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Posts posted by JHolmesJr

  1. 1 minute ago, Sujo said:

    Ted cruz. 


    Perhaps you could do a search yourself to show how wrong you are.


    Mehhhh.....no need....trump took them all off guard because he was a non establishment

    figure....they all thought they could pile on. But once they saw it wouldn't work, they accepted

    his ascendance.


    In Biden's case, all these backers know he's many sandwiches short of a picnic, yet they

    are elevating him as the best candidate.....americans see through this nonsense.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, WalkingOrders said:

    This is not the "electoral colleges" these are the Democrat primaries. And this is how its done in the United States. 


    These Dem primaries are great because they let people see just how wormy dems

    can be...with their twisting and turning of positions. To have people like booker, Harris,

    buttegieg, etc come out and say Biden's great after giving him the royals diss is at best

    fraudulent...how can anyone trust them?


    With Trump, you dont get such posturing....the enemies he made on the trail are the ones

    he still maintains today. Thats a guy you may not like but you know where he stands.

    Ive always maintained Trump isn't a paragon of virtue but he is the president for OUR TIMES!

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  3. 1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

    Yes, travel all the way to Thailand to romance a box of Kleenex!

    Are you running a fever.....because I sure detect signs of delirium.

    Why do you need to travel to Thailand to indulge in a man's favourite pastime?

    Unless your supermarket has a had a run on Kleenex. ????

  4. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    That worker was telling dirty lies.

    Hahahaha....Biden didn't even know the diff between an AR15 and a machine gun.

    He called a voter a horses a$$ and asked him if he wanted to "go outside"

    He and Beto were recorded saying they're going to take people's guns away and then he denies

    it when confronted....typical dishonest politician....this is precisely why Trump swept to

    power....people are sick of slick lying politicians who think theyre above the common man.

    • Thanks 2
  5. 20 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Wishful thinking. It's funny to hear from disappointed 45 fans that were hoping to have a  "commie" to run against. 45 may be the incumbent and that was a tragic error but Biden as a 2 term vice president of a very popular president will be no easy pickings. 


    Yup...lol...just saw a video of ur boy Biden getting into an argument with a Michigan factory worker

    and telling him he was "full of sh^%"


    Way to go Joe. Michigan is in the bag at this rate. ????

    • Like 2
  6. 4 hours ago, candide said:

    Obviously talking BS, as Trump did, is not going to make people feel safe.


    Hmmmm...yeahhh...why do I have a hard time believing anything you say?

    I believe what my eyes see.....


    "Gavin Newsom issues an astoundingly glowing endorsement of Trump and Pence's handling of coronavirus and cruise ship response. "We had a very long conversation, and every single he said they followed through on."


    Gavin Newsom as you may know is dem governor of California and a sworn enemy of trumps administration.

    I won't link the video he makes these comments on as its on twitter...google it yourself.


    Lets end the nonsense folks... Trump is showing exemplary leadership. He is not obliged to give

    answers to every question from Jim Acosta or CNN...those losers dont matter. What matters

    is he's getting things done.

  7. 58 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

    It's called him trying to save his re-election chances. It has nothing to do with saving the country. Trump is the least empathetic president ever. I mean just a couple of days ago he talked about not wanting to let a cruise ship dock because it would hurt his corona virus numbers. Are you kidding me? He called this thing a hoax. 


    Wrong...he called the democrats using the virus to demonise his admin a hoax.

  8. 24 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

    How about, 'In light of the ensuing epidemic and with solid advice from the scientific community I would first like to state the facts we know so far about this virus (then proceed to state said facts). At this point in time and much like the common flu we see every year, fatalities are mostly centred around the eldering and individuals with underlying health problems but this may progess to more healthy individuals as more cases develop. We are taking this matter VERY seriously and would like to recommend the following proceedures as outlined by The World Health Organistaion (proceed to ouline WHO recommendations). May I assure my fellow Americans that we are monitoring this all on an hour by hour basis and are pouring resources into areas that we feel will best prevent the spread. I have appointed XXXXXXXX the leading American viroligist to head up a special task force with sweeping legislative powers to firstly contain the virus and to secondly prevent further spread. please rest asured that we are giving this matter the highest priority and will leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of a solution. God Bless America' 


    I can see you've been weaned on a collection of barack obamas greatest hits...the all-talk no action series. His admins messaging is pretty much in line with what you've presented. All that has been said already.


    Edit: Spellcheck auto corrected 'barack' to 'black'....had to go back and edit.




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  9. 1 minute ago, johnnybangkok said:

    Really? Do you deny that Trump actually tweeted this:-

    'So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that.'


    Here's why that sort of statement is particularly dangerous.


    The CDC says between 10 million and 45 million Americans get the flu each year. 37,000 would be a death rate no higher than 0.37%. 22 deaths in 546 confirmed cases? That's a 4% death rate. If 10 million people got the coronavirus, it would mean 400,000 deaths.


    It's this sort of willful ignorance and misinformation that is getting to everyone. In one of your previous posts you asked which other head of state was handling it better. The answer? Every other single one, from the Italians literally locking down the whole country to the Chinese building hospitals in a matter of days and quaranteeing whole cities, to this UK where money and resources are being poured into the NHS. But importantly, what none of them are doing is playing down the possible effects of the virus.

    No one is saying this is not a hard one to handle but playing down likely outcomes and calling everything 'fake news' is the very worst anyone can do. And that's exactly what Trump is doing. 



    It's called being a leader....trying to hold a country together with a message of hope and proper



    Let's see the message you would draft as President:

    Probably something like:


    Dear citizens, all is lost, we are doomed, prepare for everyone to be infected and die.

    I am resigning immediately and handing the reins over to Speaker Pelosi.

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  10. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Biden is not HRC. Biden will win in Michigan. Sorry but it's in the best interest of the country for democrats to consolidate now behind their nominee and focus on the necessary prize. Biden. To evict 45.


    none of the losers endorsing Biden have commented on his policies...because he has none.

    There only compelling reason is "restoring dignity to the office"

    Hahahaha...Trump has restred dignity to the working  families bank accounts.

    And these guys are talking about some weird ethereal nonsense that no

    one relates to.

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