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Posts posted by fennielyn

  1. You are not taking 8 or 10 at a time :D

    Haha true but I've taken my fair share and have never felt even slight euphoric. :D They just knock me out flat. :o Doubt one can find happiness in a pill regardless of what they say anyway. :bah:

    Xanax is truly evil stuff (more so than the rest of the benzos) and I remember being so reliant on it after just one month on the crap and had the worst withdrawal shakes and heart palpitations when I decided to go off it completely; at one point during the many sleepless nights I even thought I was going to die at the rate that my heart was beating. :bah: The big pharmaceutical boys will always be pushing the next big thing in the legalized drug world because their patents on previous wonder-drug discoveries don't last forever and other smaller companies are churning out generics faster than they can come up with new ones, that are much much cheaper and thus putting a dent in their already HUGE profits. Such drugs are SO cheap to manufacture (like literally a few cents for each tablet. Talked to a sales rep and was astounded at the cost price AND the special price for doctors who order MORE than the minimum), take for example Valium (Diazepam) which costs $1usd per pill where I live but the generic version can be gotten for less than half that and the last time I checked there were almost a dozen different generic brands for diazepam. Anyway, any sedative under the benzodiazepam family wreaks havoc on your central nervous system and I suspect are killing your brain cells insidiously and gradually, which probably explains why I can never remember where I put something even though I was just using it 10 minutes ago. :o:D I was quite surprised when I googled a few different sedatives and saw that you can actually order them without a prescription these days. Gee, and I remember how I had to beg the good doc just to prescribe me a two week supply. ;) I wonder if multi-billion dollar Pfizer (creator of the vile Xanax but useful Viagra) knows how easy it is to get a hold of their best-selling babies. Or maybe they even have a hand in it. :D

  2. For dessert, they have ollibollen and stroopwaffles. The stroopwaffles are made fresh and are pretty good - but the ollibollen was sadly very cold even after they heated it in the oven - and unfortunately that was the only thing I chose out of what was on offer.

    Stroopwafels!!!!! Ik hou van stroopwafels zo veel!! Omg I've been lusting after this for the longest time! How much do they cost? Gotta stock up!

  3. Just out of curiosity, I just wonder if there is anyone who is fond of playing Retro (old) arcade games like:

    Heck yes, after all these years I'm still not sick of Tetris, but then that's coz I'm a total geek and oh, I happen to rock at it.

  4. 2nd email from York Uni. says that they do really like a degree for MATEFL but you can get on the MALLE(MA Language Learning and Education) with experience and recommendation letters from employers.

    For the last three years we have operated on the basis that for the MA TESOL we need a first degree, but MALLE is more relaxed; if you and your referees can demonstrate that you have the relevant study skills that one gets from a first degree - ability to work independently, ability to read critically, ability to write well, ability to analyse - and that you also bring relevant experience, I will be happy to consider you. The basic outline of MALLE should be on the webpages:<a href="

    Thanks for keeping us posted. At least now I know what my options an limitations are. :o

  5. Went with Dr Greechart at Yanhee. Hes head of their plastic surgery and unfortunately has the same demeanour of someone who thinks highly of himself and his time and is constantly busy seeing patients since yanhee pays according to performance. awesome surgeon though had BA and Bleph done by him.

    Others that id recommend would be Dr Preecha at BNH or SOMYOS KUNACHAK at Yoskarn.

    armpit incision simply needs a really good surgeon who knows exactly what they are doing and have done it a million times over and even more so by feel. simply put undercrease or aerola is way easier to do than armpit.

    Congrats and I hope you're on the way to recovery now. :D My cousin had her BA done by Dr Greechat too and is very happy with the results, barring a slight keloid on her left underarm. :D But that could be coz it didn't heal properly and doesn't reflect on his skill as a surgeon. As we all know, no two scars heal the same. The nurses at Yanhee are just awesome as well and were more like friends than caregivers. Also, did you notice how gorgeous the girls on the PS ward are? :o I was in awe each time I accompanied my cuz there. How's the bleph and did you do an upper or lower? My mom is thinking of going there to do both but I'm not sure if Dr.G will be the man for the job coz he essentially specializes in BA and sex reassignment more than anything else.

    By the by, please rest lots and give the new girls a vigorous massage EVERYDAY. I'm sure the good doc has stressed the importance of that alot. :D

  6. I think you may be a bit confused. I'm not talking chips (or crisps :o ) But actual tortillas that one would use to make tacos, quesadillas, or other types of Mexican fare.

    Oops, food-deprived me can never be trusted to read, like at all. :D

  7. I was at Villa on Suk. 49 yesterday after having knee surgery (I'm only 24 for chrissakes!) at Samitivej. Was stocking up so I didn't have to leave the house for a while. I stumbled upon a very happy discovery- Real authentic corn tortillas! They smell and taste just like what I would get in Southern California. About 60 baht for a pack of 8, the name is something like "Home-Made Sonora Mexico" Definitely recommended.

    Would you say they're better than the Lay's crap? =p

  8. On a serious not Mrboj, I reckon that there are a significant amount of us who have been forced or coerced by family members to support a certain team. My old man basically told me from a very young age Man Utd, when he then tried to force Exeter City upon me as the local team to support when I was little bit older I rebelled :o:D

    Oh I couldn't agree more. Dad's been a staunch supporter of Man U since the days of George Best and for awhile (resistance was futile) I too couldn't escape the pressure to cheer on the devils come each EPL season. I'm happy to say that things have changed. :D

  9. almost without exception thailand will quite quickly demystify itself once you come live here, and pretty soon the fantasy gets separated from the reality, some people get disillusioned while others adapt and learn to accept a more flawed version of their imagined thailand.

    This is certainly true for those who go there with stars in their eyes. :D However if one is taking the leap with nary an illusion/delusion, there is nothing to bust, especially if you see the place for all it's gritty, dirty, frenetic and disorganized madness and are still wanting to make the leap anyway. :o:D

  10. British National Dies from Overdosing

    A number of tablets were found such as anti-depressant pills, valium and Zanex sleeping pills.

    OMG, this is truly sobering and oh so frightening, much more so to me because I have been reliant on different cocktails of said pharmaceuticals to just to sleep on and off over the past few years. I have NEVER understood why anyone would want to take such &lt;deleted&gt; if there is no medical/clinical reason to. Honestly, it contiues to astound me that someone would choose to take these drugs just to get *high*. When I do consume them, even when I first started out, I've never felt any sense of joy/happiness, however fleeting, not to mention the horrible aftereffects that could sometimes rival that of the worst alcohol-induced hangover.

    After reading this though, I'm going to be even more careful with the darn pills.

    Poor sod. :o

  11. A lot of us want to eventually move to Thailand full time,we are working towards our goals of having enough financially or waiting until retirement age.

    A lot on this forum is people wanting or going to move to Thailand.

    Questions is,how many of you have no intention of moving to Thailand full time and would rather be once or more a year tourists,even when you retire?

    You can count me in as one of those who can't wait to move to Thailand to live, to work, to be happy. And if I were to be honest, I'd rather be poor and moderately happy over there than living the good life with everything at my disposal here. I have ceased trying to explain the allure of Thailand (especially to the parents who are still givin me looks of puzzlement who basically still can't get over the number of roaches and rats allowed to breed freely among us humans and wonder how their daughter who has never cooked her own meals nor done her own laundry can think about moving over to a place where she has to fend for her own) and decided that I'm going to move there whatever it takes.

    I can imagine how much stronger a bloke would feel about living there since I'm already quite obsessed with the whole situation and I am but a girl. :o

  12. Very nice indeed, self-ssembled without any help? :D I'm totally jealous of the ASUS motherboard. Me want one too! :D:o

    Wow, finally got my dream desktop build to my spec:


    Motherboard: ASUS P5K, with Intel P35 Express Chipset 6,173 Baht

    CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600, 2.4 GHz 6,900 Baht

    RAM: DDR2 667 4x1GB 4,000 Baht

    Harddisk: Seagate 500GB 7,200 RPM SATA 5,820 Baht

    Graphics: Gforce NVIDIA 7200, 128MB 1,600 Baht

    Case: GView 450W power supply 1,600 Baht

    OS: Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit OEM 7,600 Baht

    DVD: LG DVD Super Multi RW incl. full Nero 8. 2,600 Baht

    TOTAL 36,293 incl. VAT

    This is a real monster built at home with help of the local computer guy. I am sooo happy with it!

  13. John Jackson Better together

    "There's no combination of words

    I could put on the back of a postcard

    No song that I could sing

    But I can try for your heart,

    our dreams, and they are made out of real things

    like a shoebox of photographs

    with sepia-toned loving

    Love is the answer

    at least for most of the questions in my heart, like

    Why are we here? And where do we go?

    And how come it's so hard?

    It's not always easy and

    sometimes life can be deceiving

    I'll tell you one thing, it's always better when we're together"

    *sniff* I need some loving.

  14. Hey, no offence. But i understand your post like a westerngirl hoping to find a vikingman, maybe i got you wrong??

    [sorry for being OT]

    None taken. :D But I am curious about what you mean by *post like a western girl*. In case you're thinking that this is not normally the way I talk (oh of course I don't go on and on about Swedish o Nordic vikings every spare minute of my time), then you don't really know me, do you? :D:D

    And no, I don't talk this way just to lure a viking, although, thanks for letting me know that there is a certain way a girl must talk to *find* one. I'll keep that in mind the next time I visit Vikingland or wherever these mystical beings inhabit. :D:o

    As of now, I'm only intimately familiar with IKEA and meatballs+cranberry sauce. Just saying. =P

  15. A thick slab of juicy steak done just right. (yea, I'm all about the beef) A whole box of Royce chocolate at one seating. Good strong cheese (nothing with rot, thank you very much). A good book with never-ending pages. :D The dream of regaining perfect vision. :o Stepping into Paragon after wandering bravely about in the steamy heat at 3p.m. :D:D

  16. By the way, i do occasionaly enjoy your 100 bath/tre bottle chang!! It is a great place in the middle of expenses, but i gotta say it is one of the most boring bars in the whole island. Absolutely NOTHING going on exept for a few swedich tourist with alot off attitude sitting in the way of nice looking thaigirls with no attitude, hahahaha.

    I think the name attract these tourists. And me being from sweden dont enjoy that. Id say, spend the extra money on the chang and find a place with something going on. Alot of the places in green mango area is great. Viking bar??....Hmmmmmmm. No. Try it out though. Cheapest beer in the area, i personaly think seven eleven is more fun and even cheaper. :D

    Although I haven't personally been to Viking or Samui (YET), I've asked a couple of folks who've been there and they really seem to enjoy the chill-out ambience and love the Shot Challenge too. I am dying to see one of those in action actually. Happened to come across a guy doing something like 11 shots in under 8 seconds on youtube and I'm utterly impressed and :D ! If only I dare to as well...but my liver and I shudder at the thought. :D

    Can't wait to pop over next month and meet Judy and her family of super nice and friendly staff...and maybe a few cute Vikings along the way too. :bah::D:o

  17. I used to get mine from Foodland but if they run out (I know, I'm just as incredulous, used to think that apart from the folks from down under, I was the only fan), you can always try the supermarket at Paragon. They have almost everything, at a premium price of course. :o

    Where to buy vegemite in Bangkok? Been trying to find it everywhere with no luck. The last jar I have is almost empty.
  18. Doesnt Villa Market guarantee that whatever they dont have you tell them and they will get it for you???

    Wonder how that works though? You just walk up to a cashier and let them know what it is your looking for?

    Anyone has an idea on how this works.

    Looking for a place that would sell "Dutch Frikadellen" or curryworsten for the Belgians under us.

    Hoi! What is this Dutch Frikadellen? You've got me all curious now. =p

    I'm totally grateful to Villa for satisfying my addiction to Gouda Cheese Old without fail and at a reasonable price too. Go Villa! :o

  19. After lunch...my Thai lady is on the far left.

    our left or their left?

    hehe :o

    [blue eyes]

    I'm totally awed by how the girls can sit forevers, crosslegged, back bent over and not once bemoaning the position that would leave me half-numb and aching. =p And the latest pic does everything and more to stoke the lust (food, yo) which I can't satisfy until next month. But thanks for the eye candy! :D

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