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Posts posted by RandyWhite

  1. Let's put it this way...If you've lived and worked here in the KINGDOM OF ILLUSIONS for more than just a few years and if you then read George Orwell's NINETEEN EIGHTYFOUR and parts of it make you feel a bit scared, then Welcome to the Thai World. But if you check with your Mia and she says, 'Honey, it ain't so!" then you have a problem. Rule #1: "Learn for yourself".


  2. I remember seeing a humorous aphorism about 20 years ago in a magazine that went something like this:

    Heaven is where - the cooks are from Thailand, the police are from Singapore, the lovers are from the Philippines and the ----- are from----.

    hel_l is where - the police are from Thailand, the lovers are from Singapore, etc. etc.

    Does anyone know how the rest of it goes?

    Similarly, I was perusing a book downtown in Bangers about the same time and came across something similar by Brooke

    - the 'White Rajah' of Borneo:

    The Chinese are the most curious, hardworking and good humored people,

    as well as the most callous, chauvinistic and cynical.

    Any scholars out there?


  3. From my enquiries with the Office of the King's Principal Private Secretary (or whatever) down in the Temple of the Emerald Buddha complex on a similar matter, being a constitutional monarchy, all petitions to the king must be forwarded to the Office of the Attorney General for consideration. I don't expect any precedent to be set in this instance, so likewise I do not expect the petition to even reach the king. Therefore, media opinion that this is basically a show to keep Thaksin (Who?) in the public eye and paint the king in a bad light seem essentially correct. Of course, Thasinistas and other extremists never allow the facts to get in the way of a good story...

  4. I have taught at over twenty-two schools here in the last 20 years: there's no general correlation between the cost of school fees and whether their toilets have soap - and I suspect that what a lot of the survey respondents were alluding to was the dysfunctional management responsible for such 'penny-wise / pound foolish' stupidity.

    Sum up: 'The Kids Are Alright'.

  5. Actually there is nothing new about PAD's political ideas.Perhaps a more suitable name would be Karn Muang Bolan.

    One of the great lessons of history is that evil movements (I think it's fair to describe PAD's leadership in that way) often at the outset say exactly what they mean.Later they backtrack in the face of poltical realities and as they join the mainstream (if only to subvert it later).Think for example of Mein Kampf: a common reaction at the time was that Hitler didn't really mean that fascist stuff to be taken seriously.But he did... every word and when he had a chance he put it into practice.The graves of millions bear witness.

    Now of course these PAD jokers are not in the same Premier League of wickedness.However one can see that the more outlandish elements of the so called new politics are now being downplayed.Even the PAD zealots on this forum are now very quiet.And let's face it unless one has one's head buried in the sand it's common knowledge that the movement has splintered and (I'm tiptoeing through the tulips now) lost some key elements of elite support.Nevertheless a disgusting political phenonomen like the PAD should not be underestimated (and I'm not talking about the decent if naive middle class people who gave support in reaction to the Thaksin outrages).Some wit said recently that PAD had no supporters these days other than urban Chinese ladies of a certain age.Well I don't know about that but don't forget there is an unpleasant undercurrent to this movement and all democrats should be passionately opposed to it.

    As so often Chang Noi makes the case eloquently.


    Hear hear!!!!!!!

  6. One-stop center is for BOI type business people and has not been located on Ratchada for several years - do not believe they offer anything other than 90 day address reporting for others at there current location of Rasa Tower 2, fl16 on Phaholyothin Road.

    Thanks - that's kinda what I thought (I pass it every day!)

  7. If they were serious they'd be offering serious money (still) i.e. a million US dollars.

    Food for thought: the real cost would seem to be how much it costs to make MRT lick up his own spit - as the saying goes.

    In fact, MRT already did this at least once B4 when he squirmed like a worm on national TV while trying to explain how getting slightly LESS total votes (in the election boycotted by all opposition parties) was "the same thing" as (maintaining his 'popularity' by) the actual result , in which the percentage of the vote for MRT/TRT increased slightly, DESPITE GIVING HIS WORD THAT HE WOULD RESIGN AS PM IF TRT RECEIVED LESS VOTES THAN THE LAST ELECTION)

    Result A: TRT received LESS votes.

    Result B: MRT did NOT resign.

  8. I would like to hear from anyone in the know about making the application for a work permit myself.

    Briefly, my circumstances are as follows:

    1. I am a teacher here in BKK and both the school (pretigious) and the Agent Hole (greedy) want to retain me.

    2. I have had a Work Permit before when I worked at NIDA U.

    3. I have postgraduate qualifications from a respected foreign university.

    4. A. Hole has a lock on the school via the usual connections and payments (say no more!)

    5. A. Hole recently confirmed a 10,000 baht fee (not including visa costs) for arranging WP

    6. A. Hole did not bat an eyelid when I retorted that none of the many other agents I have worked for have ever charged anything - not even the 3-4,000 baht in mandatory govt. fees.

    7. I have not commited myself yet, but the school has small classes (that's their main 'hook') and short hours

    Would it be practicable to do the running around myself and save maybe 5,000 baht?

    I am planning to go down to the one-stop office down on Ratchada, Dindaeng next Thursday (April 10) so I hope someone can provide some useful info besides how to get away with taking the agent's offspring captive.


  9. Hi,

    For once I will be able to combine business with pleasure as well as escape most Songkran mayhem in LOS by making my visa run form Mon 13/3 to Fri 17/3. Anyone interested in a couple of MC runs or a few drinks let me know: I'm about 50, been working professionally in Bangkok for almost 20 years as a teacher, researcher, editor etc. You can call me skip if you want 'cause there's lots of kangaroos where I come from. * This offer also applies to Kiwis, Tasmanians and Banana Benders (not gender benders).


  10. Hey You!

    Bus#551 from Victory Monument: No problem (but 711 at bus terminal still closed)

    AirAsia to Penang: No problem (except for the guy with the hangover from hel_l in the aisle seat)

    Hotel & Visa Service: No problem (single entry tourist visa - back in three months)

    Batu Ferringhi to Air Itam M.C. Ride: LA BOMBA !!


  11. Thanks - I logged in to check whether the same-day TR visa service had actually eventuated as they told me it would last time. So it's off to AirAsia for a return ticket now I can book with confidence.

    PS: Had a rain jacket on last time for the MC fang last time and it rained, but it also got sunny at times and I will be buying some longish MC gloves to wear this time so I don't get burned again - or maybe that from just going too dam_n fast!


  12. Hi RAW in BKK,

    Kanchanaburi has many excellent roads which is why it's a popular destination for motorcyclists.

    Thanks again: I may have a new job in Saraburi. Are there any tight 'n twisty well surfaced roads around there e.g. in Kao Yai or is it all fast sweepers? I am not keen on high speeds in the Thai countryside because of the high accident rate and especially as I ride alone. Badass looking little Ninja by the way - is that the Johnny Cask Replica? I would like a Honda Spada myself, but I think my budget will max out at 10,000 baht so I might have to do some bad things to a little GTO.


    Check out the 3199 to Si Sawat and the 323 to Three Pagodas Pass for starters:


    Happy Trails!

  13. The bike ride through the Penang rainforest wins it for me - especially when bike hire was still only 25 ringgit (250-ish baht) last time I looked. Watch out for yellow buses that's all.

    Is that for a motorcycle or a bicycle?

    Honda Wave (100cc auto clutch) RM30 hire gives three hours of non-stop corners and bends and beautiful scenery (if you can be bothered looking). Georgetown along the coast road to Batu Ferringee then over the mountain and through the rainforest to to Balik Pulau then up and over the mountain and then up and down the hill to Air Itam and then turn around and do it all over again on RM4.50 unleaded. Still one of the best ways I know to spend three hours.


  14. FYI

    I am in Penang and have only applied for a single entry Non-Imm B as that's all the RTC is issuing at present unless the applicant has a "Thai wife" or whatever.


    Thats good to know but the original thread is 2 years old.

    Hope you get what you want.

    Thanks...I got what I need alright. Bt220 plus Bt20 for the agent to do all the work while I fang the hire bike along the twisties to Air Itam and back via Batu Ferringee and Balik Pulau. No traffic = sheer bliss.

  15. Rough (very) costs are:...

    By comparison a cheap and cheerful tourist visa run works out roughly as follows for me:

    Indian agent - 20 ringgit *(or thereabouts)

    Tourist 60 day - 110 R*

    Pin Seng Hotel - 20R./day X 3*

    Air Asia - 5,500Bt.*

    Watch out for the van to the border: last time it took over 4 hours just to get off the island (No shit!)

    BTW next week I will see whether I can get a 60-day TR after my previous Vientianne TR run and my Penang TR run before that where I got the red "may not be granted a visa next time" stamp.

    Anyway, with Nongkhai likely to be flooded peneng seems the best bet.


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