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Posts posted by Carib

  1. I am told hollywood is interested in the story :o so maybe there will be 5 minutes of fame for the GOM...

    Sofar today was.. the crying part in the movie, what a letdown, the guy doesnot show up........... grrrrrr

    might be that he is a TV member and that he is going to play a game now....If tomorrow he does not show up, it will settle it

    Naaaah cannot be, ALL TV members are nice guys.....arent we?? :D

  2. Are you sure you have not got a dashboard lightdimmer somwehere ?

    yes you are right. you just realized me how stupid i'm when it comes to cars. i switched the dimmer high and it is as clear as new.


    Hahaha, how do you think i know..... nothing stupid about it.. :o

  3. From what i understand, these are "rice rats" . Not the city rats.

    Well we eat rabbits and hare, why not rats.

    With me it is beween the ears, it is a strange thought, to eat rat.

    Must be because i have been thought negative things about them, and not used to eating animals like that.

    Most things we donot know and try to eat, taste like chicken i am told, in that case i will stick to that, no need to try... is there.... :o

  4. 7 pages about a grumpy man, dont TV members delight in the demise of another.

    Sounds like you're feeling sorry for him. Certainly no demise, he thinks he's a VIP in a coffee shop and verbally takes it out on any customers and staff. If anything good comes of this he'll give up and so lay off the staff. We're not going to cause the guy a breakdown...if you were there to see him he doesn't look or act like any pitiful victim.

    No he sounds like a knob, and im sure if you slapped him he'd more then deserve it, i was more commenting on the nature of the TV poster to create 7 pages commenting on a assho7e, im guessing there wouldnt be so many pages if he was the nicest man in BKK and brought the staff flowers and had a twinkle in his eye everyday.

    I think you guessed right, there wouldnot be a reason to post 7 pages if the guy would go around handing out flowers.

    Very sharp thinking :o

  5. Aren`t there other sites to discuss woman and bargirls and ages and how many you had in a week.

    The OP seems to be engaged, so why is he interested in someone elses preferences.

    In 10 sentences the op has been able to describe lady boys, lost lovers, bar girls, freelancers, in short "The works".

    Claims to be happy with his own situation, so why the question??

  6. hi every one, i've been reading up on everybodys dowry comments, and it seems to me that its a bit of a sore wound and its making me paranoid because i get wed in a few months. the lady i met is ace, known her for 2 and a half years. i go to LOS regularly and spend a load of time with her, her family is quite industrious owning 2 businesses, (chemical fertilizer for rice paddys) and they seem on the ball. i agreed to pay 500,000 baht for sin sod but i will get back 400,000. she is only 22 years old and has college education and i'm 28 and have a very good job. all i ask is that people give me a bit feedback about if this is a realistic figure for sin sod. i know that most people don't like paying sin sod but i think that if i am going to settle in thailand i need to respect tradition and thai culture, so please sensible answers people

    many thanks


    A grand total of 100.000 for a girl from a good background seems fair i think. Especially considering the deal they make in to paying you back the rest of the `public` amount.

    They "win" face.... you " lose" 100.000 And that is talking money wise. Maybe you win a lot of other things this way.

    If you are ok with it, and you did say that , If you can afford it, and you said you have a good job, and if you feel good about it in respecting the traditions you are `connecting` with, just do it.

    Close this topic, otherwise you will be divorced even before you got married, and looking at the amount, it is not worth that.


  7. You sure this is not a German?

    He seems to have a "Stammtisch" fixation. (That's a table clearly marked as reserved for regular customers in German pubs).

    On the other hand, Basil Fawlty having a bad hair day....




    You shouldnot have given the link, i am hooked all over again.

    And sorry that i am not in Bangkok, would abolutely love to join in" Keeping it occupied"

    If there is a need to chip in for chocolates/flowers or whatever for the staff working there, i will be happy to do that. :D


  8. mmmm, i have seen something like that, but it was about a parkingspot. They both started coming earlier each day, just for that one spot.

    We had a vote, and put the name of the one we thought who was " in title" to that spot, on a sign and put it there in the grass border.

    You should have seen it, really. The " wrong" guy showed up first, and pulled out the sign and threw it away.

    We put it back in the evening, and the next day the same thing happened.

    The day after, the " right " guy parked there first, and it was the first time he saw the sign. He was smiles all over.

    The other guy showed up up, noticed the sign, got out of the car, pulled it out of the ground an smacked it on top of the other guy`s car.

    That was it!! They had a nice fight and absolutely had to be stopped, they would have killed each other.

    We also had to come earlier every day, but we started to take turns, and used a video camera so we could show the others. ( yes i know, like kids)

    With te company christmas party ' someone" ( no not me) gave them both a copy of the fight, and the both thought that the "other " one was playing santa.

    It started all over again, but with being nasty to each other on each and every occasion possible. Talk about grown ups... ( forgetting our part here, hahaha)

  9. The use of arconditioning is a huge fuel consumer, can be up to 1/3 of the total consumption.

    I don't believe so. Please supply a link! Actually running the aircond is only worth 10th's of 1 HP, so don;t see how it can be using so much. Oncwe I ran my car on a tank, mostly without air, and found no noticeable difference in consumption. Perhaps you shouldn't run the air when the engine is cold. That might help a bit.

    that's incorrect information. it depends what size of compressor the a/c unit has. e.g. an 18,000 btu compressor uses up to 3 HP under full load.

    Well, drive up hil and switch the AC of, you can feel the car responding to " more" power to the drivetrain now. And it is absolutely more than just 3hp.

    Just as it is a well known fact that automatic cars use more fuel, it is also a fact that a car AC uses a lot of fuel too.

    Did a search, picked the first link and they talk about 20% extra fuel consumption.


    I am sure there are others which will give a higher percentage. A crappy adjusted engine will make it even worse.

    AC and fuel consumption, is underestimated, that is the point i am trying to make here.

    Fuel consumption figures in the catalogue are always given without electric, or AC load. Guess why??

  10. Ok, i see what you mean, and what could `maybe` be his background.

    But am afraid that no one here can take away your worries or questions. It is up to her to do that.

    But " talking" to others helps, maybe that is the purpose of you posting. Nothing wrong with that.


  11. Agree about bad taste, at least he can wear a shirt over it...

    But you worry, that is my understanding.

    How old is your little cousin?? And does she like the tattoo, and the one who is ( proudly) wearing it????

    If yes, it is not really your business, but that doesnot take away the worry part.

    If no one has been able to stop her from going....

    But now you are looking for a deeper meaning to this tatoo, what is it you think?? She will be tattood too, to the traditions of the cult the guy is in??

    Or what else is it that you are looking for? Confimation of what you think that the guy is...whatever.. based on a tattoo?

    Edit for typo

  12. Question:- AM I 'MUG OF THE DECADE???'

    You and tens of thousands others who come to Thailand and fall for the same ol' ____.

    Maybe I got a different visa application than most of you because I didn't see anything about having to leave my brain at border before entering Thailand.

    It's a mugs game, well and truly over now.

    Anyway, now i am talking to this nice lady in BKK, lives in a condo but her buffalo ain't very well, seems he don't like the stairs.

    Maybe I should buy her a bungalo in the suburbs!!!!!!!!!!!

    also her brother needs money to train as a pilot, he used to have a kite which he flew very well so he will make a good pilot.

    Reckon this one is genuine, what do you lot think I should do?

    Well at least you still have a sense of humor !!. :o

  13. Besides the maybe wrong hours and stress because of trading, has anyone noticed that looking at a screen for a long time make one hungry too?

    I am not, absolutely not, kidding here.

    For me it is absolutely connected. Looking at a screen for a few hours makes me craving for food. I am not bssing you.

    I know that light does have an effect on people, lights with different frequencies ( color) . Even depressed people can do a kind of "light therapy" which really seems to work. So it must do something in ones brain.

    Anybody got the same thing??

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