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Posts posted by bluesofa

  1. It works

    but you don't have to put the spaces

    เด็กผู้หญิงคนหนึ่งอยากพาสุนัขออกไปเดินเล่น แต่สุนัขตัวเมียตัวนั้นอยู่ในช่วงติดสัด แม่เลยไม่อยากให้ลูกสาวพาออกไป คุณปู่จึงแก้ปัญหาโดยการเอาน้ำมันมาทาที่ก้นของสุนัขตัวนั้น พอเด็กผู้หญิงกลับมาบ้านคนเดียว แม่ตกใจจึงถามลูกสาวว่า "หมาหายไปไหนล่ะ"

    ลูกสาวที่ไม่ได้รู้สึกตกอกตกใจอะไรตอบกลับไปว่า "ไม่มีอะไรหรอกค่ะคุณแม่ พอน้ำมันที่คุณปู่ทาให้มันหายไป ก็มีหมาอีกตัวมาช่วยดันตูดให้มันเิดินกลับบ้านค่ะ"

    Err, yes!

    When I wrote "even put the spaces between the words too", I meant my girlfriend had done that to keep it in the same style as the original poster, not that I had done it.

    Yes, my English is crap, why didn't I explain myself more clearly! - slap on wrist.

    (Tongue-in-cheek there, I am English!)

    Thanks for pointing it out though.

  2. I have a joke here in 'thaigrit' which I would like people to try on Thai speakers to see if it works as a joke.

    Little girl wants to take the dog for a walk but the 'dog' is a bitch in heat and mother doesn't want to take a chance, grandfather solves the problem by putting petrol on the dog's behind to kill the scent. The girl returns without animal. Mother, concerned, asks "where is the dog", the little girl nonplussed, explains. " it is ok she ran out of petrol and another dog is pushing her home.

    เดีก หญิง ตัว น้อย อยาก จะ พา สุนัข ออก ไป เดิน เล่น แต่ เป้น สุนัขตัวเมีย และ กำลัง ติดสัด คุณแม่ เป๊น กังวล เลย ไม่ อยาก ให้ ลูกสาว พา ออกไป

    คุณปู่ หัวใส เลย หา ทางออก ดว้ย การเอา น้ำ้มัน มา ทา ที่ ก้น สุนัข เด็กหญิง มา เดินกลัป เข้าบ้าน คนเดียว คุณแม่ ตกใจ ถาม ลูกสาว ว่า "หมา หาย ไปไหน ล่ะลูก" เด็กหญิง ตอบ อย่าง ไม่รู้สึก ตกอกตกใจ อะไร ไปว่า "ไม่ มี อะไร หรอก ค่ะ คุณแม่ พอ น้ำมัน ที่ ปู่ เติมให้ มัน หมด ก็ พอดี มี หมา อีก ตัว มา ช่วย ดัน ตูด ให้ มัน เดินกลับ มา บ้าน ค่ะ"

    The spacing is to help people who may be unfamiliar with all the words

    OK, try this. My girlfriend read your joke, asked me a couple of questions to clarify and (mentioned the spelling mistakes) then typed this for you:

    เด็ก ผู้หญิง ตัว น้อย อยาก จะ พา สุนัข ออก ไป เดิน เล่น แต่ เป็น สุนัขตัวเมีย และ กำลัง เป็นประจำเดือน คุณแม่ เป็น กังวล เลย ไม่ อยาก ให้ ลูกสาว พา ออก ไป

    คุณปู่ หัวใส เลย หา ทางออก ด้วย การเอา น้ำมัน มา ทา ที่ ก้น สุนัข เด็กผู้หญิง เดินกลับ มาบ้าน คนเดียว คุณแม่ ตกใจ ถาม ลูกสาว ว่า "หมา หาย ไป ไหน ล่ะ"

    ลูกสาว ตอบ อย่าง ไม่รู้สึก ตกอกตกใจ อะไร ไปว่า ไม่ มี อะไร หรอก ค่ะ คุณแม่ พอ น้ำมัน ที่ คุณปู่ เติมให้ มัน หมด ก็ พอดี มี หมา อีก ตัว มา ช่วย ดัน ตูด ให้ มัน เิดินกลับ มา บ้าน ค่ะ

    Even put the spaces between the words too!

    Ask around see if other Thais like it?


  3. Hi, first up apologies for any offence caused.

    I was hanging around a couple of (rude) girls from Isaan, and a few times this word popped up after I'd said something.


    I'm pretty sure this was it.

    Translation? :o

    Or maybe it was "Maeng-da" (แมงดา) which is literally a type of crab, but more often used as slang for a pimp or even gigolo!

    Maybe thay were referring to you?

    Sorry, no offence meant... :D

  4. Can anyone reliably inform me about tax - regarding income from property?

    All the following is specific to rental only, nothing to do with selling a property:

    If I have this right, there is witholding tax (at 5%?)

    I take it this the tax sometimes referred to as rental tax?

    Is there also another property tax liable to be paid if someone earns an income from renting out a property?

    If I have a company which rents out a property, does the VAT element become involved, and if so, how?

    e.g. do I have to charge 5% withholding tax AND VAT (at 7%)

    Also are you only liable to charge/pay withholding tax over a certain limit?

    Someone mentioned you are only liable if income exceeds 60,000 Baht?

    Again whether this is per month or per year was not stated.

    Thanks for any help

  5. Hi, I'm asking for a friend who is renovating a house. He wants to know the following, if any BM can help?


    I have a tile roof on my house that has dirt and mildew on the outside of it. I want to repaint the tile with a different color, however, I need to prepare it before painting. Does anyone out there have experience on how to perform this? I have thought of bleach and water and also some type of caustic cleaner. If you have information on this subject and where to buy the cleaner please help me.


  6. From what i have heard first hand from fellow residents in NongKhai is that there has been a change in attitude, (as far as they concern) in handling their casus.

    Open and fair instead of strict and fair.

    We all wish that this trend will contineu for as long as it can last.


    I also come under the control of Nong Khai Immigration. Hmmm, "strict and fair"? My impression is "almost rude and not helpful".

    I have a work permit and have on two separate occasions been into Nong Khai Immigration office to request for an extension to my Non-B visa (they should send it to BKK to Immig there to check tax paid, etc, then it should come approved - as in previous employment).

    Twice now I've requested (politely too) and on both occasions been told "Go to Laos", (and both times) the officer pointing at the bridge down the road and (almost) chucking my passport back at me.

    So for nearly two years in this job, I have to go to the Thai consulate in Vientiane every three months and request another Non-B visa.

    (Last time I counted how many times I needed to sign my name on the 35+ pieces of paper (not forms) I have to supply to get the visa and to extend my WP - 50 times!)

    Someone involved in helping the Thai police with translation told me he went to a meeting where the head of NK Immigration was addressing a group of foreign police volunteers and he (apparently) said that "Our job is not to help foreigners, but to control them."

    Judging on my experience there, I can very well believe that, sadly.

    Any comments?


  7. " Or am I barking up the wrong tree? "

    YES u r :o

    For starters yes Thailand does have problems with international bandwith.

    TOT told me that they are having problems with CAT again and those guys control the international connections.

    Read all about it in other postings here on Thaivisa.com....

    As for "barking up the wrong tree" my guess is that no matter what Thai ISP provider you have none of them can help you with a real technical answer other then the settings of your internet connection.

    FTP whats that ? :D

    And getting a Thai ISP to help you correct problems abroad , forget it !

    Check the settings in your firewall if you have one running :


    But your upload speed is always slower on a ADSL compaired to your download speed !

    OK Brian, thanks for your comments.

    Yes I realise the u/l speed on ADSL will be slower than the d/l, but 20 minutes to u/l a 50k file!!!

    This is now regularly the sort of speed it u/l at.

    The ftp worked fine for the first few months and no settings have been altered.

    It was the UK webhost who told me there was a problem between Paris & London.

    I provided them with a trace route listing, then they said they had done one from their end to here.

    Yes, they suggested contacting my ISP, even though I could forsee it as almost futile.

    In fact they said if I hassled my ISP then maybe they'd provide a different routing - as much hope as pushing string uphill I thought...

    I moved my webhosting company from the US to the UK because of EXACTLY same problem with the US host last year.

    And yes, the US webhost suggested I contact my ISP or if no luck, then to change to another one!

    I also provided the US company with a trace route for the first problem too.

    But they weren't aware of the uphill struggle it is here to get things sorted.

    OK, thanks again for your help Brian.


  8. Hi,

    I apologise if this has been asked before, but I have scouted around here but couldn't see any reference.

    Apart from 1103, is there a tech support number (English of course) for TT&T maxnet?

    If I use 1103, I get nowhere fast!

    My problem is trying to FTP to upload some files to a UK webhosted site. It's been more than a week now and the speed has got so,so slow.

    The UK based webhost has looked into it for me and told me that a trace route showed originally a problem between Paris & London. They said (politely) it's not their problem and I need to contact my ISP in order for them to route differently to the UK.

    I just have to accept what they're telling me as I don't really know.

    I have Maxnet 512K with TT&T, but can't find out how to get through to the support desk.

    Is this really a problem with the ISP here and can they resolve it, can someone tell me?

    Now, a week later, it seems using trace route that it goes to the US, then to the UK, but still very slow.

    All I know is that I can d/load OK from the same site, but not u/load to it easily at all.

    Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

    Any help would be appreciated.


  9. I usually buy S & W brand baked beans because I think there're closest in taste to the ones in the UK ie. not too sweet. But for the last couple of weeks I haven't seen any on the shelves at the supermarkets. Even the Ozzie ones have gone. All that's left are the Thai brands that have too much sweetner in them. Where they gone? Have all the American sailors been buying them or have they just cut the supplies? I have seen Heinz Vegetarian baked beans - No Meat!! does that mean the usual ones contain meat? :o In any case, if they can import Heinz Veggie beans, why can't we get the normal Heinz baked beans.

    Four or five years ago a friend was telling me he tried to get a concession from Heinz to import their brand of baked beans. Heinz told him that there is one group/person/company that has the concession for all importing Heinz brands into Thailand and it was up to them alone as to what they decide to import.

  10. Thanks Peter,

    I also wouldn't be surprised if TT&T don't have a news server.

    I was with TOT before and I couldn't find one for them either. I still have a Loxinfo dialup account, but it does seem crazy having to use that to access usenet.

    We'll just have to wait and see if anyone replies with something.


  11. Well George, a week has gone by since you said you would organise my refund ASAP.

    Just been to check my balance – no refund arrived yet.

    I assume that the ATM inter-bank transfer is instant (I could be wrong) as when I transferred the money to the elusive Mayuree for my T shirt, my bank – TMB – came back with her name after I’d entered her Bangkok Bank account number, so it must have checked her account in real time, hence my assuming the transfer was instant as well.

    Can you tell me how long it will take to get my money back to me?

    I take it you have my account details?


  12. Well, once again you’ve let me down George.

    Last weekend you said you’d look into my non-delivery problem on Monday.

    Now it’s Saturday and not a peep from you, just the same as before.

    I thought that by posting on the forum I might get some action, as the private email to you did nothing, apart from your promise check out my problem - obviously I was wrong.

    Pretty digusted – it’s now FIVE WEEKS and NOTHING.

    I don’t know if you consider this abusive, but don’t forget, I’ve paid Thaivisa (or whoever it is you’re recommending) 495 Baht for nothing so far.

    All I wanted was to buy a T shirt and have it delivered in 10 days as advertised.

    Are you really going to do something to sort this problem out PLEASE?


  13. Has anyone else had any trouble getting a Thaivisa T shirt?

    I ordered one and followed the instructions to email my payment confirmation (via bank transfer) with my order.

    The delivery was advertised as within 10days.

    That was 7 June!

    I couldn’t see any contact address (maybe I missed it if there was one).

    Since then, I emailed George on 28 June. He replied the next day and said he would check with the supplier and revert to me.

    Since then, nothing. On the 4 July I asked George again what was happening. Still no reply.

    What can I do? I have transferred 495 Baht and so far received nothing!

    I don’t even know where the fault lies, maybe it has been sent but not arrived, but I can’t even find that out so far.

    Any ideas anyone?


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