color to have apparently,with wind in the hair,flies in your face motorbike feeling with 3years Guarantee for a little over £1000 . Also noticed that Honda have stopped production for 6 Months.... there are hardly any new bikes here on koh phangan now!! And as if we are likely to get any here when it gets going again,makes me think Honda in the south are in for a hard time......... Off topic but my thoughts are with you all in troubled times,to the ones who have lost lives RIP... Thinking of you all from here in the south....... good luck to all kind regards jason

  18. I thought Bangkok Airways had a monoploy to Samui - seeing as how they built the infrastructure?

    Just another example of the corrupt coup leaders moving the goal posts.

    State owned monopolys rock man!!!!!

    It's difficult to see what this has to do with state owned monopolies, since it has been a private monopoly for years. The state owned Thai Airways are the one representing new competition here, while Bangkok Airways have done all they can to keep the prices on that route on a maximum level. So much so that Thai Airways at one stage considered building a second airport at Koh Samui. The present airport is too small (too short runway) to accommodate the 737s of Thai Airways, or at least that has been the official reason not to fly there previously.

    Hi I live and work here I have a residents card( gives you discount on main time flights) but the food is crap, they delay at the drop of a hat, 3 hours last time, they hold flights back, oh yeh and they call it the bOutique Airline, yeh go on, I emailed 10 directors they said sorry, as in I suggested making the food more Thai, as in Kaow Pad, fried rice, easy and most people eat it, no they give you card board sarnies and pastries and dodgy sausages!

    It will not change and yes Thai airways land where.....oh Don Muang !doh! :o


    I think it's crazy that they provide food and drinks for a 50 min flight,when the provide nibbles and drinks in the departure lounge.. Do away with the food and bring the prices down. Can't go without food for 1hr?

  19. I have been living in Thailand for 4 years each time entering on a Non Imigrant O visa ( 1 year having to leave every 3 months) which i obtain in the city of Birmingham England.

    My visa expires on 25th Dec,my question is if i do a visa run before that date,what will i be given? 1;2 or 3 months?

    I am not working here(Honest) i am 42 years of age retired expat from Birmingham England living on the island of Koh phangan. Is it possible to obtain a new Non imigrant O visa closer than returning back to the UK.

    Thank you to anyone than could advise me on this matter.

  20. I'm planning on taking possession of a Toyota Fortuner 3.0 Diesel Automatic in August but came across the Isuzu MU-7 and wondered what you guys thought about it. How does the MU-7 compare with the Fortuner?

    Anybody out their got an MU-7 ?


    I'm a western male who was looking to buy a 4x4 ..With money not being to much of an issue i started to look at my options,this was becoming more of an issue with the host of 4x4 on the market. My 1st option was the what seemed to be the popular Fortuner...Yes POPULAR!! there everywhere,not exactly going to stand out in the crowd,but it's a Toyota and there records sales speak for themselves.But test driving the Fortuner,i was dissapointed,did't feel comftable behind the wheel,parking Umm,good luck,i found it to have very poor visability,then speaking with a friend who has one,told me of his continued problems with the BRAKES..I test drove also The Rexton,Crv,ford everest and MU-7... I purchased the MU-7 in Jan 2007.6 months after driving :o Very happy.I got it fully loaded with tv's front and rear full leather, auto box, roof rack,Bigger tyres bull bars and 4x spot lights..Ugly?? i think not,it grows on me every day.It's evortless to drive(Auto) more than enough performance,quiet,much MUCH more leg room for all passengers than a Fortuner.. I live on Kohphangan where i have put it's 4x4 manners to the test..... I'm pretty sure it will go anywhere that i what to go.. MU-7 Great Car.....I'm obviously a very happy Nut case :D Need to know anymore please ask..... One small complaint,it has a creak from the drivers door when going over ruff Terain.... Nothing to serious that a bit of extra padding will sort out when i get around to it...

  21. I'm planning on taking possession of a Toyota Fortuner 3.0 Diesel Automatic in August but came across the Isuzu MU-7 and wondered what you guys thought about it. How does the MU-7 compare with the Fortuner?

    Anybody out their got an MU-7 ?


    Hello i'm a western Male who has been living in Thailand for 4yrs on the island of Kohphangan,where 4x4 at some times and some places is needed,I purchased a Mu-7 in January 2007...Money give or take was not an issue,choosing between a Fortuner,Ranger,Crv or the host of other 4x4 on the market was becoming a small issue.I was going to buy the Fortuner simply because of Toyotas record sales,but was then put off by just how many are on the road,even on Kohphangan they are everywhere......Yes this could mean that they are good,but talking with my friend who has a Fortuner,when telling me he has had many problems with the BRAKES,i started to look at the CAR rather than the BADGE.

    On test drives of still the Fortuner,Ranger,Ssangyong Rexton and MU-7 my decition for what i needed was the MU-7...

    6 Months driving the car.......... :o Very Happy...... After adding bigger tyres,bull bar,4x Spot lights it's not such an ugly car after all .The car is effortless to drive(Auto)quiet,enough performance,and so much more leg room for all passengers than the Fortuner..

    Only one issue is that a creak comes from the drivers door only over ruff terain,Needs just a bit of padding, MU-7... GREAT CAR!!

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