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Everything posted by offset

  1. Also check other banks some of same interest
  2. Why are people worried about how to bring money over I thought it was only taxed on money earned and brought over, not all money transferred
  3. If I bring less than my allowance will I be able to claim tax back from my savings in Thailand
  4. I think that I understand that tax position is it that any money earned and brought into Thailand is taxable What if I state that I only bring into Thailand the amount of earnings that is covered by my tax allowance and the rest of the money is from my savings from before 2024 would this mean I will not have to pay tax
  5. I think they use the eyes mostly for childrens passport recognition
  6. I do not have anybody to countersign my photos for a UK passport renewal. Has anybody renewed their passport without photos being countersigned
  7. Does anybody know if you bring more than 120000baht into the country whether you are required to submit a tax return
  8. Sorry I have looked through this form but I cannot see where it says school fees are deductible only say a child allowance of 30000baht
  9. Are you saying school fees are a deductible in full or is there a limit
  10. Are you saying people that pay tax and have no other income nothing as changed
  11. So that means you should always bring your taxed money over during the tax year,if not it becomes saving which will be taxable
  12. Is the tax free allowance classed as taxed or could that be classed as taxable in Thailand
  13. I think there is a double tax agreement between the UK and Thailand am I correct if so does it mean only non taxed earnings in the UK are taxable in Thailand
  14. Hua Hin and a Retirement Extension
  15. I am due to renew my extension and want to know if there is any new requirements
  16. I am from Luxenberg and just arrive at the immigration with no Visa and get a 30 day stamp which on the last one i extended at the Immigration in Thailand
  17. Already done 2 since January
  18. i have had 3 VOE within a year will it be ok to get another in 1 year I came last December for 1 month I came again in February for nearly 2 months I came back in mid June till now I want to go to get another VOE so I can stay till the end of September Will I have any trouble getting back in to Thailand
  19. Recommendations for a doctor to carry out this repair near Hua Hin
  20. It can be a normal practice in Thailand if you buy a car late December it may not be registered till late Jan or if you want a special number can be as late as Feb or March
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