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Posts posted by Rionoir

  1. Coffee Society on Silom, right by BTS and MRT. Free Wi-Fi.. lots of tables (after 6pm they turn the air on the 3rd floor, which is the largest floor).. and I used to study there with my laptop almost everyday for 4-6 hours at a time, sometimes having one cup of coffee. They won't say anything. Almost all the tables have power supply right there, the rest have a power supply near enough u can still work there.

    Note: technically a gay area since it's right by Soi 2, but it's not exclusively so at all...

    Edit: Open 24 hours

  2. I was in a relationship with a very well-off Thai for a while, and I never felt for 1 second like anyone was looking to me to provide any money in the future. In fact, I'm pretty sure they would've refused any money and been offended if I offered it.

    I was in another relationship for 8-9 months with another Thai whose family is middle-class or upper middle class, not sure. They had two houses in Bangkok, but nothing extremely fancy. The family was never in need of money, and again I never felt like I was going to be any kind of meal ticket. In the relationship, sometimes I had more money, sometimes my partner had more money... whoever had more paid for the fun that day. :)

    These weren't marriages... but the first relationship was over 2 years and was the reason I moved to Thailand, so it may as well have been a marriage. In both situations, I felt like everyone sort of shared their money where it was needed, within reason, and I would have too.

    Of course I've been in relationships with someone from a poor family, and those have varied greatly. Some people will call you every other day and need money for this or that or because they need their 5th new phone in as many months (what is it with poor thai people and needing a new phone every month lol)... another time, I told someone I was short on money and didn't want to go out to eat that night, and they told me they were going to give me half of their paycheck that month! Coming from someone who has nothing, that was about the sweetest thing I had ever heard in my life... (I didn't take it lol)

  3. Sorry, what she SHOULD have said is... Hey honey, can I borrow some money? LoL At least that would've been honest... I might even say yes once in a while if I have it... heh

    Let's just say I've already been somewhat generous with this woman.

    But I don't need a crystal ball to see where this is leading me now......(yikes)!

    Ahh that's too bad. I've got some Thai acquaintenances of sorts that get a monthly allowance from their partners overseas. One of them gets 50,000 a month, and I swear to god manages to spend it sometimes in a week and is calling for more. LoL Oh man, if someone spent 50K in a week and called me to say they were out of money... I would be telling them to get their dancing shoes out and go make their own money for a few weeks. LoL

  4. BTW, isn't 10,000 baht a pretty serious accident for a motorbike? I never have been in an accident there, but I thought when I was talking to my friend about his car one time that even car repairs were pretty cheap there. I just can't imagine a motorbike fender bender being 10,000 baht... your girlfriend would be in the hospital. At least that's how it seems to me from what I've heard. Anyone?

  5. If they do discover any sort of cure for HIV & AIDs, I wager that this will never become available to the general public.

    Reasons being, that the drug companies and condom manufacturers are making huge profits from the sale of the already available expensive HIV treatments and rubber contraceptive products. There are no incentives for the drug companies to produce these magic bullets that will prevent HIV & AIDs. The same scenario also pertains for the cure of cancers.

    So I won't be throwing out my condoms, just yet.

    I think that's only true of the companies currently selling the top HIV drugs... but those companies probably aren't even working on a cure or vaccine. LoL If they are actually working on this research and posting press releases about it, I doubt they are going to hide it if they find it... they would probably have to murder the scientists involved to keep that quiet too, even if the company tried to.

  6. GARBAGE CANS!!!!!

    I know they had a bomb in a garbage can a number of years ago... but for christ's sake, if someone wants to put a bomb somewhere again, the lack of garbage cans isn't going to stop them. It's no wonder Bangkok is so dirty... there's absolutely NOWHERE to throw your trash other than the street.

  7. Either this is you, or you are just helping this person... but either way he is a grand a-hole. There is an excellent reason his passport was taken away from him, and he should go back and take care of his responsibilities. But apparently him spreading his seed all over the world is more important than his kids having things that they need.

  8. "Researchers in California believe they can create an effective vaccine if they are able to stimulate the body to produce such "broadly neutralising" antibodies before exposure to HIV."

    That sounds like a big IF.

    Also, why is this story calling it an "AIDS vaccine"... HIV causes a condition known as AIDS. There can never be an "AIDS vaccine". Not getting HIV in the first place is the "vaccine" for AIDS. You'd think by know reporters could get this straight. LoL

  9. I've been pretty low on cash at some points when I was a student in Bangkok... and I was NEVER half as miserable as some people here. LoL Then again I don't have to buy my "happiness", and yes you can read into that on multiple levels... but I simply just enjoy living on Suan Plu, going to the market for some food, drink a couple beers with my Thai friends... it's a nice break from a busy work schedule the other 6 months of the year.

  10. Some people just like to be a dick about anything I guess... *cough*

    It's 30 HALF-HOUR lessons that you do in your car. For what it is, it is a FANTASTIC start on the language. I had a lot of vocabulary and I got many compliments on my tones and was easily understood. 15 hours of studying is not going to allow you to have a "conversation" with a Thai person unless they are talking to you like an infant. I'm sorry, Groongthep, I thought most people could figure that much out for themselves. It gives you plenty of phrases you can say though, more than Hello and My Name Is...

  11. I asked a couple of my Thai friends.. I really don't think they have a lot of names like this. I could be wrong, but my friends listed of the regular ones (teerak, etc.) and really didn't have much past that.

    From what I've seen though... Thai seem to be more focused on saying cute phrases/statements/compliments to their partners, more than just a cute name.

    Why don't you carry your girlfriend's giant purse (designer gym bag lol) for her... that always makes me smile when I see that. :)

  12. Sorry, but are you sure your tones are accurate? I can't imagine saying ไกล like "glide" and not being understood as long as the tone is middle tone and you don't linger on the aaaaaa (go straight to i). The problem I hear in a LOT of farang with simple, one-word things like that... is that they have an almost impossible time saying a single word at middle tone, cuz it's really not natural... especially if they are trying to inflect some feeling... they will always end up saying a falling tone for a single word without fail.

    In studying Thai in a classroom setting, no one ever mentioned a single thing about placing sounds forward/backward/sideways... maybe it just comes naturally after having Thai teachers... but if you aren't even being UNDERSTOOD, I bet that it isn't because of the sound being too forwards or too backwards.

    Furthermore, some Thai speak further forward in their mouth and some speak further back in their mouth... it is the tones, vowel lengths, etc. that will make u understood.

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