Over the last few years DWP has suffered the humiliation of being found out to have lost cmptr discs holding the personal details of hundreds of thousands of contributors/pensioners. The top brass do not want another one causing red faces & blame shedding all round. Thus, they eschew as much computer activity as possible. They can't avoid most of what comes their way but they can avoid that which connects them with hoi polloi such as expat pensioners. This is why they condemn us to the frailties of the modern postal system with so many delivery failures (do other oldies remember its good days?) & thus, pensions stopped. One more detail. As C S Parkinson taught us when I were a lad, Snr 'Civil' 'Servants' set great store on the number of people that work for them. Snailmail, which used to be so good, uses more bodies than the cmptr. I always found the rank & file at DWP to be most helpful; they seemed to care about us. So it's not so bad that there's a few more jobs for such as they. Finally, remember, they employ enough older women fluent in a foreign first language, including Thai, which is, I suspect, daily, most useful.