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Everything posted by offset

  1. Is the interest earned on savings before 2024 in the UK taxable in Thailand
  2. What will they accept of prove the amount of tax that you have paid in the UK
  3. I was only asking because you have basically claimed a double tax free allowance and I was trying to find out if that is acceptable
  4. Just an question did you tell them that your tax free allowance in the UK (which as not been taxed) is more that your Thai allowance
  5. Sorry i meant for your allowance for your health insurance
  6. What allowance did they give you
  7. But that is separate items, but my Health Insurance is all included, it give different amounts for health, accidents and life cover
  8. Can you confirm where you see that if Health Insurance includes Life Insurance you can claim 100K THB deduction
  9. Has there been any changes in the paperwork needed
  10. What are the latest requirements for the 800000 baht renewal of the retirement extension
  11. Kbank uses says they are a foreign transfer but only in the Thai version of the statement
  12. Understand but I have court order giving me 100% custody Another case would be if the mother is dead and the father is looking after the child
  13. Simple question the 120000baht figure is for a married couple, if not barrier but have a child to support would that figure be 90000baht
  14. Are you saying that you still need to do the account details the same as doing the 800000baht as well as showing 65000baht every month
  15. I have just downloaded a statement from my computer in Thai, i then did a Google translate and it translates as a foreign transaction, so maybe a translation problem Will the immigration accept a statement downloaded from my computer in Thai
  16. I have just got a statement for my renewal from Kbank. I notice they changed the title of my foreign deposit from FTT to Trade Finance, is this ok with the Immigration
  17. I am a little confused to what is going to be taxable in Thailand Is it money brought into Thailand or only taxable income in the UK And any interest received on savings from before 2023 is not viewed as taxable in Thailand
  18. Went to Kbank Blupot Hua Hin all that was required was NI number, post code and passport I took a timed photo of the lady that did me form all finish in about 10 minutes
  19. As anybody had an E-mail from Kbank asking to fill out 3 forms and return to them Or is this a scam
  20. If you have any saving before 2024 why pay any tax. I will say 500000baht (my tax free allowance is 555000baht) is related to my tax income the rest from my savings before 2024. That way it leaves me with enought Thai tax free allowance to claim back my Thai savings with held tax I have also have received a letter from my UK bank stating what my savings we're before 2024
  21. Are you saying that you are going to file the same tax figures you get from the UK on your Thai return
  22. I think you will find that March 31 is the last date to file for tax, the Thai tax year ends 31 December
  23. Will the UK and Thai tax years being different create a problem with the DTA
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