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Posts posted by kohphangan

  1. Also 2 dead and one seriously injured just outside Chaloklum on the night of 7th March.

    I was told this by local thai boat man who was at the scene,he then started to tell me the story which was a little confusing.

    But what was not confusing was when he was talking of a Harley involved that was being used by an expat that has been on the island for a few years.

    The boat man then got out his camera and showed me a picture of a crashed Harley... Oh right i said ok..... I was not ready for what i saw on the next photo..... Body partssad.png and a body covered by a white sheet!!

    Just makes me wonder why some deaths get reported such as this sad case and others are just swept under the carpet.

    RIP to all

    Damn... that Harley rider, would he be a local Dutch guy by any chance? ermm.gif

    No not Dutch and not sure if i should disclose who he is on this thread... But from what i made out from my slightly confusing conversation with my thai boat driver friend that lives in Chaloklum....

    The Expat that i know and rides the bike was the seriously injured and taken to Samui.... The pictures that i looked at was of just one blue Harley and one body covered over with a sheet and of course the picture i wish i had not looked at, but bike and body were not together these were two seperate photo's...

    If you live on KP especially Chaloklum area which is full of chinese whispers i'm pretty sure you will hear the name soon.... But not Dutch!! and RIP to which ever Natonality were the victimswai2.gif

    May i aslo confirm that it was my friend who was at the crash site quoted it was a Harley... The picture that i looked at could of been any chopper style bike... The picture was taken at night time and the bike was damaged.... But it was bluewink.png

    Safe riding Jose..... I've gone from 250cc to 750cc back to 125 wave and that thing scares me these daysw00t.gif

  2. Since this accident it has died a few more farangs here in Koh Phangan i learned yesterday. In fact one every day. To top everything I just witnessed another crash this morning. A farang and a thai in a head on collision on the Baan Tai - Haad Rin road. The farang died instantly even if the ambulance was there in 5 minutes. This is really sad times for Koh Phangan. How many has to die before this madness ends?

    Also 2 dead and one seriously injured just outside Chaloklum on the night of 7th March.

    I was told this by local thai boat man who was at the scene,he then started to tell me the story which was a little confusing.

    But what was not confusing was when he was talking of a Harley involved that was being used by an expat that has been on the island for a few years.

    The boat man then got out his camera and showed me a picture of a crashed Harley... Oh right i said ok..... I was not ready for what i saw on the next photo..... Body partssad.png and a body covered by a white sheet!!

    Just makes me wonder why some deaths get reported such as this sad case and others are just swept under the carpet.

    RIP to all

    • Like 1
  3. lemoncake - In all seriousness, I do hope you the best in your business' but at some point you are going to need to adjust your views to become aware of the facts, such as the fact that your business problems are not a result of a decrease in foreign visitors because the reality is just the opposite is true. As well, occupancy rates across Thailand are up even though there has been a big increase in number of new hotel rooms available and built. If I were you, I would focus on and lean more about the changing makeup of tourists that are resulting in such a boom and adjust your business' accordingly if possible,

    So are all the shops that are closing on Koh phangan and resort owners that i know that are scratching their heads apart from European holiday spurges also bad business people Nisa? There are 12 months in a year,it would be very difficult even for the likes of the old Richard Branson's out there to run business's on peak holiday spasms alone.

    I have been living here 9 years and if you still want to stuff stats up peoples noses and try and tell me that tourism is booming i suggest you come down here and take a look at what's really going on.

    I can tell you i live on a beach that has approx 150 bungalows on it and in May and June this year the resort of my friends had at times 3 occupied out of 28,a maximum of 10 occupied during that period.

    After a busy July August ( Not as busy as year before) Sept October was back to the same 5-10 rooms. Before you now tell me my Thai friend owner needs to improve his business skills he has already achieved his MBA. The other resort owners were in the same situation with as low 10-15 occupied out of the 150!!

    As we speak it currently has 5 rooms occupied but is fully booked from 26th-3rd Dec( If the weather holds out). Oh yeah that will be peak holiday times...Then it will be scratch heads time again and here my friend say "Where is everybody" and then ask my opinion. I am a retired business man at the age of 35 before you ask.

    You seem to bring up a lot of facts on Thailand statistics,do you for one moment want to stop criticizing the way Lemoncake runs their business,take off your rose tinted glasses, and broaden you searches to what is going on in the Global crisis!

  4. Chiangmaikelly.....your last comment "I think you are alone in Thailand having a miserable time" I am not in business myself so unaffected to how many come and go,infact the less the better for me.

    I was speaking of many many on KP who are in business,resort owners and shop keepers who are having the miserable time not me!

    My miserable time only comes every 90 days crossing the border to Myanmar and the roads getting therew00t.gif

    And as to your quote "The Central group is spending 35 billion baht to build projects that satisfy a 35% (188 billion baht) increase in demand/business.

    All that means is they are trying to corner the market,for every one of those five you say are proposed to open,how many small business's will be forced to close. Shoppers will maybe shop there instead of where they are at the moment. In my eyes that's not because Tourism is booming,just one company going to kill off many others.

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  5. It is TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand) not TAS (Tourism Authority of Suvarnabhumi) Their figures are based on all International flights Phuket,Samui for example and then of course land border entries.

    I still disagree with their juggling of figures as i have been living here on the island of Koh Phangan for 9 years and it's getting quieter each year. It does of course have a few busy months during the year,but on general at times it's all very quiet. Even Hadd Rin other than full moon itself is pretty quiet after those few days building up to it and after it.

    I do not live in Hadd Rin but do occasionally go to the party,24 parties in just over 9 years to be exact and these do not have the numbers attended as lets say 7-8 years ago.It makes me laugh when i see a 2012 tourist guide book quoting 30,000-40,000 people... get real!! it's more like 6-10K depending on which months these days. By the way i'm age 47 and it's not as bad as all you full moon party basher's make out. I would rather go for a night out there than sit in a bar with a load of screaming thai girls telling me i smell beautiful,oh you handsome man etc then deal with the sex tourist who has just had his heart broken then loosing the plot.. Sorry i know i went off topic but do not bash it, until you look at your own environment!

    As said land border crossing are also in their figures,i am on a Non O visa and because of not being the age of 50 still after 9 years put my life at risk every 90 days to cross a border.I am ONE person but in their figures of my entry 2011-2012 i have visited Thailand SIX times during this period.

    This year my 1 year (15 months) visa expired September and wanted another month before monsoon came,so i took a plane Suratthani-KL for 2 days then back for a month.

    I then because of my restrictions fly back to the UK in October to obtain a new visa,on Tuesday 11th i arrived back at Suvarnabhumi,so theoretically i am a tourist SEVEN times.... Quite simple how they achieve their figures of 23 million!

    What is your point? If you leave and then re-enter the country as a tourist, it is a new visit and should be counted as a visitor. You are a foreigner in and entering Thailand and spending foreign money here. As for the numbers counted on border runs, they are not significant at all. The Tourism site has these stats broken down in terms of number of land and air arrivals by each nationality and although they have been copied onto different threads, their site isn't allowing access to the PDFs right now that breaks these numbers down by time period. The bottom line is they make up a small percentage of total visitors.

    As for your perception of visitors to Koh Phangan ... I have to wonder why a new airport is being built there and their continues to be so much new hotel development. One thing for sure is that like much of the true vacation areas of Thailand, it too has begun to cater to more upscale clients instead of the backpacker crowd.

    My point being i don't want to leave so i would be counted as one tourists. This way i counted six times as a tourist spending money... I am one!! I think your wrong about land borders not accounting for many.. Malaysia,Cambodia,Burma Laos.... they come in by the truck loads everyday.

    The Airport site still looks more like a golf course to me.... But yes it's beyond crazy if that's really their plans... Will i make it 10yrs on KP??

    You missed, or I didn't make clear, my point regarding border runs ... it was not about total number of border crossings but about number of folks doing border runs. It is fairly easy to calculate border runs by the number of UK (example) visitors entering through Laos (example) by land. As I mentioned, this information is publicly available but either the site is currently down or I have old links ... bottom line being is you would be surprised by how low, given the total number of visitors, these figures are.

    Again, what is the point if you are counted as 1 visitor here for a year or 4 visits here for 3-months each? It still comes out to be a single year worth of tourist spending at one unit (visitor). Although it is a pain, my personal view is that you should consider yourself lucky to be able to legally spend this much time in a foreign country as a visitor .. many countries don't allow such easy ways to extend your visit. But yea, it skews the numbers a bit but as I mentioned, it is not that significant an amount and the percentage of folks falling into this category is relatively small compared to the overall numbers and the bottom line is if you have maxed out your stay and leave and come back then for proper accounting it should be counted as two visits. There is nothing that is suggested that these numbers represent unique visitors and the Tourism Sectors are always eager to tell folks of the large number of repeat visitors. If you shave off 10% from 23 million, you still come out to 20.7 million. It would be just as easy to discount or say it is not fair to count visitors from bordering countries who only stay here a partial day to come buy goods or services. I believe the average stay is 9 days (if I recall correctly) but if we had to lower the total number of visitors than the average stay goes up a bit but the bottom line it still comes out to be the same figure in terms of how long a foreigner stays here spending money.

    Your not going to get through to mesmile.png ... How i look at it,its nothing to do with visa trips.... If they gave me 1 year visa without having to exit i would be 1 tourist for that year spending my money. But because i am forced to leave i count as visiting Thailand 6 times... but the fact is like many in my position we are counted multiple times. I am spending the same money if i entered once or 6 times(apart from what it costs crossing a border) like my life!! But to their figures it's 6 more people entering than just one.

    You say i should count myself lucky to stay here... do you not think with all the sh1t that goes on here they are lucky to have me spending my money in Thailand. After 9 years of clean record only being over stayed by 1 day in 9 years because my 14 yr old boat boy this time did't want to risk going through crazy waters.... Lucky indeed!! Lucky to be alive doing that trip over 30 times or more. We are wondering of topic here,but the whole system is crazy.

    I have wealth and a proven 99% clean record,would be 100% if not for those mad waters over to Burma... So just give me 1 entry and their figures would be 22 million 994 thousand 994 hundred tourists come to Thailand... Either way i think both you and i are well aware the figures are plucked from thin air,same as the floods,all those people counted as arrivals when they were mostly Thai people evacuating.

    Nisa i wish you well and have no further comments on this subject..... I know what i see as to tourism booming,their having a laugh you can show me all the figures in the world,but i believe my eyes and ears of business people on KP having a pretty miserable time.

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  6. It is TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand) not TAS (Tourism Authority of Suvarnabhumi) Their figures are based on all International flights Phuket,Samui for example and then of course land border entries.

    I still disagree with their juggling of figures as i have been living here on the island of Koh Phangan for 9 years and it's getting quieter each year. It does of course have a few busy months during the year,but on general at times it's all very quiet. Even Hadd Rin other than full moon itself is pretty quiet after those few days building up to it and after it.

    I do not live in Hadd Rin but do occasionally go to the party,24 parties in just over 9 years to be exact and these do not have the numbers attended as lets say 7-8 years ago.It makes me laugh when i see a 2012 tourist guide book quoting 30,000-40,000 people... get real!! it's more like 6-10K depending on which months these days. By the way i'm age 47 and it's not as bad as all you full moon party basher's make out. I would rather go for a night out there than sit in a bar with a load of screaming thai girls telling me i smell beautiful,oh you handsome man etc then deal with the sex tourist who has just had his heart broken then loosing the plot.. Sorry i know i went off topic but do not bash it, until you look at your own environment!

    As said land border crossing are also in their figures,i am on a Non O visa and because of not being the age of 50 still after 9 years put my life at risk every 90 days to cross a border.I am ONE person but in their figures of my entry 2011-2012 i have visited Thailand SIX times during this period.

    This year my 1 year (15 months) visa expired September and wanted another month before monsoon came,so i took a plane Suratthani-KL for 2 days then back for a month.

    I then because of my restrictions fly back to the UK in October to obtain a new visa,on Tuesday 11th i arrived back at Suvarnabhumi,so theoretically i am a tourist SEVEN times.... Quite simple how they achieve their figures of 23 million!

    What is your point? If you leave and then re-enter the country as a tourist, it is a new visit and should be counted as a visitor. You are a foreigner in and entering Thailand and spending foreign money here. As for the numbers counted on border runs, they are not significant at all. The Tourism site has these stats broken down in terms of number of land and air arrivals by each nationality and although they have been copied onto different threads, their site isn't allowing access to the PDFs right now that breaks these numbers down by time period. The bottom line is they make up a small percentage of total visitors.

    As for your perception of visitors to Koh Phangan ... I have to wonder why a new airport is being built there and their continues to be so much new hotel development. One thing for sure is that like much of the true vacation areas of Thailand, it too has begun to cater to more upscale clients instead of the backpacker crowd.

    My point being i don't want to leave so i would be counted as one tourists. This way i counted six times as a tourist spending money... I am one!! I think your wrong about land borders not accounting for many.. Malaysia,Cambodia,Burma Laos.... they come in by the truck loads everyday.

    The Airport site still looks more like a golf course to me.... But yes it's beyond crazy if that's really their plans... Will i make it 10yrs on KP??

  7. So sad Rip

    Maybe it's just me, but foreigners dying here in Thailand seems to be something that is on the increase.

    We had a weird one here in Cha Am a few weeks back. A Russian guy checked into his guesthouse in the morning

    and then later in the day he checked out of the world permanently.

    The strange things about this are:

    1. There has been no mention of this guys death in any papers that we can find.If a foreigner dies in Thailand, it usually make the news

    2. He was found on/near a main road, very close to restaurants and business stabbed in the neck, but it apparently it has been deemed a suicide. I would think that if the guy wanted to commit suicide by stabbing himself, that his neck wouldn't be his first choice, nor would a main road be his choice of location, his hotel room maybe, somewhere quiet? I don't know, the whole thing seems a little off to me.

    Usually makes the news?? I don't think so!! Lost count how many have died on KP this year,or last year or the one before that and i have never seen a single thing on this Forum.

  8. I'm not a nay sayer, and I've condemned those professional Thai bashers, the ones who don't believe anything good about Thailand, but I have to say this is fantasy.

    Break down 23,000,000 to a daily figure, and it's 63,000 a day arriving!! Broken down to aircraft, that's 180 747's with 350 pax on each, not to capacity, but a decent load. I just can't believe it. Bearing in mind that there would be a lot of smaller aircraft from regional Asian centers, it would be 200+ aircraft inbound with only tourists bound for Thailand, and of course 200+ outbound, not taking into account transits.

    I googled 'aircraft movements at Suvarnabhumi', came up with the actual airport site, http://www.suvarnabh...a_w_face_en.PDF, and a daily figure of 728 movements is mentioned. I've spent quite a bit of time in the airport over the years, odd hours, and I don't believe that there is, on average, a takeoff or landing every 2 and a bit minutes, not even close, maybe at a couple/few peak times, but not throughout the day.

    Looking at the third column on that site, there was a grand total of 13.7 million disembarkations in 2010, but almost 3 million were Thais, international pax, and no doubt Thais returning from overseas. That's 10 million 'tourists', and it's difficult to believe that could go to 23 million in 3 years. There were a total of over 26 million embarkations and disembarkations, so perhaps they're counting twice??

    Wikipedia shows the same figures as the TAT, and they also break it by country.


    It is TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand) not TAS (Tourism Authority of Suvarnabhumi) Their figures are based on all International flights Phuket,Samui for example and then of course land border entries.

    I still disagree with their juggling of figures as i have been living here on the island of Koh Phangan for 9 years and it's getting quieter each year. It does of course have a few busy months during the year,but on general at times it's all very quiet. Even Hadd Rin other than full moon itself is pretty quiet after those few days building up to it and after it.

    I do not live in Hadd Rin but do occasionally go to the party,24 parties in just over 9 years to be exact and these do not have the numbers attended as lets say 7-8 years ago.It makes me laugh when i see a 2012 tourist guide book quoting 30,000-40,000 people... get real!! it's more like 6-10K depending on which months these days. By the way i'm age 47 and it's not as bad as all you full moon party basher's make out. I would rather go for a night out there than sit in a bar with a load of screaming thai girls telling me i smell beautiful,oh you handsome man etc then deal with the sex tourist who has just had his heart broken then loosing the plot.. Sorry i know i went off topic but do not bash it, until you look at your own environment!

    As said land border crossing are also in their figures,i am on a Non O visa and because of not being the age of 50 still after 9 years put my life at risk every 90 days to cross a border.I am ONE person but in their figures of my entry 2011-2012 i have visited Thailand SIX times during this period.

    This year my 1 year (15 months) visa expired September and wanted another month before monsoon came,so i took a plane Suratthani-KL for 2 days then back for a month.

    I then because of my restrictions fly back to the UK in October to obtain a new visa,on Tuesday 11th i arrived back at Suvarnabhumi,so theoretically i am a tourist SEVEN times.... Quite simple how they achieve their figures of 23 million!

    • Like 2
  9. 1979 user(s) are reading this topic

    250 members, 1719 guests, 7 anonymous users

    Well someone is interested in this topic

    This user got stuck on the page longer than intended as i was filling out a pop up survey.... got stuck on Q1 and Q2 had to think about it,good job Q3 was not"what is your name"? that early in the morning.

    Seriously though,and this is a VERY serious topic!! Yes i am and have been interested in this story from the horrible 1st day.

    I would like to know how they really died so if it was an accident or ? it does not happen again.

    I respect the parents wishes,but as i see it we have at least 3 people as witness who in my opinion should of been interviewed,is there not even a link between one of these witnesses?

    Parents wishes are one thing..... conspiracy is anotherwink.png

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  10. How many girls get raped at those full moon parties and nothing is ever done. They are very dangerous place for young women yet I rarely see a warning.

    It is a horrible world we can live in at times,but why you now picking on full moon parties? Girls/Women i'm afraid get raped everywhere!. Not just at a Full moon party.

    Horrible again to say but while i am writing this it has happened somewhere,and there is no party tonight,and i do not mean just Koh phangan.

    How you going stop this happening? My opinion is when rape is proven in a court of law the penalty for this crime is chop it off. The system works quite well regarding hands for theft.

    Makes we wonder what warnings you think they should put up. Do not dance? Do not drink? Do not talk to any men? Do you go to a party and not do any of these?

    Aren't you confusing the law system in this country to some more Middle Eastern based countries?

    You can defend the FMP for whatever you want, but during the party a lot of bad things happen and many kids can't deal with the amount of alcohol with a combination of drugs and end up in serious trouble or dead.

    Do you remember the days when every FMP body bags were used? When did that come out in the press? Now, please start denying.

    Not confusing.... that's the country i am talking about.... So same system world wide for convicted rape,chop it off...

    You mentioned the word " ALCOHOL" this causes the big problem everywhere,not just FMP!! But some body being the victim of rape has nothing to do with alcohol or parties..

  11. No words.....

    3.30 AM, after FMP, walking down the beach alone.........

    Tommy Resort is located on the very beach front of the party. At 3.30am there would be still thousands of people around.

    You make it sound that she was being naive.... Where this happened people are still at it till sun rise and beyond.

    ...and none of these Thousands saw something or helped the woman?

    Well obviously yes.... They have caught and named a man!...... So you think my volume is exaggerated? How many of those parties have you exactly been to? Believe me on this one ok... Thousands will have been in that area at that time. As to how many actually witnessed the event,or their actions i can not comment.

    • Like 1
  12. How many girls get raped at those full moon parties and nothing is ever done. They are very dangerous place for young women yet I rarely see a warning.

    It is a horrible world we can live in at times,but why you now picking on full moon parties? Girls/Women i'm afraid get raped everywhere!. Not just at a Full moon party.

    Horrible again to say but while i am writing this it has happened somewhere,and there is no party tonight,and i do not mean just Koh phangan.

    How you going stop this happening? My opinion is when rape is proven in a court of law the penalty for this crime is chop it off. The system works quite well regarding hands for theft.

    Makes we wonder what warnings you think they should put up. Do not dance? Do not drink? Do not talk to any men? Do you go to a party and not do any of these?

    • Like 1
  13. What about cleaning up the klongs from all the garbage and water- plants and....oh, what do I care!?

    What about turning number 4 on?

    "All the four pumps will be in full operation in the event of heavy rain"!! What exactly do they call heavy rain then? Did i not read yesterday that this month is the highest in 5 decadeswink.png Broadcasting that figure,don't you think it sounds like a good time to open No4.... "" Open it!!"""w00t.gif

  14. That's kinda my point - 300 meters is hardly a convenient distance and given the weather conditions these 2 ladies may have chosen to take a chance. I've seen it happen at that location every day. Clearly it's not a good idea, but by the same token doesn't mean it's okay to just bump them off.

    Of course it does not mean its ok to bump them off but it makes them part of the blame. That is why i think this is an accident and if the guy drove 70km h i don't think he is to blame. It is not an unreasonable speed on the 3rd lane of a four lane road at a time that there is not much traffic.

    The only thing that does stick is that he fleed the scene an act that i find repulsive, but is common here in Thailand. If we only knew he turned himself in because he knew he would be caught or because he felt remorse and was shocked by what he had done.

    I have said before,and i will say again.... Your another one that has taken as gospel the speed being "70"! This speed has only been given by a man that left 2 girls lying in the road for dead!

    If in his report he had quoted i was only doing 40kph would you still take this as the gospel truth,and continue to say oh well 40 is not fast?

    I wish you all would stop quoting "His" speed that "He" said he was doing...

    I would't mind you being the police officer who arrests me if you can believe the words of this man,he gave himself in when he had to and says what speed he was doing .

    Yes it his speed, but we do we have to question everything ? with the same token you could say the girls were drunk and running over the road. (not saying this is the case). We don't know and all we have to go on are the facts as stated by the report. If we start imagining other facts like his tires must be bald his brakes must be bad ect ect. we can go on forever.

    Let the police sort it out if he was doing 70 its an ok speed and with a flyover this close to the scene the victims were certainly not blameless. Its mad to cross 4 lanes of traffic then a divider (looked at streetviews seems you cannot cross there) and then 4 lanes again.

    Like i said before if i ever get involved in an accident like this i hope the hang em high brigade is not around. One of my biggest worries is a motorcycle or a pedestrian doing stuff to save time while risking their life (going in against the traffic flow or crossing where its too dangerous to cross and puting me in a situation where an accident like this can occur)

    Its not all black and white and everyone has blame in this case, i for one think the leaving of the scene is excusable but im not so sure the rest is not a tragic accident. If they find out he was speeding yes catch him but for now there is no proof he did. 70 at the 3rd lane of a 4 lane road in low traffic is not fast.

    Plenty of questions,plenty of answers,but my ears are shut from statements from a man who drove away from carnage.Accident or not he should of stopped!

    I am in the dark as to the location of the event,i have only had the pleasure (Yeah right) of driving in Bangkok on 3 occasions,i am an island boy,i am sure i don't have to tell you it's just as crazy down here. I take your word for what is a good speed or not but i would much prefer hearing the speed from post #114.

    My Acknowledgement goes to rsm008 and his girlfriend,for his words and having to start a post with such a sad one. I hope "rsm008" and girlfriend that you also get over this tragic event as quick as you both can.

  15. That's kinda my point - 300 meters is hardly a convenient distance and given the weather conditions these 2 ladies may have chosen to take a chance. I've seen it happen at that location every day. Clearly it's not a good idea, but by the same token doesn't mean it's okay to just bump them off.

    Of course it does not mean its ok to bump them off but it makes them part of the blame. That is why i think this is an accident and if the guy drove 70km h i don't think he is to blame. It is not an unreasonable speed on the 3rd lane of a four lane road at a time that there is not much traffic.

    The only thing that does stick is that he fleed the scene an act that i find repulsive, but is common here in Thailand. If we only knew he turned himself in because he knew he would be caught or because he felt remorse and was shocked by what he had done.

    I have said before,and i will say again.... Your another one that has taken as gospel the speed being "70"! This speed has only been given by a man that left 2 girls lying in the road for dead!

    If in his report he had quoted i was only doing 40kph would you still take this as the gospel truth,and continue to say oh well 40 is not fast?

    I wish you all would stop quoting "His" speed that "He" said he was doing...

    I would't mind you being the police officer who arrests me if you can believe the words of this man,he gave himself in when he had to and says what speed he was doing .

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  16. It amazes me that all the posts refer to the speed 70-80kph being to fast,or not so fast.

    But this speed has only been given by the driver!! Do you believe this was his real speed?

    It has been given by a man who had a full impact,shattered screen,stops 50m down the road see's the carnage and drives off after getting his well shocked passenger out of the car.

    I am not so sure if i believe his speed was this figure,i have known many what appear to be nice people,say... Oh i was only doing 40 when a dog ran out.

    He does not seem to have the same morals as myself,and from his actions after the impact,fleeing as he did,i have feeling that his speed was higher.

    One person to step out in the road is bad judgement maybe,but for two people not to see it maybe it was going much faster than "HE" claims.

    Again from news coming through that he knew he was doomed,the only evidence of speed are from his lips.

    It does look like we have witness,so maybe some answers of speed will come here,also from Lauren herself,when she can.

  17. Rip Joanna!!!

    Lauren i hope you quickly recover physically and mentally from this tragic accident.

    And this i am pretty sure is what it is,an accident that sadly to say probably happened also in many parts other of the world.

    What brought sadness more direct from this story is once again the quick release of their names.

    So quick it makes me wonder if they have their nationalities correct.. Jo Mc Kiddie sounds more Scottish to me.

    I did a google search and found a FB account.... I opened it,and am pretty sure i came across Jo's FB. Pretty sure i say because Lauren is linked friends.

    It sent a shiver and brought sadness,my own fault for looking i understand this. But what just did not seem right in this,was that I a complete stranger know of this tragic " Accident" before any of the 100's of friends linked between them.

    I stopped and stared and even thought should i write something? It was horriblesad.png ... Because of time zones most are still asleep.....

    Rip again.............. Wrong place Wrong timesad.png

    PS I did not post on their wall........

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  18. I have had the misfortune of attacks from these things on three occasions.

    My 1st was the most painful of the three bites,it crawled out of some bamboo while making a fire and ran over my right foot.

    I was age 42 at the time,fit and i think healthy but WOW i can tell you this thing gives a lot of pain.

    The size of the takab was smaller than shown here more like 7 inch but the pain was instant and very painful.

    I hobbled back to the bar a walk of 20 meters and already by this time my foot,leg felt like it was on fire.

    To try and give you an example of the pain from the moment it got me,i feel it would be like calmly standing minding your own business,then someone comes up and chops your foot off with an axe. Within minutes the pain was now going up my leg very fast,like a heart beat,pumping the poison and pain.

    I was at the time able to take a picture of the 7 inch horror,as i had my camera on hand taking some pictures of the fire on the beach,and after it bite me pointed the camera at it. This was in my favour as when i got back into the bar i showed the thai staff to which their face said it all.

    I had been living and spending time in Asia-Thailand for many years and had never seen one but they knew exactly what it was,the Mama of the resort came to me 5mins later with a white powder mixed with water in a coconut bowl and pasted it over my foot,i have no idea what it was,or if it did any good,but i was in No hospital for 5-6 days,not even hospital was needed.

    The pain however lasted for many hrs,it was approx 10pm when it happened and i feel to sleep still with pain at about 4am.

    The instant 1st bite was the nasty bit,but those several hours were not pleasant,after about 2hrs this pumping burning sensation was now in my groin area and even passed my hip point.

    I woke up around 9am the morning after and felt no pain at all,the only thing i could see was that my toes had a red rash mark on them,which still to this day makes me think it's not a bite,but more like the poison is in the feet. Unless i was unlucky and it bite me many many times,my theory is the poison is carried. But that is only my opinionrolleyes.gif

    As i mentioned i have had 2 other attacks from these nasty things,but the 2nd one was not as bad. The instant pain of the 2nd was the same horror pain,but this time while in bed and got me on the back. Pain i would describe as,happily sleeping away when an intruder comes in and stabs you in the back. Same same but different i think the saying goes,and this was different,the pain,the real bad pain only lasted for about 1hr,the burning pumping action not as bad and not for such a long time.

    The 3rd attack was back on the right foot again,standing at the wash basin cleaning my teeth and it ran over my foot again. This was not as painful from start to finish as the others,but still was left with red rash across the toe area.

    I did a bit of research on these things,and stumbled across a thai man that claimed to have been attacked by small scorpion,king Cobra and the Takab... guess which he put the most painful..... our little friend here wink.png

    For me personally it has helped knowing i have been got by one of the nasty things of Asia and could handle the pain. King Cobra i have seen many and have no fear.

    For me again personally i have visited Australia and travelled it for 6 months,there they just about have everything land,sea,desert that can kill. My advise would be if you worry about these little nasty things don't get making any plans of Australia.

  19. Please just one question.... You do know that the pictures of the construction work taking place are pictures of the East coast KPN ?

    Oh my god I'm so sorry, I think I mixed it up with east and west, it's just so difficult!laugh.png Especially on this island where there are beaches with the same names on both sides whistling.gif

    No more questions thank you....

    Please just one question.... You do know that the pictures of the construction work taking place are pictures of the East coast KPN ?

    Oh my god I'm so sorry, I think I mixed it up with east and west, it's just so difficult!laugh.png Especially on this island where there are beaches with the same names on both sides whistling.gif

    Ok thank you.... No more questions,like Ever!! to you on this subjecttongue.png .... And FM... Chaloklum hey?cheesy.gif

  20. Is this a government/public project or private? I mean who's paying, shoudn't be that cheap to build an airport?

    There are foreign investors and also companies from abroad who are interested in constructing the airport. Official announcement - if they get the permission - should follow soon. (As said before, I can't judge if they will get this permission).

    Shafty.... Not sure who is more confused here,and with only 11 posts makes me think how great your knowledge is on this subject.

    Please just one question.... You do know that the pictures of the construction work taking place are pictures of the East coast KPN ?


    My god this place is getting worse

    Has anyone heard of a Suicide by stabbing yourself in the chest blink.png

    But of course the Police will be happy to go with that conclusion


    Yes i have!!

    But i'm afraid it also happened in Thailand here on Koh phangan a few months ago a outside 7/11 on the west coast area.

    The story made front page news in thai news paper including photo of a man lying with a knive sticking from his chest.( English i was told)

    I was not at the scene but hear the news from local chat from thai friends,he went a little crazy,threatened people with the knive then..... Apparently fell over and stuck it in his chest blink.png .

    I tried to follow up the story with searches on the internet for weeks after and still till present there was no reports anywhere,including here on thai visa.

    I currently know of Two other more recent deaths here on koh phangan and not a single thing anywhere. The latest Two i was informed were drug related,but why or how is it not possible to find info when you have a name,location etc. Surely these records must get published,if it can make front page thai news WHY can they never be found?

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