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Posts posted by piker

  1. Here in Pattaya, I know of only 1 hotel with ADSL [not wireless] at about 600 baht/day. To me, this is a fantastic offer.

    I would like to know if similar non wireless offers exist in Bangkok. Location is unimportant as long as the connection is fast and the price under 1000 baht/day.

    Thank you.

  2. As a crotch rash recovery patient, I can recommend the foreign educated doctors at Pattaya International (4th floor). He checked the area, took a skin sample, came back with the results almost immediately that it was a fungus common in tropical climates. Bought the pills which were near 3000 baht and took 2 a day while applying the over the counter powder. Within a week, the rash was gone and so was the itch that kept my hands in my pockets quite often :o.

  3. Here in Pattaya, there are several wireless options like Hello and Mama. In my condo, whenever I do a scan of available wireless (wifi) links, I get Mama and Hello. Sometimes I pick up Center Condo near Beach and I'm up near Carrefour!

    I've heard TT&T have the ADSL line up in 3 days on average. This is 1900 baht which includes a phone line and then 900 monthly. Well worth it in my opinion.

  4. Does anyone have any experience with AUA language school in Pattaya? I'm somewhat familar with main school in Bangkok. Are there better alternatives here in Pattaya?

    I studied 6 weeks at AUA with 9 other fellows, it was a great learn. Sure we all learn at varying speeds so there were times when 1 student would hold up the others but otherwise, it was a great way to learn by bouncing questions off each other. I was more keen to learn vocabulary & sentence structure over reading/writing/tones. The other terrific benefit is that your teacher is sure to be speaking the politest and most correct form of Thai. Pay attention to how many times the teachers ends their sentences with Kha or Krap which is the polite way to speak Thai. I now overcompensate and say Krap to end just about every sentence that comes from my mouth. It's polite and the Thais know that I've received a proper education ie: wasn't taught Thai on Walking Street.

    It has paid off in a big way since I haven't paid a bar fine in over a year and rely on my skills to shmooze the regular Thais who have recently moved here to find work in hotels, banks, hospitals, restaurants, etc.

    They don't speak any English most of the time but are eager to learn! It's also nice that they haven't been potentially spoiled (yet) by other farangs.

  5. I've always enjoyed Kohindoor Indian buffet on Pratamnack but closer to Walking across from The Bayoke hotel.

    Is the buffet on at special times ?

    What is the cost per person ?

    :o Wiley Coyote

    The dinner buffet is on from 18:00-23:00. The cost is 160-180. The nan bread is fresh and delicious. There's many meat and veggy choices. Great aircon and very clean. Maybe they like my smile but I've been given a free ice cream cup each time I've gone. Free parking in The Bayoke hotel's parking lot.









  6. Not that it has made much difference based on conversations with others but since I speak fluent French, each time I've approached C4 management to complain (employee rudeness each time), the employee was reprimanded in my presence and forced to apologize. I think it's a good lesson for Thais who sometimes don't give a #### whether you leave happy or not.

    By the way, I'm happy to offer my French speaking services for anyone who should ever need help with any matter.

  7. I have been advised from several expat friends that Kasikorn is one of the better banks as you can do online banking and they issue same day prepaid credit cards. Basically, your credit is your current balance. The branch on North Buakow was favored.

    My credit in the west is poor so I am quite excited about this option to book those cheap Air Asia flights online and other online purchases.

    If anyone has any good luck in this dept., please remember to update the thread. Thank you.

  8. on a dematologist in pattaya to look at a sudden dark patch on my leg that look extremely suspect, I don't want to go BPH, possibly a clinic or another hospital where it is known that they have a skin specialist, BPH out of my price range.

    many thanks in advance

    I know people who use Dr. Chanchai at PIH for their skin problems.


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