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Everything posted by mixed

  1. I was only able to get 1kg bags on Lazada. It used to be freely available and cheap, I think they were collecting from caves in national parks. How do you use bat guano and does it have properties that other nutrient sources don't?
  2. Made him look somewhat childish though, just because his silly idea was shown to be such.
  3. Or just ignore it, as social media itself is toxic
  4. Revered Monarchy, King Chuck? Pauline would agree I suppose.
  5. I think there should be many Indicas that can handle the heat and sun, I think the Afghan Kush would be fine and there should be others. Now is the dry season and less hot, run them at 18/6, move them outside and you will do much better than with lights. There will be no shortage of strains, but they'll probably be different to what you grew back home. They should only need shade cloth for a few days, best is to move them out during overcast weather.
  6. From what I've seen, opium is like hash, solid. How does one dip into this? A reliable source claimed some was soaked in hash oil, I don't know. If it is indeed an original old school strain, then there would be lots of takers for the seeds. Are they for sale? Any pics? I read a famous grower who said the Thai strains were difficult to cure, although personally I've never felt it's quite the art some claim. The original Thai stick had a bit of a compost smell, similar to brick weed. Apparently due not being dried properly before being bagged. The OP stated it may be the same strain as some brick weed, if so then it's only a matter of time before properly trimmed and dried quality bud is available at a good price from friends. Might not be good news for those who invested in lights and dispensaries, but I'll enjoy the reduced hype.
  7. If you top them they will bush out, have more top buds and not be so top heavy when flowering.
  8. You can also get good results from the sun, it's cheap and over time has proven reliable. For those who have to use them lights are fine, but good buds can be harvested outdoors here if you have the right strains. This would be the cheapest and easiest way to get started.
  9. I'm curious why Green Crack is as cheap as the Thai. Is it more suited to tropical conditions and can be grown outdoors?
  10. So where is it? Even the poster who told me it was basic gave me wrong directions, I suppose they only way is to keep playing, something I don't enjoy. My point is important things are hidden, while childish stuff keeps popping up.
  11. I want to reduce the file size by reducing the resolution.
  12. Do you know how to change the res on my phone? If not then maybe you also need training lol. I doubt my staff do, they are all on Apple. Of course phones are a necessity, that's why I have one, but an hours training would not help because they are constantly changing, similar to the poster who told me something was basic, but can't tell me how to do it. Such a basic feature shouldn't be this difficult, neither should transferring files (an another poster is mentioning) to a PC. The reason it has a 64mb is to appeal to children who like toys, I just wish they were more suited to work.
  13. Thanks for your help, you may enjoy using smart phones, but they drive me crazy, I hate using them and hate they way so much business is done on them. Sure they are good for many things, but using them is like trying to build a house with a Swiss Army pocket knife. If I go into Settings, there is no system management, there is System but it doesn't take me to About Phone - there was no BOOM!. My car lists it's model in clear view, so does my DSLR - it's been very easy to change resolution on every DSLR I've had and on previous phones. This is an important and basic feature. I only use the phone when a PC isn't available, so I'm not great with them. I'm constantly being told by staff I can do the same on my phone, but it never works as well and is always slower. These are the reasons I'm not good with phones. In the case of my staff I think they are good with phones because they're addicted to them.
  14. I still can't solve it. There is a High Resolution option, but tapping on it just keeps the pics at 64mb. There's an option to change the scaling (1:1, 19:9 etc), but this isn't necessarily changing resolution and doesn't seem to alter file size. I'm not sure what model it is, similar to other basic things, it's hidden in their somewhere. My DSLR is 24mb res and changing it is simple and clear. Why have such a large camera and make changing it so difficult?
  15. Pls reread, I said the Thai economy was referred to as the Teflon Economy because problems would stick, the floods etc. were examples of such problems.
  16. But it's the same for every country when it comes to that rating, same with GDP etc. The table I looked at put Thailand in the middle for wealth inequality.
  17. No, it was because coups, floods and tsunamis did little to the economy. Thailand is now an upper middle income country, there are plenty of places more corrupt and more unequal (including the US). Pretty much everyone has a smartphone and two kidneys. Over a decade a go the govt increased the min wage by around 30%, never seen anything like that in a western country. There is so much work that the difficult, dirty and dangerous jobs can be left to migrants, who make up around 10% of the workforce.
  18. You mean the US? Jokes aside, Thailand was called the teflon economy for a long time. Lots of Thais I know feel their lives have improved over the last 20 years. Lots of ppl I know didn't go to high, but there kids have gone to uni. It does seem mismanaged, but then again, look at what the bankers were up to pre 08 crash.
  19. I think it's down to interest rates. When they did the bail out around 2008 lots of money was printed, but Western economies were in trouble, so the bankers sent the money to Asia, which was booming with higher interest rates. No rates are going up in the US and the US$ is high.
  20. Thanks, but unfortunately the doesn't work on my phone. I'm also can't figure out how to check image size once the photos are taken. I wish these phones weren't so much like toys.
  21. For some reason my Vivo phone has a 64m camera, which makes sending and uploading difficult, often impossible. The camera app has lots of features, but I can't find where to change the image size. Ridiculous that such a basic feature is so difficult to find. On a real camera it's very easy.
  22. While many ppl are doing it and it doesn't seem to be a problem, it's worth mentioning that importing seeds is illegal. Because I want to grow outdoors, I have been getting my seeds from a FB seller. PM if you'd like contact details.
  23. I'm not so sure that stat is correct, especially if it's from AJ. With cannabis still being illegal at the federal level, I don't think it can be legally exported? Regarding the 'Top Shelf' gear, I think it will become like expensive alcholol, ppl won't pay the price because they can't tell the difference. I don't see anything that can be done under lights but not under sun. In time I think cannabis will return to being a plant grown outdoors in tropical countries. Expensive labour and set ups won't be able to compete. Apparently there is already a huge glut in cannabis.
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