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Posts posted by thaiorchidsource

  1. His mistake was to go to the police in the first place. Im not going to say anything about the police in Thailand and everyone should know about them living in Thailand. He should have gone to the consulate first and got advise on how the laws applied to illness works in an overstay situation, and then with that information go to the immagration office and speak with someone at a higher level to make himself comply under the circumstances of a serious illness having kept him in an ICU ward of a hospital and unable to leave or travel.

  2. tuks tuks are no different in chiang mai they try to over charge tourist as soon as they see your face.no jet skies thou.this problem is nation wide.how do you fix it.i don,t know.have a fixed price maybe

    Sorry, have to disagree with you on this one. Last year, from Kad Suan Kaew Mall to my house - 18 kilometers - 300 baht & 1 pack of Marlboro. lol. Guy even gave me his card and told me to call him if I ever needed him again. Sure, but drivers here will start high, but with a good sense of humor you can bargain them down. I see it happen all the time. And they are a hell of a lot friendlier here than Phuket, Pattaya and Patong, that's for sure.

    Yes, I agree, and I was refering to the violence we all read about and serious criminal elements working the tourists. Farangs will usually be hit with a higher fare, but if you know what you should pay and negotiate before you get into their grips, the outcome will be better than ending up in the hospital, or hospital morgue.

  3. CM on my previous 90 stamp required photocopies of key pages of my passport, signed, and the reporting form filled out, but no proof of address at that time. I go in Monday again.

    Has there been any changes for reporting in Chiang Mai?

    I reported for my 90 day 2 weeks ago in C-Mai, Photocopy's of Passport which included my Visa,T.M. Card,Entry Stamp, no additional requirments as of then.

    Did CM Immigration ask you for the passport photocopies, or have a known policy of asking for them beforehand?

    Or did you just voluntarily include the photocopies in your submission?

  4. It is a shame that the issue of wages was used to swing votes, and now there is no way out. The reality of the world economics and affect of the dollar conversion to baht in exports has been a very big hit for many export businesses. Just in July, the dollar to baht conversion from the dollar lost over 2%. Now to increase the minimun wage for those industries that are marginal will have only one result and that is them closing forever, or relocating to another country. The result is obvious with a rapid increase in poverty for minimun wage Thai workers . On the other side of the coin which everyone sees is the sharp increase in the cost of fuel, food, and chemicals needed for agriculture making life very difficult for minimun wage Thai workers. The only solution is a slow increase in wages over time to allow businesses to adjust their margins and operations, thusly keep their workers by staying in business The situation is far more complex than simply raising wages.

  5. Commercial aircraft are required to fly an instrument approach on an instrument flight plan to most airports, and so follow a glide slope, with a formal proceedure under the control of Air traffic control radar would be assumed. Most airports that I am aware of have a MEA pattern altitude for heavy aircraft of 2000 feet AGL or above for a visual approaches. So how did they go below pattern altitude, if they were flying a visual approach? Something went quite wrong.

  6. Its illegal to sell copy protected materials. The pirates have been getting away with it by paying off the police. then they made a mistake by refusing to pay off the police, and now the police are using this opportunity to put these guys out of business and also make sure that the others who might be thinking about refusing to payoff the police will know whats in their futures also. Keep paying bribes or suffer!

  7. Does anyone know who Akkharawat Petchchandra. is and his political motivation for this murder?

    One might expect this to be an alias and what makes you think his motivation was political? There is baht one motivation in this neck of the jungle.

    From the reports about his murder, he was out on a political motivational agenda the day he was murdered, and being so close to the elections, it would only be logical this was a political assination. But ofcourse its possible it was not, and that is why I asked if anyone knows this person Petchchandra and a possible line to a political party.

  8. In Chiang Mai yesterday, I observed that the billboard posters for Yinluck (#1) were placed right on the edge of the roadways, and they were in quite heavy numbers, but few billboard posters for Abhisit (#10) were visable and those that I could find were quite off the road back a distance to be hard to see. My guess is that Abhisit's billboard posters will have much less affect to garner votes than Yingluck's billboard posters in Chiang Mai.

  9. Thailand governments seem to not want their people to obtain quality education, and I think if the population were educated, they would know what a poor job their government does and want to make changes and those who are benefiting from the corruption would have a problem. A guy like Thaksin knows this and he can control his constituency with money to vote for his party and his return to power. As I have been told many times by Thais, it is the Thai way.

  10. The anti Farang sentement in Thailand really stinks. Marriage has always been used for gains in their culture and elsewhere, but not necessarily so. I am in this country for over 9 years working as an exporter and staying in Thailand legally, and paying taxes on a business extension visa. My age is 65, and I will receive my American social security income at my 66th birthday. I have 3 children, age 7, 5, and 2. Yes, I could die before my children are old enough to take care of themselves, but they also maybe be able to receive some entitlement money until they are 18 years old from social security. Even if not, my wife will assume my position in my company and be set to live without fear of poverty. I built them a new home , and it was paid for in cash. My wife has a masters degree in computer programming. She did not stay with me for need. I am convinced that she truly is devoted to me, and our children. Anyone knowing her would never think she was with me for any other reason. Her age is now 31 years and she still turns heads. My brother in law, a prominent attorney and quite athletic died in his sleep at age 42. Who here knows when they will die!? There are many factors in life expectancy and every person should live every day to its fullest, for it truly might be their last day. The new Thai law really steps over and past all wisdom, but we who have been living here in Thailand have seen many similiar situations with Thai law using Farangs as their whipping post ans scape goat. These policy makers need to look first at what goes on in their own society, never mind age differences. How many of you know of a Thai man and woman having married and having children, then the husband abandons the wife for his mia noi and no support. This is one reason why Thai women do not want to marry their own kind and prefer the way Farangs respect them and act responsibly towards their bond and their children's upbringing. Age only plays a significant role in the minds of those who are age discriminitory. My wife has the capacity to look past the aging man, and see the person inside. If your wife only sees a younger body, then she will be shocked to find out later that she will age, and so will you, and what then!

  11. Why is the age of the aircraft important? Either they receive proper maintenance and are just as safe as newer aircraft, or they don't and shouldn't be flying at all.

    If it isn't a safety issue, then it is it a comfort issue? Does THAI have (especially) uncomfortable seats and bad food? Are their pilots inept? If that's the case then it doesn't mean the ticket should be cheaper, it means the inept pilots should be grounded, right?

    My understanding of aviation is that something is either good enough or it doesn't fly. That's why no-one is selling tickets for standing room on a converted bomber with no air hostesses flown by a tuk-tuk driver for B190 round trip to Sisaket - because they can't.

    Your absolutely correct, and from my own experience with owning aircraft, if the operater is complying with all manditory AD's (airworthy directives) issued and maintenance recomendations, an aircraft will continue flying safely througtout its life cycle. Take the recent near crash of the NEW super jumbos if you want to compare safety of new with old. Older aircraft are updated with new interiors, reengined, and new navigational equipment, and repainted. Its nearly impossible for a lay to know they are flying on an older model. Once an older model reaches the limits of its design, they are retired and scraped, or used for cargo ships. There are still plenty of L-1011's flying as cargo ships around the world. Thai will eventually be forced to retire its older aircraft and replace with newer and more efficient aircraft, but for now, I can imagine they are reluctant to commit to the financial costs in their present financial condition and market chalenges in an industry that has been loosing money.

  12. there are many other airlines to choose from - so complaining about thai is strange.

    they capped their fare to 16k one way, and, I believe, there are special fares for thai citizens (probably financed by the government).

    up to now not many thai wanted to come back home, a few days ago was quoted only 200 came forward.

    with the situation worsening (uncertain nuclear fallout), many more would like to come, and this same time much less traffic to japan and airline will have to cover empty airmiles

    Thai you say 32,000 baht is not overpriced 55555555555555 you are always joking. If you had all new aircraft you would still be overpriced. Travelling in old CRATES at top prices is not on. Your aircraft in general were old 10 years ago. If I get on a clapped out old bus, I expect to pay old prices--yes lower fares for lower class planes. for 32,000 bht people can get a ticket to ENGLAND in new aircraft.........If for instance Air Asia can sell from Udon to BKK-for 200 bht- and up on promotion. why is thai selling for over 4000 bht return. That airline has lost it's way, amazingly it still gets by with some loyal passengers.

    Compare the travel time Thai to Tokyo. in hours flying, ===and say Emirates/Etihad to London in hours flying..same return fare..

    Air Asia quotes very low faires, but have anyone tried to book those low fares??? I have tried, and there were only a few seats offered at those low fares. I personally think its false advertising baiting by Air Asia. The president of Thai Airways should have taken this crisis oportunity to give specially low fares as a good advertising compaign aimed at showing compasion towards other Thai citizens, but instead took the low road and consequential criticism.

  13. From the article: "more than 30,000 paedophiles and child-sex offenders on its watchlist - the UK is not a nation of sex offenders"

    Not a nation of sex offenders really??

    With a population of 60 million, 0.05 percent are on the watch list. That's too many, but it's "not a nation".

    That's 1 in 2000. Restrict it to males only (most are), then 1 in 1000. Adults only 20-60 might bring it down to 1 in 700. That's on a watchlist doesn't necessarily mean they're actively chasing.

    It's still too few to justify putting every male traveller through a screening process.

    It is my opinion that a pedophile is always actively chasing and looking for an oportunity, because they cannot control thwue impulse and interest. in sex with children. If at all possible, they must be kept either under 24 hour surveilance, or under lock and key. For travel purposes they should be restricted from entering any country, where they are likely to be there for that interest. If Thailand was truly interested in attracting the quality tourist, that would not include pedophiles, and they should have their own watch list and refuse entry. The Thai embassy or counsulate should have these lists in their computers to screen visa applicants, and the passport issuing country could also stamp any passport issued that this "individual is a registered sex offender pedophile" without refusing to issue a passport.

  14. From the article: "more than 30,000 paedophiles and child-sex offenders on its watchlist - the UK is not a nation of sex offenders"

    Not a nation of sex offenders really??

    You dont state which country your from - but i dont notice anyone else cracking down on it - only britain. hence this PROVES the UK is the nation LEAST full of sex offenders. Pity we cant crack down on illegal immigrants with equal vigour.

    I wonder if it would be possible for Thailand to obtain lists from the UK or any other country that such information is kept and bar these pedophiles from entry as undesirables. Also the UK or any other country who has this information could restrict travel for these individuals, by canceling their visa, or refusing to issue one or requiring a stamp identifying this individual as a sex offender to alert any country that they travel to.

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