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Posts posted by ConfusedFarang

  1. Making money on the internet is much more stressful than a normal job because it constantly changes. There is no steady income, you have to evolve as the internet evolves.

    Here are the best ways to make money online:

    Sell domains or park domains, you can sell domain names on sites like sedo.com, namepros.com, ebay(ebay is going downhill and its getting harder to sell so I wouldnt count on them), or you could park domains at sedo or namedrive.com.

    You can learn how to build websites and sell turnkey websites with hosting. Buy reseller hosting that way, everytime you sell a website to someone, you can get them to sign up for monthly hosting. so if you get 50 customers in a month to sign up for $10 hosting, you will probably pocket $5 of that and that would be an extra $250 each month so in 3 months you would up to making $750 a month and in 6 months you would be making twice that a month...not mention how much you are profiting on selling the actual website, depending on how well its made..many people sell websites for .99 cents just because they are trying to gain hosting customers.

    You can do affiliate marketing through clickbank or commissionjunction.com. Find products to sell and go to craigslist or other classified sites and post ads which lead customers back to the affiliate sites. You get paid a commission if they buy something and this costs nothing to start up.

    You can create a website and build traffic to it by advertising it on yahoo answers or youtube, myspace etc. Then put google adwords ads on there and get paid when people click on them.

    You could write articles for sites like associatedcontent and get paid for writing articles and how many views you get.

    You could sell products on ebay, but they are going downhill and more and more sellers are leaving. I was making about $8,000 a month on there last year and I make about $300 now selling the same things so I definately would steer clear of ebay. Im a powerseller and have great feedback but Ive been affected by the changes just like others, we are leaving for sites like onlineauction.com, ioffer.com, blujay.com, ecrater.com and craigslist.

    All of these ways will make you money if you dedicate yourself but I do all of them for my income. I dont make that much from each one, its a combination of doing all of them that supplies my income. Its very stressful though. Ive been to the emergency room about 3 times this year because of anxiety, that never happened with a normal job so I am thinking about going back to normal work and only doing internet part time. The money is not worth your health but its good to know how to do this kind of stuff for extra money. Someone who can handle stress would be better suited for this type of life. I, just like you have anxiety so I wouldnt recommend quiting a job to do this, I made that mistake about 3 years ago and I put majority of my time into ebay which was stupid because of all the changes they sprung on sellers this year. Horrible company.

  2. There are a lot of Thai language schools around. AUA for example has many branches. Some of the variables are of course (1) price (2) required hours of study per week

    (3) learning method (4) and location as you say. (5) fellow student body


    I'm not a master strategist but you would be doing yourself a huge favor if you got the

    letter of intended enrollment from the school, then applied for a multi-entry Non-imm

    "ED" visa while you are still in the States. Save mucho hassle later on. Some schools

    only require 4 hours of study per week. Heck, you could do that on a Sunday.

    In this uncertain time, I'm not sure how anyone can wisely make ironclad guarantees.

    If you get the multi-entry, then it's already a done deal. You don't have to worry about

    extensions and will the direction of the wind have changed in the last 3 months. :o

    Thanks Cali thats very helpful, I'll check it out. Thanks Again

  3. Are there any schools (or branches of Walen) that are similar to Walen in which you can go to class, learn thai and they guarantee to get you approved every 3 month extension up to a year.....in cheaper areas? Bangkok is expensive (and to be honest i dont like it as much as other areas in thailand) and I know the south is even more expensive. Any schools like this in north, isaan, or pattaya areas that people know of?

  4. If this is a way to learn thai language AND get a visa at the same time that is guaranteed to last a year(with extensions), that's a pretty good deal. Some people should learn at least a few key words/phrases at least or they should not be in Thailand in the first place if they have no interest in the culture and are only there for bar girls and cheap stuff.

  5. I too make money from the internet like gabyla and most of it comes in wether i use the internet or not. I could be in prison for a year or a coma and that money would still come in. What is thai rules on this? Is this considered working in thailand still even though the money is going into an american bank account and im not doing anything in thailand?

    Also thank you to Deesurin, I read these forums all the time and nobody ever suggested learning thai could get you an education visa and a way to stay in thailand without worrying about visa runs etc. This should be mentioned more often on these forums I think.

  6. Just finished watching it on Youtube. Type name of Movie and then watch parts 1 to 11. I thought it was very well made movie.

    Thats the original from 2001. There is supposed to be a remake with Nicholas Cage that was supposed to be released February 2008

  7. I have a misdemeanor assault charge in USA and I was going to apply for a 1 year non immigrant O visa at the consulate in Los Angeles by mail. Has anyone heard of this affecting anything? Is this the kind of thing they look for when granting visas? I can't work normal jobs in USA that I used to be able to work because of this (because even though its a misdemeanor, employers consider it bad because its considered a violent crime) so I wonder if they look at it.

  8. I am also eargerly awaiting this movies release, as one of my friends is an extra in it. She gets killed by Nicholas Cage!!

    I went to go and watch them filming it ages ago in the Witches Tavern on Thong Lor.

    Thanks eric. Thats pretty cool ashacat, wish I was there. If anybody else has information about this film please let me know. I hope they didnt decide to scrap it. Thanks.

  9. Hello,

    thank you for all the help everybody but it says on this website that with a non immigrant O you can only stay a maximum of 90 days, and then have to apply for extensions once you are in Thailand. Does anybody know what the deal would be with plane tickets? Could I just buy a one way ticket and then buy the ticket back to usa AFTER a few months staying in Thailand? Or do you think they will not approve me if I cant show that I intend on leaving after 90 days? http://www.thai-la.net/visa/visa-type.htm

    A single entry Non Imm O visa allows a stay of up to 90 days, a multi entry Non Imm O visa allows you to enter as many times as you wish for a period of 1 year and each time to stay up to 90 days. If you enter on a single entry and want to stay longer, you cannot extend in country, you will have to get another visa at a Thai consulate outside Thailand before the expiry of your initial visa and re-enter.

    If you hold a visa on entry to Thailand you wont be required to produce evidence of onward or return travel.

    thanks mahout. i appreciate it. certainly cleared that up.

  10. Hello,

    thank you for all the help everybody but it says on this website that with a non immigrant O you can only stay a maximum of 90 days, and then have to apply for extensions once you are in Thailand. Does anybody know what the deal would be with plane tickets? Could I just buy a one way ticket and then buy the ticket back to usa AFTER a few months staying in Thailand? Or do you think they will not approve me if I cant show that I intend on leaving after 90 days? http://www.thai-la.net/visa/visa-type.htm

  11. I saw someone ask a question not related to this (I didnt want to hijack their thread and change the subject) so I copied what they said here. I want to know how this person is so young, not employed, and has been able to stay in Thailand as long as he has.

    Here is what he said:

    "I've been living in Thailand now for about 8 months. I'm a 35 year old Australian without a Thai partner or Thai Children and I obviously don't qualify for the 'Retirement' visa. I'm also not currently working."

    ok well Im 26, single, American and I just want to stay in Thailand for 8 months to a year like this gentleman has. I too am also unemployed and I have money saved up to live on. I just want to vacation there for that long. How?

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