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Posts posted by piker

  1. What about Andy/Sandy the English ladyboy? Actually a very nice (and straight!) bloke.

    What about the bicycle rider with the flashing bicycle and top hat?

    What about the adult Thai dressed as a boy scout always hanging around Carrefour?

    The others are the Soi 8 lady with the white face (obviously mentally challenged) and the other Soi 8 mainstay Thai male with a mohawk and recently tattoos on his face?

    Then there's farangs on choppers with tattoos on their face, arms, and neck. Aside from the face, this is becoming more and more common.

    There's a German with 2 big dogs near my condo who is covered everywhere but his face in tattoos.

  2. I'm with TT&T Maxnet and things started off well but now the service is slow. TT&T customer service is aware of the problem but hasn't sent a technician to my home despite promising this on 3 occasions. As in 3 times they told me when they were coming but never came! The bill arrived rather quickly though.... :o

  3. My Monthly Pattaya Budget

    Fixed Costs:

    Rent for studio in Central Pattaya: 6000 including all utilities.

    Bike rent: 2400.

    Internet: 1000.

    6 months of insurance: 10,000.

    Visa Run to Penang every 6 months: 10,000.

    I spend on movies, food, gas, and treats for the girls. I have taken Thai language lessons at Pro Language school across from Carrefour so I can easily meet fresh off the bus or office girls so that eliminates "those" expenses. They're usually quite content with a bowl of noodles. I have 2/day.

    I work only at the beginning or end of each month on my ecommerce business. Once I've hit the 30k amount, I stop until I need money again. I work more when I'm bored or want to make some more money. I'm happy to help anyone with ecommerce so you can work/stay in Thailand. PM me for more info.

  4. ...agree with the Pattaya Mail writer that those vendors should be removed from WS...

    Are you saying that you agree that the Tourist Police Volunteers should remove the vendors, as suggested by the writer?



    Yes. The media often confirms that the BiB receives complaints from the tourists about the vendors but fail to stop ALL, only impound the goods of some. Who are the unlucky? They are the outfits not paying tea money is my guess.

    There's one old lady on WS in particular who will shove her bouquet right in your line of vision and I simply don't care and swat her arm away firmly but never to cause her any harm (I know something bad will happen to me...). I simply can't understand how the hel_l she's permitted to annoy so many people? Oh yeah, it's tea money, stupid.

  5. I was recently the victim of a Walking St. attack by a jilted ex. We ended things bad to say the least as I had caught her stealing cash from me. Kicked her out but received many calls from her to forgive/forget and get back together which were all ignored. I saw her on WS one night and she stopped me to try talking it out but I had nothing more to say and then she attacked me (the Thai face loss scam?). I didn't retaliate for fear of 100 of her brothers joining the melee but I defended myself by running away to live another day. Last week (6 months later), she saw me near Lam Morrison's new club (well worth the visit by the way) and she attacked me again ripping off my shirt and leaving scratches on my head and chest.

    I keep the phone # of one of the TPV in my phone and contacted him in the morning for advice. His suggestion was to get a doctor's assessment as proof, a print out of her photo, her full name (near impossible as hardly anyone knows their girl's full name), any witness statements (which I had), and she would be arrested by the BiB or TPV as they do have the power to arrest if either there's an arrest warrant or the suspect has been caught committing an offense/crime such as minor assault.

    I was too lazy to get the doctor's note and the TPV suggested that without a bribe of 2000 baht, the police, unless the officer on duty was in a law enforcing mood, wouldn't do much if anything. "Thai Love Thai"

    The end result is that I'm avoiding WS in the hopes she'll burn out like most do and I won't see her ever again. I'm pretty tough if I need to be but this is Thailand and I'm well aware of the consequences of clobbering a Thai even in self defense.

    All to say, I agree with the Pattaya Mail writer that those vendors should be removed from WS. Money talks and there's no surprise that these elements will continue to exist under the nose of the police forever.

  6. If a baht bus driver posted a big sign with set and fair fares for common routes around town, would he be dead meat? I think so. Damnable mafia!

    There's already a sign posted on the driver's rear window mentioning the fare scale (5, 10, 20 baht). It is only in Thai text (as Pattaya is absolutely NOT a tourist destination, this is perfectly fine).

    My strategy for the last few years is to press the bell after my destination as the buses can't reverse into traffic to chase you. I pay always 10 baht and walk back to my destination.

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