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Everything posted by pontious

  1. pontious


    Anyone know?
  2. pontious


    My car ins and por or bor? is due 16 May next year. It is 7 years old on that date. I normally renew 1 month early - does that make it 6 years old still?
  3. Thank you for the reply -overnight the price dropped to 725B private room. The trouble is BHP lump everything, nurses care food, drips etc in one line. They should separate each component, but do not. A colleague on TV who is very knowledgeable in these matters says BHP are probably the worst for dealing with insurance - they should not be - but they are. Am glad to update to reassure holders of the INTERNATIONAL policy. Sometimes it is liking to talking to a wall. 3 different Customer Service staff that April will pay for home medication but it must be itemised. -Was it -NO - HOME MEDICATION XXXX bAHT. You can claim that back within 30 days with a complete description of what the medicine was and how much it cost but if they had complied with my request to 3 different people THEY DID NOT!!!! I would not have extra hassle - that I really cannot be bothered with -it was only 1100 Baht.
  4. Thanks Joe, what will I have to show next nov.? And what paperwork will I need to show.?
  5. My extension is nov to nov - I want to change from 65000 per month to marriage extension for my next one in 2023. What do I have to do.?
  6. That is a different policy - they will price you out as you get older like all Thai policies. Good luck anyway.
  7. I am on the Essential policy - you? Are you on the Thai or International one?
  8. I know Farangs have to show money and keep it there to get one - is it the same for Thais .?
  9. We had been warned that April would not pay for single room - even though most private hospitals do not have them. I just had 2 nights in BHP they deducted B2650 for using a single room. On a lengthy stay that could add a considerable bill you will have to pay.
  10. Well it is supposed to go to KS today but according to Vesselfinder it is still in Sattahip. That website says it arrived 30 Oct and has not moved. HM logged on 3 hours ago but no update. Anyone have a clue what is happening.?
  11. I do not understand. Not unusual. 'Vesselfinder' says the BD is at Sattahip. One minute ago. It should be in Samui having left Sattahip yesterday according to HM,s schedule. Am I missing something.?
  12. Well if the internet is correct the Blue Dolphin arrived Sattahip on 30 OCT and has not moved anywhere since then????? For@ HammerMan is it sailing as your schedule or not.?
  13. Unless the internet is wrong the Blue Dolphin arrived Sattahip 30 Oct. and is still there.??
  14. Was there a bad storm today.?
  15. I take your point but it may take some time to provide 'a unique dining experience' so I think it reasonable to ask what is available with prices at the present time..
  16. I am gad all went well - it left a day late so what is the schedule now. The unique dining experience is on hold at the moment so I ask are bars open and can you publish the '''limited menu''' with prices of food and beverages. I have asked before but no answer.
  17. It was scheduled for yesterday. What happens to people who booked hotels and face cancellation charges.?
  18. Has it left today as planned.?
  19. Unfortunately apart from 90 day reports on the right everyone else joins the snake queue -irrespective of reason to be there. Annoying really because when I got desk 8 ticket for retirement extension it was completely empty. Straight to the desk. No other customer there.
  20. 90 days go to the right - sit in the tent. they take your passport and shout your name when it comes back. To avoid the scrum at the counter office a man lets only 4 or 5 in at a time - then you get the desk ticket. Everyone else waits in the snake queue until you get to the main office door on the left.
  21. Has the first class dining and entertainment been sorted or is it still a limited menu.? Nobody knows what the menu / beverages are.
  22. 8 am -the snake was already there.
  23. Answer my own question - a nightmare -6 lines in the snake queue - Went Tuesday -same. Pick up passport 2m today - They were stopping people to go in the exit door just to pick up passport - utter chaos.
  24. Any early reports how busy today.?
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